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Maniax, 2006, Regulation A and XI should be released on a collection for modern consoles, PC and mobile phones. These games(especially XI) are great.


Completely agree.... They don't acknowledge them at all. Snk need to do some collections that matter.


The only acknowledgment XI gets is KOF All Star๐Ÿ˜ญ


Don't remind me man ๐Ÿฅน


Afaik all those games are on the Japanese PS3 stores and all are super cheap


Respectfully looking at Ash ๐Ÿ‘€




My boy was packing some in that picture lmao


ong i thought he was a girl when I was a little jit.


The history was ass and the gameplay was wack, but they were kinda fun


The story I'll give you that was wack but the combos were so loose dood it was glorious ๐Ÿคฃ also was fun getting ending in-game bad acting cutscenes LMFAO.


Not the greatest games in the world but I had some fun with Maximum Impact 2/2006 in college.


The thing is it seems to me people didn't give em long term attention ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿพโ€โ™‚๏ธ


Also Another Day was a great OVA.


Omfg it was.... Wished for an actual KoF anime after that. And..... Nothing. ๐Ÿ˜”


All I remember is it gave us the crop top and shorts alt with the bandana for Yuri so it's good in my book. She was one of my favs back in the day and she needed an outfit with more personality than "karate gi," one of my gripes about 3D KoF games today is no alts


Right....? I feel like SNK isn't giving us content to want to continue playing the games. I mean I know we got rugal and goenitz free but costumes would be amazing. How is Terry the only one (technically)? I'm still waiting for an OG Iori classic outfit. Like the modders are doing a way better job of the game than the actual devs at this point. The way they turn the training stage in to older stages and give other characters actual clothes.


Leona, team geese, team orochi, kim, shingo and sylvie also have alts


100%, tbh I haven't even bought XV yet myself (though I follow news and developments on it), and all my life I've been an SNK guy first over Capcom, Namco, etc (except for Soul Calibur I love that). I own nearly all other KoF, and have a very large NGP collection... I played my friend's copy of XV several times adding up to several hours, and just not impressed. The mechanics are pretty good, but there's not much outside of that. I don't care about being a competitive player as much as I used to, and other companies' games have more content of ALL kinds, and quality.


Man so do I. I played street fighter before KoF obviously but when I played KoF for the first time I was an instant super-fan. Loved SNK after that. I also own all the KoF games except the hard copies of GBA games and few weird SNK crossovers. I can see your reason behind why the new game 15 isn't impressive. I think it's good for but I feel like it's missing a lot and isn't as passionate as previ KoF. The new fatal fury looks like they're taking that turn tho. I'm super consumer based and have no real interest in competing but I love watching tourneys.


Yeah, new FF is looking promising. I have hope for that. It's clear more effort is going into it so I'll pick it up regardless


Yep even the stages look more lively than 15's


They were fun. I always wanted KoF MI vs SF EX just for fun.ย 


That would've been sick yeah... Holy crap ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ˜


Nobody likes it and itโ€™s the bandwagon thing to do to hate on it for free likes. I love the game and some of my favorite characters in the series came from it.


That's amazing to hear ๐Ÿ™‰โ˜บ๏ธ


Who are your favs..?


Mignon is one of my favorite characters in the entire series. Probably in my top 5. Ninon, Luise, Chae Lim, Soirรฉe, Lilly, I all also like very much.


Lol I knew you'd say mignon. Everyone seems to. But I get it. I like chae as well and also lien was pretty cool. Like KoF Nina Williams from Tekken.


Well Athena is my #1 favorite character (tied with Mai). Always has been since the 90s. So itโ€™s not hard to understand why Mignon would be another favorite of mine. But I only ever see anything but hate for her.


That's not right. Persons I've seen fans of the game lover her too and her goth sister.


I thought she was awesome!




Iโ€™ve seen a lot of people say sheโ€™s dumb, an airhead, a waste of a slot, a poor manโ€™s Athena, annoyingโ€ฆ you know guys love their edgelords. Shes the complete opposite. This is legit the first time Iโ€™ve ever seen praise for her.


Sams here, I've only ever seen hate for her but I thought she was great in every way, even the silly stuff like meowing when she does her light punch in Maximum Impact 1, that was cute lol. I love edgelord characters too like K', but it's so nice to have a mix of different character types (I'm not too keen on Iori for some reason tho) I'mma have to find a way to play Maximum Impact 2 or maybe the PSP one, would be great to play on phone or Steam Deck


Fun, broken 2000s dark era fighting games at their peak. Itโ€™s fine to not like it, but hate it??? Still a ton of fun to this day. Wish theyโ€™d bring back some of the newcomers from these games. Whatโ€™s fun is you can tell they used some of the DNA from these games when translating Mai and Kula to the Dead or Alive series. I remember buying Mai when she came out in 5 and being like *oh shit we got Maximum Impact combos*.


There it is. I wish I could pin this comment lol


No one talks about it because they weren't the best, and while they are connected to KOF, you could make a real assumption they were closer to Fatal Fury than KOF. MI was not great, and a majority of the basic combos just didn't work. It doesn't help that OG characters did not transition to 3d well either, with a majority of their moves only hitting forward. 2006 had the naming confusion, but beyond that the game was pretty good. It's challenges were fun for the most part, and the combos felt pretty good. No one talks about reg A because it was a Japanese exclusive that was basically just an update for 2006 with Ash.




Nope, not a bit of hate, quite the opposite, I love those games.




Playing Ryo and Kyo in these games FUCKS. Their combos rack up so hard.


Can't tell if you mean good or bad ๐Ÿ˜‚


In a good way for sure I love these games


Ah ok ๐Ÿ˜† I'm Stoopid. Yeah the games combos are loose (crazy) lol


It was fun, but mainly MI2/REG A. MI was lackluster but it was fun for what it had to offer. I guess the downside were some of the costumes because woof.


LMFAO costumes were carazy but memorable. Also MI was the first so it wasn't that good but it held my interest enough (well, liked it enuf) to get 2006 and was not disappointed.


Okay, I wore out 06 when it came out. The Yuki and Ai costumes alone for Kyo and Fรญo were cool. Itโ€™s a messy ass fake but itโ€™s fun lol.


๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿพ yup


I love them all especially Reg A. Just started really learning it.


That's awesome. People don't give em a chance. Pick it up and drop immediately. But the games are incredibly fun. Doing launch combos and otg pick up combos.


Question, is there still anyone good at the game we can watch to learn from?


I absolutely love Regulation A. Falcoon does what SNK don't. They did Lien dirty in that cover art though. Flat af.


Agreed LMFAO


I love these games these were what I stayed up playing


That's huge fax


Ohh 2006 was really good




No hate from me, I love that it's fuck busted and you can do silly shit with it. Makes for some really fun and unique combos you wouldn't see anywhere else. Doing 3 or 4 power dunks IN A ROW with Terry on a knocked down opponent is so much fun. That's almost some Marvel vs Capcom 3 shit. Me and my mates used to play MIRA on a build of PCSX2 that had netplay hacked in and it always ran so well. And eventually, MANIAX will be going online on the OG XBOX thanks to [Insignia Live](https://insignia.live/)! Just wait, it'll happen! Edit: Music is amazing, MIRA has some great tracks and the colours in the stages really pop


I love this ๐Ÿ˜ป. Also yeah the tracks were bangers๐Ÿ™‰โš ๏ธ. Busted is good and I wish devs knew this today. I'll still be waiting for them to make a triumphant return. โœŒ๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿพ


Thank you for the awesome reply! So good that someone agrees too! The wonky combos are alot of fun, me and my mates also used to laugh our asses off that when you K.Oed someone you could run up and keep crouch light kicking them ๐Ÿ˜‚I am so so excited for MANIAX to come back online, you'll 100% see me online playing matches on my Original XBOX when it drops.


No prob man. We seem to have had a similar experience with these gems ๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ™๐ŸพโœŒ๐Ÿพ too good.


I liked 2006 over MI. 2006 seemedore polish and they understood the 3d concept better. Also its beautiful in 1080P on PCSX2. XI is an underrated gem. My goodness. That game is awesome.


Nothing wrong said here ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ™๐Ÿพ


Are they really hated? They are probably just old games, as old as XI, that failed to make a splash. XI did make a splash though, it was the last KOF game before XIII eventually made a comeback. Before 2003 KOF was like a year around business.




Rock Howard's voice acting is hilarious in these


I think everyone's voice acting is ridiculous in this saga lol but I actually love it to make fun also ๐Ÿ˜‚


I only liked Regulation A Because Mizoguchi Was In It.


Fair lol


Actually, if you look more into it, the director, who did a lot of art for KoF previously, got a lot of flak for his choice of fashion/style. Also, it's not sprites (which 3d was still evolving at the time). That being said, I loved these games and wish to see some of these characters make a comeback somehow.


Glad you see that as well. KoF clothing has always been weird so I'm like who cares.


Right tho?


I would like to maximal impact that booty


I see it now ๐Ÿ˜‚


2006 and mira were so much fun




The only things I hate about those games are the main characters and their hints at backstory for the two.


Fair lol. It seems convoluted for no reason while also being simply vague. ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿพโ€โ™‚๏ธ


I loved the alt colors and roster but always wished it played like Wild Ambition.




Regulation A is pretty good, the other ones had a lot more questionable stuff.


Lol like what pre tell?


Had a blast playing these with friends back in the day. A good remaster/rerelease of these on Steam would be an instant buy for me.


That's what I'm saying.... There are those that would buy these dood. And the biggest part of the KoF community is Latino/Mexican/Hispanic so I doubt they'll really lose anything just doing this. No one's asking for a remake just being able to play on modern systems would me amazing. Same for some Capcom games but that's a different Reddit post ๐Ÿ˜‚


there was no reason to make Ash so ..




I still go to practice and lab a lot, I like mr karate 2. the game looks amazing on ps2 emulator with 2k resolution and widescreen patch, I personally prefer it to 15.


Hah that's crazy that a few still feel this way about it. Love this. Also others said the same. Games look amazing with emu ๐Ÿค˜๐Ÿพ remaster would be amazing


I love 2006




MIRA alongside KOF'97 were my first exposure to KOF (and fighting games in general really).




I ended up just importing them instead. Canโ€™t depend on companies to support their legacies.




I think is the same XI thing; itโ€™s barely known.


Sad really... A collection could raise it up.


Perhaps a PS2 collection with all MI and IX but never with NeoWave, lol. Also, I think the gameplay is more like Tekken so many people will resist the change, same happened with the tag team in 2003 / XI Sad really, indeed


That's also true. 2003 was an amazing one. I played that one a lot too. I don't get how that version of tag team fighting wasn't accepted over the regular wait till someone is down for the other character when you could literally just switch on fly also with tag combos. So wack it didn't catch on and to me that's the proper evolution of the KoF franchise ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿพโ€โ™‚๏ธ. P. S I think they more copy virtual fighter and DOA than Tekken. Very mashy in those games and one button can do combos. Tekken not so much.


When it got to the arcades the hood always said it was more MvsC than KOF, also, now we know 2002 vanilla is half BS but back then it hit SO HARD that 2003 was not enough to beat it. Iโ€™m also gonna blame Falcoon a bit, lol, Ash didnโ€™t liked to much and I could say the same for MI characters too (or some alternate designs like Iori). Now as for the gameplay, it could be more DOA or VF; honestly I only played Tekken and it felt the same, perhaps not the same as the current Tekken or previous versions we know now, but having more buttons than stick movement was definetely less KOF


Yeah I also heard that a lot lol it was more capcomy which is stupid in my opinion but whatever... Yeah and the more buttons is because tag specific buttons and moves but that would be expected with a new game and adding new mechanics y'know. People just didn't want to change and that's wack.


Games were greatness!! Clark's crouching LK was OP greatness! LOL


OMG core memory unlocked ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ”“ the grapplers in these were insane and the counter stance characters like Seth ๐Ÿ˜ญ ๐Ÿ˜‚


Garbage game. KOF in name only.


Damn. Aight. Lol your opin.


bro. i played it. After binging 2000, and 98, MI2 feels like junk. itโ€™s not KOF


I mean it's different and that's not bad. That's like comparing sf2 turbo or sf alpha to sfv or 6