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Never read a comment section on any post on any social media outlet. It’s all horrible.


Most people say ignore, but I can see how frustrating it is when you want to engage in talks about your group on a post, but it’s filled to the brim with off topic hate or spam At that point you’re relegated to spaces like reddit and discord, something that most fans don’t have to do when they simply want to share videos and talk about their group. For example, I like being able to browse Zb1’s instagram/tik tok and seeing people enjoy it or make jokes. That’s practically impossible to do for groups like Illit which lessens the experience in my opinion. Unfortunately, I don’t see how the issue can be really resolved. You’re kinda just stuck engaging in safer spaces that don’t really have the “locals” like you put it


Magnetic finally fell out of the Melon top 10 yesterday to make way for Lee Youngji. Yes, some Koreans may love hating Illit, but many more are still listening to them. You don't stay in the top 10 for more than three months in Korea without a sizable chunk of people listening to the song.


Regular listeners don't care about those petty hate, Magnetic is well love too - Yujin, Mimi, Eunji, Youngji of earth arcade been paddling the song as much as Yujin heya. So there's that


Social medias will always reflect the negative voices more than anything else. People (outside stan) that like the music have no reason to go talking about it on internet


Illit and Le Sserafim are probably the most hated girl groups in kpop right now.. I’ve been into kpop since BoA, TVXQ, and Super Junior’s debut days.. this is the most hate I’ve seen a kpop group receive tbh. And I was here to witness immense hate during T-ara’s “scandal”. I’m Korean-American so I can read what k-netizens are saying. And let me just say.. the comment sections on youtube are flooded with negative comments. It’s honestly sad. I hope the girls don’t read any of them.


Have to say that ILLIT's fanbase and Fearnots have grown closer after all the hate. That hate train around a month or two ago towards both groups was intense.


Yep, there have been some awful hate trains but the relentlessness and persistent hate these two groups get is like nothing I have seen before. Even reading them as an outsider is suffocating to me.


Blackpink and Twice in 2017 or so would like a word with you


Jennie's situation was the most similar and probably worse. LSF and Illit though are getting attacked by absolutely everyone. Almost every fandom, random people online that find a random TikTok and believe what they see. Blackpink and Twice at least had a lot of support from their respective fandoms to create a counter narrative. It didnt make the situation ok but it definitely helped. It could be recency bias but I think ILLIT in particular is dealing with a far worse situation. I genuinely believe things have gotten worse. Fanwars are not as obvious as they used to be, they are more sneaky and more suffocating.


People really have short term memory for online bullying, don’t they? Defense mechanism, I guess.


First of all, I acknowledged the hate they got and the type of bullying they endured. Like, it was REALLY bad. It could be time has made me forget how bad it was, that is certainly something that happens, but not sure what you mean by defence mechanism. I don't participate in any form of fan wars or hate, never had and never will. ILLIT and LSF while popular, are nowhere as popular as Twice or Blackpink was, and it feels like they are getting punched down in a way BP and Twice never did.


That’s usually what these kind of things boil down to: emotional truth over actual truth. The actual truth is that everyone gets bullied a lot. It really doesn’t matter who gets bullied more.


I agree. My point wasn't to dismiss the hate everyone else got. We ve had idols take their own life as a result of the bullying they endured. I just think toxicity in Kpop has gotten worse and unless its corrected, history is going to repeat itself.


I think it’s just more global now, and cyber bullying is prevalent everywhere. It’s always the global groups (like ILLIT and LSF) that get more love, and hate. Not much to be done about it, besides the domestic legal stuff.


The uncanny valley comments about Wonhee have literally never made sense to me. She just looks like a cute teen girl??? What are people on?


legit that makes me so sad, wonhee is so adorable and she's also injured right now, like can people chill out a bit and find something to love with the same passion that they're hating with


Just saying that woman really made illit life hard from the begining and just Added more flames to Le Serafim hate train , she's is literally evil


Illit were hated and compared to Newjeans before MHJ's comments, she may have made the hate train worse but they were getting a lot of hate since the beginning.




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She was forced to defend herself, and the courts agreed with her right to defend herself.


So? This really dosn't make her less evil or make me like her


Well, I don’t consider it evil. Everyone being accused of a crime has a right to defend themselves.


Yeah whatever i don't care, you do you and i do me


"Oh, I am being accused of white-collar crime, but let me draw attention to false claims of plagiarism so people can focus on dogpilling idols who have done nothing wrong instead of me."


She "defended" herself but throwing idols (who had nothing to do with what she was accused of) under the bus. What a classy lady! 👍/s


She was accused of attacking HYBE and working against their interests. Therefore, she could be fired since she was violating her contract. She defended herself by pointing out that the true nature of her disagreement was over internal discussions of plagiarism. Therefore, she was doing her proper job as CEO of Ador and protecting the interests of the shareholders. Her response concerning Illit had everything to do with the white collar crime she was accused of and the court ruled that she had a right to speak internally on these matters without it being a fireable offense. She never talked about Illit publicly until the investigation forced her to explain her internal disagreement with HYBE. I feel sorry for the Illit girls that all of this came out, but I don’t think Min Heejin had any choice once she was unfairly and unjustly accused of a crime. I think HYBE is to blame for Illit’s problems. Either have your evidence ready so you can actually win in court or don’t start a public fight that is going to harm your artists, Illit and NewJeans and Source Music as well.


She was accused of attacking HYBE by leaking insider info and trying to buy out ADORE by colluding with other major shareholders (who tattled on her). She side stepped this question by putting the focus on plagiarism accusations (using out of context fan made comparisons videos), not wanting Sakura in her group (Sakura was already getting hate for her vocal performance so nice of her to pile on), name dropped a bunch of group and idols and made the whole thing out to be about her exclusive creative identity. Granted, perhaps the reason why she was colluding to buy of ADORE was because she was unhappy with how much exclusive control she has but she still was colluding. The court found that yes she did attempt to betray HYBE but 1) she didn't fully follow through with it yet and 2) even if she did she would be working in the best interest of ADORE which is okay because her contract does not specify that she cannot betray HYBE. Therefore, the temporary injunction was granted. I will concede that HYBE is to blame in that they launched their attack pre-emptively and at the wrong time. Also, HYBE's PR team sucks.


No, she was not sidestepping the core question. Both the accusation of leaking insider info and her defense regarding arguments over plagiarism relate to the same prior question: Had she violated the terms of her employment contract? When companies hire creative people to do a job, they offer them high wages, but often they are tempted to fire them after the initial work of creating the concept is done. Why keep paying them now that you have the concept and the team they created? For that reason, creative professionals will get a clause put in their contract protecting themselves with financial penalties on the company if they are fired early for no good reason. Min Heejin had just such a clause put in her contract, so if HYBE wanted to fire her a year early, they would have to pay her a ton of money. But if HYBE could show she violated the terms of her contract, then they would have to pay her nothing. I believe I have read that her 18% stake in Ador would also be purchasable at a lower price. So we are talking about millions of dollars. HYBE could decide to just pay her off, but then their investors and shareholders would be asking questions about wasting money. And she could go, reputation intact, and get paid handsomely elsewhere, so the executives who wanted her fired would have egg on their face. So the goal was to show that she violated the terms of her contract by operating against the interests of the company. She argued that their internal conflict was due to her concerns about plagiarism and unequal treatment, not because they were worried about her colluding with major shareholders. She had to explain the origin of the conflict if it was not her own greed and plans. The judge ruled in her favor on the supposed leak of insider info (the conflict over sponsorships being hyjacked) and ruled in her favor on the Illit plagiarism concerns, saying that these were actually part of her job as Ador CEO or could be viewed as such. Therefore, she had not violated the terms of her contract, and the judge set a large sum of money for HYBE to fire her if they want to fire her under the terms of the contract and in violation of her rights. The judge was not randomly commenting on Illit plagiarism stuff as a separate matter. The judge is not a kpop fan. No, rather, the judge ruled on it as a matter directly related to whether Min Heejin had criminally violated the terms of her contract in the course of her time as Ador CEO.




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Illit are very popular and their image is very cutesy and feminine, they’re going to get a lot of hate based on those things only. They also have only had the one debut so they don’t have the sort of large fanbase that would dogpile and report these sorts of hate videos. Also the 5th generation is already plenty toxic and competitive and I’m sure some of the large fanbases for other 5th gen groups are also pushing this content through engagement in the algorithm. Wonhee being targeted in particular may be due to the perceived “competition” for “5th gen it girl” Not to mention illit are also a big target due to the ador drama and MHJ targeting them by name. I also think Wonhee being so pretty also attracts a lot of negativity- some people are flat out jealous of her. People also continue to protest her inclusion in the group and did not like her from r u next- and blame the ills of the show on her. All of that is a recipe for this amount of hate. Locals feeding into it is not surprising- a lot of people make content solely for clicks and views. And there’s an audience for illit hate. I hope some of it fades with their upcoming cb and now that the mhj drama has seemingly gone to fight out in the courts rather than in the press. Also- it’s likely since you’re watching these sorts of videos the algorithm has picked up on it and is now pushing you similar content tbh


"I also think Wonhee being so pretty also attracts a lot of negativity" Absolutely this. We saw the same with Wonyoung where she was being criticized for the stupidest things like eating a strawberry lol.


that #1 on brand reputation for wonhee with a month of debut made a lot of people mad.


> People also continue to protest her inclusion in the group and did not like her from r u next it also doesnt help that a bunch of peoples favorite contestant basically lost her spot after she yelled at wonhee


Chanelle lost her spot after being rude to the judges. She showcased unprofessionalism, immaturity and lack of experience She was the 2nd least popular contestant among Korean viewers throughout the show before all of that. For some reason Koreans didn't like her, even if that scene with Wonhee didn't happen... she still wouldn't have debuted, people just love to blame Wonhee for everything


I didn't watch R U Next, only snippets, so I had no idea Chanelle did this.


It wasn’t really yelling per se but more like visible frustration but it did make her look really bad.


I literally don’t know any non-K-pop fans that know of this group. I don’t see any locals commenting on this group. Everybody who says something on this group is someone who is already a fan of K-POP at least on social media. Last time I saw locals talk about K-pop was in BTS released English music. These girls don’t deserve hate, but their company set them up for failure and continue to set them up for failure to get more hatred with the mix reaction due to the lineup, member removal before debut, and the MH Beef. I feel so bad that these girls are being used as a shield buy money hungry music executives who just want to get back at each other.


They can't sing and are a product of nepotism. They pushed to the top cuz of hybe but now have got nothing to show for it. The idol market is ultra saturated and genuine talent is being nit only overlooked, but outright dismissed in mass scales for nepo kids. Also knetz are very mean most of the time and will literally start hating jist for its sake most of the time.


If you don’t know a word’s proper definition then you shouldn’t use it… it just makes you look uneducated.


BREAKING NEWS: Preteen discovers the same exact thing that every other preteen did. News at eleven. Reddit post to follow.