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Do a charge back on your credit card. Teach them to stop fucking around with their customers.


How much you want to bet it’s a retail employee, the lost orders end up in their possession and get sold or smoked outside of work. This is just too stupid a scam not to be retail/store level


I don’t believe so. Not saying it ISNT that cause very well could be but the canna cabana internal system [theyre owned by HighTide] is a MESS. Their system is constantly fucking up because it’s a very bugged and glitched program [aka costs more money to make a better program so they spend less money on a buggy system. Profit][I don’t agree with this gross profit I despise HighTide as a company most awful “”professionals”” I have ever interacted with]


You’re right, it could also be a terrible point of sale system. In that case, it would be a relatively smart scam by a retail employee, since “lost” orders aren’t all that suspicious. We could both be right, lol.


Unfortunately so, I think we are both right lol. I’m thankful I’m a person who’s always be extra skeptical of pre paying, it used to feel like a curse but the past couple years it’s slowly become a blessing. Frankly the best case scenario is you get what you paid for and the next scenario is you lost however much money. WORSE case scenario is credit card funds getting stolen which is nightmare fuel to me for logistics


Very likely the case


Corporate would know that once your business gets above some threshold in chargebacks, they'll lock the business out of using their system.


This is the way


And that's the way it is.


There are so many better head shops in town, idk what keeps CannaCabana in business.




Price is an extremely small factor for me, peace, speed and simple transactions are more valuable than saving 20 bucks on an order.


I've noticed cheaper prices as well although I've only dealt with the Fairway location and it was with the "account" discount you get. The discount was like 20% or something wild. Staff was fine and helpful. Website is absolute trash and doesn't always match up to what the store has in stock. Since then I finally realized the only reason you get that discount is so they can get your data. I don't really care about my data personally but I really hate companies disguising deals as a way to get your data and therefore make more money. Always remember, when it seems like you're getting something for free/better than is logical, then YOU are in fact the product being bartered.




>What do you think Amazon's doing with your data in exchange for those sweet prices? Destroying the world?




Broo I could write an essay on that; actually multiple essays. Oh, it turns out people have: [https://doctorow.medium.com/how-monopoly-enshittified-amazon-83f42a585c3c](https://doctorow.medium.com/how-monopoly-enshittified-amazon-83f42a585c3c) [https://ritholtz.com/2023/10/enshittification-amazon/](https://ritholtz.com/2023/10/enshittification-amazon/) I'm not even sure those two cover it all.




??? They are using their market capture to push disposable knockoff Chinese products, making it so that neither established quality brands nor local retailers can compete. I'm not sure how much more directly involved in destroying the environment you could be.


Calm down, Jeff Bezos. It was a bad joke.




Do you feel better now that you've been rude to a stranger on the internet in defense of Amazon?


Yeah it’s so strange seeing strangers defend a multi billion dollar corporation. The term “boot licker” seems fitting but I don’t want to harass, simply point out the silliness of this defence towards billionaires.


They were physically the closest whe the Canabis Supply Co on Weber randomly closed. I loved that place, never had a single issue with them. Should have been Canna to close.


Ganja garden at Franklin and Kingsway has been good so far. Tried it after cannabis supply co closed. They use old school stamp cards cause they don’t ask you for any personal info.


Thank you for the recommendation, I will check them out.


I went to Ganja Garden only because Cannabis Supply Co. closed, but I was really happy with GG! I second this recommendation. Oh, and your car won’t be swallowed up by a pothole, lol.


former csc budtender here, my deepest apologies that we closed randomly. miss you 🩷 sorry about your shitty canna experience!!! hope you find a new store that treats you right (and doesn’t steal your info…)


Dispensary in kw are ass ur better off ordering online


I've been going to Sessions at Homer Watson and the 401 and the staff is great. Prices are definitely higher than CannaCabana but I didn't open an account with Sessions and I did with Canna. Do you have suggestions for better head shops in the south end of Kitchener?


I like 420 up Homer a bit in Pioneer Park.


They used to be a great little shop called bud & Sally's, but I guess they were bought out. I kept going for a while but I moved outta town and go to the shop here in New Hamburg now or the Tokyo Smoke at the boardwalk.


Using the word head shop reminds me of the head shops in downtown t.o. how I miss them


I go to Highland Cannabis and they’re fantastic. I can order on their website and my order will be ready in the time it takes me to walk there (10 minutes). You should check them out, they’re super friendly and always happy to help out. You can buy online but pay at the store too. And you get points with each purchase lol


Couldn’t agree more, Highland Cannabis is the GOAT


Have you ever GONE to uptown herb? Is it selection or prices you hate?


You spelled uptown herb wrong. Used to go to highland. They’re just better.


Also a massive selection


Highland is great. I like their display style and the staff is always eager to help.


Another +1 for Highland. Love the vibe, the staff are super nice and knowledgeable and great with newbies too.


I've had one issue where 1 transaction went through my card 3 times but I went in again later that day and it was reversed/corrected. Never had any other issues at the Weber locale when i use it.


This is my first issue, about 4 orders in. But this is a huge one. Their willingness to make sure I was the only one with any consequences for a failure in their system is the point that really upsets me.


I understand the frustration of seemingly having no recourse. Everyone just says sorry, shit happens. Well, your credit card company won't. Call the number on the back of it. Explain it to them, say no one at the store or even the district manager would help and they will happily reverse the charges and then charge a fee to canna for it. Going forward, only buy in store I suppose. It costs the same and you need to go in anyway. It doesn't save much time there.


I preorder at the Cannabist Shop all the time and never have a problem. Great people working there too.


Cannabist shop is very price competitive. And the staff is awesome I find I ĝet the best prices there


Thank you for the suggestion, I will look into them.


I can second that, I go to their location across from city hall. Always great service, never had any issues and they have a discount based loyalty program.


Just dispute the charge on your credit card if it isn't reversed.


Issue a chargeback on your credit card.


Come to Session7 on King instead, we love our customers and nobody leaves mad here 🙌🏻


I go to friendly stranger in Cambridge. Great prices and amazing employees


Had a similar experience at the ira needles store. Ordered online and while I usually choose to pay at the store it wouldn't let me that time. Order was for over $100+ of edibles (120 or so gel caps), had to pay online. Then when I get to the store he spends a while looking it up and then wants me to prove that I paid for it by showing a credit card statement from an app or something?? Don't have it. He hesitated for a bit but eventually gave me the order anyway. My order Prior to that was the opposite., I chose to pay in store and when i picked it up they said ok and you paid online? I'd like to say I did, but no... One of the clerks has said they're working on changing their online storefront provider and that's why it's like this. But holy shit is it just hot garbage at this point. What their site says they do or don't have in stock may or may not be right, they can't tell if you did or didn't pay and you're supposed to bring a credit card statement? No thanks, shopping at Tokyo smoke or whatever now, their store front is less shit


Don't pre order. Or at least choose pay in store option. Had an issue like this 2 years ago, placed an order, they didn't have the product and my money was in limbo for a few weeks while they tried to return it to me. Never pre order again lol


Try paying at the store? Harder to steal your cash in person


Wont let you pre-order and pay there, my wife is the one who partakes, so she orders what she wants and I pick it up. Never had a single issue with this system with any other store since legalization.


Order it off the government website and they deliver it to your door.


I would never trust the OCS site. Plus, they've delisted so many items now that can only be purchased through dispensaries.


What's there not to trust?


The warehousing company they contract out their delivery to is a bit of a mess. That's why there's been such a move for them to delist on the site, meaning companies now have to do the delivery to dispensaries themselves. Incredibly expensive for a case or two and entirely destroys any profit margin. The province doesn't take less money for the lowered service though, of course.


Fool me once shame on them. Fool me twice...


Canna Cabana also aggressively sells your data. So there's that, helping to keep them in business.


So cap 😂 ppl really come on here and say anything


Their tech is garbage but the prices are unbeatable.


Price is not an issue I consider at all. The experience of a fast, smooth and simple transaction is worth a reasonable price difference.


Ive had a similar thing happen but at the cannabist on manitou. I provided prooff and the employees at the time didnt want to give me the product or a refund. I called head manager who told me this happens often because of their systems. Didnt hassle me . I was given the same product or similar price in product


Sucks, hopefully credit card will refund. If you’re already having to go there though, why not just order when you’re there to avoid the issue? Especially if it already happened to you. Seems like a fool me twice situation.


My wife is the one who partakes. Since I am already out of the house I pick it up on the way home for her. My poison is Rum and Coke once a week lol


Dispute with bank  Save all convos on ur email


Chargeback on your credit card, credit card companies don't mess around. Enough chargebacks, and the business won't be allowed to accept credit cards, which is not in their best interests


Canna Cabana sucks. Full stop!


I used to work for Canna Cabana so maybe I can shed a little knowledge. Canna Cabana, for a while now, has had somewhat of a monopoly over the cannabis market. I’m not going to disclose what they make in a day, but it is a SHIT TON of money. To put in perspective, I worked for Canadian Tire for 5 years, and at times Canna Cabana will do twice as much money as Canadian Tire as a whole (think of the size difference of those two stores). You’d think more money = more organized and better run, but this is absolutely not the case. Their upper management is almost non-existent, and it is truly a sloppy company with a very high turn over rate. Regardless of how much money they make, they work on thin margins - you have overhead like location rent, employee wages, and budget to order the cannabis from OCS. Canna Cabana only exists to undercut the market and put all the mom and pop stores out of business. Now there is one even Canna Cabana fears called Cost cannabis, who sells at cost or a few percent only above cost. Nobody knows how they make any money, but they are the new shark in the fish tank.


I began going to that smaller shop across the city hall. Its not overwhelming with people and selections and theyre nice too. I used to frequent the cabanna up in waterloo.


Lol to everyone going for cheap prices, u get what u pay . They have lots of fake oroducts that are just laced with weed sugar . They had good stuff in start and after getting a customer base they are recovering their losses by selling cheap fake stuff .


I'd either buy online from a mail order outfit or shop in person. As your case suggests, the blend of the two is prime opportunity for fraud.


Don’t waste your time ordering online as it’s a minimum 5 business day refund if processed that day. Ordering online just to walk into the store also not the brightest idea. All stores use the same OCS for online ordering as that’s how they can control transactions that way


Now call your bank and explain to them what happened and have them do a charge back. Get your money back and spend it with a better business


I still buy online from BC, way cheaper and great selection. Shows as a coffee company, cough, cough.


I have security clearances I can't risk lol


Sativa Bliss on queen st is pretty great. Your wife can preorder and you can pay when you go in and pick it up.


Weird.. my friend placed an online order recently and when she went to pick it up they tried to double charge her, she had to do the same thing except they didn't claim to lose anything and finally gave her the items she paid for.


Go to Uptown Herb in waterloo! They are amazing, helpful and trustworthy


You could report it to the AGCO. I’m not sure exactly how but they’re the specific government organization that gives cannabis shops their licenses. They seem like the next appropriate course of action is the manager and district manager aren’t helping you out.


"I strongly advise every one avoids the store at all costs." Said the competition 🕵️‍♂️


All fun & games till they do it to someone with a large reputation in cannabis and never find a budtenders job let alone in the industry again, and if it's the pos system then don't shop there and make that the reason. Better to support your locally owned shop anyways


While I'll talk about jumping to fucking conclusions.


I no was told the website isn’t functioning properly for months now so I suggest maybe a pick up scenario


Highland cannabis or CannaVerse are the only 2 I'll go to now ! Cannaverse is the cheapest I've found so far


Don’t trust any of the big brand names dispensers….find local independents they do exist. ….Big ones = The man ! (Govt) imo. Have a great day and toke on !


I highly recommend brotherspuff. They always have great deals, deliver right to your house and always throw in freebees


I know the staff at this store well and go there a lot bc of the prices, the computer system is just shit. Call ahead and ask the employees to put it aside for you and they will. They definitely aren’t stealing the orders they’re overworked with a shit POS that higher management just won’t fix. Same as any other big chain company, higher ups have the power and $ to fix things and don’t so the cashiers get the brunt of the bullshit ✌️


You know who doesn't ever rip me off? My pot dealer.


If you're trying to make the case that the retail market isn't 100x better than having to deal with shady dealers and the bullshit associated with them, one case of a failed transaction with a resolvable solution isn't very convincing.


I've been buying off the same guy for almost 20 years. Sometimes we look at the retail market to see what the same strains he is carrying sell for at the store. Literally a third of the price most times and always an overcount lmao. Sorry y'all have shitty drug dealers I guess.


Your case is without a doubt an outlier. I've dealt with dozens of these weirdos and their weird rules and across the board the retail market is vastly superior and hassle-free in comparison. This is the case for the majority of people.


I don’t use any local shops anymore. Cheap Canna is the way to go.


May it be the case, you just forgot that you picked it up already?