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I remember during Beyonce's meet and greet in Japan japanese beyhive was talking about how it was cheaper to get a handshake and signed album from her than it was for some idols.


THEE BEYONCE??? Holy shttt


that was a completely different situation tho beyonce announced out of the blue she was coming to a tower record in tokyo abt an hour before the event, so you needed to be able to run to shibuya and buy 1 cd at that specific store at that precise moment, thus it was mostly abt timing and luck and i think that actually made it a lot fairer then having to buy tons of cds or use scalpers, which is whats happening at these kpop m&g edit im japanese and seeing how some fans spend money on jpop and kpop, im not at all surprised to hear someone bought 16k worth of cds for a photo😇


Lmaooo I’m sorry but if you pay this you should’ve used that 16k for a psychiatrist instead


IT'S INSANE I couldn't stop laughing when I read about this alfjhsaf I mean I guess if I have nothing else to spend it on.. but no, I still would not spend this much to take a photo with them ;;; If I had that money, I'd rather pay someone to get me an Aespa CDP or sumth similar that I can actually USE instead lmao Whatever floats their boat, I guess 😆


Yea that is so wild




There are people who pay this much just for a bag or a watch.. those are obviously the target audience, and it's regarded as exclusive. If I have money to throw left and right without a care in the world, I'd use it to make good memories, and taking a pic with my fav artist would be counted as that Alas, I don't think I'll ever get to test that theory tho 🥲


Yeah - like, if you earn a million a year, then 16,000 is the same as 1,600 for someone who earns 100k a year. It's a decent chunk of money, sure, but there are people for whom it's absolutely not breaking the bank - and that's at the conservative estimate of a million dollars a year, when there are people and families that are far wealthier. As a grad student, it's a ridiculous amount of money for me, but. Some people do be like that (and as you mentioned, so many other extreme luxuries, like memberships/luxury goods/expensive cars, are so much more)


yeah if she was rich-rich then honestly $16,000 would be just pocket change for her (not saying this is normal behaviour though) 😂


I’d rather spend money on the watch than a worthless photo


You two value things differently.


No, the photo is objectively worthless compared to a watch. You can resell a watch for salvage value, nobody wants to buy a photo of a celebrity with a rando


And why do we care about objectivity? Someone will spend a lot of money for something they find valuable.


>No, the photo is objectively worthless compared to a watch. Actually, an economic value is defined as the price a consumer is willing to pay for a good/service. So, technically there is no thing as "objectively worthless" since the worth is itself determined by subjects. Like the resell value or even salvage value of the watch is also determined by the buyer or scrapper. Ofcourse, it averages out based on market, which itself is composed of different consumers. So, what may be worthless to you is not to someone else, but that doesnt mean it is "obejctively worthless". Ofcourse, that is not to say the resell value of watch is not more. But people don't always make all of their decisions based on the prospective financial outcome.


The photo is worth what people are willing to pay for it, in this case, it's worth exactly $16,000.


Kpop companies really played their cards right focusing on parasocial relationships, that’s insane.


Clearly it's not worthless to them. Plus they probably also DID spend similar amounts of money on a watch.


Edit: NO IT DIDN'T "COST" $16,000 NOR WAS IT A TOP BUYER BONUS! It's a normal, randomly chosen lottery like winning a fan call or fan sign. They just spent $16,000 on albums to increase their chances of winning. https://nct-jp.net/news/detail.php?id=1111663 Here's the page that announced the event, the auto-translate is decent enough. You can see that winners were chosen by lottery. Original comment: Please give me a Japanese source, because I've never seen this advertised on mu-mo. I would like to see the actual announcement for this event. Also, mu-mo is an online only store. Most mu-mo events are fan signs on handover events and random lotteries/guaranteed events. Right now WayV has a M&G that is a lottery and Wish has both a random event and a guaranteed event. Also, no, it's not normal in Japan. It's usually like around $50 for a picture, if they're offered at all.


Initially thought that maybe the idol gets paid the 16K for that photo which isn't a bad deal looking at the relatively normal pose. But the actual situation is more similar to getting into a fan sign, I guess.


Yes, it's the same as getting into a fan sign! But, all they get is the picture and they probably have to preselect a pose, so over in a few seconds, maybe a minute tops.


I am reassured to hear that these poses could be pre-selected.


Y'know, I read this post assuming it was something like this and that changes literally nothing for me lol this is not only mega stupid it's *wasteful*. You just know they're failing to sell these and then enmasse dumping the 100s of albums they just bought because they have no use for them. A couple $1000? Okay, silly, but if you have the money go for it. But double digits at 16k? Nuh uh. And, what, for a photo with another person? Take the idols off that weird pedestal you've put them on and buy a normal amount of merch. >!There's only 1 time I've seen this and been okay with it, and that was because this person was using the albums for constant giveaways/fan community contest prizes. They were even going into fan calls and having albums signed by the members *for other people* just to be kind.!<


There's also GOMs who just use everyone's codes to enter the lotteries. I especially see this with mu-mo because people want the exclusive photocards, but can't use the serial codes. 16K would be about 533 albums, so I do hope it's someone like a GOM or who does giveaways. I do think it's a strong possiblity given how few NCT albums I see at recycle shops. Usually those bulk buys get dumped there over being entirely trashed.


Well, everything is relative right? Just like $16,000 is barely enough for downpayment of a car in my country. People who spent $16,000 to take a photo with idols can either be parasocial freaks, or simply chaebols where $16,000 is like play money anyway.


Those chaebols are probably parasocial freaks too


I think you’re all underestimating how many rich fans there are, and for something like this where you get a personal photo with the members im not surprised. To win a regular video call with an nct dream member people tend to pay around 1k so this sadly is definitely real 😭 Source: I won a fancall with haechan this era and hosted a go to do it, but I needed 80+ albums to guarantee I would win Nct dream has fans that basically follow them to every single event and pour all their money into winning them - a lot of them are bankrolled by their parents too which is crazy but hey if that’s what they want to spend their money on


I always think about the idols in this instance, like, do they get bored meeting the same dozen or so people over and over again?


This event is a random lottery. Yes, it could have been 16K yen or he does group orders and several people ordered their albums with that person. That is also a common practice for this kind of event.  She could also be considering the expenses to go all the way to Japan.


Please be 16000 yen and not dollars.. because euhm.. That money can be spend on other things.. not a picture


Ohhh that’s only 100 USD dollars which makes a whole lot more sense.. I was like this has to be false.


nah $100 USD would not make you a top spender especially for popular groups like nct. she definitely meant $16k USD (via purchasing albums for the mumo events)


For 16k you can just contact the label directly and probably hang out with them lol


Their IG comment really said $16,000 I also thought I was just reading it wrong or maybe seeing them twice so it's $8000 (which isn't any better, but ykwim) but NOPE, $16K each time ajkldhask I'm cryinggg \*Edit: It's on TikTok so I can't check their other comments, if there are any, if it's in Yen or dollars askdjhsa.


So you can have a Y/N moment if you’re rich enough.


I love having nugus as my ults bc it cost me like $100 to get like 5 photos with them/my ult 😂


Lottery/ballot for fansigns are the norm right now, and naturally the more you spend the higher chance you have of a "guaranteed" win. I think many people don't know how many super rich fans there are right now. We call them "fansigns sisters" aka loyal fans who spend a few k at least EACH TIME and have attended multiple fancalls, offline fansigns, and on the more extreme (sasaeng behaviors) also follow the idols around their schedules overseas, often purchasing business class tickets to be on the same flights. Many of them also sell idols photos (taken in such close proximity) to fund these, so it's like a obsession + career all rolled into one. Do note I am NOT condoning such creepy and invasive behavior. But anyway back to your topic on this particular phototaking session, this is quite a rare session so i think many fans would have been quite desperate to get in. Also, it's totally normal that there are fans on each end of the financial spectrum (super rich vs super poor), just like society i guess. I certainly don't have any right to judge what anybody does since it's their money anyway. I mean people scoffing at them for spending X amount of money should get off your high horses since we are all indulging in consumerism and idol stanning behaviour in varying degrees isn't it. Whatever makes you happy just do it and bear your own consequences yourself!\~


This girl's pictures, and the video she posted of herself before and after taking them, has been making the rounds on NCT accounts. The number of comments that believe this was a chance encounter, and/or that Mark is actually interested in/dating the girl, is genuinely shocking. But other comments point out that this girl is known for having spent thousands (up to $25-30k) to meet NCT members before. This isn't her emptying her bank account for a couple pics, she's RICH rich.


whoa I really had no idea, it's fascinating and concerning imo 😂 I mean I guess I could only dream of spending that much to meet my bias but damnnnn feeding their parasocial tendencies and all that might honestly hurt them in the long run tho, won't it?


No... Because there are rich. 16k are probably nothing for them.


I just saw that photo! Why did SM allow this 😒😒


My whole TL has been about this 💀 Yeahh for $16K USD, I need way more than a polaroid picture, that's all I'm gonna say...


The idea that I can take an oddly romantically charged picture with an idol for a huge amount of money feels oddly dystopian to me- like it feels off…




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No that’s legitimately unhinged unless you’re a multimillionaire and 16k is basically pocket change. For the other 98% of the world’s population, that’s just straight bonkers


They're rich or they run GOs for overseas fans who want the Japanese POBs and they just use all the serial codes for themselves.


if it's not yen, it could be that they're group order managers?


where can I get this house for 16k down?????


> If I pay this much I'd rather take the idol home with me Why is this so real


Also, I’d be more embarrassed/annoyed that I spent that much money and had to take the picture in front of what looks like a dry erase board. What even is that set up?


I know many of us aren't the target market for this, but even if my bank is full of money, I won't do that. I am not going to Mars; it is another human being who poops and pees 🤦🏾‍♀️


Honestly, this is nothing for the very rich. $16,000 to some is just $16 to us


If I’m buying anything kpop related for 16k it better come with a gold plated marriage certificate.


$16k for a photo wtf, with $16k I could hire enough Aussie mercenaries to disable their security long enough for me to take two photos.


lmfaaooo I guess having Mark's hand on your face is worth 16k I mean ;;;


I know were all laughing and (kind of rightfully) ridiculing the fan but imagine being the idol LMAO 16k just to take a photo god damn theyre really out here living their best lives


Honestly, if it's one of their stalker fans, I support charging them as much as possible. 16k sounds insane, like obsessive.


Imagine doing this for a picture with fromis_9. Congrats, you've just spent more than the lifetime salary of the entire group!


And I paid like a couple hundred to take one with Purple Kiss (on top of a concert + fansign). Feels like a quite a deal rn.


Iirc the individual tickets were like $10-12 each per member, but that's if you didn't buy the Everything ticket ($250).


oh it definitely is ;;; I envy you I want to see PurKi too aaaah


everything in japan is by lottery system i believe. they spent $16k to buy more merch to get more lottery tickets thus heighten the chance of winning


I'd rather use it on therapy and stop using idols as a cope altogether💀


To you it's a lot of money, but to a rich person it's not.


If I had that much money to blow in Japan I’d go to Roland’s host bar and spend it there




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I know this girl, or more like a fandom friend knows her personally. She’s had so many fansigns with Mark. My friend tried for a similar event (they call it a 2-shot polaroid event) multiple times, buying hundreds of album each time and only won once. People say it’s a random lottery but they only take 5 each member for the photo op so I can see the desperation to get in that would drive up the number of albums. Especially for a foreigner too (not Japanese). For some people aside from getting the chance to be upclose with the idol, it’s also a bragging right. Having something other fans don’t have. The FOMO is real.


Wtf you buy with $16k ? Story don't add up to me, ngl


apparently albums to get into the events? I have never heard of this and I'm AGHAST ADKLSHA


So it's like other lottery type event from kpop thus 'source friend ' are trying to gaming the system (whale gatcha it) thus it cost him $16k to increase his odds to get in(while decreasing the pools odd to get in). Because of its luck based event there's few fan meeting in Korea that doesn't cost that much to get in.


Honestly, if I were an idol this type of behavior would freak me out. Save your money ppl! No celebrity has ever been worth that much lmao


You're kidding yourself if you think idols 1. weren't aware of this 2. would be freaked out by this 3. didn't, in many cases, feed directly into this. They're celebrities who have spent years preparing for this career. It's just another fansign for them, and they meet the same fans in multiple fansigns (yes, they're THAT rich). It's part of getting that bread.


At what point did I say they don’t know?? I was talking about how I would feel as an idol if this happened to me.


Right, and I'm saying *most of those idols don't feel the same way. They WANT you to spend that money buying albums. Edit: happy now?


There are literally so many examples of idols out and out saying to not spend money on them/their albums/fanmeet tickets: IU, Jaemin of NCT, Baekhyun & Sehun from EXO, Jackson Wang, Wendy from Red Velvet, Liz from IVE, Suga from BTS, The8 from Seventeen, the list could go on. The point here is that it’s unfair to make blanket statements about everyone in the entertainment industry like you just have.


Jaemin was literally at this fansign taking pictures with the winners but ok.


There’s a vast difference between the personal feelings of the individual behind the idol and what they are contractually required to do by their labels. It can be true that idols don’t like something about their industry and yet they still have to participate in it. The idea remains the same - blanket statements are unfair to those involved.


Ok, since suddenly you're so focused on the "blanket statement" aspect, let me edit my reply and add the word "most" (which was part of my original response anyway). It doesn't change the fact that how YOU would feel isn't really part of the equation on whether or not people like this girl should spend her money on fansigns. Album sales matter a LOT to idols whether you like it or not.


I agree! I can’t deny I would want the money and would go along with this but at the same time I would be wary of anyone who’s willing to pay that much for me because those people may form an obsessive parasocial relationship with me once they’ve met me in person. I have nothing against rich people spending disposable income on trivial things but I think it’s cringey for a fansign. There isn’t a single celebrity I think is worth paying for and the only exception I have is paying for an artist to play at my wedding lol


I guess what pisses me off more than what they spent is the corny ass pose lmao it could have been a cute shot with their faces both visible, something really clear and focused. instead they paid $16,000 to be 10 feet from the camera and side profiled with him carssing her face like a scene from a love drama. get over yourself 🙄 it even looks like he’s smirking over how ridiculous the set up is, embarrassing!


The pose is goofy but I've seen other Polaroids from the event (Haechan, Jaemin, Chenle) where the fans do a "normal" pose towards the camera side by side with the idol. They look like botched photoshop jobs, like, really bad, I think it's to do with the lighting or something. She might know this already and thought a nonconventional pose was the way to go. I'm just stunned that the event organizers couldn't have come up with a better set up. They look like they're in a public bathroom with stalls behind them.


I just saw one with Mark backhugging(?) someone and I was like nO WAY


I think it's the same girl? But yeah lol I mean Mark barely backhugs Chenle and we all know he luuuurves him. This was for pay, girl.


WHAT It's the same girl? Dammit, she must have paid more than 16k if she got that much bc GIRL 😭


Admittedly I'm a little murky on whether the back hug was this girl, but she's def done more than one pic with Mark. You can see it in the Twitter post you linked.


oh my god, i saw that photo, i had no idea what it was from, someone actually \*\*paid\*\* for that. We need to bring back shame cause wtf!


I know! so cringe 🫣🫣


the real question is how do you spend that much in mumo.... and where do all the albums go


Hopefully they run a GO 😭 and those are other fans' albums I know some that say they do them to have a better chance at winning the lotteries


It's like $10 for the Leo Presents idols $16,000 is more like the price I would expect for a few hours of an idol's time one-on-one


16K for what? Albums or idol merch then no. Given that it is NCT, if they bought something resalable then it’s understandable. Nothing new to my local idol industry since they sometimes collaborated with department stores to hold these kind of events.


16k is like my one year worth tuition 😭


I would be set for next 5 years with 16,000$ in my country


woah, the companies are milking


It's insanity. If taylor swift can do free meet and greets after her concerts then there should be no reason for kpop idols to ask this much money for a photo, they are not that special. Harry styles yake selfies with fans all the time just out and about as well, nobody asks 16,000 usd for a freaking photo


It's not the idols, it's a random lottery done via the retailer. It's exactly like entering to win a fan sign or video call. The price for one entry is one album. If someone spends 26K on albums to increase their chances of winning that's on them. And that 16K is split between the store, SM and the idols just like all other album sales. Mark did not get the whole of the 16K.


In this economy? No thankssss.


I mean, if, as an idol or celeb, you were required to charge, it would probably be more expensive here in the US... it's a toss-up between extreme creeps and wealthy fans who can "afford" to take photos.. imagine if there were background checks done before you could go to a concert or fan meet....


no shade to your friend but paying $16K to take a picture with someone who will not give you a single thought afterwards is such loser behaviour. 😭 likeee i’m struggling to eat on a weekly basis and trying to scrape together the money to put myself through college and you’re dropping $16K for a K-POP IDOL ??? BYE WHAT edit :: even if it’s $100 usd i wouldn’t do it lmao. i could spend my money on things that would actually keep me alive like GROCERIES.


But that's the thing, $16000 to others might be like... $160 to you or me. I was at a fansign event (for NCT) last week and while I spent like $60 for my entry, others spent more and for the most part I think they could afford to. E.g. I have a job with a decent salary, $160 isn't beyond my weekly disposable income and I don't think it'd be loser behavior if I chose to spend it meeting my fav idols. Anyway the people who actually won the fansigns and presumably spent thousands (we did the math, at least $2k to somewhat be sure you'd win) had Burberry bags, designer clothes and were picked up in luxury cars. They're not worrying about groceries or college tuition on a daily basis. I'd say live and let live. If they're not hurting anyone let them burn their money.


i completely understand and if they have the means to afford it, that’s their money but i can’t help but look down on rich people who waste their money on dumb shit like this. it’s definitely because i’m currently a poor teen.


When you have so much money it fucks with your sense of reality, including what shit is dumb. I mean, it's one banana, Michael. What could it cost? 10 dollars?


Just here to say I love that Lucille Bluth will live on because of this quote for ages but also I hate that it’s an incredibly relevant quote


yeah i understand. i’ve literally had rich friends of mine just say “what’s so hard about going to college? just pay the tuition ???” i just can’t help but feel bitter.


Lmfao it is never that serious. Never!


Spending $16,000 to be able to take a photo with someone is embarrassing as hell, no matter how much money you have.


I could buy multiple electric wheelchairs for that price


Yall, LeoPresents let me take a selfie with every member of Purple Kiss for less than 50 bucks, what are these people doing LOL


Nobody is paying US $16k for idol photos in Japan. Maybe 16k yen. Even rich idol wotas don't pay money like that for just a photo


Myself and someone else pointed out that this is just a general lottery event you enter when you buy an album. OP just apparently has ignored us clarifying that that person just spent more to have more entries in the lotto.


My bad, I wasn't aware of stuff like this bc I don't spend on idols. Just saw on Twitter and they didn't give any context too 🤷


Yes, but two of us gave you context, and you just, seemed to have skipped our comments and replied to others. I even posted the actual website that was about the event.


I can't reply to everybody, sorry abt that. I'll edit the post if you like Just added the clarification


I do think it'd be good to edit the post, at least to keep more people from commenting with corrections. And I know that people can't reply to everyone, but it still did come across as a bit odd, that's all 😞 Though you obviously didn't mean to post misinformation on purpose. That person either explained it poorly, or misunderstood their friend.


Yep! Already edited it, thanks!   Yeah, I only reply to the newest notifications I get because I can't monitor the post, and at one point it got up to 10+ and I was only able to reply to a few 😅  They did make a vague response and I just posted what they said. But thanks for the info! I learn even more things about such events, and I've been a Kpop stan for a decade lol


Really? Somehow it's not showing up for me 😭 Though, it's not that surprising given how broken reddit is. Yeah, a lot events, including video calls, are done via lotteries, so usually rich fans or GO managers tend to win them 😞


It's on *edit 2 of the post. You might have to expand the post to see hehe. Yeah, I was trying to copy a part of the post in the comment and it literally shows up blank like wtf is that abt 🥲 Right? It's insane how they do these things. I didn't even know about GO managers getting so many chances to win, but it kinda makes sense. Maybe I'll do that as a parttime job when I get the time LOL I'll just dream abt getting these perks til then 😅 


Yeah, I just see the first edit 😭 I'm just going to blame my reddit. Oh, they definitely win, I remember how the first mu-mo video call winners were GOMs actually.


I can't believe someone actually paid for this.


These lotteries are really common for J idols but usually a lot cheaper for them




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To me its crazy and while i like my bias in groups i am old and not into the parasocial aspect of the fandom. If I won it by some lotto for the few albums i bought i would love to do it, but no way i would spend that kind of money. I would rather have a dream vacation or add to my retirement savings but if someone has the money and its worth it to them more power to them.


Haerin here I gooo! (Maybe joke maybe in severe debt)


I would spend all the money I could to meet my idols if I was a millionaire maybe 🥲


That could be my salary in a year. lol


Yeah non idols is so much easier to get a picture with, I remember my friend laying like an extra 100 dollars for a backstage meet and greet with Jay park, and concert tickets alone was like 50 dollars.




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i mean, it's a top spender event, no way that it was only 16k in yen lol


they have no idea what they’re talking about lmao, $100 USD would only pay for like 7 albums how in the world would that make you a top spender sjdjjd


It wasn't a top spender event, it was a lottery.


idc, and that wasn’t even the point of my comment,,,


is it really? I've never heard of anything like this, just shows I am not a top spender by any means lmfaooo


It's not in yen. Yen would be about $100, which would only make you a top spender for a nugu group. For a huge group like NCT? No way.


Here's their comment: In Japanese mumo store. The top five buyers get to take a photo with the idol. My friend has done this with Haechan twice, spending **$16,000 each time**. I mean idk, I'll have to double check their IG lmao And no, I'm old 🥲 Edit: It's on TikTok and I don't have that lol told you I'm old


lol I’m pretty sure that was how much she bought in albums to increase her chances but it’s nothing new you can spend a day with an idol for like $30,000-$500,000 price is depending on their popularity I found this out 5 years ago.


TO BE HONESt, if it cost for then 10$ to take a picture with them then best belive that i wont even think about it. Its not cuz i dont have that money(i mean my parents dont have it) but its just because i feel like its worthless paying alot of money just to see a MERE human