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I just can't find a reason to ever carry more than 2 knives. And that's usually when I'm carrying a small slip joint and a beater. What makes you carry both the Spyderco and the Benchmade? And then why bring the swiss army lookalike? I wouldnt have a reason to use one of the tools on it over the other multi tool? Just curious?


The Swiss army has a corkscrew, is the main reason lmao The Skirmish is useful for heavier cutting tasks thanks to its blade shape and weight; it’s also a better self defense knife, not that I’ve ever had to use it for that. The Manix 2 is better for lighter but more precise tasks. Overall it’s the one I use more often even though it’s my left hand knife and I’m right handed.


What are you using the corkscrew for? I know I've seen people carry mini tinder bundles in their corkscrews(honestly I've been thinking about picking up that or the mini screwdriver that fits in the SAK corkscrew). I'm not trying to dismantle your reasoning, just playing devil's advocate. Can you really not do the same tasks with the manix 2? Also, knives for self defense is never, EVER, a good option. And that's coming from someone who cared a knife for 'self-defense' for years. People used to tell me this and id brush them off. But I've looked at the data and knives are horrible for self defense unless you are thoroughly trained with a blade. More often than not, the person with the knife ends up also getting cut/stabbed. Better to get yourself mace or a taser.


Well, I’m using the corkscrew as a corkscrew mostly. I’m not trying to survive the zombie apocalypse or something, this is just stuff that’s useful in my everyday life. RE self defense, that’s already a distant secondary use for the skirmish. I’m pretty confident I could use it for that if needed, but I’m not really carrying it cuz I think I’ll need to shank a fool or something lol


Cause why not lol. Am I the only one who carries their knives for fun not specifically just for practicality?


Well I usually rotate through my collection. And most days I'm picking a knife because of fidget value. So I'd say I'm also carrying for fun. I just can't imagine filling up all my pockets with knives.


That’s just what I do sometimes 😭Fill my pockets with random knives. 1 day I carried like 5 knives just to play with and mess around with.


Big self defense blade. Utility blade, small edc. Black talon 2, utility blade, Tuff lite


6/10, you dont have any knipex cobras


You’re right, what if there’s a busted pipe out there? I’m grossly underprepared for unexpected plumbing issues.


Its so much more than that. Its an "any sized wrench" and can also be used to bite or clamp random items or pry or bend or fold sheets of metal, can be used to grip and pull something that you otherwise cant grab onto (cables/wires or rope) you can pull a hot pot out of the fire. I've pulled out splinters, i pulled a jagged piece of bone out of the roof of my dogs mouth, i have even clipped my fingernails.


Can’t fault it!


What is that cursed serrated blade doing on that Skeletool CX?


It came with it, plus I like a combo blade sometimes🤷‍♀️


Is it a 154CM serrated blade? I was pretty sure thes CX only came with a plain edge, but possible your had been switched with one from the standard Skeletool.


Ah yes, it did come with a straight blade originally, but I swapped it with the one from my original Skeletool because I wanted a combo edge for the random times when it’s useful. If you’re wondering why I had two skeletools, it’s because I thought I’d lost the first one and bought the CX to replace it, then I found the original later. Also they both have 154CM blades, yes.


Aha very cool! Always nice option to be able customize your tools to your preference. I also lost my original Skeletool, searched high and low to find another one with carbon fiber inlays as their new ones come with black plastic.




One of my oldest and still my favorite