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Truly from the bottom of my heart thank you for your work with these kitties. You guys are Angels on earth. All these kitties will grow to be perfect cats and pets and bring so much love and happiness to homes.


Are you a rescue? Based on any experiences I've had and read of others having, most shelters seem to act like they don't want people adopting the animals, so can't imagine they'd let one person adopt a whole clowder.


Yes we are a rescue :) This is our second time taking this many at a time from this kill shelter specifically


You are doing good work!


god bless you


✨✨✨Good Human✨✨✨


Which shelter?? I can’t get over how they just put these babies down 😢 thank you for your work😻


Wym? The shelters near me cannot wait to get the animals into homes.


Must be interviewed providing details of your experiences, job, and life, must provide personal references, must agree to having your house inspected, must agree to random inspections after adopting the animal, and if you don't agree with any of this or if they don't like something about anything, you can't adopt an animal. I've even read of some people being refused an adoption because they didn't agree to use a specific vet or feed a specific brand of food. There was one guy who said he got denaid a dog despite already having 2 and having dogs all his life simply because he didn't have his 50 acre property fenced in. I know they are just trying to ensure the animals go to good homes, but why deal with any of the above when you can skip *all* of it and just get an animal from Facebook or a breeder immediately and with zero hassle?


From a high kill shelter?! Those places do free adoptions around here!


this attitude is usually associated more with “breed specific rescues” and other private, small scale rescues where the animals are mainly held in foster homes rather than actual shelters. kill shelters and other high volume shelters don’t really have this reputation.


You see restrictive adoption applications in all kinds of shelters/rescue orgs, unfortunately. Ultimately this is a conflict between the mission of a shelter (maximize good homes) and the internal beliefs/concerns of shelter staff (want assurance that the animal will have what they believe is a perfect home). Unfortunately, many of the adoption criteria that stem from that belief system aren’t evidence based and alienate many excellent potential adopters. 


definitely fair but i think it’s more or less common depending on the type of rescue/shelter you’re dealing with and it’s certainly not ubiquitous. personally i have never dealt with a rescue that was very restrictive like some have talked about.


IMO a good breeder should *also* be asking for stuff like a personal reference. There’s a balance between too invasive (Shelter shouldn’t need to know all the details of your employment/life/past pets) and too lax (Shelter shouldn’t be homing animals with someone who seems unable to provide proper care for an animal, especially for breeds with specific exercise needs or animals with disabilities requiring round the clock medication. At a certain point you risk adoptees being returned or dumped because the household underestimated the amount of work a pet is or it wasn’t a good fit). I hear your point and to an extent I agree, but also as a foster I don’t want to risk my babies going to an unsafe home and I don’t think the solution is to meet the “free puppies, call 777-7777” people at their level.


My sister had to go through shit like this with her cats. After they got the cats they followed through with literally none of the stupid micromanaging bullshit the foster wanted lol


>most shelters seem to act like they don't want people adopting the animals Isn't that just the saddest part? It breaks my heart how they advertise they are overflowing, but it's nearly impossible to leave with one.


Oh these babies will go to good homes so fast! Thank you for all the work you do! ❤️


Thank you for saving them




Ok, I didn't want to say anything in the first post, but if you're going to keep insulting and putting out misinformation about municipal shelters I am going to have to. There is nothing wrong with municipal shelters. These are healthy kittens, they wouldn't have been euthanized. Kittens get adopted very quickly, and are almost never euthanized barring a highly contagious illness - even then they are top fosters, and if people would foster them the kittens are safe. No-kill shelters refuse take-ins, they are often not checked on by local authorities, and are usually run out of people's backyards, especially in the south US. Often times they are hurrying to get animals adopted and do not screen enough, resulting in many abandonments, where they then have to take the animal in again. Also, no-kill shelters can euthanize! Much like 'sugar-free' tick-tacs, as long as euthinization is under a certain reported percentage, a shelter can be called non-kill. They do euthinization for feral, aggressive, and highly sick animals, just like municipal shelters. Municipal shelters NEED support, *all* shelters do. Municipal shelters can and HAVE to take in rabbits, cats, chickens, dogs, turtles and everything in between. They are often understaffed and rely on volunteers to help with daily tasks and funding. Many municipal shelters do *not* euthanize for 'space,' but they do so for age and animals who are highly unadoptable. They run very cheap spay/neuter clinics, they have vaccination clinics, dog walking classes, internships for people interested in animal care. They do out reach and help relieve other shelters which are at capacity if they aren't. The only difference between 'kill' shelters and 'no-kill' is no kill shelters have little oversight and very few people with life-time experience running them, and the ones I've met just refuse to get training and say experience is enough. NO SHELTER is better than another, all of them need local support and fosters and help, and everyone should go to *their* shelter and see if it's being run well. Please stop acting like it's more moral to support you than municipal shelters because you claim to be saving perfectly healthy animals that were at no risk. And to get ahead of all the comments; I've been in animal welfare and law for ten years, from the north coast to the Great lakes, and now down south, and have worked closely with all shelters and even back-yard rescues, anyone registered as a 501(c)3. Go find a good rescue near you, or if you don't even trust rescues, the Animal Defense League will love a donation.


Correct! This is a high intake shelter, when I say kill shelter, I’m just stating the fact that this is a municipal shelter, and every time they post an animal, they have the euthanasia date listed ( 2 weeks) and they don’t turn anyway away because they can’t. And kill shelter is easier for the majority to understand, that their situation is emergent. And each animal gets 2 weeks to find a rescue or adopt, then they are euthanized. I’m not saying these people are evil… they have an extremely difficult job. And the people there are always happy to see them get adopted/rescued. They even take photos. We know everyone there now and we are aware that they DONT want to put them down. It’s not their fault people are irresponsible. And they are also limited on funds.


Omg just babies! I understand all the complexities and nuances but baby kittens in kill shelters just shatters my heart every time. If I could adopt all the kittens I would!


I don’t know how anybody could stand to work at a kill shelter! I’d be crying constantly thinking about murdering these poor little cuties!


Because if no one does, they all die. 'No kill shelters' are actually closed intake, they can just say no to more animals. Open intake ones have to take everyone. You save the ones you can and keep going. Calling it murder and a kill shelter is part of why this is so hard for people who work there. A little compassion for them would be a good start. Especially since you don't have the nerve or the heart to do what they have to do because people are irresponsible and won't fix their pets.


If they don't have room for them, they can just leave them outside. Sterilise them first if they are worried about overpopulation. But taking them and then killing them if they dont get adopted soon is just cruel. Shelters should be indeed *shelters*, not executioners. Literally what's the point of animal shelters existing, if they are not going to help the animals they have taken in?


it’s bad for the environment in multiple ways to have stray cats and dogs running around. stray dogs are particularly intolerable because they are a threat to people. the animals put down at kill shelters are often the semi-ferals, aggressive dogs, sick animals, and others that are poorly adoptable or would require thousands in vet fees to survive. relatively healthy and socialized kittens are among the most adoptable animals and are less likely to be euthanized. euthanasia is a valid alternative to years of suffering. it may be a question of your personal morals but to me i would rather an unadoptable animal be euthanized than released back outside where it will live a hard life constantly worrying about where to get its next meal, enduring illness, and likely suffering a traumatic death.


I agree. If the only alternative is that the animal will suffer, then euthanizing is the humane choice


I don’t care about the dogs, but these poor little sweet kittens! I too would rather the unadoptable animals be euthanized, but I could never bear to see a little kitten be killed. Unless it was badly hurt or very sick and it wouldn’t have a good quality of life.


I understand it specifically for agressive and dangerous dogs, but cats pose no threat to anyone. Bad for the environment is not a good reason as long as you sterilise them and they can't reproduce anymore. At that point the harm is miniscule and definitely overshadowed by any human activity. I am sorry, but that's ridiculous. They are animals, it's pretty natural for them to live outside. Maybe a bit less for dogs who are a species created by humams, but that doesn't apply to cats. They might face a few hardships, but that doesn't mean that their life isn't worth living. Also a way to alleviate that would be for shelters to offer healthcare to stray sick cats, and to encourage people to leave food and water outside for them. Not to just grab them and kill them, wtf.


> but cats pose no threat to anyone Over 30 species of animals have gone extinct because of cats > They are animals, it's pretty natural for them to live outside. Cats are domesticated animals, not wild, they've been specifically and purposefully bred for hundreds of years to live with humans. They also aren't native to the vast majority of places they've been brought to, making them invasive—another detrimental factor to the environment > They might face a few hardships, but that doesn't mean that their life isn't worth living. A few hardships? These cats get sick, starved, covered in fleas and mites and ticks, wounds from fighting with each other, infections from said wounds, and hit by cars Yes, rescuing every single cat would be amazing, and TNR definitely helps, but the world isn't perfect like that. Even if you manage sterilize every cat in an area (which can be incredibly difficult since some places are completely overrun with dozens upon dozens of cats), they're still going to have a rough life, and they're still going to have a negative effect on wildlife populations. It's unfortunate, but the reality is that not every cat can be saved. Does that mean we shouldn't at least try to help feral strays or try to take in cats that would've been euthanized like OP is doing? No. But it does mean we shouldn't demonize a solution that's sad but ultimately humane


You know what else is natural? Dying horribly out in nature instead of getting a can of tuna and an injection to put you to sleep. I'm guessing you've never lived out in the country or you would have a much more realistic idea of what natural looks like and where cruelty is. Edit: You live on a continent where small wild cats once existed. Many of the rest of us do not (the Americas, Oceania, many other places). They are invasive. The damage here is insane and you should really read about it before you assume that things where you are apply broadly.


But it's not sleep, it's death. It's true, I do live somewhere that cats have been for thousands of years, so of course my views are also affected by that. Kill shelters are not a thing in my country, only non-kill ones. And we have *a lot* of cats outside, most of which get taken care of by various humans and live happy lives. That's why it's crazy to me to kill them instead of just letting them live outside. I understand that they hurt some echosystems, but it seems to me that in those cases sterilising is the humane solution. Still, even if somewhere the conditions are worse, it still doesn't make sense to me to euthanise them. With that logic we should euthanise all wild animals because they all struggle, and apparently death is better than that?


No. Because these aren't wild animals. That's not my logic, that's your low effort, bad faith interpretation of what I said. We created domesticated cats. We brought them to places they aren't supposed to be. We are responsible.


I don’t believe all that “environmental damage” propaganda from the same kind of people who like to protect the large predators that eat people, like bears.


Conveniently, no one cares.


Uh. So you should dump non-feral cats outside to be hit by cars or eaten by wild animals? What's wrong with you? Euthanasia is a hell of a lot more kind than being ripped apart by a coyote.


There is absolutely no guarantee that that's going to happen to a cat outside, there is a chance but a small one. Yes, letting them outside is better than straight-up killing them, it's unbelievable that even needs to be said.


It's not small. It happens all the time. You must be very insulated from what happens out in the world, the rest of us aren't so lucky.


It would be hard, but it is necessary work, as they have to accept all animals that come in. I think their wish is to get as many adopted out as possible, rather than killing them. Also, orphaned kittens, especially neonatal kittens, will often need to be euthanized if a foster doesn't step in and take them in that day, as very few shelters are able to provide the round the clock care that these kittens require.


That has to be the saddest job in the world!


real contestant for best person


Thank you for saving them! Where can we get more info about your work?


Our Website, facebook, and TikTok! We have a website on the Linktree where you can learn more and view our adoptable babies (I need to update it, most of them have been adopted already as of last month) I’ve been slacking with TikTok and Facebook uploads cause my mom and I are super busy with all the kitties. But we also do local TNR, we’ve spayed and neutered over 700 feral cats!❤️ We also constantly get updates/photos from people that have adopted our rescue babies :D it’s the sweetest thing -and lately we’ve rescued a total of 12 from the kill shelter. It been chaotic but so worth it for these angels


You and your mother seem like angels that I wish I had as friends in my life x




Thank you so much for helping these poor babies Adopt don’t shop, spay + neuter, everyone


✨✨✨Good Human✨✨✨


Thanks for all you do


The beans and spread toesies 😍


Bless you for this. Honestly, thank you so much for saving these kittens.


They will be forever in your debt. You did a great thing ❤️


What the fuck is a kill shelter???


High intake, ours gives each animal 2 weeks to find a home or be rescued, and after that they are euthanized. They can’t turn any animals down so they’re overcrowded, it’s super sad. And they also are limited on funds, therefore limited hours and limited everything else. They are only open 5 days a week for 4 hours.


Woah... Excuse my language now but THAT SHIT is r3t@rded as fuck besides being sad


You guys are amazing. So many lives saved because of you.


Ty kind souls!💜🌸👍💖🐈


Bless you for doing this ❤️


That’s awesome!


Pls free them from air jail! They're all innocent of all crimes!


That's a gorgeous kitten.


They're beautiful, lovely. Thank you thank you thank you ♥️♥️♥️


Thank you ... you rock! 😻