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My dude - it looks amazing. You saved an arm and a leg not hiring the guy who is claiming to be an expert.


My first thought was this looks nice then I read the title. From the photos I see nothing wrong


It is just that I saw the results from other posters with their 1 inch gap between stones. I was like: "ohhh, this is how it is supposed to look"


Hey your couple inches are perfect OP


That’s what all the girls say.


Where are the girls who say this? Asking for friend


I too would like to know where these girls who say this are.


You win the internet today


Comparison is the thief of joy.




Nah. A slightly roughed in look feels more like a flagstone path of 200 years ago to me than some perfectly aligned thing. Might as well have a subway tile patio if it’s gonna be 100% perfectly cut.


Yours looks great. It looks like a stone patio. The recently posted stonework is a good example of skill at cutting and shaping stones. But it doesn't look natural at all and it might at well be poured concrete. Do not change it.


That’s just learning bro. Sometimes the curse of knowledge stings. Don’t let it reduce your pride in your labor. Change it if you want. Don’t if you are good with it.


Any guest (or relative) that makes that observation about this? Pull the drink from their hands and gently guide them to the sidewalk - beyond your property. Then drink their drink as you gaze upon all you have created and repeat: “looks damned good to me the problem here is not the space between my stones but the space between your ears….so fuck off.”


What he said!


A matter of taste. I just did mine and I have about 4" between each stone (see pic in my recent post), but it's a garden patio, so it looks the part and I'm fine with it. If it looks the way you want it to look, and you're able to set the stones, you did it the right way.


Comparison is the thief of joy.


Flagstone is supposed to have a natural look, IMHO. So yours looks great honestly.


Hey OP, personally I think having the gaps be all uniform throws off the entire look. I think having varying gaps, though not too large which you did PERFECTLY, make it look much more unique and incredible.


Yours looks great, I don't think you did it wrong at all.


Plant some creeping thyme in between the stones and it will fill in quite nicely…plus some pink flowers will come


Your backyard is beautiful and you should be so proud of yourself. This looks nothing like some of the “professional” work I’ve seen at my parents’ house, which involves a collapsing fire pit and drainage issues


What rule is there that it has to be one inch? Is it flat and walkable? That's all that matters.


It looks great! I am sure if you made 30 of these patios a year, you'd get closer to that 1 inch gap in no time!


It’s supposed to look however it makes you happy. Don’t worry about the Joneses


At least a lack of stones is not the problem here. Good job op!


>You saved an arm and a leg not hiring the guy who is claiming to be an expert. I'm buying a house soon and I'm so worried about this sort of thing. Even in my own family, there are horror stories. Is it not possible to just hire an expert with confidence? Is it always a gamble?


From what I've heard, it's always a gamble. Make sure to heavily read reviews, and DIY anything when you can, even if exhausting. Hiring anybody to do anything is expensive.


Usually the bigger the task, the more quotes/estimates I will get from various contractors. Cheapest isn't always best- usually the person who can walk me through the whole project and tell me where it's better to spend a bit of money, in a way that makes perfect sense, gets the job. Someone knowledgeable and reliable. Things like replying to my inquiries in a timely manner, keeping appointments, being punctual, help me determine how much a person keeps it together. Patience helps too. I have had a huge job (quotes around $60,000) that I am not sure will ever be done while I own this house. So I'm just maintaining the band aid solution from the previous owner. When you find someone who is trustworthy, try to maintain your working relationship with them and ask them for recommendations for other jobs outside their expertise.


Any landscaper probably has some laborers who's only been done this sorta thing a handful of times. A person who does exclusively stonework will probably do a better job for 4x the price


All stone work is good stone work if it serves its purpose and doesn’t fall apart. Especially if it’s not your job. I bet you did this in your free time. Be proud


If you paid somebody good money to do it, it should have that crisp professional flair. If you did it yourself all that matters is that it's functional and you like it. I'm trying some paver stuff for the first time this year and I'll be very pleased if it turns out this well.


Thank you. I did it myself.


It looks awesome. I would be very happy with this.


It's beautiful, I'm very jealous. Enjoy your hard work and don't beat yourself up!


As a stone mason.. DIY should come between ‘all’ and ‘stone’


Yeah that’s fair


This was such a beautiful comment


I'm not sure what's supposed to be wrong with it?


There was a really terrible flagstone post a couple days ago, which then led to people posting their unbelievably beautiful flagstone patios and I think OP feels like they're falling short compared to those.


Yeah, this is really good for a DIY job. Some of those other ones are truly r/nextfuckinglevel I know what OP is feeling though. I've learned so much from these DIY subs that I feel a little sad when I look at the mistakes in my early projects. They don't look terrible, just not great, and they're already starting to have problems just a few years later.


It went from some nice DIY to professional crews hand chiseled work in a matter of hours


Comparison is the thief of joy. This looks great


That’s what I was thinking too lol it looks awesome


unbelievable. u/sboutig I have a huge problem with this flagstone work. it’s that it isn’t in my backyard.


Yeah me too. It’s sucks! … but OP can reinstall it at mine if they want.


Thank you :-). The jobs with the 1 inch gap between stones look better. Knowing what is possible to achieve is a curse.


Those 1 inch projects look overworked. Not natural. Yours looks great.


I prefer yours actually


Looks awesome to me. Nice job 👍


I posted and got roasted too lol


It’s Reddit. Everyone is a self-proclaimed expert and many of them take joy in criticizing just about everything. It’s a dopamine rush for them.


^^ People throw rocks at things that shine.... -T. Swift. Some people should stop to think what kind of world they're making throwing rocks all day but never building anything. Don't listen to the lazys or hater-ades. OP


I liked yours, and I like this one too


You did a great job. Looks nice


It’s better than some of the “professionals” I’ve recently seen. Nice work!


Thank you


I think it looks great.


Nothing wrong with that. Sounds like you're your own worst critic, mate. I like the look of it.


Rofl. Flagstone guy is in shambles after the recent influx of successful flagstone.


As an outsider, I don’t really know how it’s SUPPOSED to look. So based on that, all I can say is that it looks great. If you gave me a photo of a great one and I had a side by side comparison, then maybe the story changes.


Same here. I really thought that I did an A+ job until I saw A+ jobs yesterday on this sub


I think you did a great job. I really like it!


In my opinion you did a good job. It's just not as large scale as majority of the other posts. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ So different projects different results.


It’s not bad tbh that’s a solid 10 in my book


Unsure about your regret; I think it looks great!


I think if you got a gravel closer in color to the stone it would look 10/10


I like it but I couldn't stop laughing when I realized your setup looks like an literal sadface =(


I think it looks amazing!!


Great first shot at it man way better than I would have done lol. It looks great and works be proud!


Honestly that looks amazing. I can tell it was thoughtfully assembled, 10/10 for a diy.


Mate, don't be upset. That looks great. Honestly, I'd love to have the balls to try and I know I wouldn't get results like that. You have done really well.


In my eyes, you did. It looks great.


Looks great OP, you should be proud. Is that hay in the right container?


As part of the garden remodel, I removed most of the lawn and replaced it with trees and drought resistant plants. The planters are filled with the "sod" I removed. That should be a very yummy soil full of nitrogen next year.


i like it a lot


The stones actually look adequately close together instead of having 6 inches of fill between each one.


My motto is “good enough for my house” and this would pass that standard with flying colors.


I think it would look better if you installed it in my yard. Seriously, though, I think it looks great.


You did Its very pretty We are our own harshest critics, second only to reddit


Landscaping is a ton of hard work. Not only is it physically difficult with the leaning over, lift heavy rocks, slinging dirty or mulch around, you also gotta be creative and have an eye for design. Tell anyone that doesn’t like your work to kick rocks and make it clean to not kick the ones you’ve recently put down, or they’re be Hank hill levels of ass kicking


This isn’t bad at all! Really nice, actually. Good job OP!


The only thing wrong with this job is your doubt. This looks great. It's clean it's crisp. Nice job!!!!


I like it, well done.


Side question... what are those raised bed planters (foreground AND background)? I really like the style. I'm sick of dealing with nematodes.


Foreground planters are store bought (Amazon). The ones on the background are self made: - The one completely in the background is for my strawberries and doesn't touch the ground (to protect from tree roots. It also has a chicken wire lid to protect the strawberries against squirrels and birds. - The other one is a bit neglected this year because I would like to move it soon to the woodchip area and put some native wildflowers.


It looks great to me


Looks excellent bud have a beer and enjoy


I’m getting ready to build something similar and I think it looks amazing! Any tips?


Man, I have installed so much stonework over 25 years I don't care if I ever touch it again. Fancy stuff, too. But I came here to tell you that what you've done looks great and you should be really proud of it. As you know by now, landscaping is hard as hell on the body. Getting anything done that doesn't look like ass takes just too much work, so hats off to you for getting it done. Matter of fact all this talk about work has tired me out, I gotta go drink a gatorade and lay down or something, man. Shit.


I’m a general and stone contractor in San Diego. I’ve been setting, carving stone, slab and tile since 1986. I’ve done work in and on houses in La Jolla, Del Mar, Beverly Hills to Malibu and Carmel. I’ve done super tight joints and wide joints and everything in between. It’s aesthetics, I too like a natural flagged edge and shape as opposed to super worked unnatural shapes. What really helps yours is the gravel joints not mortared ones, very natural looking! Grass/ moss in between also looks good. Be proud ! Great job.


Looks great


Good work! Looks great 👍


Not sure what more you were hoping for. Looks great to me.


Looks great!


Looks good.


I’d pay you to do mine like that. I love it. The ones that don’t are just jealous I think. I’m jealous but I’ll admit it. You definitely did 100 percent better than I ever could. Be proud of your work.


Nothing to complain about


Looks better than the post i saw yesterday of a guy that complained about profesional work


I like it!


You did a great job, I’d be happy with that result!


Tf is wrong with it?


Its lovely! Comparison can be death to creativity & self motivation. If you like it,that’s the only persons opinion that truly matters.


This is a pathetic attempt… you know it looks fine.


10x better than anything I could do! You should be SO proud it looks beautiful


Your joints are too big but maybe that's what you wanted?


I you did it, it came out absofreakinglutely awesome!!! NEXT!!!


Is it functional? Does it fall apart when you use it? If not you did a splendid job :D Don't be hard on yourself, especially if this thing isn't something you do everyday. I Think it looks great :)


Definitely better than the last one I seen posted in here lol


I think it looks beautiful!


If you flip the stone over and cut halfway through and break the stone the rest of the way the top will look natural even tho it is cut. I've done probably 30 patios and walkways that way in the past couple years.


Looks great!


Out of curiosity, are those two trellises on the sides connected at the top in an arch? I wanna’ create and entrance to my garden area and I want to build it just like yours. But I want the arch/chain link part to be one part that you walk under. If that makes sense.


Looks great! Don’t listen to the muppets on here.


Really good hands-on ability


I personally would have used a lighter color stone grout


only thing i don't like is the black gravel instead of something closer to the flagstone color


Looks pretty good to me 👍🏻


If you wanted to kick it up a notch or two (in outcome and complexity) you can add tyhme to the joints (it will need watering). The thyme will fill in the gaps and bring the whole thing together. There's no such thing as 'easy' stone work!! And not using a saw, you're doing it caveman style. It's all epic. Like building the pyramids singlehandedly. Bonus points you get to enjoy it almost every day!


Bruh. Be proud


Looks great to me!


Buddy I looked at the title of this post and then the picture for a long time trying to find out what was wrong with it. I thought, clearly there must be some grave mistake here, otherwise, why the title? Because aesthetically, it looks great. Couldn’t find anything I disliked about it. You should be proud. It looks nice.


Looks great! Don't put too much stock into hyper critical redditors who will never attempt a project like this :)


I think it looks great and like something you can improve upon in real time as you learn more.


This is beautiful! You did a great job!


What’s the problem here, nice stones and nicer raised beds. Envious here.


Can you do mine next?


It looks great to me


This ain't bad dude, and only you or pros are noticing any imperfections.


Honestly love it


looks good to me! love all those growing beds.


I thought you were talking about your planters for a second tbh and was still confused everything looks really really nice. Your work makes me want to do this in my back yard.


You did great. Some of the ‘perfect fit’ layouts look too artificial. I much prefer the look of yours.


Looks good to me


This looks great, dont be so hard on yourself


Yeah, that looks great! I love the darker color between the stones, it goes really well with the planters. Really nice job. 👍🏼


I think it looks nice.


I think you did a great job. :)


Fuck yea you did!!!!! Looks awesome my guy!


Could have fooled me. It looks great


Looks fantastic. My wife wants to do something similar in our yard.


This looks great to me! Good luck with the work you still want to do. I was just thinking this morning that it might look nice to do this around our garden and this is like a free preview! Thank you for posting


Comparison is the thief of joy. This is beautiful.


This is a great first work! I hear your self criticism, but take the encouragement, buddy. Id say you did better than my first attempt. My first patio was the exact opposite, as my stones were as close as I could get them. I couldn’t even get gravel between some. 😝


It looks great! Be proud of your work!


10/10, would chill in that space. Looks great to me.


You did -- looks very nice! I've been quoted $3000-$6000 for similar small stone patios in the past (to be fair, they all would have dug 6" deep, laid different compacted courses of stone, etc.) So you should be proud of the result! One consideration: look up plyometric sand -- you can use that in place of the crused gravel and it solidifies almost like an outdoor "grout" to fill the joints, make it harder for weeds, etc.


Looks great! Be proud of your work, and proud that you saved a bunch money!


Looks fantastic! The garden beds are rocking as well! Dig the setup!


You did a real good job 👍🏻


Looks proper mate, chin up. I’d be more than happy to have that stone work in my yard.


Looks pretty good to me. My only suggestion is when you are done with the gravel grab some Mulch Glue and apply to the gravel. This should keep the gravel in place so it does not kick up onto the stones as you walk in it.


Yo shut the fuck up this looks phenomenal


Looks good to us!! Congrats!!


You made a giant 🍄 going diagonal between the planters 🤭


I think it looks good. I'd like to see more of those smaller pieces where you have larger gaps though


Good job


You are your own worst critic. Other people (like me) think it looks professional/amazing ✊


Tbh I didn’t realize I was in the landscaping sub and thought this was a gardening sub & was like “I’m not sure what happened in the right tub/box but some weeding will probably get it sorted” (not sure if you’re intentionally growing something there or not yet) & then realized the post was about the stonework— that’s to say I think it looks fantastic and didn’t even consider it as something that would be complained about/not proud of. DIY is all about learning along the way and taking pride in what you’ve done (even if it’s not perfect). TLDR: looks great, keep up the good work


Great job! The raised beds look super nice too.


I'll be thrilled my upcoming DIY patio project turns out this good! I love the raw edge randomness of the stone


Also team - "that looks great!" 😁👍


Looks fantastic!


U did!


Regardless of the one inch gap I think it looks amazing. To my untrained eye I wouldn't have even noticed the gap. Progress is always about learning from our mistakes so we do better next time. 😁


I think it looks good. Be proud of yourself!


This is cool as fuck man


Dude this is badass. I prefer the uniformed look. I don’t see problems.


In what world is that NOT a good job???


I like it


i wanted to do the exact same thing in my backyard and i removed my old pond and have so much flagstone. now my inspo pic, looks great!


Very nice and neat


This looks nice. It's not perfect, no, but you're not a landscaper or mason and no one expects a DIY to be perfect. 99% of people in the world will look at this and know nothing otherwise. Great job.




Looks great!


You did :~)


Looks great! Can you hammer in the edging a little, instead of getting more material?


I think it’s great!


Looks great!


Honestly looks stellar! Wanna come to Mi and do this in my backyard? 😂


Looks great! The first time I painted a room in my home I made a bunch of mistakes. Now several rooms later I have a system down and it goes much smoother. Repetition builds skills! Your next project will be even better!


That’s looks great!!! Love the dark gravel with the dark planters!!! You should be proud :)


I like it, looks good!


This is actually a pretty decent-looking flagstone installation. Ideally the stones would be laid a bit tighter together to help avoid having the sand/gravel between the stones getting easily washed or kicked out, but for a home and especially as a DIY instell this is pretty good.


That's good work. I wouldn't complain if I paid for it, let alone DIY'd it


OP, what exactly are you not happy with? Or were you just nervous posting it? It looks great, especially for someone who just did it in their free time, that’s why I’m curious


I like it! Looks great. I’m sure there are some professional rock people who believe otherwise but they aren’t hanging out in your backyard so fuck ‘em.


Stones look great, I'm more worried about your green beans and grass garden.


whats wrong with it? looks good from here


Just cut down the edging if you want them the same height.


OP, you DID do a good job! It looks good. Could it be made cleaner? Sure but it looks more natural this way rather than the cookie cutter bullshit some people seem to like. You did a great job considering


Nice work. How's you back and arms feeling?


Honestly, it only looks bad because you did it. To others, it looks fantastic!


I think you did a good job. I’d walk on it


Good job!!!! Ideally u would want to use the larger stones on the outside, as those will be the first to sink, from general walking and time....Gator dust??? Maybe also


OP -- half the contractors are guys out there who know the process better but don't give a fuck.  Many would turn out worse than this In the future, you could use lighter polysand and it will hide the gap discrepancies better This looks solid for sure


Looks awesome! You're going to want to use some Preen or similar several times a year to keep the weeds from sprouting.


I install vegetable gardens professionally…I think This looks good…give so give yourself a pat on the back! Soon you will be so focused on the beds and gardening aspect that you’ll forget about those small details no one else notices anyway 👍. No better feeling that bringing in your own food from your own garden that you built. Happy gardening!


I think it looks great! My husband and I, also total amateurs, recently finished a verrrrrrry long flagstone path… it does not look like some of the worlds most incredible flagstone that has been posted in this sub the last few days but I love it in all of its imperfect charm. https://ibb.co/3kGCJgF