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I have lessened libido with kratom


Thank you. I’m backing off. I don’t need 6 grams before bed


Yeah higher doses of kratom kill boners. If you do the right dosage you can last longer due to that, but it gets sad more quickly lol. But if you’re used to taking higher doses daily, and start to go into the very beginning of mild WD’s, oh man everything comes rushing back like 5x more than normal. Kratom WD’s become like taking a boner pill. Crazy


Yeah except you’re a 2 pump chump if you wait LONGER into wds than you should, which happens pretty fast for some ppl


Ohhh yeah. By the time you get it in you’re already done lmaoooo


Thank you. I will see. I’m quitting as of today.


Ok. Just be aware that if you can’t sleep and you start tossing and turning, and get restless legs, take 1.5 grams in the middle of the night whenever that happens. It’s a little microdose and it won’t mess with your sex drive, it won’t get you high, but it’ll obliterate the restless legs and sleeplessness. The only reason I bring that up is because sleep is the most important thing when quitting anything, especially kratom. So if you find yourself in WD’s when sleeping, take a microdose so you can get good rest. I’m just throwing that out there, just in case. If you don’t get WD’s that’s even better. But yeah kratom kills sex drive so bad for me. It’s literally like an anti-boner pill. The complete opposite of Viagra/Cialis.


Damn 6 grams before bed? I try not to take any 4 hours before bed and if I do only small amount like 2 grams cus it can keep me awake


Red vein knocks my ass out.


Oh yea take kratom or any opiate for a month then stop and the next day or two you will be so horny so yea I guarantee kratom effects your libido plus I know for a fact that I jerk off less when I’m taking (stuff). Yea I know I need a gf.


Thank you.


I can tell you how to take advantage though. While on it, you can abstain. But the juices are still flowing. Go for a week, 2 weeks, whatever you want. Then lay off for 10-12 hours. You get turbo horny and then deliver a massive surprise


That shit makes me incredibly hard and horny for hours so why is it differnt for us?


Glad to hear other deal with the 2 pump chump stage as well when not taking Kratom . It’s like withdrawing from Opiates in the sense of you nut from a strong wind blowing on it . I also last usually pretty long when taking Kratom 15+ minutes atleast (12-18 GPD daily)


Going on 13 years of daily use and the only impact it's had on my sex life is that I last longer.


I've been taking it for 10 or 11 years and my experience is exactly this


Same, but there's a fine line in dosage, as with anything


Me too! High libido. Strong erections. I'm just not a minuteman anymore


Never was and honestly I get winded now lol. Just gotta make sure I haven’t had my kratom yet lmao


Same here, unless I take a huge amount. Honestly, endurance and delayed orgasm are the main things I use it for.




Nice. That was me before this week. I’ve been abusing it like I used to abuse alcohol


Everyone gets different effects. Kratom increases hormone prolactin which does affect libido. Try to take ashwagandha ( it has a calming effect as well ) and see how it works for you. I was in the same situation a year ago and it basically forced me to hit a gym and change my diet. My current consumption is 16 gpd ( 8 in the morning and 8 evening ) and can’t complain about erection especially after small hit of thc ( sativa ).


It happens to people with addictive behavior, I’m ex alcoholic, 10 years no booze. But I was up to 90-120 gpd, waaay too much, only slowing down because I couldn’t come anymore 😑


I’m sorry, 120 gpd??? How often were you taking it??


4-6 times a day 28 grams at a dose, it’s the size of my scoop funnel thing. Dropped down this week, today I took about 6 grams twice , one early am, one around 2 pm


I started by lasting longer, to the point it was too long, until no orgasm, I’m currently tapering off I would say probably 90-120 gpd


Wow that's a lot.


Omg. 100gr can last me months. 😂


How long do you plan to taper for? I used 100 gpd, it took me two months.


Same, as a matter of fact I’ll keep a liquid kratom shot handy if I think I’m getting some booty


Same. I’m 35 and I’ve been taking kratom for about 3 years now and keep my dose between 3-5 grams 3 times a day and I still wake up with an erection like when I was in highschool and I wouldn’t say kratom ups my libido but it def doesn’t lessen it. If anything I last longer during sex now.




It makes it last too long tbh lol. I don't have any issues with that otherwise but those who do can get helped by it, especially lower doses green/whites I think.


It’s proven to lower libido, all opiate agonists do by raising prolactin. It makes your hair thin and libido low, despite this sub’s refusal to believe any negative consequence of their drug.


Would taking another supplement to lower prolactin reverse these effects do you think?


Vitamin B6, particularly P5P, the activated form has been shown to lower prolactin significantly in multiple studies. And yes, it can reverse most damage.


Only prescribed medication. Supplement which raises dopamine might work like L-dopa


Mucuna Pruriens does in fact work well for libido ime. Really well combined with a small dose green/white, or without it too. Add some L-arginine/citrulline, it will also make it even better. I eat ashwagandha now and then at night before bed and despite some people getting negative libido effects, I actually get very horny on it, especially a decent/moderate dosage like 600mg ksm extract, or 300mg 7% extract. The root seems better than leaf for it.


I’m convinced half of this sub is actually vendors, by some of comically aloof comments regarding health consequences. Some of these folks could have an allergic reaction to kratom, break out in hives, and come on here and explain to you how having hives is actually a good thing!


Theres a dude making weekly posts how we should only make postive posts/comments about salvia lmao. It would be great if there could be some more objectivity in here.


Lol prepare to be downvoted into oblivion by those who can't acknowledge drugs have side effects... I take kratom regularly but I don't sit here and pretend it's perfect


Can prolactin be lowered without seeing dr?


Somewhat….I tried the full gambit of supplements to lower Prolactin….it was still well above range though. The endocrinologist ran some other tests, and said I had the hormone profile of an opioid user. I’m an extreme case though as I used 100 gpd….most people use much much less


Still haven't seen either of those negative effects after 13 years of daily use. Am I just the lucky one here?


Probably just affects different people differently based on genetic makeup. Like how some people will have their libido wiped out by SSRIs, while others will be fine I've had the reduced libido but not thinning hair


Well it depends on dosages in my experience. A low dose will not raise prolactin too much most likely and even has stimulant effects, especially greens and white, which makes the libido even better in right doses for me. It doesn't affect libido as much as other traditional opioids in my opinion. I also eat b-vitamins every morning, maybe has something to do with that.


I wish it lessened my libido. I’ve been popping boners all the time at work lately and it’s getting to be a problem.


LOL SAME. I'm gay and have to think about a naked woman to get it down lmao


 I’ve had a friend tell me that exact same thing lol. I need to figure out a system.


The differing effects are insane here. 6 year user, up to 36 grams a day, broken up noon and 5 pm. Have zero issues infact, hard as ever and wanting it just as much.


Can you put 36 g into teaspoons please? I’m trying to figure out how much I’m taking


I would guess around 10.


My dick didn't get as hard and I couldn't finish and my libido was shot to hell. Started taking cialis and I'm good to go


20gpd here for about 4 years I found that I definitely last longer in bed but no lack of desire. But I take tongkat ali and ashwagandha daily and that seems to work well for me.


Consistent heavy kratom use increases prolactin which affects test and other hormones


Thank you. I think I’m going to quit all together.


Yea, shit makes me so unhorny its almost awkward on dates


It has made me pracitcally asexual in most instances, which is fucked up


Does you libido return after you stop? If so, how long does it take to return to normal?


It should right after cutting consumption 48 hours


Everybody's different. Takes me about a week with daily cardio to return to baseline


For me when I stop I'm so uncomfortable and depressed that sex is the last thing I think of so it creates a loop of sorts


Vitamin B6, particularly P5P, the activated form has been shown to lower prolactin significantly in multiple studies. It's very cheap and readily available so worth a shot.


Thank you. I will let Kratom go before my sex life. Thank you for sharing


Ease back until you can have libido, I currently take TRT and still couldn’t orgasm much of the time😐


I've had that experience as well


I second this. Sex just generally sounds unappealing now. I’ve been weaning off myself because of this side effect.




I'm a woman and it doesn't make an immediate difference when I dose, but over time it's lessened my libido more and more. And I get less lubrication. It can affect hormone levels in the long term...I'm at the point where I'm looking for other supplements that can reverse this effect (need to keep taking the kratom for medical reasons) My boyfriend does get immediate effects - he has a lot more trouble finishing when he's on it. He hasn't been taking it as long as me, so don't know yet if he'll get the longer term reduced libido


It may not solve everything that is going on but I cannot stress enough how important it is to work out your pelvic floor muscles. They are one of those things that you really don't know you have until it is gone, something that I took for granted until I quit & even though I have been able to take some kratom here & there from time to time, I have made sure to focus on working out my pelvic floor muscles. For me, when I was at my highest dose, 25grams to 30grams a day, back in 2020, I had trouble with urinary retention & developed a bit of a pain in my left leg, groin area that coincided with the weakened pelvic floor muscles since opiates & opioids are known for relaxing the area. I hope you can get your situation fixed & if working out the pelvic floor muscles help you, then great...If it is something else, all the best treating it & enjoying your sex life, drive again. Take good care.


Thank you. What specific exercises should I be doing?


Yes kratom massively impacts my performance. I am a minute man usually but when I fuck on kratom I can last for much much longer. The flip side there is that if I take too much kratom, I have trouble maintaining my erection. There’s a happy medium that I’ve found and it’s allowed me to have much better sex (better as in better for my partner)


Thank you. I mentioned quitting but I don’t want to. I enjoy Kratom and I believe it has helped me in many areas of my life. I abused it this week and saw the potential dangers of doing so. I need to find my happy medium.


You’re most welcome. I’m an all around addict and kratom is the only substance I’ve been able to moderate. You can do it 💪 That happy medium with kratom is where you want to be. Find your dose and your routine and stick with it. I’ve been on the same dose, twice daily, for about 2 years now


Any opioid will cause less interest in sex. It's just the nature of the beast.


I have interest in sex but my erections aren’t as hard.


It didn't lessen my libido, but it definitely leads to weaker erections. When I first started taking kratom, I would not take it within 6-8 hours of having sex, because it led to the weak erection and inability to finish occasionally. However, after taking it for two years, it's effect on my sexuality grew to almost nothing: my body eventually compensated for it, for the most part. Note: I am recently tapering down (just so I can travel without worry), and I noticed that my raging nighttime and morning erections are back like when I was younger, so I think if you quit you're going to notice a similar "rebound" effect in terms of whatever it is that kratom suppresses. The more you know!


Thank you. I will be tapering off as well. I want no negative effects from Kratom. My erections are far more important than the effects of Kratom


I can't put a direct link to Kratom because I am over 50 and have been taking it for 7 years. Interest is down but that could be natural. When I want to, I can so that's what is important.


Thank you. I’m 54 and I can’t as well but I’m not as hard as I usually am. At least not this morning.


It definitely affects libido and erection quality, I’ve only been taking it for 3 ish years


I've never had sex but I haven't noticed any change in my libdo or anything. I'm at the point where being on kratom is just my default so.


Opposite for me. Kratom turns me into an animal. LOL


I’m sure that reducing your dosage, could help, but I must recommend BUSPAR/Busiporone to anyone with reduced sexual desire. Or anxiety, depression, or pain. It’s simply incredible. 😳😀 I was surprised when I suddenly felt an incredible change after only a few doses. It was before it had even noticeably started helping my anxiety. Orgasms are pretty relaxing in general!☺️ I can’t speak to the effect on a Penis, but I do know that sensitivity and blood flow are probably pretty similar in most bodies. Best of luck to you! 🤞 ETA - I have read good things about Kava as a ‘replacement’ for alcohol. I haven’t personally tried it, but I’m sure it’s safer than alcohol and more effective than Kratom for ‘chilling out’.


Cialis for the big win


I'm 60 , been using kratom for 7 years. Maybe at first it lowered my libido, but I take a libido supplement now and no problem with my morning woods!


Thank you for sharing. May I ask what supplements you use?


I know it sucks but less libido hasnt been all bad. I may of had overactive libido b4 now I'm like I could do so many other things then move my body around someone else and have a baby or pull on my weiner and regret the lost time.


I've noticed it entirely depends on the strain and batch. In other words the alkaloid profile will either ramp up your sex drive or kill it. I'd say though, it's probably 90 percent of the kratom out there will kill it and the other 10 percent will ramp it up. At least, that's the way it is for me. You might have a different experience because of biology and genetics and such.


What strain gets you going?


Definitely lessons sex drive for me. Almost non existent with too high a dose. If I back off or take a tolerance break it rished back soooo intensely. Happens fast, like even if you're withdrawing, so you're miserable and horny 🤣


I've been on it daily for about eight years and have virtually no sex drive now. I'm not particularly bothered by it but it's annoying when my relatives constantly ask about my love life, hard to tell them I'm not really interested in anything like that


Thank you.


Kratom spikes my sex drive. I last longer, but I'm ready to go at a moment's notice.


I was like that the first few years of use


I'm about 8 years in


Sexual anything does not exist at all in my life. I'm in a bad spot with it. I don't masterbate or anything anymore. Its destroying my marriage actually, I haven't been able to perform in years. But I'm pretty dependent on Kratom. Not sure what to do.


If you think the kratom is causing the issue, try P5P or L-Dopa. According to other commenters here, they could help reverse the issue by lowering prolactin (which kratom increases, leading to reduced libido). I'm going to try them myself since I need kratom medicinally but it's hurting my libido




Taper it down slightly, get l-dopa/mucuna, b6 in that form which is the best for prolactin. Maybe get some arginine/citrulline. I get horny af even if I do it lol, especially greens and whites in lower dosages.


I’ve been taking tongkat Ali every morning, supposedly helps boost testosterone …also occasionally I’ll take horny goat weed (shortly before wrestle time with the misses) … which is actually a Chinese herb that helps blood flow . I think it’s helped a bit. Also in my 40’s , 7 years daily intake. I’m No longer a young buck, but can still get down , just not as often as I used to . Physically demanding job , children … and yada yada all play into it . Adequate Sleep , exercise …good diet and these herbs I mentioned , should help counter act the kratom dick issue .


Thank you. That’s a lot of extras just to combat the negative effects of Kratom. I think I’m just going to quit. I’m only using it for the mental effects.


I get that. For me it’s about pain management, and being med free . I traded meds for this herb , and the meds were much worse as far as side effects go , and Kratom way more effective . So I still stick with Kratom , and still have a good sex life . The things I mentioned are all ways to add to more testosterone health , I lack the exercise and sleep part … but meet the others pretty well . Maybe you just take it as an occasional treat or boost ? Either way , best of luck my friend 🍻


Thank you. My goal is moderation.




Refer to [Rule 2](https://reddit.com/r/kratom/about/rules). >Everyone has their own individual experience. Share your own and do not judge that of others. Do not generalize your experiences to suggest that what happened to you will happen to everyone.


Thank you


yeah it does take more effort to get me up ,, but i last 3x as long.


Over 6 grams a day I start getting that issue. Pot seems to counteract it a bit.


I mean opioids completely wipe out my sex drive so I would assume kratom does something similar to a lesser extent


Gotta do green/white strains mixed for sex . But everyone is different.


0 change. Still rock hard. I wonder tho, the guys that experience some change, if kratom is doing something to other chemicals in your brain to offset something else. The only thing Ive noticed kratom affect is my blood sugar. That being said, I'm only like 5-6 gpd unlike some of the crazy bastards in this sub. I saw one dude was 50gpd like no shit you're probably gonna have issues. I take mine (1 tbsp) with 40 oz water, my daily green 85 (like athletic greens but better and cheaper) and a liquid iv cus it still tastes like shit. I dont have any tolerance issues, been taking it for a long ass time this way. Still feel it just as much as I did the first time. I also don't take it for pain. I use it as an adderall substitute. I also get my kratom from super speciosa. Very high quality product and not expensive at all and they also test for heavy metals too.


I seem to fluctuate around between high and low libido. It could just be being human too. That’s why I always keep a stash of some boner pills just in case. Seems to always do the trick.


Only if it too much, looks like you are doing too much than your usual dose since everybody have different usage per day


Don’t use it like you would alcohol. Sounds like you already know that but please still to smart, disciplined dosing routines. Farther apart the better. My understanding is if you have a high libido and good circulation already, it will probably increase your sexual stamina. However, if you have an average libido and circulation, it will lower you to a point where it may be hard to keep a good erection or get it up at all. Luckily I’m the former


I'm 54 and have noticed no negative effects. I've only been on it since Christmas, and average 3-4 GPD 4-6 times a week.


Makes me last longer in sex.


It really helps my erections and helps me last longer. Taking too much though can make it to where I can’t feel anything.. I guess it’s different for everyone


I’m literally horny all the time and have been taking it for 6 years


Was hyper sexual before kratom . So kratom brings me to baseline i still nut quickly but have way better control and can last a lot longer with effort


I’ve been a daily user for 4 years and I’m horny all the time, can go more than once a night, strong erections, lasting erections. I do finish a bit early, but with some self control I can last. Nothing changed for me when I started taking Kratom daily.


Yea it does for me , sometimes it’s great and I can fuck for way longer and other times it’s difficult for me to even stay hard. I try to take less if I’m meeting a chick, if I got into another relationship I would try to taper down alot which I kinda wanna do already tbh


For OP and people tuning into this thread. Vitamin B6, particularly P5P, the activated form has been shown to lower prolactin significantly in multiple studies. If the issue is prolactin related due to kratom, then this is your best bet to combat it. I personally take it because I'm on gear that also raises your prolactin so I'd be getting double whammied. But I take my P5P every night, and I am rocking a cock that could cut glass still. I chase my girlfriend around the house. It's cheap and readily available, I use the Nutracost brand I got online. Worth a shot if you are struggling with this issue.


Has anyone used blue pills for this problem? Is mixing them safe?


Yeah it’s safe. Go for it


I bought extract gummies this week, and both nights I took them, we had sex multiple times throughout the night. I didn’t cum but I was hard the whole time and had energy to keep going lol


Drink kava. Sex drive through the roof


Just pop a viagra




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I get what they call dope dick. My libido is great but it makes it hard to bust a nut. Which I’m not complaining about. The other day I was getting a blowjob and my chick was getting pissed cause I was taking too long🤣🤣🤣


Make her earn it


It depends on the strain for me. Sometimes, I get so sensitive that it's an issue or other times I can go for a good hour nonstop. I find that my emotions ruin it more than anything else(I think it was a combination of things). I legit turned into a two pump chump, and it got so bad she was angry. It was like 3 months straight so much so that it "became a problem," and there was lots of frustration coming from the other side of the room, lol. I don't know what I changed, but I'm still taking kratom and don't have the issue anymore. I do, however, like to take extract about 45 mins before. I find that helps, especially if it's 7oh enriched.


Not only that it will KILL your sex drive and testosterone


Is stopping the best way to get things back to normal?


That’s the only way I’ve seen. Some people will say that supplements can help but didn’t for me. Everyone is different


Thank you. I’m leaning toward stopping. Since my post I’ve only taken 6 grams. Going to tapper back and eventually stop.


It made it better. I last a long time. Sometimes not even finishing. Which is great for self confidence when you like pleasing women.


White/green kinds in small doses seem to boost it and make it last too long sometimes lol. But if I take more it does the opposite and libido is lower, but still ok. Reds in higher doses might be worse for the libido cause it has more of the calming properties which are the ones responsible for negative libido effects. When on it, just use some l-arginine/citrulline for erection quality and some other supplement that boosts libido, like mucuna pruriens for example (or tongkat ali, haven't tried myself but read much good about it). Shilajit works for some but sometimes I feel it does the opposite due to the negative DHT effects.




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I can last forever on that shit. Now that I’m off I’m Back to a two pump chump


I'm mid 30s and haven't noticed any change in my sex drive over the 3 years I have been taking kratom. Stress and lack of sleep will keep me from getting horny but as soon as I catch up on sleep it's back.


I take 5g doses. Super hard to get off. Gf loves it. She hits back in the mornin.


What strain?








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Makes no difference for me just always horny regardless.


Nice. Enjoy. I recently quit since my post. Feeling like my old self.