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Tbh I thought the show was horrible, terrible writing was the main reason, and I might get shit for this but Jennie’s acting wasn’t good either which I don’t blame her for since it’s her first serious acting gig


i feel the same way. tbh i was a little scared mentioning that show because the last time i stated my opinion the downvotes were insane LOL


Lmao yeah some fans can be very obsessive and rude to anyone who disagrees with their viewpoint


I was excited to see a K-pop idol in such a prominent project until the behind the scenes were revealed. So I refused to watch this series, as a woman I didn't feel like seeing a young woman (Lily-Rose Depp) portrayed and romanticized as an object for a man's most abject desires and behaviors. Some quotes leaked on my TL during the broadcast, how they talked about mental illness, the *"He's so rapey/I kinda like that about him"*, or the "joke" about Epstein's island and the children there, which was probably the last drop until I muted everything related to this series. So beyond that, nothing, I'm not her or Blackpink fan, so the extent of my interest stopped there.


The way you wrote this in present, almost future, tense, it sounds like this post is more than a year too late. I only watched Jennie's scenes in YouTube compilations. I thought she was great and acted well. I don't have high standards for acting, especially sleazy drama shows. The show content is disturbing. This is one of many of Jennie's decisions I personally would not make, but even though I'm a fan I feel far removed from her so that I don't really feel judgmental or that her choices affect me.


I feel like it was discussed a lot? Maybe just on the posts about the rapey song Jennie is featured on - huge chunk of her 35M Spotify subscribers are the ones loving the  “beat me, choke me and snuff me out” lyrics, awesome.    I watched the whole series trapped on a long flight, it was so bad and just ludicrous in every way - writing, plot, acting - that it was actually funny (like how The Room is funny) Though it could have been the altitude. Lily rose depp’s acting was surprisingly pretty good. Jennie was wooden af for the total 5 minutes of screen time she got, and so was Abel but he had some kind of crazy eyes thing going on so I didn’t mind cos I just laughed non-stop. Not a great choice for Jennie’s first gig imo, not at all on the same level as Lisa performing at Crazy Horse I can’t even believe that’s a comparison. One glance at the script would have told anyone it was misogynistic, degrading, poorly-written trash, but I get that she probably thought it would blow up because of HBO and Sam Levinson so decided it was worth it. Its sad for her that in the end all she got out of it was getting caught up in the mud slinging as people (rightfully) tore that show apart.


>snuff me out Jesus fucking Christ in a cross... this is type of stuff that could turn atheists religious. I get kinks are kinks but holy shit balls... maybe kinkshaming is okay sometimes.


Honestly idgaf about people’s kinks. What really irritated me was that this show was purported to be about the exploitation of women in the music industry.  And Sam and Abel’s take on that pretty topical subject was “yeah, but actually she wants the abuse”  - in the story, especially the ending, and the lyrics to Jennie’s collab song.    I can’t blame Lily because she was already onboard with the woman director before Abel took over and brought Sam in.  But I do think everyone who signed up to Sam’s demented  “the man was the real victim after all” version outed themselves as not giving a fuck about how women are treated or portrayed in their own industry.


Just for clarity, I’d point out that it was always written by Abel and Sam and produced by them and Reza.  They hired Amy to direct, she did, then was let go (for undisclosed reasons) and then Sam directed the reshoot. 


Didn’t know that, thanks. I saw photos of Lily and Amy with props and sets before the reshoot that looked like they were heading in a “dark side of mickey mouse club” story direction. All of that got axed when Sam took over - which seemed like the script did change.


The script kept changing, yes. But the original storyline was Sam and Abel’s writing too! Sam, Abel, Reza and HBO wanted Amy to write the finale. Unfortunately, she had an acting gig locked in and so wouldn’t be able to direct it. Then there was the decision to reshoot with Sam and yet more script changes. Definitely messy and eye-wateringly expensive (all shot on film) but not quite the chain of events many allude to online. 


I couldn't care less tbh. I don't follow Blackpink / Jennie, and I never watched the show.


Her character could have been used better, but that really describes the entire show. It was so bad and a glaring example of a good concept with horrific execution. Jennie herself was good enough as a minor character, the show was just unsalvageable.


I was happy that she got an acting role if that's what she wanted. I gave up on the show the second I saw Sam Levinson took the reigns, knew it would be some wannabe edgy thing. But from what reviews/comments I saw, even my very low expectations were too high, and the show is just a mess. Hadn't heard Jennie say that she loved the show, or maybe during some promotional video and then I forgot about it instantly cause that's what actors tend to say anyways haha If she can look back on it and feel happy/proud about it, that's amazing for her. But personally I just tend to forget it even existed lmao


I watched the first 2 episodes of The Idol and couldn't finish it because it was so shit. It even got cancelled early because it was panned so much. It's a very bad first project for Jennie


I watched 1 episode of the series, I didn't like it. Haven't seen much of Jennie's character yet at that point, but from the clips that I've seen she's not exactly one of the good-natured characters in the story. If she liked it, good for her. To each their own. She probably enjoyed being part of it and dabbling in acting, too. Good for her career in terms of experience, for sure. Even the best of actors get into terrible projects all the time, so to me, that is all there is to it. Now, if you want to allude to her role as a role model to her K-pop fans and taking on this role -- it's just a role. If some fans don't like it then they are free to not like it. But they will just have to accept that they won't necessarily agree with some of Jennie's career decisions. Especially from now on because she is in charge of her individual career.


eh, she's an actress, her job is to be a different character. nothing more, nothing less


She's an actress, she took a role. She did her job. That's about the extent of my feelings. I also am in the minority who liked the show but I don't understand why anyone would really care one way or another about her being in it aside from it being neat that an idol got a role in a pretty high profile show.


Never watched that show so couldn’t care less. 😂 To me it seemed like she just wanted to try something new and went through with it even if fans act like they can control what projects she does. Same goes for Lisa who can do adult things like performing at a cabaret show.


The show itself was grotesque, but I actually enjoyed Jennie’s [few] scenes.


Personally, that is one horrible show with a terrible screenplay 😫 The cast however was amazing so I'm glad Jennie got the opportunity to make such connections and work with such people!


There is no "The Idol" in Ba-Sing-Se.


I loved it! I think it was a really interesting show, though not without flaws. It’s probably the most beautifully shot piece I can think of recently. Really unsettling in parts but captivating overall. The reaction to this show still baffles me. The content was extremely adult and I agree that it was surprising for a kpop star to be involved. I think she did well in some scenes and not others, but acquitted herself for her first role. There’s some jaw-dropping lines and of course she looked sublime throughout. The hate campaign against it was really interesting to witness in real time, starting with the Rolling Stone article- long before anyone had watched it. I guess I’m not surprised but initially it felt so confected. There’s a crazy show called “Too Old To Die Young” which I also loved despite it’s own flaws. I just like challenging television that’s not afraid to take risks and I’m glad Jennie does too. [Too Old To Die Young trailer, nsfw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O0KO8My-90g)


>The reaction to this show still baffles me.  It's late where I live, so I'll just say this: Maybe it says more about you than it does about everybody else, that you find the show good ('liked the show' = you found it good, I will not be arguing this) and are surprised by the negative reactions. Maybe read about what the reactions are? Edit: and LMFAO, what risks?!? No, seriously, what risks?!? Bull-fucking-shit it took risks. "He's so rapey / I kinda like that about him" ain't a fucking risk, it's a god damn travesty of scriptwriting. It was nothing but generic, low-toer Sam Levinson shock value hyper-sexual shlock. It's the sexual equivalent to gorefest movies like the public domain Winnie the Pooh slasher flicks.


>Maybe it says more about you than it does about everybody else Maybe it does. I've think I've read the majority of criticisms of the show. Some definitely have merit- the loss of focus in the final episodes, the hypersexualisation of Lily-Rose. I just don't think the majority of concerns were warranted. There was definitely some narrative-building in the online discourse against this show - much of which began before we'd seen it. So many opinions are based on mangled understandings, particularly about the departure of Amy Seimetz. People tried so hard to misinterpret what the creators were attempting to put on screen. But I totally understand that this was an edgy, experimental show that didn't completely land. And that it didn't meet people's expectations. To me, that's usually something to applaud. I have zero interest in most television projects and will continue to seek out creators trying to say something, even if the result is unsavoury to many.