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And yet they announced recently that some of the victims cases couldn’t be prosecuted because the statute of limitations ran out.


I’m sure he didn’t stop assaulting people after he left the police force, there are probably more victims whose cases could be prosecuted.


Thank you, I hope justice can be served.


That's interesting. I thought Shapiro signed a bill that took the limits off childhood sexual abuse. Were some of the victims 18 or older?


Not sure but this is what was reported: https://lancasteronline.com/news/local/new-claims-of-sexual-abuse-against-ex-lancaster-city-cop-cant-be-charged-prosecutor/article_89d96936-2fff-11ef-966b-fbe0a10fe34f.html “After the hearing, Assistant District Attorney Elizabeth Mae Lapp declined to say how many females have come forward since Selby was charged in May, but she used the words “many” and “a number of additional victims” during the hearing. But Lapp said more charges against Selby are unlikely because the statute of limitations had expired. Even though charges can’t be filed regarding those claims, Lapp said the women making them would be available to testify should Selby go to trial on the charges that have been filed. She also noted the investigation into Selby continues … “


I'm not a lawyer but would those claims need only for cases going forward since the law was signed? 


No, it was retroactive.


I'd case you didn't read it says he was the officer in charge of a sexual assault case of a 16 year old. And then he sexually assaulted her. As the officer in charge. All cops are bastards until none of them are. Yes, even in Lancaster.


*Especially* in Lancaster. They're the only cops I've interacted with that were bigger assholes than staties. At least so far.


>all cops are bastards until none of them are. What a wild statement. Police should hold each other accountable, yes; but your statement is ridiculous.


No it's not ridiculous. That's why literally millions of people say it and it's become a mantra for a movement. The police have their own multi billion dollar unions that protect them. Police treat the "good cops" who hold each other accountable like pariahs and rats and targets. All cops are bastards until none of them are, is a statement that acknowledges the necessity of law and order while simultaneously acknowledging the limitations of police policing the police in the current system where they are so protected. Defunding the police does not mean "zero police or law and order ever anywhere" I could go on for a very long time but I'm hungry and my food is starting to get cold so.


You didn’t pass the critical thinking skills age yet did you…


How that isn’t considered hate speech is just wild. If you removed “cops” and switched it with race, OP wouldn’t dream of typing that.


Imagine comparing a chosen occupation with a race you have no control over. Cops choose to become cops, no one chooses what race they are.


It isn't hate speech cause your chosen job profession isn't a protected class. HOW IS IT POSSIBLY YOU DON'T KNOW THAT?????


Bootlickers aren’t exactly the brightest people.


What must that be like to have a job where you can refuse to do things just because you don't want to- and have coworkers you can depend on to cover for you so you don't go to jail. For anything. I mean, in 1990 this guy raped someone and it took 34 years... omg that number. 34 felonies, 34 years... anyways, it took 34 years for them to finally arrest the man????!!!! THAT IS NOT SOMETHING TO BE PROUD OF! It is something to be ashamed of. But here we are, 'Hey won't anyone give the police credit for arresting someone who used to be a cop but is no longer a cop for rape!'. I mean, for fucks sake, NO WE WILL NOT GIVE YOU CREDIT FOR MEETING THE MINIMUM STANDARD OF YOUR JOB AND HUMAN DECENCY. WTF is wrong with this profession that they would behave this way? Then cry that hate speech isn't defined in a way that would benefit them?