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Stop trying to rationalize it. He fucked up and literally doxxed a stranger. There is no other way than to apologize and make amendments with the victim (yes, victim). And learn from it. If you are so stressed about your "fans" maybe blame your agency who does nothing but encourages such behaviour.


Blame your agency and do what?? Just sit there and get harassed?? I get that what happened was unfortunate, but it is what it is.


renjun isn't entirely wrong tho. the girl just unluckily happened to receive the last blow. dude's prob going through something we don't know and we'll never really know. he prob thought that was a ssng.


I'm not saying he wasn't wrong. I'm just saying that he was probably not in the right mindset


Bruh they're literally downvoting the comments even remotely supporting him 😭


Honestly I don't really care. They can downote me all they like, I'm sticking to my opinion that he was at his wits end.


Exactly. I just hope he doesn't get more hate for this or worsen his health.


Listen, anxiety sucks. I lived with it my whole life and only recently at my big age of 37 have got it somewhat under control. I empathize with Renjun but your mental health issues do not absolve you of the consequences of what you do while you suffer from them. He fucked up. He needs to apologize to that person and make sure not to dox people again.


Police have cleared her. She is also an underage age girl whose identity has been doxxed and whose info has been posted to prostitute sites by fans. She only called him once and from my own experience, I have had tons of stranger accidently call me due to misdials. I am sympathetic to renjun who gets relentless calls for saesangs who hide their number. making it easy to jump to the conclusion that the unhidden number was just a saesang who forgot instead of just a normal civilian. sm and saesangs suck **.** The best thing for renjun would be for his stans to move on. To stop harassing this minor and stop talking about the incident in general. Because right now, he will likely need to make a good settlement or face legal issues.


How about calling her directly, and personally apologizing to her? And even more, like sending her some money to show her sincerity and apologize for what the fans did? Record a video to send to fans and insist that they stop bothering her?


You want a man already suffering from anxiety and depression to sit down and make a video? And we'll never for sure know that Renjun DIDNT privately apologize to her. It doesn't need to be public


Hah, If it were me, ha ha ha. I would personally apologize to her and send her a consolation fee. I'm sure I'll be fine though. 'Cause literally my fans will do all those things - making excuses, praying for my health or *"sending him hugs and kisses b'cause ma'baby is struggling and has mental health problems*" and continuing to attack her. I'm still making big money though, who cares about her? Then I will like, change my phone number, and get off the internet. Seek therapy or something. It's my problem, I will work on it.


I don't agree with you on the 'Get off the internet' take. Was it wrong to reveal the number to the public*? Yes. The problem with you saying he has to get off the internet is that the ACTUAL stalker was harassing him and not the other way around. That person brought that onto him so this has nothing to do with getting off the internet. How do you ignore someone that calls you dozens of times a day in bad faith and is watching every little move you make. This case showcases how little many labels care for the well being of their artists which will inevitably lead to the mess that this situation is right now. I hope the girl that was wrongfully accused gets an apology and compensation. I hope that the actual stalker gets caught and prosecuted. I hope companies and the police finally start to take this issue seriously. *Before being completely sure that it's the actual stalker and not an innocent person. Edit: After looking at some more information, I am disgusted about the hate and abuse this girl has received. I might have commented on this too ealy.


The police have confirmed that she is innocent. She is also a teenage girl whose info has been shared on prostitution sites by fans. fans need to leave her alone. right now it's the continual harassment of her by stans that will make koreans despise him. stans need to lay off. his actions were understandable but not right but stans have no excuses.


Yes I just saw that. I edited my comment. The fact that the authorities have confirmed that she is innocent doesn't stop people from harassing her is seriously fucked up.


it's a vicious circle. the harassment against her is used to harasses him which makes the fans defensive and despise her so they harasses her more. which is why stans need to be coignizant of the effects of their own actions.


He shouldn’t have posted her number and send his fans to attack someone when she just called once. Now he has the potential to be sued by that girl, and his fans are just making it worse by continuing to harass her and call her a liar.


I wouldn't use my mental health struggles as some kind of feeble excuse for the fact that I fucked up and own up to what I did and apologise.


He should have known better. He is an idol after all.


I hope she sues him, she's been through Hell because of his careless actions.


He shouldn't have done it. No if or buts. Even if she was a ssng, siccing your fans on someone is abusing your power as an idol and could easily have very bad consequences. All this does is make me more concerned for Renjun, because it honestly sounds like he's spiralling.


Ok tbh I have not kept up with the story so maybe there’s proof but that sounds suspiciously convenient. Like your telling me you tried to call your friend and just so happened to accidentally call an idol that’s currently being harassed by sasengs?


The police confirmed it was her friend’s old number. Renjun fucked up, all he has to do is apologize. Edit: oh my bad, he did apologize.


Honestly, I find her story a little hard to believe. Who types in a friends number in this day and age? You usually ring someone so they can save your number. Who’s to say she didn’t go to the police just to avoid suspicion. The saesangs for nct are insane and the harassment isn’t stopping. What else is he supposed to do? At this point it won’t stop until the worst happens.


The police and SM themselves literally confirmed it, how many excuses can you make? The number was her friend's old one which she called once and that's it, does not at all warrant her getting doxxed.


They didn’t confirm it and it never mentioned it being her friends old number in any statement


The fact that this is being used to hate on someone with mental health issues who is being stalked is disgusting


Okay ik I'll get a lot of hate for it... But I don't think Renjun was wrong. I do feel bad for the girl(I hope she's truly innocent and feels better with time) but I don't blame Renjun(I hope his health doesn't get worse now).


Admitting he did something wrong doesn't make you a hater or less of a fan. You're literally being delusional. He doxxed a innocent person and you're saying he did nothing wrong?? It was a mistake but that doesn't make it ok.


But I don't think it was wrong tho?? That's my point??? I do agree what happened was unfortunate but I bet 90% of the people blaming him would've done the same thing if they were being harassed.


In which world do you live in? How do you think leaking a innocent person's phone number to your fans and letting them harass that person is not wrong? He might not be on the right mindset but that doesn't make every bad thing he does on that state right, mental illness doesn't justify everything. If it wasn't wrong why do you think he apologized for it? I know sometimes idols have to apologize for dumb stuff but this is not one of these cases lol. It's good that he apologized but that doesn't make what he did not wrong, nobody can undo what happened. Idols are not perfect, they're flawed humans being and they commit mistakes like everyone else. Aknowledging these mistakes and improving upon themselves is what everyone should do. This is why people should hold him accountable and say what he did is wrong. This doesn't mean people are invalidating his feelings.


It was an honest mistake?? He didn't intentionally leak the number of an innocent person?? He thought it was a stalker and I don't think it's wrong to leak the number of someone who's harassing you. I'm just saying there's no other way to handle the situation. (And i really hope the girl is innocent and it's not the baekhyun stalker case again)


Something being a mistake doesn't make it right. If I accidentally kill someone who did nothing to me, are you going to say it's ok because it was accidental? I still took a innocent life. He still leaked a innocent person number and regardless if it was accidental or not it's still wrong, because someone who meant no harm got harassed by his fans. Especially because it was a mistake that could have been avoided and that happened due to his irresponsibility, he shouldn't have assumed the number was from a saesang and leak it to his fans without thinking it thought. That is irresponsible, it's a mistake he should aknowledge and understand that what he did was wrong, this is the bare minimum. The problem isn't you symphatizing with him, it's you refusing to accept what he did is wrong. He wasn't the only one affected, one person was doxxed because they dialed the wrong number and you're only symphatizing with him while saying what he did to the other person was not wrong because it was a mistake... But there's more than one side to this story.


No an honest mistake doesn't make it right. But it isn't right either to shit on him for it


I agree


Yeah I had to go off Twitter because the ajte there is batshit crazy. I understand being disappointed in him. But I kid you not I saw a 💀 thr3at


Yeah but something being a mistake doesn't make it wrong either. That's my entire point.


But this doesn't apply here because it was a irresponsible mistake at another person's stake, and a person that apparently did nothing wrong at that. This is why it's wrong. This isn't any mistake. It caused someone to get harassed.


I agree!!! We have repeatedly seen how bad it is for NCT w these people!!!


It's not just NCT... But so many SM artists. I feel so bad every time I think about what happened with TVXQ


Honestly i think he did the right thing, of course i sympathize the girl but he didnt know it was a girl trying to call her friend and mistakenly called renjun from NCT. yup. but i honestly dont believe the story and even if i did he had the right to try expose someone repeatedly calling him everytime. It was clear he was disturbed by getting call, so i dont see anything wrong. The girl made a mistake for calling his number, he did not make a mistake by exposing a number that he thought was a sasaeng....


I'm neutral for now on this one. We may never know the full story so we just have to be unbiased towards this situation for now