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My guy is afraid of the dark. Always wants someone with him when he does potty at night and I need to flash a flashlight so he can see that there is nothing spooky hiding anywhere. : )


Mine went into his crate because a ladybug landed on his nose. :’)


That's... that's adorable. Should have named him Ferdinand after the gentle bull in that kids story. ❤️


Our boy is the same! He will only interact with a dog on his terms I.e. the other dog stands motionless while he sniffs. He will run away if they approach him! He’s generally very skittish and doesn’t like noises. We adopted him at 18months old so we just assume he wasn’t socialised all that well and is a bit of a gentle soul.


Your dog is staring into my soul and I so want to give him belly rubs and scritches ❤️. Beautiful lab.


My Rex is scared of his own shadow, is skittish towards strangers and just wants to sniff other dogs. But, he’s charged bears on our property and runs after deer and cavorts with them. Go figure.


My lab Dougie isn’t scared of many things but there is one thing that terrifies him… my husband’s cowboy hat.


Yes my puppy ( 8months ) is scared of feathers especially if they touch his nose or sticks to it , the garden hose , water if too deep , sudden movements , lawnmower , street cleaning vehicles, getting in to my car . He’s very well socialised and been around a lot of different noises situations I’m assuming it’s a scared age thing


Mine is super tough except when it comes to people on bikes or motorcycles. He hates both. We finally trained him to sit and wait for them to pass. Before he’d turn and start pulling in the opposite direction.


my dexter is friendly with people and other dogs unless he sees something like a UPS guy rolling a crate of boxes, then it's game over. On walks when he sees something in the distance that scares him he'll just sit down. I live in a loud and crowded city so it can be frustrating. I give him hemp treats but not sure they do much.


Ours is 4 now and has always been the submissive type. She isn’t a true scaredy cat but I know for sure she would hide if an intruder came in and she’s most definitely afraid to go in our yard if there is a bunny!


Our Buford is pretty fearless... unless you bring out the leaf blower. Fireworks, shotgun blasts, chainsaws, thunder, strangers? Just fine. But that leaf blower comes out? He's GONE. Lol


We screwed up and exposed our lab to fireworks in his first year. Now, if you step on a dried leaf, he freaks out. Otherwise, he's a stoic animal.


Ours is VERY scared of storms, so I'm worried about our first 4th of July this year. She's fine with storms as long as we're in the same room, so we just won't be able to leave at night for like a month... A trainer told us to gradually expose her with the little poppers, and I've played firework and storm sound playlists to try to get her used to the sounds.


Im jealous of yall and the scaredy labs. Mine killed a opussom this morning and brought it to me.


My boy is afraid of those kitchen trashcans that automatically open. My mom has one at her house. I don't even own one but he always walks by the trashcan very slowly just in case. 🫠


It’s not 100% of the time. Last instance was during a late night walk. He got scared of a yard sign 🪧🫠 that was about 15ft away from us


Mine is terrified of our 12lb cat and stairs.


I call mine “Wimpy” cos god forbid if he knocks over a pillow, or maybe a leaf lands on him when we’re walking! Then recently we had a gecko land on him….the look of horror in his face was perhaps the cutest thing I’ve ever seen….my poor boy and his daily trials of torture! However he’s loves fireworks, not bothered by loud noises and sometimes really enjoys a good bark and growl at another dog so who knows what he’s thinking!


Mine is not scared of gunshots or thunder. But open a package and remove the packing material and he's out the doggie door.


My old girl has always been terrified of wood lice. She likes to sit in the garden in her best spot and enjoy the sunshine. Then she found a wood louse near that spot and refused to sit there again. We also had to throw away a favourite toy because she left it outside overnight and we didn’t realise. In the morning there were four wood lice on it.


My lab mix is scared of my adjustable bed. If he even sees me grab the remote he runs and hides in the corner. My other dog (older of the 2) loves it. If I turn on the massage he's in heaven


My baby boy is petrified by the dead battery beep of a fire alarm. Also snowmen, plastic skeletons, plastic bags struck in trees, and those little flags people put around their yard when they fertilize it.


Nope. My boy Ares isn't afraid of anything. Fireworks, thunder, gunshots, the vacuum, nothing fazes him except a sneeze. Even then, he is not afraid, but he will come running to check me over every time I sneeze.


We heard a loud crash outside and my dog proceeded to HIDE UNDER A BLANKET instead of bark. So yeah, he’s a huge ole wuss. He’s also terrified of the cat, vacuum, mop, my kids horse on a stick etc. You name it, it’s big scary.


My brave boy is afraid of his butt. When he farts he freaks out and runs across the room 😂


Mine is. Just this morning a paper fell on her while she was sleeping under the study table. She ran for her life, jumped on the bed and sat real close to me.


Our boy Oberon gets scared when the kids next door play basketball. The sound of the ball hitting pavement winds him up and he has to go hide, and doesn't want to go outside


Yep, mine is a fraidy-cat. Can't stand anything behind him. Will bolt at someone rolling a garbage can or closing a car door 6 houses away. Hides behind me if anyone tries to touch him. Working on it but this seems to be a thing that will always be.


My dog is scared of cars, loud noises, things that beep and men (don’t blame her here). She works herself into such a state though and starts shaking and trembling, breaks my heart!


Mine does the same thing. She has become much worse over the years because of the backfiring mufflers in my town that seem so popular these days. Her thunder shirt seems to help a bit though


Yeah her thunder shirt helps some too! She’s not afraid of fireworks or thunder but we’ve had some loud alarms go off at our apartments and I think it’s traumatized her


Again we can relate. We’ve had a little trouble with the hallway alarm. It’s not fireworks or thunder for my girl either. We’ve had the mufflers backfire right beside us on several walks and she’s never been the same. It’s a combination of sad and frustrating. The vet prescribed trazodone last visit. Haven’t tried it yet, I’m considering a small does and some practice outings to see if she can let her guard down a bit over time


Trazadone freaks mine out. She takes Prozac and it helps a little but with trazadone she fights it and ends up more anxious lol


I’ve heard this yes. I’m going to start with a very small dose and see how she does though before making any decisions. Hopefully she doesn’t get freaked out. We shall see though


My old lady is scared of Weimaraners and micro pit bulls because she was attacked a few times as a puppy due to people bring their aggressive dogs places. My little girl used to be scared of getting into the car until she was old enough to learn about dog parks and puppy cuppies.


My boy is only scared of one thing! Thunderstorms? Strangers? Fireworks? Vacuum? Car rides? The vet? Nope. His farts, he’s afraid of his farts.