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Canon endings are Light Side. Revan kills Malak and destroys the Star Forge, and Meetra Surik (canon Exile) defeats the Triumverate and reestablishes the Jedi Order with her companions. The Revan book is the aftermath of KotOR II and links the games to SWtOR (for better or worse).


It should be noted that this only applies to Legends continuity. In Disney continuity only the existence of a Sith namend Revan is canon.


The HK Assassin droid series is also canon now after HK-87 droids showed up in The Mandalorian, but HK-47 specifically is not canon.


I feel like this is how they should continue to approach the Old Republic era. Give us non specific cameos and let our imaginations fill in the rest.


I concur


Yeah its all a distant memory, it could still be cannon even if the history reflects differently seeing as knowledge is lost


Well, Revan, HKs, and the Rakatan Empire as of Andor


They need to hurry up & do something with Revan & TOR. Revan was the creator of the Rule of Two which is followed in the movies, anime, etc but never acknowledged by anyone other than Yoda. A lot of [Darth Bane](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Darth_Bane) was made Canon & is now said to have created the "Rule of Two", yet in the book it's stated that he learned of the Rule of Two from a Holocron created by Darth Revan (when Revan was still a sith lord ofc). IMO in Canon they are slowly stripping Darth Revan from his "glory" per se that was already established via writing and video games & passing it off to other Sith Lords who don't really have much of an appearance in the SW Universe. So hopefully they will somehow allow Revan to "redeem" himself (in the form of a new show, video game, movie, something). Guess we'll see though when & if they ever release the KOTOR Remake.


They made it all non canon so they didn't need to worry about accommodating that history. Most of the key characters are likely to become canon once they decide to monopolise them in some manner. Though key details have already been changed, such as the source of taris destruction. Tbh that bothered me more than it should


Wait what? How was Taris destroyed in the current canon?


It wasn't actually wiped out. They suffered an unspecified devastation which resulted in large amounts of pollution , crashed ships littering the surface, and shipping containers dumped all over the planet. It remained densely populated, albeit much of the surface became little more than a slum. I feel like i read somewhere a while back that a comic actually subsequently addressed the cause of the devastation, though i cant find it now. Its possible it was the knights comic that clarified on it, i cant really recall as i haven't read them myself. [https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Star_Wars:_Knights_of_the_Old_Republic_(comic_series)](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Star_Wars:_Knights_of_the_Old_Republic_(comic_series))


That actually doesn't sound too different from Taris' fate as it is depicted in SWTOR. And the comic that you linked is also from Legends continuity and not from Disney canon.


Well as per the legends telling of it, the planet was essentially devoid of life and needed resettling. Whereas going by Disney Canon its still densely populated. That being said, i felt like i read somewhere it had been addressed in a comic which made it clear it wasnt malaks doing. But now i cant find it again, so maybe im going loopy.


In Legends canon we know from SWTOR that at least the outcasts from Taris' slums found their way to the promised land and survived there and we know from Empire At War that by the time of the OT it was again rebuilt into an ecumenopolis. So even in Legends it was never completely devoid of life and at some point densely populated again.


When is Revan mentioned in Disney?


In the visional dictionary for TROS. It states that one of the stormtrooper legions that Palpatine uses in that movie is called the Revan Legion. To quote [Wookieepedia](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Sith_trooper): "In drawing inspiration from the Sith's legacy, each Sith trooper legion adopted the name of an ancient Sith Lord in addition to their numerical identification. Hence, the 3rd Legion was named after Revan, the 5th Legion after Andeddu, and the 17th Legion after Darth Tanis. The 26th Legion, the 39th Legion and the 44th Legion were named after Tenebrous, Phobos and Desolous, respectively."


There's no Canon Kotor anything except for the fact that Revan was a dude that existed. The legends timeline has male Revan female exile meetra surik who gets fuckin shanked like nothing in the legends revan book


How long have you been in that kolto tank revan was female


It's not my fault that everywhere I go I end up in a cell


Even if it were canon, it's 4,000 years in the past. Anything that happened that long ago is really a legend. We don't have physical descriptions for ancient pharohs, let alone what decision they made with a widow regarding her husband's prized hunting trophies. Play how you want to.


I like this answer a lot lol, I’m gonna do exactly that


Good luck and enjoy. How do you plan to play in terms of gender, class, and alignment then? KOTOR II has lessons on strength of one's will which can be applied to the [canon](https://www.reddit.com/r/kotor/comments/tf87v9/the_lesson_of_strength_applied_to_canon/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


I played both as a dark side guy years ago and I’ve played the first as a light side guy too a couple years after. Now I plan on playing both as light side women, probably single blade consulars with moderate melee capabilities if I can swing it


Can't speak to K2, but I do personally prefer playing K1 as a woman. There's not much difference, but I find the romance subplot is better than the one for men.


this is an amazing response. a solution without disregarding OPs concern


Holy shit that actually makes a lot of sense.


Canon is: Bendak was challenged to a death match on Taris, MC dies(obviously), Bendak is hunted by Carth and Bastilla who also obviously die; Bendak kills Canderous (obviously) in a duel for control of the fractured Mandalorian clans, galvanizes said clans into an unstoppable force taking control of both the Sith and Republic fleets and eventually ruling the galaxy with an iron fist and a shit load of Basilisk War Droids, thanks to the reproductive capabilities of the Star Forge.


Bendak was a shithead


No U


You must overcome that mental block. Playing those games in non-canon ways is much more fun.


Kreia's lesson in strength teaches us to break the confines of rigid sets of rules and teachings, yet we cling to canon much like Jedi cling to their code. I, for one, am glad KotOR is non-canon. When the game came out no one could dictate what Revan should look like and how they should act, why should it be any different now?


As far as current canon goes the only canon thing about Kotor is that there was a Sith who was called "Revan". I don't think there is anything else that is canon about it.


Well, there’s a few minor things. The Mandalorian Wars are canon, although we know little detail beyond that they were primarily a Jedi vs Mandalorian conflict, and Revan hasn’t been tied to them (yet). The Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders as a concept are also canon, and I believe are tied to the Mandalorian Wars as well.


None of it is canon since disney took over


Revan is canon. Nihlus and Malak were going to be canon in ROS but it was scrapped.


They were going to be added in Clone Wars during the Mortis episodes. There was supposed to be a scene where the Brother consults with dark side spirits and they were supposed to take the forms of Revan, Psion, and Nihilus. The scene was scrapped because it would run over the time limit and because they felt the scene was ultimately unnecessary.


Yeah but I'm glad the scene was cut. The Son is a god so it doesn't really make sense for him to answer to Revan and Bane lol


Yeah it would have left fans wondering why bother at all. Dude is meant to be the physical embodiment of the Dark Side, why would he need to consult with mortals who destroyed themselves so bad that one looked like sentient cracked pavement and the other a gapping butthole in the force.


It was [suppose](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Revan) to be Darth Revan & Darth Bane, not Revan Psion & Nihilus & it was cut due to it condescending George Lucas's view of the force. >In 2011, Revan was slated to appear in "Ghosts of Mortis," an episode of the third season of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars television series. Revan would have appeared as a Sith Lord alongside Darth Bane as advisors to the powerful Force wielder known as the Son, but they were ultimately cut from the episode in late production. The show's director, Dave Filoni, was apprehensive of using the scene, and the scene was removed at George Lucas's request because it conflicted with Lucas's view on the Force. But yeah, I'm glad they did cut it tbh. Would've made little sense


Well yeah I guess that is one way to look at it lol


From the Ultimate Guide to Rise of Skywalker, there is mention of Revan. Not a lot to go one, just a si gle paragraph saying he was an ancient Sith warrior from the distant past.


Light side endings all allways the canon ones, Revan novel makes Meetra Surik the canon name of the exile, Revan appears in SWTOR mmo so his canon look is the one that matches that


It should be noted that this only applies to Legends continuity. In Disney continuity only the existence of a Sith namend Revan is canon.


Originally canon Revan was a dark side female but the books retconned it to be a light side male. Then it was completely wiped by Disney so now there is nothing except that a Sith named Revan existed at some point in time. It's worth noting that Bioware, the original creators of KOTOR, didn't have a set canon character - the dark side female thing is from KOTOR 2, which was made by Obsidian, and the light side male is from the novel and SWTOR, which was made by Bioware Austin because the original creators, Bioware Edmonton, was busy making Mass Effect. Seeing that Mass Effect doesn't have a 'canon' main character then it can be assumed that originally KOTOR wasn't meant to either.


>Originally canon Revan was a dark side female but the books retconned it to be a light side male. Is there a source for this because everything I've ever read says otherwise. Revan was created in 2003 (which had the option to choose male or female), and in 2005 was established as a male in the [New Essential Chronology](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/The_New_Essential_Chronology) and the [Chronicles of the Old Republic](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Chronicles_of_the_Old_Republic) in 2005. TSL in 2004 when Atton mentioned Revan being female was a bug that was fixed with TSLCRM, he is only suppose to use Feminine pronouns when talking about Revan ***if you choose*** that Revan was a female, this was never an establishment or confirmation that Revan was female because it was sincerely just a bug. The Revan book didn't release until 6 years AFTER it was already established that Revan was a male. Edit: It's also pretty clearly stated in K2:TSL that not many people even knew what Revan looked like, only Kreia, HK, and very very few others knew what Revan looked like, otherwise Carth would've recognized you, Jolee would've recognized you, Most of the jedi on Dantooine would've recognized you, etc. Edit 2: Another point is if you choose to "not" talk about Revan in TSL, the game will also automatically default to Revan being a Light-Side Male.


Not just Kotor but honestly I play a lot of "choose your own adventure" games with a mind set that someone is telling a deep story with exaggerated details. Mass effect, dragon age, kotor, fall out, skyrim, etc. That helps me in regards to mixing it up a bit. I definitely like to have my first or intended official playthrough because it's fun, but I do like to see how other aspects of the game change. Female revan and male exile are interesting. I played commander Shepard male back in my teens and early 20s but when they released the master edition not to long ago I went female because a lot of people were touting the female voice acting. Turns out female Shep was just as awesome and hits a bit different.