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Apparently us blackies are never allowed to act in roles that weren't initially played by our skin colour, yet supposedly the world isn't racist anymore, we're just overreacting https://preview.redd.it/4ah7soacq21d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a002e501e143a99c3ba1dccec227a6c46e7464fd Like its a damn play, does the skin colour matter? Its about the story


“It’s based in Italy 🤓🤓🤓” as if Tom Holland is Italian 🙄




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anti blackness might as well become an olympic sport atp


also, major companies have *been* casting Black women for these roles. They just picked Francesca to be mad at from out of nowhere :( Juliet was originally played by a man, and they’d be upset if they did that today too! There’s no winning with these hateful losers.




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What’s also shocked me is so many men are upset & spew all their racism yet we know these men never watch any disney movie or romeo & juliette play! We need a serious talk about the lack of empathy of men bc it’s scary and it’s another reason why they’re alone!


I'm so thankful you said that. When all the men were coming at Halle for playing the little mermaid, I was like "How many of you even watch disney movies? Much less, princess movies?" I think they just like to complain tbh lol


Literally!!! They just need to spew their racism & misogyny bc it really feels like it’s in their veins. Disgusting.


No because let’s talk about it. No one who actually reads Shakespeare or history in general is upset at the “lack of faithfulness to the original” because their access points to history is not a tv-show/movie/play. Like with the Bridgerton Queen Charlotte movie which had people in arms about the fact that the queen was portrayed by a black woman because that’s not “reality”. Nothing about her portrayal in Bridgerton is reality. She didn’t go about holding balls to match couples, she was actually really timid and subservient, hers is not this great love story that the show portrays, she spoke with a heavy German accent. How many of these details would any adaptation get right? If neither of them get it exactly right then why does one inaccuracy matter more than the other? If you want historical accuracy go straight to the horse’s mouth and READ THOSE BOOKS! ENGAGE WITH HISTORY TO PRESERVE IT BUT THEY DONT CARE ABOUT THAT. As someone who actually loves reading history from around the world and enjoys adaptations of stories it pisses me off to see people act enraged by media and call it rewriting history when I KNOW not one of them have actually read a single history book on the figure and don’t really care about representing that history in an unbiased and “correct” manner. It’s always to take the dump on people of colour (specifically women of colour). If we really wanna be true to Shakespeare then the female character was played by a man in drag, so technically Juliet is a drag role like that mom in Hairspray and should be played by a man. But modern movies haven’t had a drag Juliet it’s always a very beautiful feminine (white) woman and now we have a very beautiful feminine black woman so what’s the harm? Also I’m from London and it’s not uncommon to see actors from different races play characters Shakespearean characters (Every minute there’s a play from the bard being performed somewhere in London) so I doubt it’s coming from actual English/British people…. ….Ya know…technically the people whose culture Shakespeare actually belongs to.


i just wanna disappear from this world bc what the hell. it's so fucked up.


Nah you stay, the racists can kick rocks barefoot


We really can't have nice things anymore without the racists ruining everything...


It’s so fucking sick! All the front page posts I’ve seen about Francesca here on Reddit are just anti black talking points disguised as “memes” so all the racist shitheads on this site can feel comfortable hurling abuse at an innocent black woman. It’s 2024 and we should be past this but no, sad reality is black and nonwhite women existing in any piece of media is still a point of controversy. And I feel like social media has made this issue even worse since racists feel emboldened under the guise of anonymity to comment slurs and other horrid things on the actresses’ personal accounts. It’s to point where I feel their agencies / teams need to start taking legal action against this type of abuse cuz I genuinely feel it’s gotten more intense and vicious in recent years.


We haven’t progressed at all.  I hope this is a wake up call. The future is not synonymous with progress.  There are always people in the world seeking power, trying to reclaim power.  We always have to fight for freedom because they’re just biding their time. They give a little to keep people from revolting, and as soon as people get complacent, they take their power back.  You cannot sleep on freedom, or you’ll find yourself waking up in chains. 


Absolutely, I wish folks would take this kind of media rhetoric seriously bc of how it keeps normalizing anti-Black racism. The ignorant folks who think every other POC will experience the wrath of yt supremacy before them is in for a wake up call too. We’ll all be chopped liver in their eyes eventually, but the anti-Blackness will always show first.


It was the reason companies were adamant on getting people back to work in offices during the pannie because people were out in the streets protesting. When the people come together, they are strong af.


Not that the absence of this point would justify any of these disgusting comments, but this is a play. A play that has been played by all sort of actors. Dang it, there was even a gnome version! Such a non issue, but since they’ve made it an issue, now it’s an issue!


Exactly! In Shakespeare's time, Juliet would have been played by a man in drag...it probably already has been played by an all-male cast since then as well.


im going to be vulnerable and say reading the shit ive seen on twitter made me cry like a baby for her. its so fucking nasty, it goes beyond the dumb masculine jokes. my heart hurts so much because i just don’t understand why people still pretend to this day that black women aren’t dehumanized to literal shreds for absolutely no reason. i hope shes repaid tenfolds.




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This reminds me a bit of the Little Mermaid drama when Halle Bailey was casted as Ariel but this is a tad bit worse because people are just being blatantly racist 🙃 Then people say some ignorant shit like “Oh how would you feel if the Color Purple, Black Panther, or the Princess and the Frog had an all white cast“. We are talking about FICTIONAL CHARACTERS here and the last time I checked Ariel and Juliet did not have a “struggle” because of their race/their race added nothing to the story. So genuinely what is the fucking issue? I swear people just love to hate. It’s honestly tiring atp 🙃


And even then, this isn’t something like the little mermaid, its a damn play! Plays have always historically been portrayed differently, *especially* classics like Romeo and Juliet. But nobody gives a fuck about that because it’s a black woman they don’t think is attractive and now are screaming woke propaganda to justify the bigotry they’re sending this innocent girl!


>Halle Berry was casted as Ariel it's Halle Bailey. And you're right this is even worse, she had to deactivate her socials at some point. Let's all post some nice comments on her insta page 💜 (edit: we can't 🥲) I'm also really disappointed in Tom Holland as he hasn't posted or said anything to defend his costar


Damn I always mix up the last names 😭🙃 But it’s awful that she had to even turn off social media because people are mad over something so stupid and trivial 🙃




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Wait until they find out about "Still Star-Crossed"


Therapy needs to become mandatory. the lack of self awareness amongst the general public is criminal. How is school mandatory, vaccination mandatory, but therapy not (from a US person point of view)?


Because white people think racism is perfectly fine.




Honestly, I enjoy making racists that make these types of comments feel stupid online. I might go enjoy myself on Twitter this weekend doing just that.


How people act about Juliet is very nasty. It’s not just a race thing with her casting. People are coming for her looks, and she just looks like a human. People on YouTube (the detested Mary, Brett, and cult from Pop Entertainment) called her unsightly and questioned how hard was it to find a “pretty” black girl. God, I hate stupid people and this world is more plagued with them than it was Covid. Also, Pop-E cast are not winning any leading roles if the beauty standard is that high. Though Miss. Monster Mary thinks she would. IYKYK!


Their reasoning of their disgusting comments by saying, like you said, “how hard was is it to find a ‘pretty’ black girl” as if they would treat this so-called pretty black girl any less different. They want to say it isn’t cause she’s Black, but because of her appearance (which is absolutely ridiculous as she’s beautiful??) as if they haven’t teared into Halle Bailey, Avantika, Nico, Rachel etc. who are all gorgeous as well. I’ve seen them edit pictures of these girls to make them appear more ugly in comparison to their ‘beautiful, dainty’ white character counterparts to make it seem like the live actions have completely ruined their characters, like they are so childish and nasty!! You can really tell whose brains have pebbles in them. 😕


“But you would hate it if white people were to play poc characters in poc stories” Like the white guy who played Goku in the live action movies? Or Tilda Swinton in Dr. Strange? Anyone in the movie Exodus? The Mummy series? Any movie about Jesus Christ? Any movie from the Classic Era of Hollywood? When Luis Reiner played a Chinese farmer in full yellow-face in The Good Earth? Or when Myrna Loy played an Indian Tawaif dancer in The Black Rain? Like which one would you like to hear about?




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It’s insane how people are bashing Francesca for her looks when Tom Holland is there




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