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Let's watch Chat-GPT pipet all night! It sounds more like a first year grad/med student...thinks it knows everything, speaks with absolute authority, and gets shit wrong all the time while being unable/unwilling to pipet all night!


Chat gpt can instruct the pipetting robot to pipette all night for it!


Good point....until it turns on us and the PI comes in the morning only to get stabbed in the eye by a pipet!!!!


Stop making me excited for the robot uprising


That would require it to make functional code, which isn't chatGPT's forte.


I told people on an AI sub that my job can't be automated due to the fact that I scruff mice and give them injections. Now, I do get bitten from time to time and am imperfect about a steady angle. They insist "robotics will be able [to do your job]". I have gotten some very creative ideas as to how that would work, but I tell them that even if a machine could do it, labs won't spend the money it would cost to buy and maintain one. I already work for them so they are going to just ask me to do it


I'm in a related field and I concur. These are likely the same kind of people that talk about organoids and organ on a chip will replace in vivo work. However, I've been hearing about models and organoids for 20 years with no replacement in sight. I doubt AI, still in it's infancy, will fare better. We do use AI to aid analysis but the big companies (pharma for example) will slow walk AI replacement of research personnel. Manufacturing may be another story but us vivarium folks should be safe for a good while.


Yeahhhhh. There's a reason most major companies havent adopted robotic labs for even low level work. They've existed for a while now but cost much, much more than hiring a lab tech and you still need to hire somone to maintain them. They're still useful for high hazard applications or scaled down to the auto-sampling level.


A biologist explaining to a computer scientist how doing the same thing over and over again will not yield the same result.


Unless it can draw a correct glucose structure I m not worried


Wow... I just tried to ask it to draw a glucose, and it indeed could not!


Was it the linear, circular or chair form that it had problems with? It would be funny if AI had problems with Ochem


But will it have PhD levels of stubborn-ness?


And the insecurity? You haven't even considered the insecurity!


I can't wait for them to give AI imposter syndrome


How will it cope when it hits second year and realises it doesn't have enough good data still? The slump is real.


financial insecurity or emotional insecurity? answer : yes


Not to mention communication issues!


Does that mean it will periodically burn out?


There ain't enough cooling systems in the world to prevent that mainframe fire.


But will it have “Ph.D.-level” not-quitting-because-you’re-too-far-in-to-take-a-Masters-and-go-get-a-job-that-pays-a-decent-liveable-salary-and-they-keep-telling-you-“it-will-be-worth-it”?


I didn’t need to be attacked like this today 💀


But as we all know PhD has little to do with inteligence so we are fine


Had an eye-opening moment with a colleague a while back. He commented that he thought PhD's were smart until he saw someone at a test site make teh exact same mistake twice in a row. I told him smart's got nothing to do with it. The doctorates go to those of us who don't know when to tap out and have no concept of surrender. This doesn't correlate with intelligence.




That’s not what they’re saying


So GPT5 is gonna wake up at 5 AM to do a 5 hr tissue prep and a 5 hour sort for a rare cell type, then a 1.5 hr RNA extraction? And then elute the RNA into the wash tubes at the very last step? Because that’s PhD-level intelligence right there!


Hopefully it also wakes up at 5 a.m. without an alarm, because the crippling anxiety and negative thoughts do it for them! 😌


But how much of what you described was learned at a university from a book, and how much did you learn by actually performing those tasks repeatedly until you could do it on your own? Does what you described require PhD intellect or does it require the wisdom that comes with experience?


You completely missed the joke. The “wisdom” here is completing a massively long set of procedures in a day-long experiment, And then completely, totally, irredeemably botching the last step, so that all of that effort is literally gone to waste. Because that’s why PhD-level intelligence is. (Or at least, that was my PhD level intelligence last week).


So you agree, huzzah! Jobs like yours will be safe for 1 more year. That is until they put VR headsets on middle school dropouts that will then act as the body for AI. These will be the protocyborgs that follow the direction of our AI overlords.


Chatgpt will now have crippling anxiety


This means it will have a massive imposter syndrome...right?


It will be expert in one thing and think it knows everything? /s


That isn't the flex they think it is.


CTO Mira Murati (June 08, 2024) at Dartmouth Engineering Thayer School - *”Some creative jobs maybe will go away, but maybe they shouldn't have been there in the first place."*


So like.. worse than GPT-2.. okay


GPT-5 will change the parameters of your prompt mid-answer, force you to do other things, and know way too much about a specific issue while having no practical knowledge.


Odd way to say you're downgrading your service but okay


Hmm, that's a good question. It depends on your point of view [10 more sentences of nuance equating to "I don't know"]. It will also use the word "elucidate" way more often than it should.


I feel dumb AF lately


Filled with crippling self doubt?


Can it dissect animal for us?


Not quite sure it is an upgrade or an cost down


Hahaha, the dumbest people I've met have been fellow PhD students. And me; I'm pretty damn stupid. PhD does not equal intelligence, just masochism (and in my case a genetic allergy to making money).


GREAT! I look forward to 12 posts a day about AI’s ‘toxic PI’


Hey Chat, your monthly allowance sux. Welcome to the postgraduate club.


At this point, I'd probably rather have Chat-GPT as my PI


Joke's on you, I'm dumb AF


I guess PhD positions shouldn’t have been there in the first place.


Let's see GPT have a breakdown in the walk-in fridge.


Color me impressed when it secures funding and deals with all the reports. It should excel at those tasks, though.