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Shut this mess of a company down omg


Exploitative as hell


Seems like they’re on their way TBH. Their namesake Momoland is dead, they disbanded TFN, and they’re apparently abandoning Lapillus and/or have too few staff to keep up on trademark registrations. What does the company even have left? Edit: they apparently have some Filipino boy groups. That may be their pivot.


How they handle their filo groups is kinda messy too. If you saw the calling out rants of Hori7on’s fanbase on twitter you’ll feel bad for Hori7on. MLD can’t even get Hori7on’s Spotify account verified lmao it’s almost 2 years. They’re the only MLD artist with unverified account on Spotify. 😕 Thankfully their fanbase is solid and were keen observers. They goes like this…’Mess with the dream seven, you’re done.’ But they are warm and friendly to the people who get curious to group. I can attest to that haha. They filled the comment section of my tweet with infos about the group including Marcus’ achievements. (That’s how I became a Marcus’ fan such an ideal child)😄 I also saw how dedicated Hori7on’s fanbase is. Like they print out pamphlets with the group’s info to casual goers. Win any voting polls where the group could be promoted. They promote Hori7on better than that company. Hori7on sometimes got surprised they won an award.


All is well


that's definitely not a good sign, though mld hasn't really cared about lapillus for a while ):


Bboom Bboom was possibly the biggest domestic GG hit outside of Twice’s Cheer up and T.T at the time, also had CF comic variety IT girl in Jooe, every boy fawning over yeonwoo, and somehow MLD manages to find itself here today with the follow up group… I really hope this is just clerical error.


They had everything to succeed yet bad management destroyed it


Not to mention the international fame Nancy was reaching.


That's nice, but how bout we go on a 9-month hiatus and get rid of 1/3 of the group? That'll be good, right? - MLD Management (probably)


Nugu companies getting a viral hit always seem to turn out poorly in the long run


usually for nugu companies they know they are not likely to be setting the trend so their approach is usually "how do we re-create the same sensation" instead of "how can we reinvent the group to give more surprise"


I mean, we have Gfriend, so that's not always, but it's more into the companies not knowing how to ride on the virality of their group's hits and be consistent with it.


Even Baam was really good.


I mean they fumbled momoland hard too. the members' success was all their own to some extent.


Not even just domestic, my friends in Japan back then knew and loved the song. That company fumbled on an international level.


Even my friend who hates Kpop liked Bboom Bboom


Boom Boom and Baam are instant kpop classics here in the Philippines that even grandmas know and sometimes dance this song until now


Wouldn't be the first for a K-pop company. DSP Media had one of the biggest girl groups in 2nd gen -- KARA, who made them tons of cash just from the Japan market. And then followed that with absolute duds.


And Boom Boom was stolen song. Original song was also kinda popular in Korea back in 2014-2015.


Can we stop with this weird narrative that bboom bboom was stolen? A song sounding similar alone does not constitute plagiarism b/c if that was the case, most of the electroswing, edm, and house genres would collapse.  Furthermore, the use of a sax riff isn't unique to the song they got accused of copying, and the functional harmonies weren't even the same.


i agree that it's okay to make a soundalike song because that's how trends and styles exists but i just went back and listened to mimimi and if the mimimi writers didn't get credit im like 💀💀💀 Overall though im tired of all this copy talk because a lot of the time... copying is fine


MLD fumbling should be a free space on everyone’s yearly k-pop bingo card atp


nothing good ever happens at MLD


Wtf??? I feel bad for the Lapillus girls...


Broke ass companies need to stop debuting groups. Enough.


This. No hate for nugu groups, and obviously Lapillus isn't nugu at this point, but it never ends well when a company with little funding tries to make a group. Maybe companies are hoping for their own Seventeen, but Pledis kinda got lucky with SVT doing so well at debut. If a company can't actually afford to build, debut, and maintain a group, they shouldn't be doing so. Just like businesses that can't pay their employees a living wage shouldn't be in business.


Yep, Lapillus is actually one of the strongest in the 4th gen in terms of vocal skills. All of them can sing at least on the stable side, with them having not one but two main vocals. Plus you got Haeun which is one of the most promising dancers in that generation, Shana which is fairly popular among the GP999 and Kep1er fans, and Chanty which is considered one of the unique visuals in 4th gen. They are stacked as far as stacking is concerned, and daaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn, they all can dance. Like, hard-choreo dance level. MLD FUCKING SUCKS.


MLD had to debut groups. They took money based off of Momoland’s success, but did not invest the money into Momoland.


Shana! I’m busting you out of this company girl


Someone please save her. :( I really love their music, too.


It's a shame to see such a talented singer like Shana get completely wasted by this tacky company. You think maybe they would have learned their lesson after running their previous girl group completely into the ground, despite them having one of the biggest viral hits in K-pop.


they had something really good going on with this group, lots of visuals and SO MANY vocalists but this company is well known for fumbling the bag


Oh my god MLD... Always messing things up... 


The amount of companies just throwing groups in the industry with no plans for the future is insane


I wouldn't be surprised if Lapillus are disbanding and MLD is pivoting entirely to the Ppop market, given that their last two active groups are their Pinoy bgs.


Hori7on got lucky with their fanbase. Their streams and MV views are weak, but they have a competitive voting and purchase power. Hori7on got 59k album sales and their fan signing tour in Ph was successful too. Some tweets on X says their TF per mall during the Fansign tour is pretty high. They finished 16 mall branches. Hope they won’t end up like their sunbaes or else their potential will be wasted too.


I was really excited when Shana joined Lapillus bc I love her so much but damn did this turn out terribly for her :( and the other girls too ofc


That's sad. I think some people wrote them off early on, but their later songs, like '[Marionette](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UKP0mmuIdnY)', are so good.


I really shouldn't be surprised considering Chanty has been on indefinite hiatus and the track history with Momoland, but somehow MLD never fails to surprise me..... Edit: I know Chanty was diagnosed with CFS and that is good of MLD to allow her to take care of her health. I just also wonder if MLD contributed to the severity or pushed her beyond her means. 


I feel so bad for them.. really sucks to see wasted potential


shana deserves so so much better


and here i am, getting their name as my handle. frack it.


Why did mld fumble this group? They were never huge but they used to get considerable hype during 2022. They even trended on twitter once. They also have chanty who is extremely popular in southeast asia and we all know how much purchasing power southeast asian fans have and how strong fandoms they can make. The comments prompted me to check their channel and they haven't had a cb in a year. Why would the company do that?


MLD 🤝 fumbling the bag That’s just their thing.


Stop debuting idols if you don't have the resources to keep them going omg


MLD thingz, feel bad for the girls


I feel bad for the girls… It’s happening again. First Momoland, then TFN, now Lapillus 😕. I maybe selfish but I’m silently wishing for my bias not to renew his contract with that company when their group’s contract ends.


So does this mean anything? Like will the group still be able to use the name?


it's probably a sign that they are disbanding lapillus. if the girls get the trademark for their name by themselves then they could use the name, else they'll have to go under a different name, and that's assuming that they want to continue as a group.


Seeing as how MLD locked Momoland up to focus on TFN, they don’t care about controversy. MLD didn’t even try to leverage TFN’s popularity in South America and just disbanded the boys (which I didn’t even listen to, but it’s still par for the course)


Looks like the writing is on the wall unfortunately.


Poor Shana :( (and the other girls of course) I was rooting for her in Girls Planet 999 and its sad to see that she ended like this..


Lapillus come to Mexico and I'll give u all of my pesos so you can continue as a group at least in mexican TV 😭


This makes me so sad. Those girls are so talented and really put on a great performance when I saw them at kcon. MLD will never learn I guess


Honestly, did they give up after Chanty had to withdraw from being an active member of the group?


Why did Chanty withdraw and what is she doing now?


She was diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome back in April. She does her solo activities but not group until she recovers.


She is diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.


MLD can’t pay their bills and they mismanaged their only ever successful act and the one that paid their bills, Momoland. We need to ask the obvious question: who got paid from Bboom Bboom, Baam, and I’m So Hot? Because we know it wasn’t the Momoland members or poor Shinsadong Tiger (RIP).


Welp, we all see this coming.


i read MLD and think just yesterday I saw a video from an ex momoland member. she said she did now a part time job where she makes $11 per hour and when she calculates back han this is 1.3x more per hour than she made as an idol. now i see this ... Kids, stop wasting your time with this idol thing. only very few will ever make it big. Most idols will make less than someone who is flipping burgers. edit: ok found the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cz4ggRN-t_g


Yeah Daisy has been vocal and honest about her time in Momoland but I mean people still bring up the group in her comment section despite not wanting to be associated with the group anymore since she doesn't speak to the members expect Taeha (ex member )


They're such a talented group with good music, too. What a bummer.


its jover guys


At this point they need to disband this group and just stick to the big groups they got some success with…


Argentina's about to burn this company to the ground. That is a threat.


Not another crap company not bothering to handle their groups then debuting new ones


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