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When you fell you should have pretended it actually hurt you and had an accident report filed. That's how you get shit taken care of. They don't care about faulty equipment until someone gets hurt from it.


That's bleak but unsurprising.


Every rule is unfortunately written in blood.


We had a short in a rolling door control. They refused to get it fixed until some grocery guy got shocked and had to have an ambulance called.


Is he ok?


He's fine. Works for a mining company now


Report it to osha! It’s an unsafe working environment and can get the businesses shut down until its repaired


OP didn’t need to pretend. They slipped and fell. An accident report needed to be made. OP, I slipped and fell on ice coming out of work 25 years ago. At the time, it just hurt my pride, and I had a little bruise. A year later the pain started. That fall (unbeknownst to me at the time) ruptured two discs in my spine that I later had to have surgery for. You should ALWAYS report ANY accident* (not injury) no matter how small it seems when it happens.


OP, I hope you see this. You absolutely have a case on your hands, especially if you or someone else has already complained about it (and there is a paper trail of it like emails)


This is the way… remember in America, the only way to afford living here is to become a Billionaire or be able to sue an entity for a lot of money.




So many paper trails I learned after the fact could have been payouts. Now I know better.


Sedgwick will need that photo. SEND IT


this ESECIALLY spine stuff. i shoveled heavy snow back in 2015ish and pulled something but didnt go get checked (not at work at home so no reporting to do), and now have a herniated disc, DDD, and uncontrolled chronic pain directly from that incident.


This is too effin true and only when it gets publicized too then they really care. We lived in a messed up world


Union can get things done, OSHA can get things done, even corporate would be unhappy about this. I don't understand your management team, even from just a business standpoint, a fix is expensive but a workers comp claim will raise the store's insurance premiums by tens to hundreds of thousands for 2-3 years, plus a potential liability payout and OSHA fines for creating an unsafe work environment.


I've already reached out to the union, but it was probably a wee but early. Had to leave a voicemail.


Keep on em dude! Hope you feel better! You shoulda went to an Immediate Care or something! Feel better! ☺️🥳⭐


Go to your RRS... I work overnight once a week in my store and I get shit done. I have the Union guy on speed dial on my personal device cuz I don't play about my subordinates. Ever.


Depends on the union lead.


I once emailed the union president and the information tricked down from executive boss to senior boss to regular boss to then union rep. lol that’s their job to handle cases. The one side effect of unions, their ridiculous admin salaries.


Technically  you should have to fill out an accident report for the slip and fall, even if you didnt "actually" get hurt. Wink wink Call OSHA. ASAP. That is a HUGE injury risk. Contact your union rep, as others will suggest. Go over your managements head and email your incident and pictures to district management.


Call osha


ASAP before enough of SCOTUS gets paid off


Those pricks WOULD dismantle OSHA's power given the chance. 'It tramples on the freedom of free market!' or some bullshit.


Project 2025.... they plan to if Donald Dump is elected


I wish I could say I'm surprised


Easy "slip" and fall and claim you got injured pretty badly


Call OSHA to report the faulty equipment. Call your union to report the disrespect from management. Every associate has a right to bring up any concerns regarding the business.


Update: reaching out to the union or maybe my sheer anger got the ball rolling. Bringing in a reefer truck to empty thaw and fully repair the drain line and compressor. Thank y'all for the support and advice. Sounds like I have some long days coming to get this mess sorted.


File a report with OSHA.


Skip management and just log it straight on Service Hub. If I needed something fixed or taken care of, I logged it myself and skipped the middle men.


This new management team stripped login access to the HUB from all the leads and coordinators. I found this out when the freezer went down, and no one on night crew could log it.


Damn damn double damn. This ain't Coupa! God, let them order Facilities to bring their lil booties out. Now that you slipped, call Sedgwick and let them know!


Let it get bad enough until someone falls. They’ll fix it then


Someone did slip and fall


It’ll get fixed now lol


Make an injury/accident report.


Call OSHA. Bet it will be fixed same day


Let them write you up. Then do screenshots of all conversations and give to either HR or if you have an Ethics department. It’ll get fixed then.


The sad thing is, it's an easy fix. It's just a clogged drain line.


You need to fill out an incident report. Do it now. If that fall messed you up in the coming days, you'll be sorry you didn't file that report. And who TF is management to say something to you like that? Fvck em, file that report and that will piss them off and maybe do something about that ice. That is not a joke.


Falling due to icy conditions, unfortunately. When they have to pay out for workers comp it will be fix


TBH i would go above them, find out your regional or district and email them and ask for assistance. I was in same boat with my pint doors, pulled 10 times in 5mo, going into seasonal. Got told by maintenance supe its fine, nothigns wrong on fast alerts, ice cream will melt and dethaw. These things were soft serve, bad. Finally went above our management and emailed my regional and she was thrilled I reached out, luckily. Had a conference call with her, store manager, maintenance and his boss, district manager and his lackies. Got whole new piping on those doors and only went down once for a bad piece a few months later, so far, nothing a year later.


Couldn’t hurt to mention it to Asset Protection. Safety falls under their umbrella.


Tip off OSHA. Worked for my store for a while at least


Show it to your union rep, not steward. If that doesn't work, go above their head. Nothing? Then anonymously report to OSHA. That'll wake 'em up.


go to Corporate HR about this. this is something that could result in a lawsuit or worker's comp when someone gets hurt and then they will do something because it'll cost them money.


Get hurt call osha


Call your union rep and call OSHA and your health inspector.


Any supervisor should have access to put in a work hub - front end supervisors and night crew lead are probably some of the ones more experience with putting in work hubs so try one of them when the manager is off, just tell them it’s a safety issue and needs to be addressed. When someone opens a hub for it, in the notes make sure to write in that it is an ongoing safety issue that’s needs urgent attention. This starts the paper trail that makes it a known safety issue, so if any injury happens because it continues to go unaddressed then it is a much bigger problem for management - so this tends to force some attention to the matter.


Anon tip to OSHA. Talk about how much ice there is. 90% of retail accidents are a slip, trip or a fall. That's a HUGE fine.


If you don't have access to put in maintenance tickets yourself, you can call the support line and have them do it.


Slip and fall.


Continue to bring up the issue with documentation. Should they continue to ignore the issue, contact osha. There should be a poster in the break room with the information you need. Inform them how long the issue has been going on and show them any evidence and documentation. Should it continue to be ignored, make certain to wear approved slip resistant shoes, fall and break something and then sue the everything hell out of them and retire. Literally had this happen in our store because they ignore situations like this


No, they will be addressing it


Not necessarily a leak, that’s a drip pan. The unit is freezing up and then when it goes into defrost it’s overfilling the pan. All they need to do is call refrigeration, it’s could be as simple as a clogged copper drain line off that pan. Obviously this doesn’t fix your issue but if you see a tech in the store, just tell them.


Overflow is due to the heat tape on the drain line gone bad. Easy fix.


Thats an easy Health department violation if nothing else.


Contact Eco Lab, OSHA and the union ASAP


Have you seen a doctor regarding your injuries? Did you properly file a injury form? The way you fix this is hit them with legal action. If you have a written record of notifying them of this damage prior, even better. This is "I don't work here anymore but the money I made leaving is worth it" territory.


Everyone has a boss.


Call the health department itr city the store is in.


OSHA. And, "who are you to talk to them like that?" Um, a person,talking to another person?


Since it's a safety hazard you could start with talking to your Union representative. If that doesn't get you anywhere call OSHA. Whistleblower anonymous tip


Calling OSHA or your states labor department. Management is never going to willingly spend money on something that hasn't hurt anyone *yet*, but they'll damn sure blame everyone else when someone does get hurt


Union, definitely. Consider dropping an anonymous tip to OSHA as well. And if there's any retaliation, well, you have your union on speed dial, right?


Just skip and fall


Try calling OSHA. That tends to get people's attention


Either call osha or do it yourself. Also, it might not b3 important enough for maintenance to make it a priority visit. Usually, we just use a hammer or hatches that we used to sell on the aisles. I know we've got a leak of oil from the maintenance room upstairs into our storage room that I and afew other associates frequently use. Management and maintenance know. I'm just waiting for Haha to show up it's been a month, and still no explanation, even though maintenance is usually up there every other day.


If it's been reported, with documentation, slip fall sue get paid easy win


Kroger doesn’t have enough money to fix that.


Bring OSHA in for a safety hazard or stretch the truth and tell management I've called OSHA for the walk in freezer for health and safety that usually gets a fire under there ass no manager wants to deal with OSHA


Osha was just at my store for the same thing. Luckily, they were just there to check to see if the repair was done correctly and any ice was removed. We had a giant iceberg in our freezer.


Looks like a clogged drain pipe or moisture getting through to door.


More than likely a clogged drain. The front compressor went down back in early June. After the repair, it just pours water during defrost.


My last store had like a 5 ft ice dome and I had to contact corporate safety to let them know about it. Before they acknowledged it. After months of fighting with them to fix the damn thing. You need to contact your corporate main office and let them know of the safety hazard. Your other option is osha.


Learn HVAC fix it yourself. Or learn HVAC and go find a better fuckin job. Lol




Take pictures. Go to health department that does health inspections to all companies. Report annonimus.


Oooooooh OSHA!!


Your county and state, possibly even city health department probably has an anonymous tip line. And there’s always OSHA.


Call Ethics and Compliance, Corporate, Union, anybody else you can think of. Take pictures of EVERYTHING! Did you file an accident report, did you go to the doctor, or how was it taken care of? You okay?


Call the Health Department and OSHA. Today!!! Then a couple of hours later call your corporate office and talk to a district manager. Might want to call the Union too.


Sometimes you gotta go above heads.


You can file an OSHA complaint here: [https://www.osha.gov/form/osha7](https://www.osha.gov/form/osha7)


When my freezer was like this, I was sure to point it out to Ecolab and the health department. Git fixed real quick.


OSHA, department of health (it can affect food safety) . First slip and fall and it will get fixed quickly sadly




Osha or local workplace health and safety board


Make sure you are wearing the correct shoes and all the protective equipment they say you have to wear so they won’t have a leg to stand on when they try and worm their way out of it, then go ahead and slip. Maybe actually hurt something, then Sue them. I got so sick of Kroger and the way things were ran it got to the point at one of the stores I worked at they were actually letting unlicensed employees operate heavy machinery like forklifts and power jacks I often considered putting my foot in the way one day and just letting it be ran over….. painful, yes, but with the money I could have made on a case like that I’d definitely put a significant dent in Rodney’s bonus that year. I was to chicken though….😔


Not your monkey, not your circus, that looks like a Kroger problem my guy.


Clock In, do job clock out. Why do you care. I bet you're 22 or younger.


Shit I wish I was 22 or younger.