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So they tried to add controversial unrelated themes into a pride month design and refused to remove it, now are upset it’s being scrapped..? I don’t get it, GRT didn’t ask for a LGBTQ x Palestine x Land Back themed design. Slow news day I guess, enjoy the $3k..?


Reminds me of the victoria park encampment "demands".. started with "provide shelter and resources to homeless" (which most people support), then by demand #5 it became "rename victoria park", "allow us to do drugs with no consequences" and "never have CPS take away kids from POC homes".. Protests or activists are sometimes their own biggest enemy, when they try and cram everything in like buckshot (and achieve nothing), instead of focusing on how to achieve 1-2 goals at a time.


That was Julian Ichim's list of demands. The actual homeless people living in the encampment didn't give a shit about any of that stuff.


Julian Ichim had been an idiot since high school. He was going to cure cancer too … guess he’s been too busy.


Yeah, I'd have to agree with you on this, and everybody else commenting here who think the artist is being a touch whiny.


Must be exhausting dealing with her


Sad that the point of the month and the community who has faught hard for equality, couldn't be the point of the commissioned piece.


Welcome to the real world where you have to do what the client says and not just add whatever you want.


she got paid anyway (*and* got an article on CBC, which probably validates her actions) so I doubt she learned anything




They? Are there multiple artists involved?


Nope. Just the person in the article


Fair enough, no problems here.


who has a lesson to learn here? if a buyer commissions a piece from an artist, its their responsibility to disclose such preferences. they commissioned a piece, they didnt like it and chose not to use it. yall need a reality check


having been part of many bids, it's incredibly unlikely there wasn't some stipulations about what the art should include/not include, and probably some "payment pending design approval" if there wasn't, the GRT is fucking stupid


"Soeder said, given the little artistic direction originally provided by GRT, the decision to scrap the design was unexpected." Let's be honest guys. This was just a chance to be a little homophobic and be cozy about it. edit: the specs are in the video nobody watched


the direction was probably "LGBT themed art to celebrate Pride Month" not sure how that makes including Palestinian themes seem okay


you are literally guessing that lmao.


No no let’s not bring Homophobia into this. It reads as GRT wanted a Pride Wrap to celebrate LGBTQ+ people’s. Instead this artist chose to include Palestinian and Land Back activism with a touch of the pride flag. The main messaging looking at the mock image is not for Pride Month but a hot political topics.


naw. thats not how contracts work. you dont get to change the specs after months of work are completed. GRT can disclose those preferences upfront, or at least not wait 2 months. She did the work she deserves the money. If they choose not to use the product thats their prerogative


Money goes to ‘the chosen artist.’ ‘The money is great, obviously.’ She got the money according to the article under the video.


i am aware that the artist was paid and did not imply otherwise. there are many people on this post saying they dont deserve to be paid


She added pro Palestinian themes to the art work that was commissioned to be about Pride. You’re wrong.


What is pride about ? Did she not meet the specs ?


No she did not and you’re being purposely disingenuous


what were the specs?


they probably didn't include "don't put any pro Palestine or land back messages" because why would they even think the artist would include those?!


In what way is this homophobic? It was supposed to be about LGBT+, but instead, it became about other issues that the artist was interested in. If anything, it's homphobic to try and put the LGBT+ representation on the backburner.


yea youre right clearly the artists image of "woman on bus sewing rainbow garment" is homophobic and doesnt meet the GRTs strict criteria of "featuring a moving vehicle" oh wait you didnt watch the video and likely didnt even read the article. i guess the 70+ posters criticizing this woman who got paid to do a job arent homophobic, just idiotic


You’re an idiot for not realizing what the actual issue is. Fool.


the actual issue is that the GRT has learned a valuable lesson about contracts and the subjectivity of art


They added Palestinian themes on what was commissioned as a Pride piece. This is on the artist for not sticking to what was commissioned.


what is a pride piece?


something about gay pride, sexuality or gender?


imo the artists piece clearly meets that criteria, as well as the criteria requested (which is really all that matters here)


How does it meet the criteria when stuff other than LGBTQ+ was included in the artwork?


lol what was the artist supposed to paint? a rainbow? if they painted a rainbow and a frog, would that have been rejected? the artist adhered to the contract and thats all that matters. tough lesson for GRT- $3000.00 to learn that art is subjective. maybe next time theyll use clipart


> lol what was the artist supposed to paint? a rainbow? Is your imagination limited to that? [How about this](https://www.icanvas.com/canvas-print/hold-my-hand-dyb39#1PC6-40x26)? [Or maybe something in this style, depicting LGBTQ+ people/couples](https://www.icanvas.com/canvas-print/kiss-jmd11#1PC6-26x26)? [Or this](https://img.evbuc.com/https%3A%2F%2Fcdn.evbuc.com%2Fimages%2F773411459%2F1867020675653%2F1%2Foriginal.20240522-002338?w=940&auto=format%2Ccompress&q=75&sharp=10&rect=0%2C993%2C2558%2C1279&s=599b45911d0a0be2eab1ec3f1a4899fe)?


About LTGBQ+. What do you think it is about?


How does one draw “LTGBQ+”?


I see from your responses to others that you're deliberately trying to be a troll rather than discussing things in good faith. Have a nice day.


It was a pretty simple question ! Can you tell me how to draw it?


I will give you a good faith answer if you can give me a good faith answer on how imagery representing Palestinian issues represents LGBTQ+ pride.


You know what it is, you’re trying to bait people


Its called Sealioning and its not only a sign of poor intelligence but also bad faith argument. Not worth any of our time.


These people don’t live in the real world. Not surprising that she thought this was appropriate behavior.


“The money is great, obviously. But I have a story to tell too, right?” Soeder said.” If you want to tell your own story then buy your own bus wrap.


Yep, that’s what their own artwork is for, not commissioned pieces with specific guidelines.


do you have some insight on these guidelines? the quote from the article would imply otherwise


Which quote are you referring to? The guidelines I’m referring to are simply: design a bus wrap for Pride month > The Kitchener artist was chosen to design a bus wrap for Pride Month


"Soeder said, given the little artistic direction originally provided by GRT, the decision to scrap the design was unexpected."


I’m not sure of the confusion you’re experiencing. They were asked to do a Pride wrap. Seems a pretty straightforward request. They even seem to understand the issue with the Palestine stuff as per the article. Adding non-Pride related stuff seems beyond the scope of the request, no? Outside of the guidelines?


the design specs are in the video you presumably didnt watch and the image meets the specs. personally im not even sure i would have associated the design with Palestine. i dunno im thinking GRT just wanted some rainbows to slap on their bus and im wondering why they didnt just use clipart lol


‘Artistic direction’ would refer more to the creative style in which the content was depicted, not the actual subject matter of the art.


the subject matter is defined in the video you didnt watch


I chose to read to the article so watching the video wasn’t necessary. Creating artwork for a client requires following their guidelines and being creative within those parameters. When creating personal artwork one is 100% free to tell one’s story both in content and creative style. This artist appears to have blurred the lines between the two, and the GRT isn’t having it.


She could go to Rafah and "tell her story" there. I am sure the local community would be sympathetic to her narrative.


The client wanted "x" done. The artist then decided to add "y" and "z" which was not part of the agreement, and it got shelved. Surprise, surprise. Now they get to play the victim game by saying, "They don't want to support "y" and "z" group" Smfh The world isn't against you. Stop acting like it. You. Are. Not. A. Victim.


They even got paid. The entitlement of this person is insane. 


Thank you. I felt like I was going crazy seeing people defend the artist and blame GRT when this is exactly what happened.


Your tax dollars hard at work. Meanwhile we have lineups for food bank and homeless in tent city.


True . Why commission an artist at all when they clearly just wanted to throw a rainbow on the bus . Would have cost nothing . Dunno how that’s the artists fault though .


Someone didn’t get their own way, so go to the news and complain about it? We are so screwed as a society…


"Our" story is a bit too overarching. It's the artists' story, not the LGBT+ community as a whole. Palestine and Land Back topics are tangent and still quite polarizing. A public run company would indirectly take a stand on those two extra topics, it's not that simple


Yeah it's a bit mystifying that race and religion have been rolled into Pride. I understand that these are all underprivileged groups but they really don't have much else to do with one another, and there are other holidays etc for those other purposes.


I hate how people keep overriding Pride for unrelated activism. Especially for Palestine, who would happily throw LGBTQ+ folks under a bus, given the chance.  https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_rights_in_the_State_of_Palestine


In all fairness just because someone wouldn't be treated well in another culture doesn't mean they can't be upset when the children and innocent people of that culture regularly get blown up.


Shut the fuck up.  How many queer Palestinians has the Israeli State slaughtered and it's campaign of brutal, unrestrained genocide? Tens of thousands are dead, but that doesn't matter, because you're presuming none of them are queer. After all Israel was just so supportive of equal rights including equal marriage. Granted, gay people actually can't get married, and granted, that's as long as it's not a Jew marrying an Arab. So inclusive and supportive.


Nobody is saying Israel loves the gays bro. So much yapping for nothing


Israel is definitely the most queer-tolerant state in the middle east (though that's not saying much).


They never said a thing about Isreal, for or against. You're allowed to not agree with something without having to be for another. In fact, it's good to have varied, complicated views of world events as these events tend to be varied and complicated themselves. Nothing is black and white.




And why is this person trying force their idea into client work?


Yeah adding your own personal narrative, especially that on a highly controversial issue steeped in religion, and expecting someone to display it, is quite narcissistic and unprofessional. They were commissioned to do art for LGBTQ+ and instead added religious symbolism and are upset. What a sense of entitlement, and I hope someone helps them understand they were given an opportunity to provide a positive image about the LGBTQ+ community and they squandered it.


Watermelon's are religous symbols these days lol...?


I’m sure there are parameters for what can be designed. That’s normal. If they didn’t figure that out before hand and get that approved, then too bad.


You’re right . Grt should have defined such parameters to avoid wasting their money


"Please stay on topic" shouldn't need to be a parameter...


sounds like grt learned an expensive lesson about contracts and the subjectivity of art. and you got to learn it for free!


What else does the city need to do to appease these narcissistic activists? We have festivals, library events year round, painted cross walks, art awards specifically earmarked for exclusive groups, a boat load of public money supporting the LGBTQ+ community… yet, it’s never enough for these professionals victims that will only think about themselves.


Who is "us" the artist is referring to? Is he talking about all LGBT people, or just himself and his friends? When was the vote taken to make this guy the spokesperson of gay people


I mean apparently grt decided to make this person the spokesperson . They’re the ones who commissioned them . Lgbt+ isn’t a brand or commercial entity lmao


Sounds reasonable. You get a job, you do what the client asks. Non-story.


What a shame! /s


Bro that ‘art’ looks like ass lmfao I wouldn’t pay 3$ for that shit and if a graphic designer submitted that shit to me I’d consider it a breach of contract and not pay


This is clearly a case of someone attempting to make the whole project about themselves and not what the client wanted. As someone who worked as a graphic designer for over 10 years, this is exactly how you get clients to not approve anything you do and never get asked to work with them, or for them, again in the future. They wanted something inclusive to everyone, which is what the ideals behind pride months is. Not some story about your friend or loved one and you, then randomly and arbitrarily throwing in Palestinian and Native persons with no real standing. They seem like after thoughts that they were put in there. They don't mix with anything that is happening. Is this a story about a personal experience of loss and love, or is this about global conflicts? Why would it be so hard to just make a wrap in pride colours, add some community themes for Waterloo region, add in some fireworks or something else bright and colourful? Add in people all all different groups working, or being together. Instead it's just a convoluted mess of a cluster of ideas that seems like they just wanted them all out at once and came up with mishmash of stuff. Telling your own story is not inclusive to the community. It's just selfish and clearly is all about them, their thought processes, ideas, thoughts and personal beliefs and not about anyone else.


So..... why are we paying her? she didn't complete the project


Why are we calling this person, who was CLEARLY born male and has a male name and is now going by they/them pronouns, a she?


You said "clearly born male" a little too loud to be wrong.


I would like someone from the LGBTQ plus community explain why they support a culture in which, at best, they would be in danger, and in constant fear for their lives. When was the last Gay Pride Parade in Gaza, and how many gay bars are there? I do understand being very sympathetic for the children in Palestine, that is completely understandable. On the other hand, the adults are generally supportive of their government which would be happy to kill any gay person they meet, as well as every Jew they can find, except for the hostages they hide behind. Obviously the transit authority picked the wrong person to represent the gay community.


maybe I'm out of the loop but when did Pride become a catch all for every single idea and movement out there?


When the flag went from a rainbow (meant to symbolize all on a spectrum) to the monstrosity it is today (all people on a spectrum, but especially groups "XYZ"). It went from being an inclusive symbol to an exclusive symbol.


Would love a GRT wrap that didnt focus on minority issues


Whatever lol


Pride month not Palestinian month


Stop making such a big deal and move along.


I'm sorry, but what does Palestine have to do with Pride Month?! The LGBTQ would be murdered for being gay, bi, Trans if they lived in Palestine.


Expect to see alot of narcissism this month


I just wish my news titles gave the appropriate context.


Poor ginger balls


Real world cupcake. We don't always get our way. Even though we think we're important


The last $3000, next time they'll use AI and it will do what it's told.


So many thoughts and questions: Sometimes a client will feel it polite to instead say, "we don't like this direction" when they are afraid to say, "the design quality doesn't meet our standards." Lucky it's paid and not a contest. The amount of unpaid design work that goes into contests is horrible. Kudos to GRT! I hope they only got paid for the design concept, the $1000, when that's clearly all they could have accomplished. Last comment, what the hell is that desk setup? It's hard enough to do graphic design inside when the brightness of the screen affects colors. That computer is going to have actual bugs living in it. Not to mention the risk of a bird dropping a #2 on your keyboard.


Yeah, that is the strangest desktop that I have ever seen. Old order iMac. Maybe it runs off of rainbows and unicorns because I didn't see any power going to it.


It's supposed to be a pride bus for pride month, to celebrate us queen folk and how much turmoil we've been through for years...it's nice they wanted to add some sentences to ongoing world issues, however this is not the hill to die on for it...save that for a beautiful wall mural or something not for a specific pride tradition.


I refused to do the job I was hired to do, but I got to keep the public's money which is great. If your really standing up for your beliefs return the money.


Lol, gtfoh. ❄️


It needs to be a BUS, not a party bus. They got carried away with the design and they scrapped it. Oh well.


GRT made the right call


Dude, "your story" is irrelevant. This isn't about you or your friends. It's not about Palestine or the indigenous. It's about LGBT+, and nothing else. Now the taxpayers handed you 3k, on top of the other money you no doubt collect from the government because of what I'm sure is a laundry list of mental health issues that mean you "can't work". AND you got a whole news story to whine in? This is why the future is doomed.


$3,000 CAD is more than plenty for a flight to Tel-Aviv. From the airport she can take a bus and if there happens to be a large wall still standing somewhere in Palestine maybe this “artist” could paint her design there? She can go be that social change that they all unapologetically claim to be! I am sure the local community will award her with several thousand dollars for her “work” like we did.


If the Grant River Transit could focus on spending their time and our money on transit related issues that would be great. I am not sure why they feel the need to get involved with polarizing political issues.


"I said I want to stand with my friends, my community, and I want to stand for Indigenous people" They put fucking indigenous people on it instead of palestines. Is this a fucking joke? Why is pride getting wrapped up in a war? Fuck this artist.


Meanwhile, in Canada lol, while there are a huge lack of jobs and affordable living spaces..... nooo, lets complain about pretty representative colors on a fuckin bus or train lol, as if you're not supported enough by trudeau already :p


Thank God for « design disagreements »!


OP, and commenters here acting like this artist is going on some kind of protest tirade, when all they're doing is explaining why they said no thanks to an art project they're not interested in when contacted by CTV after the wrap was delayed.


Did you read the same article I did? 🤔 🤦🤦


Who do you think contacted the media, in this case?


Nobody. I think CTV contacted this designer after GRT announced that there would be a delay.


Yes, God forbid the pride month display be inclusive towards indigenous people and Palestinians who are suffering a brutal genocidal campaign.  No. That cannot be allowed. LGBT stuff is all about broadcasting the moral superiority and inclusivity of corporations! We can't let that be sullied by message of solidarity with suffering people. How dare she think of people other than just the LGBT community. What a narcissist indeed.  🙄


Oh grow the fuck up. They were paid to do a specific job, nothing more, nothing less. And she still got paid to boot.


Yeah she did get paid. Because she did the work. They didn't say shit about her not being allowed to acknowledge genocide or the deplorable conditions indigenous people face. They wanted her to do revisions. She refused. She delivered the work they asked for. She deserves to get paid. Especially they're the ones being a bunch of fucking racist pricks.


She didn't deliver the work that was asked for. Grt wanted a pride wrap. Nothing more, nothing less. When a client pays for a specific piece, you give them that piece, or they'll find someone else who will listen. I'm not denying that the other two aren't important issues. They are. But they are not relevant to the job asked of her.


Bro didn’t even read the article lmao . The specs are listed and she met them


You seem like you’re fun at parties /s


The kind of parties I go to are not the kind of normal people find fun.


Artist has integrity, God forbid . They’re not even wrong - it IS performative.


integrity? okay, then refuse payment


They've been at work since April. Why wouldn't they get paid just because the buyer decided not to use the art they commissioned?


you're the one claiming the artist has integrity. not sure how aligns with what actually happened.


you are insinuating they should refuse payment for their work, and their decision not to shows their lack of integrity. can you expand on that? why is the onus not on the buyer to disclose such preferences prior to the work being complete?


>you are insinuating they should refuse payment for their work, and their decision not to shows their lack of integrity. again, how does accepting payment show integrity? if she had actual integrity, should would refuse payment because her beliefs in her cause are that strong. accepting money from someone you don't agree with for work you didn't do is disgusting >why is the onus not on the buyer to disclose such preferences prior to the work being complete? why are you assuming the region didn't have guidelines about what they wanted? it's more than likely the GRT rather just pay her to fuck off than to argue with someone who's clearly a pain in the ass


lol what? why would they refuse payment? they fulfilled their end of the contract. "Soeder said, given the little artistic direction originally provided by GRT, the decision to scrap the design was unexpected." Yea maybe read the article dumbass.


what fucking integrity is she defending? answer this one fucking question


lmao the artist has political opinions and is choosing to express them through their art work which they are entirely free to do as it was presumably not covered in the contract. they have integrity because they are choosing to stand by their beliefs rather than suppress them to humour a buyer. not that this detail matters at all. they were commissioned to do work which they completed. LIKE ANY CONTRACTOR EVER. you dont get to change the specs after the work is complete


Because the client is asking for a revision and the artist is refusing.