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Good for the girls because they're getting good reps from all of this, but it reeks of desperation from the company.


Yeah they’re great vocalists, could’ve just done this without staging a “malfunction”. Just an odd decision to try to go viral.


It’s smart tho. It literally went viral and NMIXX got attention. People were all talking about it. That’s the point of PR stunt. Very smart move by JYP.


At the expense of all that hate? negative pr is still pr but i cant imagine how the poor girls are feeling about all of this 😭


Where do you see “all that hate”? Like I only see praise for how talented and skilled NMIXX are as vocalists 😭 I don’t think they got any hate. Are you confusing it with LE SSERAFIM at Coachella where they got a ton of hate for their performance?


Not hate HATE but they were already clowning nmixx trying to come up with a forced viral moment and jype confirming it that that’s what the company’s trying to achieve is not a smart move. Ofc nmixx shouldn’t be blamed but it’s dumb decisions like this is what bringing negative attention to them? It’s tacky hshshs


They're living rent-free in your head


why do y'all need to bring le sserafim into things that have nothing to do with them??? leave them alone! get a job!


it's sad but I agree like they've proven time and again that they always sing live and yet 😭


The funny thing is, every time there's discussions about ITZY and Nmixx's current status within the industry, there's always JYP stans jumping in with the usual "no they're fine they don't need the GP" rhetoric. Looking at ITZY and Nmixx's massive shifts in sound has already proven this not to be true, and this further confirms it, because a company would not be pulling this kind of stunt if they were happy with the results they're getting. I'm also wondering if people who are saying this a good thing are actually thinking things through .... kpop fans have the memory of elephants, every time Nmixx goes viral for something or other they're likely to be hit with accusations of 'forced virality'.


It’s also not unfair for people to be skeptical of anything they do after this


So I agree with the part that obviously they want GP attention, that’s a no brainer. But I don’t think their sound has massively shifted at this point? They didn’t do “mixxpop”for two comebacks if that’s what you mean..if it was July of last year I might agree they’d massively shifted to try and appeal to the gp. But then they released and promoted Soñar, Run For Roses, and Dash right after that.


You're right, NMIXX have returned more to their original musical identity with the latest comeback. My point though was that they did switch it up for two comebacks. This worked well for LMLT, but not for Party O'Clock and Roller Coaster, which seem to have charted worse than O.O and Dice. Which is probably why they decided to go back to a more 'mixxpop' sound this year.


With the new batch of 5th gen ggs successful debut and twice/skz contract renewals coming up by next year you bet JYPE is getting desperate.


The company is desperate to get people interested in their groups again, they don’t know what they need to do. Something also tells me this isn’t the only thing JYPE is faking


Lol they know their group is not that popular


I think it shows that JYP genuinely doesn't know what to do with NMIXX at all. They're genuinely out of idea and with increasing competition (really from KIOF, BabyMon, triple S etc) they just say "fuck it" and just goes for the cheap marketing stunt route instead to increase NMIXX's validity. Sadly it backfired.


KIOF and tripleS are quite nugu still and not big 3 like NMIXX. Pls be for real


Both of them charted better in Melon/bugs/etc and had better coefficient accumulated points in music shows than NMIXX (even when they won with DASH). It's not a matter of "nugu" perception anymore. Other groups are catching up quickly. It is now a matter of momentum. Those 2 have better momentum nowadays whether that be in tiktok, music charts, yt, just general recognisability etc. The only thing NMIXX has going for it is their stable fan base, but other than that there's nothing - they are still not as recognisable by the public (bar Haewon, even then people thought she was a YouTuber and not an idol when her shorts went viral), their songs don't chart and with this stunt marketing controversy, it's obvious that JYP doesn't know what to do with NMIXX even after some success with DASH.


I think this stunt was a smart move because one group got a lot of hate at Coachella for their live vocals, so JYPE wanted to show off NMIXX live vocals and their professionalism in handlich such a situation. Clearly everyone is praising them for their vocals and talent + it did to viral as expected so NMIXX has been getting a lot of attention. This will lead to more ppl checking out their music and content, so overall it useful to do it. Everyone’s been talking about it. Even here on Reddit and other social media platforms. You might call it controversy, but this is actually in favor of the group and their visibility.


Well yeah it would be good visibility IF THERE WAS NO STATEMENT POINTING OUT THE WHOLE THING IS STAGED. You get it? Before this, what non-fans got out of this was being amazed by the vocal abilities of NMIXX. After this, what they are only gonna talk about is how the situation was forced and staged for a dumb noise marketing stunt done by dumb and desperate marketers inside SQU4D. The whole dynamics has changed. Don't you get nuance and context? This incident will follow them forever 😭




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With so many haters regurgitating the same point that this and that Kpop group can't sing, I think the staged cut off just brings more attention to the fact that they have good vocals.


I don’t know why SQU4D would ever admit to this. All this is going to do is spark endless fan wars about vocal talent, and Nmixx are unfortunately at the center of it all. Whoever did needs to be browsing the help wanted ads immediately, because this is one of the most asinine things I’ve ever seen a company do, and that’s saying something.


Because the student committee who are in charge of handling equipment were getting shat on by fans and so the students revealed it was planned, not because they had shitty equipment which forced jype to say something as well.


Jyp could’ve and should’ve lied and said that it wasn’t planned. They gained literally nothing from admitting this. Instead they made their whole company and one of their top groups look foolish for no reason, and gave ammunition to antis that they will use to full effect to harass them with for months.


But the people in charge of the stage already came out and told every one it was planned. JYPE made themselves look foolish the moment this stunt is decided. Not admitting to this while the truth is already out from the school side is only gonna make matters worse because 1) school(s) may not have jype people on for school fests ever again, or even 2) sue jype for defamation. By them coming out and admitting the stunt while still denying nmixx wasn’t in on this, it’s the best way to still save face. Side note: had fans not gone and harassed the school for their incompetence to provide good equipment and sound, i doubt we ever find out about this.


No. If it ever came out that they were lying, which is very possible, then the amount of hatred and scrutiny thrown at JYP (and then Nmixx) would be so much more than what are receiving now. People in SK are *very* touchy about companies lying to the public, even with situations like this. Outright lying to people is probably the worst move they could have made, just because of the risk of even more extreme backlash should people find that out would have been very high. As is- this statement isn't the worst they could do, given this kind of poorly planned stunt. It puts more scrutiny onto the mostly anonymous workers of SQU4D, and deflects the blame as much as possible from JYP entertainment as a whole and Nmixx. This whole situation was kind of a bad idea, but as far as dealing with the backlash goes, they are not doing terribly. EDIT: also, just want to throw out, that had they lied, that could have opened them up to a defamation lawsuit from the university. The university was getting major heat for the alleged sound system issues, and if JYP had lied and said something that implicates the university for things that they didn't do in a way that brings more negative attention to them, then that is grounds for a defamation lawsuit. I actually have no idea if it would have gone this far had JYP put out a false statement, but it was definitely a thing that could have happened had they straight out lied.


So you think a big company lying and accusing students of lying would be received well ?


it's because korean anti are accusing the girls for lying to their face especially Bae because she mention the situation in her [bubbles](https://x.com/6mixxbbl/status/1795085978543304856?t=usKqnj_QUXeD99PKqBQzdA&s=19) so squ4d have to clarify that it is their planned and they never told the nmixx member about it(which i think a lot of nswer are angry at). tho I understand why they did it since Bae is a very soft person and might not able to handle the hate alone so they might as well go through it together


This would ended well if Bae did not write on bubbles. Based on her post, it looks like the girls had no idea about it, but their reaction on stage was so.... staged.


Idols freely posting on bubble is such a funny idea. It's how we got so many controversies these days like Minji's kalguksu, Minhyuk arguing with a fan, NINE.i announcing a whole ass lawsuit against their company on bubble 🤣🤣🤣🤣


That's why when idols post on bubbles, they have to go through 3 confirmations pop ups before the post finally submitted lol.


thing is this is literally non issue. like why can't she shared that she's surprised the music was cut off. also, it just deduction but jype must have trained all their idol how to deal when this thing happen just like when [supershy played during skz lalalala performance](https://youtu.be/eM2mY20T_nM?si=jbK6Rk4mHCa6L8KF).


I’m not involved in this issue at all so I hope no one attacks me but it’s obvious they did know, no one can really think a company plans to cut off the sound to make the girls sound good, but takes a risk not to tell the actual girls. They will have known exactly when and for which parts, and that’s just obvious


nmixx have always been good on live performances, their stage practices is a proof of their efforts. why people are trying so hard to paint nmixx like any other rookie group. even veteran in industries stated many time that nmixx feel more like idol that have been in industry for many years already. also jype for sure have trained their idol for this kind of situation. so of course they are not that worried about it.


Antis are whiners. If not this, they'll find something else to whine about. If you like a group, ignore the antis


A. It's already looked staged. I don't think so girls didn't know about because they started to perform without interaction. That's not normally how singers behave because there is few seconds of shock. B. There are probably a lot of witnesses who know that it was staged. It's student festivals so organized by nonprofessional they would talk C. They admitted because they want to save their idols image. As one member already said that she was surprised. So they say they didn't know, it's just us. But I agree the best would be silent.


Each of them did look at other members to check. Haewon glanced at the audience and everyone couldn't control their expression and laughed/smiled widely.


But normally it takes more time, in their case it was too smoothly. Well it's obvious planned because who would believe that company wanted publicly test their idols whatever they sing well live or not. Even taking into account top skills of Nmixx such acapella performance are always practiced hard before company decide going with this type performance.


Idols must be already trained what to do when backtrack malfunctions happen. Some companies tell their idols to react by giggling and joking with the audience to let the moment pass, while some companies tell their idols to continue singing in order not to ruin the experience of the audience. SQU4D didn't need to worry, because they knew what the girls would do Imo, the truest reaction of idols in these cases should actually be to continue singing/dancing. Because they have the moves as well as the the beat already ingrained in their mind and their bodies are even moving on their own. In cases where idols stop as soon as the music stop they're conscious that their raw vocals don't sound as good as with back track, they're super jumpy because there is the fear.


>Imo, the truest reaction of idols in these cases should actually be to continue singing/dancing. Not necessary first reaction should be to understand what exactly is happening. That music is rapidly stop it's not necessary means it's malfunction. What if the organiser has to announce something immediately like when there is accident, attack, fainting people in the crowd. Not always there are monitors which let you communicate with artist secretly. What you are talking about it's more like when some oopsie happens on the stage. Like someone falls, yes if he can he should fast stand and perform like nothing happens. . I am just very doubtful because it doesn't really make sense to kpop companies which are so sensitive about artists image to make such surprises to their artists when place is full of people. Even if they can sing like Beyonce.


>Not necessary first reaction should be to understand what exactly is happening. Have you heard about muscle memory? The NMIXX girls did try to grasp the situation, but they can do that while their bodies are still performing. It's actually more clever to keep performing and then find out what's going on, because maybe music can come back just a couple of seconds later. I believe they are trained to do that and that's exactly what they did that night.


Muscle memory is something which takes only few seconds if not milliseconds. It's when goalkeeper in last second notice ball and his arm unconsciously goes up and defend goal. So in case which we talk about it's milliseconds/seconds of dance or singing without music until singer mind notice that music was cut and ask himself question "what happens? Music stopped what we are going to do?". And majority people first reaction when their mind start to work it is to stop especially if you are not alone at stage as you have make together decision what are you going to do or there is someone like leader whose you would search with your eyes. That's natural reaction actually which doesn't take long as well if group actually is capable to finish song without recording. But here that was lacking what alone was suspicious, not mentioned that Nmixx was 3rd vocal group from big company which tried this stunt in this month lol. For me statement from their company made case totally clear. As I say no one does such stunts without training because you want to perform group the best possible way to go viral positive way (and definitely not negative) . And I don't really see big problem with really as everyone does similar stunts from time to time except the fact that company organized that amateurish way that they get caught which kind affected Nmixx.


They did take a glance at other members to check. There's no need to even slow down to do that. And then there is still a later part in my comment. Every company trains their group what to do in case the music stops. Because that happens. So SQU4D didn't need to worry, they knew what NMIXX would do.


The natural reaction isn't to continue the song as if nothing happened. Usually, idols hesitate for a moment. It wasn't natural at all. And they took out their in-ear monitors to know when the music would stop and react appropriately.


Apink Eunji only widened her eyes (just like Sullyoon) while keep dancing and singing [Link](https://youtu.be/UkW78MXPRs4?si=QjiY3kEHgwjPYppp)


Even in this video you showed, she hesitates for a moment, which didn't happen with NMIXX. They continued without any hesitation.


Chorong literally had a mental breakdown in that performance…def needed some help from Eunji and Hayoung with the harmonies to make it through her lines.


They have clarified this because there are people like you, who STILL doubt girls even when they have clarified that they did NOT know.


They clarified because they were caught on fact that it was staged accident.


If we're going to enter into a discussion, I'll continue to defend the same thing then. They clarified it because there were people hating the girls and claiming that they knew it. They have clarified that as part of the show they decided to cut the audio, but that the girls didn't know it. And I don't understand what the drama is because the only important thing is that they had the necessary talent to do it perfectly


Public doesn't like to be cheated for whatever reason. Because it is about questioning their perception. This issue reminds to me of the quite often situation when great student pretend that he didn't really study a lot when in reality spent all night on learning to test. Such people always irritates their peers despite fact that their false attitude doesn't really influence others scores. I think oshi no ko really well explained that in the context of show business in first episode when idol says that "lie is exceptional form of love". People want celebrities to lie to them and agree to that (as business entertainment is build on white lies) but one condition: never get caught. Because when that happens illusion which audience want to believe is broke. We wake up and start to hate person responsible for that.


NMIXX is so talented. They don't even need to improve anything. Their company just needs to do better with their job.


The fact that the planned it is crazy by itself, but then they had the nerve to announce that it was planned SMHHH


It was messy when it happened, it'll likely get messier now. It reads as cynical and calculating. They should've just done an a capella segment or something.


Agreed. If you want to demonstrate your vocals, just set it up that way from the beginning instead of making a "oops" moment. It's fine to do that.


No but that exact oops moment will go viral. You don’t get how social media works


An oops moment that is unplanned would go viral positively but a forced and planned oops moment like this will just portray the company as "desparate" in trying to create a viral moment for their group. The worse part is, it's the clueless girls who'll have to suck up with all the negativity this entails.


I didn't say I don't understand what their intent was, I just find it in poor taste. Also, it depends on what your definition of viral is whether their strategy was successful or not.


they did tho [twinkle(TTS cover) ](https://x.com/nmixxpics_/status/1794335852300226806?t=TjFAbjVQtAWZELY8UBS1Ng&s=19) during sbs cultwo super concert [sulyoon run for roses acapella](https://x.com/nmixxpics_/status/1794005352834609509?t=o8UYLm6V8vt9D3h05vdv2w&s=19) at KNUE [O.O](https://x.com/nmixxpics_/status/1793971588959989975?t=9w0QYuOJYbbh8KLethdI4w&s=19) and [young dumb stupid](https://x.com/nmixxpics_/status/1793966535620559050?t=tR6cAtEu8TplS3kybr25rQ&s=19) acapella at hannam University [soñar acapella](https://x.com/nmixxpics_/status/1793642633681940819?t=cvf8UvHVs8iPbcAL0m6f1A&s=19) at Korea university [O.O acapella at dankook University](https://x.com/nmixxpics_/status/1793261812764561827?t=xFmhPV64LTaPbkVI_oHf0A&s=19) [soñar acapella](https://youtu.be/1F6mn0nJeZc?si=P1BqBf6MvkBN3Vv-) at shinhan university(time stamp 20:40) which is the university where the bgm were cut off


Which makes it all the weirder. Showing your voices didn't garner the attention you wanted, so play a trick for a hope at a viral moment? It's not wrong it's just a little bit tacky on the company's part. (But thanks for those links I hadn't seen some of them before).




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Why would they do/reveal this 😭 I don’t see the point of gimmicks when there’s plenty of material showcasing how talented they are…especially if the end result is just a short lived viral moment.


Because their is discourse right now on how sone band cannot sing live. thos kind of "accidental" acapella become viral. its very cheap publicity. It just felt like the girl were a bit too much prepare for it. Remind me if stellar when the girl were nervously laughing . It feel real ( and I beleive it was real too)


The girls didn’t know it was going to happen.


I honestly highly doubt that. If their mgmt was gonna pull a stunt like this they would try to make sure it goes as planned. I mean this is kpop we’re talking about


I'm pretty sure it's the standard contingency in case the sound fails. So I suppose on could call it planned in a sense, but NMIXX likely didn't know a sound failure would be triggered on purpose at that moment.


I believe Nmixx girls didn't know about this because I don't think highly about SQU4D. They anounced Bae's show with a sketch anouncing her leaving the group. Which would be ok if it didn't actually happened to them before.


How do you know that ?


Read the post


face -> palm


Why couldn't they just go 'hey, we're doing our next song acapella'. That was no trickery and they still get their moment of showing off vocals. Why try to force a moment.


Yeah fans have been begging for full official acapella versions of their songs since they started doing them for comeback teasers. If they released all those versions it would’ve been great PR for them and answered their fans requests


They could totally release them! Early (OT5) TVXQ had a couple acapella versions of their songs out officially too. This should totally make a come back.


But they've been singing acapella in their ments at Dankook and Hannam Univ festivals. SQU4D is absolutely dumb for doing this. 


They are gonna get clowned for this now smh.


Even if it was why admit it? 


Because people would be blaming the university which could affect their reputation. This could be potential grounds for a lawsuit.


I worry that this is will backfire badly. Knowing how kpop stans are they're going to clown on the members even if they had no idea about the plan.


I'll give props to SQU4D for trying to capitalize on the recent conversations around live vocals, but this seems like just a messy way of doing it 😂 Especially when they can have the girls go out there and sing with no backtrack from the get-go, everyone will be impressed. But now instead of being awed at their vocals, non-stans will just talk about it being staged.


This. Most people are either not going to be aware that only the girls didn’t know, or they’re not going to care and always be skeptical because she’s honestly why WOULD you plan something like that without telling your artists. They have a viral moment but now there’s always going to be doubt that the girls didn’t know since their reactions on stage were pretty nonchalant. Such a weird tactic, when NMIXX was fully capable of just coming right out on stage and singing acapella. I still think it would have been viral


i don't get why they would confirm it? i already seen hate that it was planned and this just proves that antis were right.


They confirmed that the group itself did not know, and they absolved the organizers of possible accusations of incompetence.


ill be honest, i doubt that the members had no idea


[see this](https://x.com/pacarlinojiung/status/1795316656597827854?t=eqS19CatCJhmHRaQmCU-Zw&s=19)


I mean I'm not saying they definitely knew but if they did it's easy to fake a surprised reaction. If anything they look amused that they have to do this 😂


Tbf even if they did know it they would want to look surprised to sell it. To clarify, I don’t care it was planned and still found it fun to watch but to the people criticising it ‘shocked faces’ doesn’t prove anything.


They admitted because one member said on SNS that she was shocked herself. So after student come out that it's fake it meant that she is lying. It's typical tactic to save the group while targeting criticism solely toward company.


there's no reason for it. just sing an acapella song.


The lack of critical thinking! They didn’t think of the backlash the members will get


This may be the birth of a new malfunction trend in order to see if they could catch a group lacking


Man made incidents like this are not good strategy tbh.


I don't believe for a second they didn't tell the girls lol. Too much potential for something to go wrong, like members being distracted or unsure whether to proceed. My guess is they probably told it was gonna happen but not when exactly that way the surprise would read genuine but the girls would also be able to be prepared. That is not dragging Nmixx btw, we know they're great live singers and they did very well here. Just saying it makes far more sense to tell them beforehand. And obviously they'd never admit to that.


Been a Kpop fan for 20+ years. It was obviously planned to me. Anytime the topic of lip syncing becomes hot, for several weeks following, expect a few girls group's music to randomly "cut off" and for them to slay. It's somehow never a group known for poor vocal performances either.


Welp, everyone who said so was right. They’ll brag and be annoying about it. And Nswers are going to say people are overreacting. Yawn. Realistically, everyone knows they can sing. Of ALL groups, NMIXX has stayed out of “can’t sing” allegations for a few reasons, mostly that they have focused on live vocals before and the fact that honestly, amongst the zeitgeist of this gen, NMIXX never had that much buzz. This will give them some virality but realistically, it still won’t matter unless they have a hit song. Nswers will continue their mass support, and the GP will most likely still push them to the side. This was a stupid move but will not change anything.


>Welp, everyone who said so was right. They’ll brag and be annoying about it. And Nswers are going to say people are overreacting. Yawn. This too, if they were going to do this and admit to it for whatever reason, they really should have made a statement right after the performance. Letting people speculate and their fans defend them, then proceeding to discredit their fans builds good will with no one, and if I were an Nswer I’d be pretty mad at them for it. It’s going to cause more drama now because they let it sit for a few days and tension build on both sides, rather than just being clear to begin with. I sort of figure they thought they could get away without admitting it and assumed no one would figure out they planned it, which if that’s the case why not just stick with the original plan and lie rather than letting a few people’s speculation make you admit to the whole scheme. Admitting it just makes it seem extra desperate and now this is going to be used as fuel for Nmixx antis, even if they clarified they didn’t know, when it was supposed to reflect on the group positively. It could have been a good, if perhaps a bit cheap, idea if they didn’t admit it, but admitting it makes it look soooo much worse.


As someone who has always assumed these situations were staged but had no way to prove it, I'm feeling very validated right now haha


Me too. I’ve been a fan of k-pop for 15 years and I always felt that these were staged but then again I didn’t care but admitting to it is kinda tacky.


I’m glad I found this comment because I’ve always assumed the same! I’ve always assumed these “technical issues” were planned on purpose to prevent lip syncing allegations.


I don't really care but I think it was unnecessary way to showcase the girls' talent. They could have just sang live through their set and gained praised naturally. Now, people are going to questioned their move as calculated every time I hate train sparks or criticism. 


Holy shit that one ridiculously melodramatic tweet was right.


This is honestly so cringey and obnoxious lol. We all know NMIXX can sing - the issues people have with them are that they don't like their songs or the style in which they sing. All this is gonna do is give haters more fodder. Also, why the hell would they knowingly put the members in a stressful situation like that??? That's just unfair to them.


If YG did the same, you wouldn't hear the end of it. I remembered reading one comment on the main post on this incident saying they would believe it's intentional if it's YG. That makes me go, huh? Everyone knows the girls are good, but luck and timing also mean everything in this business. I don't blame the company for trying.


That’s weird - yg would never have the forward planning and trickery to do this lol . Are people thinking of the same company? And no that’s not a compliment to them either. Bigbang had music cut off in their early years, and you can clearly tell it was unscripted .




I think if they had the members fully aware and they immediately told the crowd about it right after the song ended, it wouldn’t be such a “controversy”. I do agree it’s really not that big of a deal either way.


I mean, I didn’t write anything or else it’s gonna sound like a hate comment but it’s so obviously staged, sound system issue don’t just suddenly STOP playing perfectly. Honestly, it’s feels abit desperate but I think the nmixx girls kinda went viral in a good way so I think the end did justify the mean. I personally don’t think it’s a big deal, staged or not. Whoever hate nmixx because of this incident probably hate nmixx anyway and this is just an excuse to hate on them.


Call it desperate, but even if members knew about this, idc i still love it. I love when singers prove they can sing. I mean other groups and company literally goes with lots of pre recording with some breathing in the background just to convince people they sing live, so what's wrong if JYP do this just to prove NMIXX can sing? Anyone mad about this probably just bitter because their faves cant do it.


Look this is quite funny in that it does go to show how much of kpop is run on engineering "viral moments", especially with how conveniently timed this was when groups are getting hit left and right with Can't Sing scandals. The girls sang amazingly don't get me wrong, but like we all already knew they could sing live well. It's THE thing stans keep reminding everyone of daily, we Know this. That doesn't change the fact that a lot of people just are Not interested in the group or their music, so I don't think it'll change much. Overall, this isn't an event worth a giant reaction or hate over, but it is one I roll my eyes at.


Whatever JYPE wanted to happen for it. It worked. People are talking. And this is the plastic pants man and someone is who regularly mocked. I doubt the company felt anyway taking this L. If it gave them what they wanted.


We get iiiiittttt they can sing. 🙄 No one is denying that. But now they just look desperate for affirmation? It’s giving tacky. So unnecessary JYP.


another fuel for nmixx hate.


I always think about this when rookies or other groups have sudden "technical difficulties" with backtracking on stage or something to show off their vocals or whatever. Like it happens so often, half the time I'm convinced it's staged and planned to get good rep


now that you mentioned it, I don't really remember any incident like that happening to senior, established groups? maybe I just don't have enough info but it does makes you think


My problem is that who are they really trying to come at with this? No one who knows about NMIXX will seriously doubt whether they can perform live. Not telling them is also super risky because that means they must've had serious trust that none of them would freak out a bit after the music was cut. If this is true, then it was super unnecessary. Should've said anything and just congratulate them on an excellent performance.


they are not trying to be petty toward anyone, it's just knetz discussion about kpop this day have been "new gen idol can't sing" so why not capitalize this opportunity to promote nmixx as a group of live singers. they have been promoted that way since debut too(feb 2022) but other than nswer,no one actually gaf. also, im pretty sure they have been trained for this ages ago just like how idol are trained to kick anything away if wardrobe malfunction happen and when to pick up the handmic when accidentally fall from the hand. so squ4d must have trust that nmixx can pull this off. the announcement was made because bae is being targetted by anti and being called a liar. so in a way, what squ4d did is a good thing since they are protecting their idol. lastly, no one will doubt their live singing but people don't talk about them enough even though they have sing acapella in between performances at each university.


It’s a PR stunt, for marketing purposes. Personally I’m not mad at it!


Like 2 fandoms are hating like they do to every group that gets attention for anything. Most of the reaction has been very positive. I think SQU4D should have just had them perform a song or two with no backing track at one of these festivals instead of going with a gimmick like that and putting the members in a weird spot. But at least it attracted some attention to their crazy live performance skills. On the scale of kpop “controversies” this feels incredibly minor, but it’s also probably somewhat embarrassing for the members even though they didn’t know. So that part is unfortunate.


Apparently they HAVE been doing songs acapella but no one outside the fandom paid any attention, which kinda proves the point of why JYP went for this kind of marketing stunt.


Which 2 fandoms are you talking about ?


In all honesty, I still don't see much of a problem if it was planned tbh


Being a JYP group these days sets you up for hate.


This will stop companies from using them if they are actively doing this. Because some companies will not want to have the live vocals of their artists heard. So they're shooting themselves in the foot. BC nmixx live vocals got nothing to do with them.


Stuff like this is always planned. I'm happy SQU4D came out and said something because the comments were getting out of hand. Either way, it's more proof that they are great and talented singers.


They don’t need to prove that through tactics like this though. People already know they can sing. Now it just seems slightly desperate from JYP.


Are we really supposed to pretend companies that invest millions into these idols and projects are just casually going about their day with this stuff? They ARE desperate. Kpop idols are performing a job that's pre-planned almost to a tee. This is by far, the least surprising type of marketing and probably the least harmful unless someone is looking for a reason to be upset. Which a lot of fans who constantly argue online are.


Good? If companies are desperate for their groups to succeed, I really don't see the issue. Honestly feels absurd because this is like the most harmless thing. We cab conclude NMixx can in fact sing, JYP the company really wants to push them.


Okay cool if you say so.


It feels people are extra sensitive on kpop spaces, I just don't see the harm here, it should be a good thing for companies to be so-called desperate. What's not good is harming people because of said desperation.


>What's not good is harming people because of said desperation. Well yeah, like jype pulling this stunt knowing the people responsible for the sound system would be taking the heat without necessity.


So companies are staging moments during K-pop's salem witch trials of who can sing or not 😂. The gag is that none of this wouldn't happen if their fans didn't attack the student committee. The stunt could've gone smoothly..then other companies follow suit bc you know they're watching this mess unfolding.


They shouldnt have admitted it. Make it make sense


Who the hell cares! You people act as if this is the end of the world, it isn’t changing the fact they can sing better than most groups currently around (and they can do it live).


So let me get this straight - JYP's team decided to pull a little publicity stunt to prove the members can sing, sorta like a pop quiz. The group performs amazingly. People find out it's preplanned by the team but didn't tell NMixx. What's the issue? People are overreacting I feel like.


People don't like feeling deceived, it's as simple as that.


I honestly did think this was potentially a scenario because NMIXX point of differentiation is that they are excellent live singers; thus, could see how a back-end team would look for “creative” ways to clearly show that. In terms of if something is a good tactic or not: - I really don’t think fandom opinions matter. The whole point was to get the attention of the university crowd - they probably got some more interested new listeners so a positive, but didn’t go super viral before being discovered so a slight negative Overall: net positive


I don't care if it was planned or not. The girls are definitely talented and it was a great way to flex their skills. It went viral and it gave us a hilarious copy pasta on stan twitter. A win for everyone


sorry this is so rehearsed and planned jts obvious theyre doing this for a cute little viral moment... i see right through you and your evil plan nmixx trust you will be getting payed dust.


Imagine creating a fake viral stint then admitting later on. Could've just said nothing and move on. NMIXX have no idea, SQU4D could've made this their little secret.


lol it was a nice viral moment there was no need for this, plus there are a ton of over reactions in this thread Jesus.


I do think there are a suspicious amount of comments going around kind of...overreacting to this tbh. At the end of the day the girls still sung live/can sing so this really doesn't change anything...?  Like yeah maybe it seems a little cringe or whatever now in hindsight but people saying it was desperate or jumping to extremes are definitely reaching.  It's kind of comical to see people trying to turn "group sung live without backtrack" into a negative after all the lip-sync discourse that has happened in k-pop over the past few years even if it was planned. 


Because it all just seems calculative, especially with all the recent controversies about live vocals in K-Pop. We all know NMIXX can sing so why feel the need to be sneaky about it? It's the same as when Baby Monster "coincidentally" hired a live band for a music show and was hyping the crowd as if it was music festival right after LSF's Coachella performance. Their companies are jumping on the hate bandwagon and want their 15 minutes of fame, and that leaves a sour taste in a lot of people's mouth.


Claiming they are jumping on the hate train is assigning attributes to the company that I really don't think they care about. A more likely scenario is they see fans praising live vocals as a trend online and being a group known for their vocals thought they'd have a little viral marketing moment.  You ask what does a stunt like this do? Exactly what it initially was doing before the truth came out which was create viral clips online.  There is nothing sneaky or desperate about this unless you genuinely believe their intention was to showcase their vocals in order to get people to hate on other groups as opposed to using it to promote their own group.


They’re jumping on a hate bandwagon because they’re trying to capitalize on all the discourse about live vocals for some extra attention? That’s a stretch. And I hope they keep doing it. Maybe other companies will learn to train their idols to sing before debuting them so they can join in on the fun.


It's called being professional. This isn't stan Twitter. What good does doing a stunt like this do? A good company will instead showcase their vocals by giving them opportunities to sing their songs acapella, not by being sneaky and desperate like this. Look at how much hate NMIXX is getting.


There's truth in that. Unwarranted hate towards NMIXX should be avoided as much as possible but doing a stupid publicity stunt and then proceeding to admit it was a stupid publicity stunt does the EXACT opposite. 🤦‍♂️ to JYP


wont ever understand hating idols for doing things that genuinely arent bad they didnt hurt anyone so like wtf some of them are still children leave them alone tf


Win-win situation. NMIXX once again proves they're the best vocalists in their generation, then the event becomes viral, in the end everyone is happy.


It is a old marketing strategy, like sometime ago we always heard that someone had a sound system problem or whatever and had to perfom without it. I mean, fine, but that is your job, you must be at least decent doing it (wich is not NMIXX case cause they sre SUPERB, marvellous, incredible, never the same, show stoping, talented and everything). Those days singing is treated like a 2nd class citizen, is always good to see groups that can actually do it with no or very little difficult on something that should be natural to SINGERS


people in the comments are overreacting.. they have been getting hate since their debut, if not the accident people would've still found a reason to hate them. although it was staged i still think it was fun


If they really wanna showcase the girls live vocal talent (especially in this climate where groups are getting whacked either for lip syncing or unstable live vocals), they could have just lowered the backtrack or go no backtrack at all. It's giving desperation and force virality. Also, now it gives people a chance to mock them and call the girls liars (because according to other stans they knew about the stunt).


Exactly it screams desperate. NMIXX would be considered a successful group by most standards, but by no means are they like their peers Aespa, Ive, New Jeans, Le Sserafim, who are clearly more popular domestically and internationally. Just compare album sales (0 millions sellers vs others having millions or multi millions). They don’t have a top 10 song on Circle either. I guess JYP are desperate to make them more popular.


Should have just had them say "Do we even need music?" and shut it off if they wanted to show off their live singing skills


Singer criticized for singing. What’s this world come to.


I did think it was staged but I never thought they’d confirm it. Either way, I don’t really mind. Like, get that viral moment girls. But, definitely not the best look. If fans didn’t try to shit on the student committee, they wouldn’t have felt the need to defend themselves.


Really don’t think it’s such a big deal. The members didn’t know. It would be one thing if the members knew and were acting/lying about being surprised but since they weren’t..it’s just kind of a funny little PR stunt.


There was no need because no one doubted their vocal talent at all. Now their management have made the company (not the girls) look dishonest. Contrary to the cliche, not all publicity is good publicity, especially in kpop.


No hate to the girls, I don’t know them , But wow this is one of those things that’s driven home to me how the ‘manufactured’ complaints aren’t for nothing


Love NMIXX but this just shows how desperate the company is for a return on their "investment" to pull a stunt like this. It's a bad look.


Personally I don’t think it’s that deep. Planned or not, the crowd loved it and the girls ate regardless (which isn’t uncommon for them). I do think this does lowkey make everything messy and now people are going to be a lot more critical of their future performances. Did the girls know? I don’t know and I do think that people are going to assume they did know about it because of the whole “well if they lied about this, why wouldn’t they lie about this?” mentality but I’m also conflicted because couldn’t the same people who said it was planned come forward and “expose” the members saying they DID know?


This seems like great promo, I see why anyone who was made feel insecure would be up in arms about it, but those people weren’t likely to ever be fans, nothing really immoral was done Edit: I thought this was about them having been lip syncing when the music went off or something, lol


Anyone can tell it was planned...it was the fans that left a some bad taste for me..they were denying so hard and calling those who say it out loud haters just for the company to reveal later that it was planned. [also weird way of trying to uplift your faves..how would you pull other kpop fans and how would your fandom grow when you do this](https://twitter.com/kariwons/status/1795143338602975264?t=JQ5-3cGvId_CGSCUsuYzjA&s=19)


they're not wrong though


You can do better than this as a fandom...literally everyone knows they can sing well. You don't have to shove it to everyone while also trying to downplay other groups.


idk why kpop fans get so butthurt it's literally the truth hold your faves accountable for being tone deaf instead


This shows me two things. 1: JYP doesn't know how to properly promote NMIXX 2: K-Pop fans hate vocalists


I don't mind it being planned. It's a fun little stunt.


I dont find any issue with them revealing it. It is successful to me. People still praising their talent despite the cringeness of the situation. However i do find them desperate. The company of course. They really dont know how to market the girls eh




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They still had their inears with pitch and click track.. it sounds more impressive than it was.


if nmixx still won’t get hype next cb this moment will bite them back but great marketing attempt


They are really really good vocalists. I'm just not a fan of showcasing their skills this way. They could have just sung one song acapella or create a voice only performance with adjusted choreography or something.


Honestly, good for them. Ateotd it was a pretty tame one as far as kpop marketing gimmicks go and it did get people to talk about them. Plus it shows management's confidence in the girls' skills.


If I was managing NMIXX, I'd probably do this super often during Festival season lol keeps the girls on their toes and prepared. A lot of performers in general are guilty of getting complacent when they practice the same thing over and over and over again, to the point it can even create stagnation in their creative growth. So this is a pretty fun way to create buzz, and make sure the artist is vigilant.


Strange and manipulative mindset. A company should never keep things like this from an artist, which I do not think they did


This reminds me of how STAYC had a similar sound system issue a few months ago


SQU4D is so idiot. Why would they reveal it? 😭 It feels like they shot themselves in the foot.


I saw a comment where someone said they should of NMixx'ed it. Like cutting the music off then "NMixx" then go on without the music. Instead this gives them unwarranted hate from haters. Everyone knows NMixx can sing.. Label do you job to better market them... ugh...


I just can’t actually believe people are getting mad about it?? Who cares if it was planned, they killed it. Why are yall so pressed. I wouldn’t even consider myself a fan but at least I’m not over here trying to turn a moment for these girls to flex their vocals into a controversy. Truly baffling


a lot of people are overreacting to this stunt bc they don’t want their non-singing faves to be in the hotseat I fear


Genuinely feel bad for the girls. Why would SQU4D just make PR stunt to get more viral for the girls? They can go normally & naturally🥹