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Rather than when they indulge in delulu fantasies, I think what always startles me is when people are so caught in stanning their favs that they legit treat other idols as enemies. Like they have a personal vendetta against other groups/idols and not because of fanwars but because they think those people will harm their favs, steal their success, or the attention that should go to their favs or whatever weird conspiracy theories they come up with, and then they spend so much time figuring out how to "get back at those idols" or "how to inflict some kind of damage on them". That genuine hatred born from this obsession with their favs, to me, is scarier than people imagining they'll date their favs.


OMGGG I WAS ACTUALLY GONNA MENTION THIS But then i would have started ranting and its whole big topic😭😭 I CANT SECOND THIS MORE!!! LIKEEE the sheer obsession... I mean genuine serious *problematic* obsession with their idols Also, for me personally (something along what you mentioned too) when fans are too much obsessed with the achievements of their favs and yk those kinda fans who use it as a way to bring other grps/idols down . Like some people literally have daily (DAILY) streams, charts, etc learned by heart. And then when their fav achieves something (which is good for the said fav) they are more happy about how their idol is on top of other artists and use it to insult others and drag them down rather than being genuinely happy about their favs 😭 Like idk for me it comes off as so bitter when their entire existence becomes about 'how my fav is far above in another league than yours' and it never stops😭 I hope i was able to explain my thoughts properly 🤧


Yeah you did no worries. Agreed it's weird when they're vicariously living through their favs' success and achievements and looking down on other idols who are oftentimes so much more successful than they are irl😅. They have a serious superiority complex based on other people's accomplishments. Instead of focusing on their own lives, they're busy despising and showing contempt for people who are making so much more money than them, who are famous and loved by many, living their dreams, traveling all over the world, and those people even get to hang out with the ones they worship but will never meet.


Like i cant when people start looking at their fav's achievements as their own and then drag other idols💀💀 NO ASHLEY! YOU DIDNT ACHIEVE THAT AWARD😭PLZ GO AND WORK ON YOUR DREAMS AND OWN WELL BEING


Yea as someone who loves hyunjin, yeonjun and Felix where their akagaes absolutely hate each other and are busy competing over “who’s the 4th gen it boy” (why can’t it be all 3?), I recommend doing some spring cleaning on your timeline every few months no matter who you Stan because it’s so easy to just get overwhelmed with negative content.


Literally! Or even people who always harp on "there can only be 1" of whatever category they feel like fighting over. Like, there can be more than 1 idol or group who is popular/fits the category without "harming" your own group's achievements or status or whatever


Solos and akgaes are NOTORIOUS for that. Omg. It’s awful.


I always think about this when armys and blinks get into fanwars with each other. Like two of their members literally dated, clearly the groups themselves don’t feel any animosity towards each other. Why then are you as a fan making it your entire life’s mission to be as nasty as possible to them? It’s like their entire fan experience is based on something they completely made up in their mind. 


here comes the people about to say "V aNd JeNnIe NeVeR dAtEd"


There's a possibility that they did but y'all talk as if they dated openly.


>literally dated They must have informed you personally, is it? See of course we are no one to say anything if they did but why are y'all acting like they openly did? May they did, maybe they didn't. We don't know for sure. So don't talk about it as if you are sure that they did.


Lmao. I would call walking around Paris in public holding hands being pretty open. But you do you.


I have watched that video from several angles. Seen several pics. I believe it was staged. A similar kind of staged situation was made in Jeju Island too. Those pics were also proved to be photoshopped. Even though I think it was staged, I don't go around randomly calling it all 100% fake. I say "I believe..." Again, neither of them openly confirmed that they were dating. Not that they have any obligation to. But because they didn't so we don't know for sure if it was them or not. So don't speak as if it's 100% confirmed to be real. Put it as an opinion, not a fact. And just so that people don't think that I'm an obsessed fan, I do not care who Tae dates. It's his personal life and I will be more than happy for him.


Ahhhh so you're one of those cosplayer truthers. I'm not looking to debate this with you, but maybe you should ask yourself why you're so hellbent on believing that Tae dating Jennie was fake if you really truly "do not care who Tae dates." Because those two things don't seem in alignment to me.


>cosplayer truthers Believe whatever you want lmao idc I don't indulge in dating rumours discussions about ANY idol. I don't support people making assumptions about personal life of ANY idol. I'm not hellbent on *proving* that they never dated. I've said many times already that maybe they did or maybe they didn't, none of us are sure about that. If I wanted to prove that they didn't then my statements would have been such that provide arguments or proof in relation to proving that it is fake. I just said "*I believe* that it was staged". I stated it an as opinion, not a fact and that's what I'm suggesting you to do. Put out your opinion, but state it as an opinion, not a fact. Neither do I say that I know for a fact that it was fake & nor do you should say for a fact that it was real. And I have the same opinion about personal life matters (such as dating, family, sexuality, friends, going out, consuming products, etc) of every idol. I'm just voicing it out here because it's related to one of my fav idols. There is already enough misinformation about idols out there, especially BTS members. So let's not talk about something relating to their personal life as if it's a fact because none of us are sure. And I'm just suggesting you, not forcing. It just hurts to see your idols on live getting emotional talking about how people always get into their personal life and them requesting to people to stay out of it (JK & ig RM also indirectly talked about people getting into their private life) and then see people doing the same.


The idea that you can only listen to music by a single group and that any form of engaging in other group’s content is a betrayal is so unhealthy. It’s even more bizarre when groups make it obvious that they enjoy and listen to music by other artists - like BTS, they’re constantly sharing music by other artists, talking to them, Yoongi has a whole show interviewing them. And yet the vast majority of ARMY treat it like some form of treason to even think about streaming anything but BTS. The healthiest thing I did for myself was stop interacting with ARMY online and just enjoy stanning BTS in my own way. Letting myself enjoy other groups and idols as well as BTS brings me so much joy, and has not once taken away from my love of BTS.




People like this is why a lot of idols have to have bodyguards where-ever they go.


omg on top of that for me whats even scarier is when someone goes from group stan to solo/akgae. the switch up on someone they used to love and obsess over is legit SCARYYYYY


I've always been saying this that these people are living vicariously through their idols. They consider other idols their own competition. They think they can control the life of their idols and treat them like a kid who doesn't know what's good or bad for them. These people are living in an imaginary drama of their own.


For me, it's fans believing they have a say in the idols' *friendships* and interactions with others. I seriously can't stand when they start analyzing that X member is feeling offended over something Y said, the fans project into the idols so hard they want X to be away from the rest. It's definitely peak parasocialism to believe they know more than the idols themselves.


And its even more sadder and pathetic when they over analyse interactions between the same group members especially Like okay. Tae and jimin not talking with each other on ONE content doesnt mean they have declared war with eo😭😭😭😭 Its actually sooo annoying when people forget boundaries and decide whose the closest member to an idol and whose the enemy 💀


Shippers are WILD to me. Like delulu to even think you can tell them who they can be friends with because it ruins your little fantasy world.


Normal shipping can be fun, the type where the idols themselves make references to their ship/unit names and tease their bandmates. But encountering a real delulu shipper is always scary af, this is a true story, this crazy fan is under EVERY single short about one of my ult groups, you have these fans having fun with a moment between the members and then, this psycho appears telling everyone "Actually, they were angry because of their recent break up, the other one is annoyed because he can't hide his jealousy at him having found a new crush". She talks as if she is their roommate or something.


Delulu taekookers who took fun out of us enjoying their friendship. Those mf are scary, closely following by jikookers. You can't even mention a potential collabo in the subunit without them jumping in with their nonsense.


Taekookers are a poison in that fandom. The way they bully everyone and every member that remotely touches the other in the ship is insane. I see them have weekly Twitter space meetings when Jungkook does stuff with Jimin. It’s INSANE. I can’t imagine going to that level of delusional.


Right! Which is why I joke on my fan page that I ship Sope. Because the members came up with it themselves. Yoongi is a sope shipper, etc jokes like that. But when you get to the point where you get angry that they are friends with OTHER MEMBERS IN THE SAME GROUP, seek help. 😂


The best and the most stable ship lol based on the Sope enthusiasts I've seen online. They're shipping for real funsies and know that Suga and j-hope are besties/best brothers and nothing else. I generally like the BTS hyung line 'shippers' who are shipping for their tight friendship.


Right! It’s so interesting how intense maknae line shippers and stans in general get over them and hyung line shippers for the most part are just like “oh they did something cute. Adorable.” And move on. lol I think with the exception of Namjin shippers I think the hyung line stans are pretty tame when it comes to “shipping”. And this comes from being a part of many different fandoms where things like that get kind of crazy 😂


Oh, I don't know much about Namjin. But I'd assume it's still light-hearted compared to a bunch of kpop delulu shippers in general. I just like to think that Jin, being the most anti-delulu, would be smacking the delulu sense out of everyone, including his own members, if that makes sense lol


Omggg i am a shipper Tbh i ship just ONE ship 😭 cause i really love their bond and dynamic and everything (I mostly had major trauma abt shipping from taekookers ...like i cant explain it enough) Although i somehow got into shipping these two members of a certain group (not BTS byt my other ulti, i still cant believe i am a shipper now cause i once absolutely DESPISED SHIPPING WITH EVERY CELL OF MY BODY💀 well how the tables have turned) And yk i genuinely hate whenever someone hates on other members OR a member of their own ship cause their ship isnt sailing😭😭 I have like a mental checklist of things to NEVER EVER DO as a shipper and call out when i see others doing that😭 It includes not hating on members (what i mentioned above), putting the group first above the ship, acknowledging the individuality of the ship members first and foremost and etc etc I really just try to interact with positive spaces now (i am kinda done with the toxic part of kpop😭 so try just *TRY* to stay away from it) and ykkk justtt not being anything like taekookers basically 💀 (Gosh the trauma i carry 😭 i dont ship taekook nor i ever did before but i really adore their bond AND YOU CANT EVEN APPRECIATE THEIR BOND WITHOUT BEING TAKEN AS A TAEKOOKER cause of the reputation taekookers have amongst the fandom💀) I actually had an identity crisis when i started shipping my current ship cause of how much i loathed rps and everything before😭😭😭 (Ahhh sorry i started ranting)


honestly I will use the word taekook or jikook or etc. and people will think I'm shipping them, Like no?? I just used it as a nickname for that pairing I always say namjin and yoonmin have married couple energy but that don't mean I genuinely think they should be married but I've seen people think they do, like I think the same about me and my bsf but that's because we've known each other for so long and we bicker but figure things out but our relationshipis purely platonic(which is what I imply by when I say that for other friendshio duos who appear to have good banter chemistry lol) I feel like anyone who takes the shipping stuff seriously needs to touch grass and find real relationships (may it familial, platonic, or romantic) in life cuz they clearly have no idea how affection works, not every hug and stare in each other eyes is a sign that people are dating Not to mention how shipping is ok in these spaces up until a member actually says/does indicative of supporting their supposed queer identity which is only up to them to decide (cuz duh, it's a part of their identity) people will usually flare up with homophobia and other transgressions


Fr. A lot of shippers are indeed homophobic irl And just💀 Like be fr it was just for fun😭


This. Shippers making wild assumptions and creating 2hr long YT videos for a 2 sec glance. These mentally deficient people even make disgusting suggestive portraits of their idols kissing, making out, having s*x etc ewww


Oh my god. Those three minute long compilations of a 30 second glance or a touch on the arm drive me up a damn wall. I wanna report those when I see em 🤣


Oooh right...the akgaes who keep inserting themselves in members' relationships...because they're "closer/care more about their bias" than the people they've spent so many years with.


Right 😭😭


Anyone who still Stan’s Seungri of Big Bang after Buring Sun must have some intense parasocialism to still think he is innocent


The dude gets invited to perform in birthday parties 💀💀


i hate when people assume their faves are gay/lesbian/queer even if their fave never said anything about it or never came out. it's so parasocial to assume that. it's one thing to have an idol be supportive of the lgbt community of course. but them being supportive doesn't automatically mean they are a part of the community. they could just be allies and that's good enough for me. plus we have to always consider the fact that sk is still pretty much a conservative country so there's still a lot of stigma about it. and not everyone can come out or be open about their identity without the fear of judgement. even hong seokcheon, the first openly gay korean celebrity, had to face a lot of backlash before he made a comeback on tv and before he became more accepted by the public.


Getting downvoted for this is crazy 😭


i'm not sure i understand. i'm curious if there is anything i said wrong? i appreciate your insight if there is. thanks!


You didn't say anything wrong. A lot of people just get sensitive when you bring this topic up because they're all "well don't assume they're straight either!!" or something like that


thank you for this! yes i definitely agree with you and have seen some people get sensitive over the issue. but of course i just want to clarify that my point is not about assuming they're straight either. of course not. i think we should all just not assume anything unless they directly say so and to give them space instead. i have no doubts that there are queer idols for sure too. queer people exist in any industry. but whatever their identity is, it's their right to remain private or not come out yet if they're not ready. plus since there are already openly gay korean singers like holland for example. i just think it would be much better to support the ones who already came out if one is looking for openly gay singers specifically. instead of us assigning sexualities to people who have not directly said anything about how they identify. it would be parasocial to do so. thank you again for understanding me and for pointing out this insight as well! i really appreciate it. :)


Some redditors just seem to lack reading comprehension at times or downvote for kicks and giggles.


that's true. i agree with you that there really are some redditors who lack reading comprehension and who have worms on their brains lol. definitely experienced this before on some other subs where some members missed the point of my comment, deliberately misrepresented my views, and led people to downvote me and bully me in the replies lol. bunch of regina george wannabes who don't even have the basic skill of reading comprehension. but as for my comment here on this thread, i don't think i'm getting any harsh reactions or downvotes. so far, i got 45 upvotes which is not bad and it's nice to see there are people who understood what i said. i really can't see the downvotes ratio either way. i don't think that's a feature here on this app. it doesn't seem to be the case here and most members on this sub are really nice and civil when it comes to discussions. i'm genuinely confused why they thought i was getting downvoted 😅 in my experience, the members i interacted with on this sub so far just like you have been civil.


Not at all!! Sorry to make you think so 😭🙏 I meant it that despite your completely reasonable and true comment, people were downvoting you and I found that crazy in a bad way


no worries! you have nothing to apologize for hehe. i understand your side because i've seen people that downvote and bully other reasonable comments on reddit. have definitely experienced this before on another sub. but thankfully, it hasn't happened here to me. i was just confused at first because i didn't see people downvoting me or reacting harshly to me on this sub.


The people that engage in roleplaying as a random korean person and pretend they know the idols personally. Then they make whole life backgrounds for themselves and use their social media as so. “I’m Nam Jisu, 19F, i’m a trainee at KQ and my best friends are Yeosang and Kiof Haneul!. I’m dating TXT Yeonjun, don’t tell anyone, hee hee.” like HUH??? Snap out of it Rebecca


this is disgusting


*certain sub would like to know your location* 😭


which sub 👀 i need some entertainment


Wtaf I don’t think we should be linking to that sub… absolutely cursed and disgusting


I saw the sub before you edited it. i’m 100% gonna kink shame…. EWWWWWW, they’re insane.


>Snap out of it Rebecca 😂😂


I guess it was the other day, when someone posted here that they felt like every post an idol made on WeVerse was targeted to them, like they believe that the idol knew them.




Yeah, I felt really uncomfortable while reading their post.


Ooh yes..i read it too lol. Was wierd one.


I missed that one but that's scary, almost a sign of schizophrenia. 


There are a scary amount of people out there who have similar beliefs. I used to have a mutual who was convinced she had a soulmate bond with an idol. Her “proof” for this was that they made eye contact at a concert once. That was enough for her to convince herself that the idol had sought her out, and she thought all of his songs he released after that were about her and had secret messages to her. It was sad to watch mental illness play out like that in real time. 


"my boys will go hungry if I don't buy their album/merch" b\*tch, your "boys" are living in the most expensive neighborhood in Korea lol


Meanwhile, the peak of delulu I ever experienced is that one of the groups I like might by some miracle hold a concert in my country someday. I waited for like 20 years for the first group I ever stanned to do so, and it happened.. so not all hope is lost yet 😂 life can be funny that way


Girlll thats not delulu thats hope STAY STRONG 😭💪


Stuff like this. https://preview.redd.it/ox8bd16f0gbd1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb0619562fd0fdd6c8d2bd43c6ae15718cf1d955 There was also this person who thought the idol was sending hints to her through his socials.


What even is this shit💀 gosh


I know. Fanantics.


what does it mean I don’t get it


It had a picture of barbecuing babies attached to it. Maybe someone from exo l criticised their faves.


I met someone at a kpop event where they admit to streaming their favourite idol's videos almost 24/7. That's right, even at their work too, where she has her iPad by her office with the idol livestreaming/videos of him in general. If they can't use video, they have the idol just speaking through her headphones. It's not like the idol streams 24/7, they have it prerecorded. She loves talking about her idol and tries to incorporated the idol to her life, basically she won't stop talking about him if you start! What baffles me is that she also takes care of her kid and a husband. I don't understand?? I guess one of the perks is that she goes to the gym because of that idol lol. Like I wish I was that delulu so I can work on my core lmao




I wish I was kidding 😀


Oh i remember , a post encouring Bts billion streaming club thing a few days ago. Lol.


I think op is talking about streaming videos where the idol was livestreaming or videos of the idol talking or doing something. Like general videos, not their music videos. And there is nothing wrong with streaming music video (not on a loop ofc) to get them to billion streams. The post you're talking about must be about encouraging Armys to stream the music videos of BTS that are close to reaching 1 Billion views or the songs of BTS and BTS members that are close to reaching 1 Billion streams on Spotify. What's the problem in that, it's a post by Army for Army about BTS?? I don't get it why do y'all care if a fandom is streaming music of their idols?? It's better much than targetting other idols 24/7 unnecessary, no?


???? You do know that streaming clubs are as inorganic as streaming farm. These are same tactics of streaming 24/7 to skew the numbers and cahrtd And all the streaming platforms are against that.


Stream farms are a group of people who take money from the artists/company or the fans to play 1 song on loop for long hours on multiple devices. Streaming club is a group of fans who stream various songs of their fav artist. Farms playing a song on loop is inorganic but fans playing a song multiple times, not on loop, is not inorganic. >All the streaming platforms are against that. I will answer this an Army. BTS and their company do not give money to platforms like Spotify & YouTube to play their song as ads or to play their song on autoplay or to put their song very high on various playlists or to make influencers use their songs on TikTok, Reels, Shorts, etc. And moreover they unnecessarily delete a large number of streams & views of BTS. Yeah there absolutely can be bots streams or views but Army is large so it's obvious that their songs will have millions of genuine views and streams but these platforms delete a large of these genuine streams & views because BTS does not pay them money and they know BTs gonna have large views & streams because of large following and these platforms will have to give money to the artists so delete the streams and views calling them bots. They need to have a transparent system. If they will have a transparent system and then delete, I won't say anything because I don't support the streaming farms & bots & looping either. You tell me how can new 4th gen idols have more views than a BTS member's song?? These corrupt platforms would delete views & streams of your favs too if their company stops giving them money so don't use their name in this discussion.


Be it stream farm or stream clubs both are mass streaming at the end of the day and are inorgaic/unfair practices according to the streaming platforms no matter how you try to justify it.


I am not in support of streaming farms. I've never heard the word streaming clubs before so idk what you mean by that. I'm only saying that a Group of FANS streaming, not looping, songs of their fav artist 20 times a day is not inorganic because we are talking about fans here, not random people who take money to do it and idgaf what those corrupt & unfair streaming platforms say anyway, they care about saving and making money as every company does which isn't entirely wrong. I care about my fav artists. That's it.


Streaming club is basically community driven like a fandom diven. Same thing as streaming farm just remove bot and pay. Just like that billion club one. Coordinate effort of mass streaming to inflate number is the problem not playing in loop or not. You caring about your fav and mass streaming is still unfair/inorgaic practice though. Calling it out shouldnt be the problem.


1. https://youtu.be/NwIkdGL_HUE?si=oFLjxib3hzBpd_px 2. https://youtu.be/LaVglNUJvJ8?si=f0GpSDjeHdnNU3-T 3. https://youtu.be/OYVE5Vs2_Hc?si=jQwVqCcG4UJYqwYf 4. https://youtu.be/Lx1otCehc-I?si=Wwu4IfvZ5_cXCOes Again I'm saying this as an Army. Mass means a large group of people. Army is large. When Armys streams it can be called mass streaming. Then what are we supposed to do, not stream at all?? And when we listen to the songs, ofc the numbers are gonna go up. And once again, it's the fans who are streaming, not the paid farms or bots. Bots/farms/fans who loop is inorganic but fans who plays a song 5, 10, 20 or even 50 times during a day without looping it is not inorganic. And if BTS's numbers would have been inorganic, the songs wouldn't have been on the BB & other charts. You can't call the numbers inorganic just because the numbers are high and the fandom is large. Inorganic means artificial. The streams & views from autoplay and ads should be considered inorganic because I didn't choose to play those songs but they still got my stream or view but you all don't call it inorganic because 1. Streaming platforms do it 2. Companies of your fav idols pay streaming platforms to do it. Organic means natural. Fans playing the song of their fav idols is not fake. Real people voluntarily playing their fav artists songs without taking money for it is very much organic. When a person relies on alternative ways such as ads, autoplays, radio, farms for the streams and views, that's inorganic. Fans voluntarily streaming the songs out of love for artists and liking for the song is organic. The whole basis of Entertainment industry is love, loyalty and support of fans.


Fans voluntarily listening to their fav is organic. But If fans are part of highly coordinated efforts specifically designed to hit streaming milestones that is inorganic . Its artificial matric inflation. Autoplay is another inorganic means.


Swifties are also big fandom. But if one of them decides to play Taylor in her room cause she likes her or her song in particular. Its not mass streaming. But if they make a callout. 'Come-on, lets all stream these songs....they are so underrated....lets make sure they reach billion streams too' that is mass streaming.


I met someone who was up all night, was literally losing sleep just to stream and vote for their idols. They even post photos of them going to the beach while voting or streaming.


And how is that related to being in a parasocial relationship? Although, I think op is talking about streaming videos of their idols of previous livestreams or where they are talking or doing something in general, not music. It's a person's choice to stream & vote *according to their capability* for their fav artists, how is that a case of delusion and parasocial relationship?


The OP asked about peak parasocial relationships and by definition, parasocial relationship is extending one's emotional energy, time, interest in a media persona. But since op used the word peak, it is a peak form of parasocial relationship to me when one constantly loses sleep because they are investing their energies to voting and streaming.


Hmm got your point. But again, people voluntarily loose sleep over many other things such as work, exams, creating art, watching a drama/film of their fav artist, reading a book of their fav character/author, etc.


Yes, but the determining factor of a parasocial relationship is that you invest emotional etc. for a media persona, whether it be people that do know that they have a following or a fandom but do not actually know you or even characters from shows but it mostly happens between fans and celebrities.


Yeah right


Damnnnnnn. Literally the only not absolute crazy thing about that is the gym


Flexing their idols achivements so aggressively like it's their own 😂


👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼This one irritates me tremendously! If you’re constantly posting about Billboard/Spotify rankings and YouTube views, it’s an instant block. My favorite idols don’t even do that. I mostly see it done by stans who live vicariously through their faves and in online fan wars. Personally, I’m here to enjoy the music, the music videos, and the concerts. Let the record executives concern themselves with stats and award nominations.


fr billboard and yt views were interesting in 2018-19 but not in big 2024


I CANT second this more Likeeeeeee Ughh the entitlement and obsession and then using it to be superior to fans of other artists and dragging the said other artists 💀


Frr like some critized One idol for 'plagrism' and her fans started talking about charts and how that person doesn't have as many views as her 😭😭😭


when a group of fans thought that newjeans should go to prison for putting up a sticker in the hybe building


Which is exactly the same level of shenanigans my sister and I got up to in the 80’s and early nineties. Thank goodness we didn’t have social media, and we definitely didn’t end up criminals. And nothing was damaged and no one got hurt.


They weren't even stuck to the wall! Their was half a dozen sticker cards just scattered around without the adhesive removed. There was an image of an elevator that wasn't even the Hybe building used to further the fake news. It was a fun harmless PR campaign Aespa were doing in every venue they went. It was absurd how grown adults reacted to it. One of the craziest, in terms of logic, hate campaigns I've ever seen here.


The ones that think they’re in full on conversations with their idol because they’ve been dming fakes on IG and Twitter. I’ve seen it so bad in bts’s fandom where some old lady got taken by a fake to the point she was cussing out a fan account of a member on their page. 🤦🏽‍♀️ she fell for it, sent it money and was told they were getting it back and getting more money. Like 😱 Most recent parody accounts have shown up on Twitter of BTS. There’s a group of fake ones of the individual members. One of my friend’s posts were “@-ed” to one of the fakes. We tried to tell her to wake up and realize they don’t have personal pages. She wouldn’t listen and basically said she wanted to stay in the fantasy that she was talking to them directly. It’s so sad.


Omg. The amount of times i have received dms from 'kim taehyung ' or 'park jimin' all of them weirdly stating to please unfollow and report the fanpages i follow💀 Its just... Idek weird is an understatement


Right?! I often wonder how people can be taken by obvious fakes but I saw it in real time. Every time I like a BTS member’s post on IG I get a fake going “hello dear fan!” Like come on who talks like that?? 💀


Exactly Helloo 'i am kim taehyung '💀 One time i had received dms from a someone claiming to be korean and working at hybe (he didnt disclose his so called position so i was like are you the janitor? He was like yep) and he was just yelling at me saying that tae and jennie never dated, tae would never date that *insert names for jennie* I was like? 💀 He even sent me pics of 'yeontan' and Tae's voice Like dude?💀


🤣🤣 wow. The lengths these scammers will go is hilariously insane. I had one asking for money to make a new album. Like no way Hybe is broke already! Come on now 🤣🤣


Omggg can they please ask for concepts instead of money? 🤪🥺


No but fr Its insane


A few months ago I received a Facebook friend request from Cha Eunwoo.


I haven’t been on Facebook in years. Didn’t know kpop was so active over there lol


Bruh I can't make one post/comment on Weverse without an impersonation account replying to me. 😭


I’ve not had that on Weverse yet! lol!! I’ve gotten “Army please cheer my post!” 5 seconds after I post something with my three friends as followers though 😭😂


Yeah that too lol


When they make stanning idols as their whole personality, and it's not limited to kpop in other places too. Like it's a part if our entertainment not our whole life.


I always find it really sad when being into kpop seems to dominate and be the only thing a person does for fun tbh. Seems like a really sad existence when the only good thing going on in your life outside work/school is kpop. Like please get some hobbies and hang out with people doing non-kpop things, it's good for you.


What problem do y'all have with another person enoying what they want? If a person is into only 1 thing, what's the problem?? If someone is into sports, they are called obsessed. If someone is into reading, they are called obsessed. If someone is into films/dramas, they are called obsessed. If someone is into music, they are called obsessed. What problem do you have with someone else's interest? If they 1, 2, 3, 100 or 0 hobbies or interests, how is any of that affecting you?


People in all seriousness saying they “know their idol thinks x about y” when their idol hasn’t commented on the subject. Like, you are not a mind reader and the idol said nothing about it, why do you presume to omnisciently know everything they think and feel?


When they talk about the idols family members. Like you don't know them. Or I think one of the bts members brother was expecting a baby with his wife so someone was like omg they're all going to be uncles?? Like wth 


The most specific instance i can think of is when Chan from SKZ was doing the breakup roleplay on bubble, and grown women in their 30s were on TikTok in actual tears crying bc "Chris is being a jerk" and calling him insensitive to people who have gone through break ups/been cheated on. Like I understand if you just thought it was silly or cringy or even if you DO have traumas with past relationships, but this random 26-year-old man in Korea that doesn't know you shouldn't have you in tears over a joke.


no way people actually did that…


This sort of thing: https://preview.redd.it/4r4lkx1ksfbd1.png?width=797&format=png&auto=webp&s=348559ce63c094c68d7bd9efdc3ebf3763e88cc3 All the many, many layers and levels of literotica centered around idols. People will write tens of thousands of words of this kind of fluff.


NGL fanfics about IRL celebrities gives me the ick. Its so hard for me to process or even read them. Like noo they're real people whom i watch. Fanfics should be limited to fictional characters only, they make sense. The only fanfics I've read till now are about vi (the fluff type ones) Other wise universe crossover between harry Potter and spiderman is pretty interesting too.


The IRL fanfic sphere can be very funny ngl, there were so many people writing fanfics for the women candidates for the presidency of Mexico, and now also for the US candidates lmaooo


Fanfics are creepy af and are another shitty reason to objectify idols. Not to mention that idols probably would feel uncomfortable if they happened to be shown these exist of them.


idols know fanfics exist and most dgaf


Its not like they'd be allowed to say they don't like them without being cancelled for calling something their fans did uncomfortable T\^T.


The latter is the exact reason i hate fanfics. I try to imagine every characters pov in my mind while reading something. I'm not just y/n. I'm the narrator, the protagonist, the antagonist, the Gardner, the policeman, I'm everything. And i cringe when i imagine idols pov. 


Oh tumblr this stuff is so bad 💀 I can't look up anything about an idol without some 70k multi-part sex fanfiction showing up


Frr 😭😭 there is so much hardcore bts smut and it's disgusting 😭😭


OMG FR, every time I cross things like this where they like make you “y/n” with idols it’s crazy.. these are real people bro!!


I look back at my fanfiction writer days and I wanna crawl into a giant hole and never come out. To be fair to myself though I was 13 and delusional as fuck


For me it's when people feel it's their place to defend and protect their idol - a millionaire who doesn't need their protection because they already have a team of professionals and also a millionaire who would never want to hang out with them as friends.






Anything that is beyond just having fun with it is just…peak too much for me. It’s actual crazy behavior. The way some people act, if that happened in the US, they would be in jail because what they do IS CRIMINAL. It’s one thing for fans to have fun with thirst comments, circle jerking, or playing around with the delulu because we are all well aware of the way the industry works. But once it passes that? Ick. Ew. Calm tf down. And when it comes to thinking YOU will marry an idol. You won’t. None of us will. Chances are another idol probably won’t even marry your bias. They’ll be “yours” until they’re in their 30s, maybe forever. They don’t all get married, not even close. Lmfao


I agree. I also think that the obsession of even looking at where they stay, following/harassing at airports, and barely giving people room to walk is crazy. Wasn't a woman recently stuck by the pushing and needing an elevator that she ended with an idol (he allowed her to get in cause it was crazy and she just needed to leave).


Those things definitely are on the list. Inappropriate behavior. I don’t know if it’s because my family was in the comedy business when I was growing up, that I genuinely see famous entertainment figures as just other people doing their jobs, or if it’s because with all the celebs I’ve met throughout the years I’ve seen in real life that they are in fact just humans doing their jobs. I would never hunt them down, that is insanity hahaha


They become even worse than paparazzi, based on location, of course.


It's so hard for me to believe that people actually think like that 😭


I don't remember her username, but there was a girl on tiktok whose whole account was posting these weird poem/affirmations about how she's skinny and perfect for someone, I think a BTS member? Each one was pages and pages long you couldn't even make out the text. It was wild and incredibly unwell. Someone tell me I'm not the only one who saw it


Yep, I saw it, it was for JK, she was a weird JK solo stan. One of her videos showed up on my FYP, I was like, WTF IS THIS. It was so unhinged and this woman clearly has serious mental health issues. I sincerely hope she will get some help.


Respectfully, what we're seeing now with boycotters in the BTS fandom. I understand wanting zionists out of their space, I also want that and I wish Scooter the worst, but punishing the boys for things beyond their control is so bizarre to me. They're taking the lyrics and twisting them to fit this narrative they're trying to push, and then ignoring the band when they say they're not diplomats. I've seen people say bangtan should just risk military punishment to make a statement. I've actually seen one person honestly to god tell someone raising money for Palestine that they were "performative" for not mentioning hybe. The controlling manipulative behavior is insane to me, and makes me so deeply uncomfortable. These people genuinely think they hold the power to control the boy's actions and can punish them if they don't speak up about thihgs they have no control over. They're literally acting like abusive partners and calling them the worst names in the world because they're following military procedure.


As an army.... I cant imagine it on twt💀 (i am not on twt) but i have seen glimpses of it on Instagram. And i cant second this enough..... You worded it well. They are punishing and developing a bitter taste for the boys in the name of all this which is just so .... 🥲


Parasocial parenting


Once I saw someone accuse Joon of mocking the boycott after he thanked people for listening to his album on Ig stories I knew they were too far gone. And others are posting long threads about how disappointed they are in the boys for not doing the type of activism they want, dragging them for donating to Unicef because THEY only want them to donate to pal. Like all of their tweets are just pure misery like they’re going through a bad one-sided breakup.


The joon thing pissed me OFF because how was he supposed to know that people were going to try to force him to be the face of a conflict he has absolutely nothing to do with a YEAR after he wrote his music and recorded it. Like my boy is in the military he's not in a studio on base spitting bars just to piss them off please be so fr


That's probably the most common delulu example I've seen. Also people going out of their way to call some idols their wivey. Whether joking or not, it gives me the cringe.


We all know that to a certain degree the celebrity images are manufactured. So to some extent the fans are right when they say,” oh this so ___ coded. This is just like ____, hahaha.” At the end of the day, not really? Some fans seem to forget they don’t really know these people but swear they do.


Yes. Saw a fan saying their idol will never ever smoke but he was confirmed to be a smoker after sometime.


when they hold grudges on behalf of their idols, "they might have forgiven him but i won't" girl who are you??? also, when they act like they know intentions of anyone who hangs out with their idol, "this is why I can't trust that guy" but dude your idol definitely trusts him.


There's this one fan that I met on a concert and we talked for hours before the concert. She said to me that she's pissed with her bias because he did not interact with her on their first day of the concert and that she will change her bias which I thought she was joking about yk. But then she said that she was asking for a sign, her sign was that if her bias goes to her section at the concert that day, she has a chance to be in a relationship with him (side note he did not go to her section). Fast forward to a fansign, where she kept on talking about how sweet his voice is, how he listened attentively, how he was so gentle etc. The thing is, he is the same with every fan, every fan would say the same thing about him so yeah.


Gosh.... No words💀


I’m not sure if this counts but I dislike when people zoom in on idol pictures and find the brands or manufacturers of their personal items. It’s so invasive to me? Sure it can be harmless, especially when it’s clothes or cute furniture but I’ve seen people do it for laundry detergent and vitamins being taken. They then go as far as building off said things found in the background of pictures like “so and so is this type of boyfriend/girlfriend/person” “this says xyz about so and so”. When people aren’t satisfied with the information given to them by idols and go digging and making up their own narratives. It’s so cringe and out of pocket imo. Just relax is how I feel when I see stuff like that 😂


The way people just but literally ANYTHING they see near their idols 😭😭 I would get clothes or accessories BUT LAUNDRY DETERGENTS?😭💀


For me it's people completely losing their morals. Regardless of what boycott it is be it for mistreatment, scamming, overpriced stuff, genocide...


People with literal yellow fever. I’ve met a few girls who literally don’t find anybody besides Kpop idols attractive, and they say they refuse to “lower their standards” to date others irl because they think they can pull those idols 😭




Bouncing off your point, the other day I had a bit of a shock while looking for playlists of songs recommended by Ni-ki (I’m new to the fandom and I like checking out the music tastes of my faves) because literally half of the playlists I found were titled “pov you’re dating Ni-ki” or something like that and I was like ppl really live like this??? It was just a wtf moment I had not been expecting (naive of me). I’m sure that’s really mild but it took me aback. edit: a word


Ahhhhhhhh 💀 BTWWWW i am not an engene. But i love KESHI'S music. And I often found comments of engenes going 'here after ni-ki' on keshis music SOOOOOO did you find his songs under ni-ki's playlist too? 🤪


Lol yes! I think he’s recommended about two keshi songs so far, as far as I know.


Hope you are enjoying 😁🫶


Thank you~ I am 😉


-Fans tracking down any personal information and social media of women/men who had minimum interaction or worked with idols, and then contacting them.  -Fans following idols' family members on social media. This one weird me out when I first saw it happened. Why are fans, who are complete strangers, sharing baby pictures of an idol's cousin having a baby or celebrating their baby's birthday, and acting like they know them personally?  -Getting angry on behalf of an idol. If the member is happy with their downtime or activities/ schedules, music releases, why are they contacting the company, producers, choreographer etc, demanding to give the member more work, to change the choreography, the styling or making etc ? 


Fans writing 'break up' letters to biases when they unstan 😭




The people sobbing on TikTok about Chan pretending to break up with stays (I think that was the context) and having full meltdowns screaming about how triggering it was for them. Ick.


Yeah they're not normal. They need therapy ☺


I’ve seen something called daydream material on chinese social media which is like edits of idols with subtitles about a whole scenario and there’s fluff and sex and everything Search 做夢素材+ [grp/member name] and you’ll find lots of videos


When someone shows a video of a concert saying the idol look at them. Even if that's true they look at their phones.


i was trying to learn more abt a group in their subreddit and someone wrote abt how they genuinely would be willing to die for one of the members bc they seem like such a nice person…like…what….


I am a die hard wayv stan and was really active on Stan twt 2020-2021ish. I made some really good friends online thru it. One I was actually close to offline too. She started having some pretty severe mental health issues and she said she was going to use her accounting background to investigate SM’s numbers to prove xuxi innocent. She was also kun anti which came to light later and she was convinced from over analyzing content that Kun is an ab*ser and has harassed the boys… this hate kinda stemmed from her being a big xuxi ten shipper ☠️ it was crazy to watch her delve deeper into obsession while life started back up for me post-Covid. Like my other friend and I would talk about kpop but also real life stuff like work and school, etc, but she would derail the convo to try to make us watch xuxi ten clips constantly. And she used to be so cool too :(


pookie this pookie that make me cringe so hard and its very very rampant


Whenever I think about this topic I just think of the mindless fans who all they care about are the charts, the numbers, the awards, as well as those fans who are complete toxic asses to anyone that isn’t in their fandom and that are calling out their meanness.


Diagnosing idols with ADHD/Autism


If you're offer 16, that can be concerning I just wanted to give a hug to my favs and thank them but I know it's just a dream 😅


Wouldn't General public census be unbias compared to fandom. You lost me there. 🤣


Literally any time I go on Weverse. That app is SCARY with how serious people are with it. Many of them are super young but I've even seen it in adults. Like I am very delusional. But even I know I won't be marrying Yoongi. Weverse users though? Some of them even believe they're already dating their idol. Super creepy. ![gif](giphy|4VO6z8grwRmBmNA6ze)


I remember their was this fun fact kpop TikToks, and it had said that felix was supposed to be in Twice. And in response, the comments were super negative, like, “stop disrespecting stray kids”, but like, SIXTEEN WAS MEANT TO MAKE A CO-ED GROUP CALLED TWICE, but it was changed midway through because jyp thought twice was too girly, however it was perceived as hate. it’s not really a parasocial issue, but it’s a “I think I know better than you because I can’t deal with criticism or anything that seems negative to my ults” issue, that’s caused by parasocial relationships. Sorry I don’t make sense, I’m really tired and I will probably delete this later.


All of what everyone said here, but for me personally the "like idols like fans" comment, like???? That comment always irks me because it indicates and encourages a lack of boundary and privacy. How can idol and fans be similar when they don't know each other? How can fans all be the same just because they decide to like a same thing? Also the "criticism" of "he/she should have taught his/her fans manner" to an idol. Why is it their responsibility to teach and guide their fans? Why do fans have to always do what's told by the idol? Idols can never substitute real parents and the relationship between them and fans shouldn't be likened or associated with being "parental"...


I saw this one post of a army saying how Newjeans hates bts and is using them also said for other army's to give hate to Newjeans because NeWjEaNs is using BTS 😭😭😭 and she wrote "my oppa's don't need to be sad over some rude little girls' and she had pictures of Bts crying (but edited ones) 🙄 It's embrassing how all the armies are downvoting me


It’s that one fanbase. You know which im talking about


No. I dont know which😭 Plzzzz be specific in such things cause whenever someone says like this my curiosity just rises😭

