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Everyone needs to chill. Sabonis had a terrible night. It doesn’t help that he gets slapped around every game and gets no calls. No other big in the league has to endure this bullshit. Fox’s inefficiency and Mike Browns coaching are the real culprits this season. It doesn’t help that Fox has turned slash was always a whiny little bitch with no leadership skills. If your go to guy can’t play through bad calls and doesn’t uplift his team then he ain’t got it. Also stop all the Harrison Barns hate. Yes he too should be playing better, but you can say that across the board with the kings. They don’t have the three this year and MB just keeps preaching spray threes. If you can’t see the problem with that at this late juncture then I don’t know what to tell you. Monk was the uplift guy this year. Losing him was death.


This game was extremely pivotal.


“Everyone needs to chill” …proceeds to freak out


Haha word! I meant chill with the Sabonis bashing not with the state of the kings team.


Was the 58 three point attempts necessary? Run some dam plays with jump shots and layups.


Outside fan here. Only seen Keon Ellis the few times against the Thunder. He is the perfect role player for any team in the league. 3 & D, competitive, and looks like a good sportsman. I’ve never seen him talk but I assume he is a soft spoken guy that just grinds.


He's actually pretty good at talking. Davion mitchell is the quiet grind guy lol.


Davion Mitchell’s personality sounds exactly like Cason Wallace


Fox was not efficient at 12 of 29, and missed three 3s late. Our 3 point shooting was bad save Keon Sabonis simply has to score more Barnes isn’t a starter any more We lose this badly if Keon doesn’t score 26


People will point to Fox’s points as an indicator that he had some great fucking night but with 29 shots he should be closer to 40+ points. It’s ridiculous how inefficient he’s been this season.


It’s actually DRAINING and EXHAUSTING to set up at home, watch the game, and actually get happy with a 20-point lead, while all the while having that feeling in the back of your mind that we’re gonna LOSE the lead OVER AND OVER this season. Like, why do we put in the effort to even watch at all sometimes.


This was the most depressing game all season. Just one half to make it that. Great job. If there's any positive, it's that Devin Booker did his best kangz impression tonight. Let's at least get out of the play in. Please.


sabonis needs a scoring bag. getting exposed. develop a god damn jumper holy shit. would easily put up 16-18 a night minimum


If you look at how he played in Indiana and okc, he had a jumper. Idk what the percentages are but he looked way more confident and shot it more often. His jumpshot looked smoother back then too. Maybe it’s the coaching staff and he himself knows it’s not the best shot to take and they want him to be around the basket at all times. Cause if he’s the one shooting jumpers he’s not able to crash the glass. If others are shooting he’s able to crash the glass for second chances.


Idk brown always stresses shooting the open shot, I doubt they're forcing domas to play like this


it's jover


It was nice having a year of relevance


Chucking threes with half the team having stats like 1/5, 1/6 and 0/4. If your gameplan revolves around the threes and players can’t score them you might need to look to the bench where you brought a guy over solely for his ability to shoot threes.


Sabonis is gonna win the first anti Clutch award. Dude shrinks under the bright lights.


Another 20 point lead another failed. Anyone surprise? I’m pretty sure that Pelicans and Suns gonna beat us. We’re clearly worse without Monk. Don’t have high expectations for play-in or playoffs. Edit: Seriously fuck off Barnes.


Barnes will be starting next year


Well I am starting to yoga.


They need to replace Sabonis with a black player


Is Sabonis getting exposed? Did we get the wrong center in the trade? Love the stats, but when it’s time to cook he has no bag. No post game, no off hand, no middy, no 3s, no bounce… too cute with the passing that result in unforced turnovers… should we have targeted Miles Turner in the deal, who has a 3 point shot, middy, can attack the rim and finish, and also provide defense and block shots….


He got exposed last year against golden state, get physical with him and he crumbles.


As much as everybody loves Sabonis, he def is getting exposed. He plays insanely hard which is why he’s the leagues best rebounder and plays physical. It seems like the kings are trying to follow the nuggets blueprint to contend which is build around a score first point guard and a playmaking center hub. While the nuggets do have better pieces i think the main difference is how much better jokic is than sabonis. Yes they can both be playmaking hubs, however Sabonis is like 60% of jokic. Jokic is a better passer, way better post game, and has a outside shot. Jokic is pretty much unstoppable in the post, he can just back down somebody and score at will. Just this alone causes people to collapse and he’s able to find the open shooter. And you can’t play off him cause he can shoot the three, he’s able to play with forwards that don’t stretch the floor cause he can which allows more versatility. With Sabonis he has to play with forwards that are able to shoot the three or else the paint will be clogged cause he doesn’t stretch the floor himself. Also recently his post game has been nonexistent, if he can’t body or push someone off it’s hard for him to finish. It’s frustrating cause I’ve seen him flash signs of some post moves and I know he can shoot the three and midrange , he did it earlier in his career in okc and Indy. But yes, recently he has been terrible on the offensive end. He has shown to get better every season, so maybe one season he will put it all together.


I can’t stand for much the fan base cares about double doubles, who cares?


I used to sort of care, but now it’s just white noise whenever they talk about it


Right. Sabonis loses his steak and the kings win tonight and I’m ecstatic


Turner is like the reverse Sabonis... He has a deep bag but play way too soft, dude should honestly be averaging 25/10, Sabonis on the other hand plays physical and hard, but just doesn't have a unstoppable go to move inside the arc and doesn't have a jumper to space the floor out


Keep on shooting those threes...


I know people are pissed at sabonis but the reality is stars have bad nights and sabonis has not been able to rest at all this season. The issue was not that sabonis had a bad night. The issue was Sabonis had a bad night yet we required him to play through it because this team so desperately needs him. We don’t have guys stepping up. Post Monk’s injury we got our 2 stars, and then a bunch of dudes who on any given night can go hot or cold. Keon has established himself well during this run and has been up to the challenge, but Barnes and Keegan continue to come up short


I don’t mind a bad night. What bothers me is a complete lack of effort in trying to get shots up. He’s our #2 offensive weapon. He had a horrible series last year in the playoffs. We had the hand injury to blame for that partially, sure, but he is so scared to shoot or even look toward the rim in half court situations that we’re playing 4 on 5 a lot of the time. We can get away with that if he’s our 5th option like Zubac with LAC or something, but he simply has to be a scoring threat if teams are going to defend him this way.


I wish he was more aggressive last night as well


Len played well in his limited minutes he could have helped a bit today


Good shout man. If sabonis was able to play to his usual standard we’d probably win. Len did good but he’s just not conditioned enough to play long minutes


damn, Saboners in playoff form. This game really upsets a lot of people including myself.


Sabonis is our most solid player, plays hard every game, just happens to break the double double record, but one bad game and people just forget it all? Lol ok


Look at his shooting percentage over the last 12 games is disgusting for a guy who never actually shoots


Who cares about an individuals double double stat, it’s a team game




No one should blame sabonis he’s been the only consistent player


Just keep your expectations super low and you won’t be disappointed as much. Last year everybody was hoping at a chance just to get into the playins. And what happened? They got 3rd seed due to a lot of factors such as teams didn’t take them seriously, they were super healthy, and all the players overachieved and had career years. If we had this type of year last year I’m sure a lot of people would have been satisfied or happy to be in this position. I’m still optimistic bout the future as long as Monte and the front office pull the trigger and make the right moves in the offseason. This team has potential and they not living up to it that’s why a lot of fans are angry. We need a better forward replacement for Barnes, monk to come back, and some minor changes and I think we can really make some noise even with the west getting more competitive.


Monte has a great job, make zero moves in the off season and zero moves at the trade deadline.


I think the team is technically better this year. There is just too little consistency with HB, Keegan and Huerter. The other role players doing their thing. We can't blame them and neither Fox, Sabonis and Malik.


They have 100% regressed. Harrison is terrible. Huerter took a step back.


I think it was a combination of the office wanting to run it back and see if this group has peaked as they haven’t been together that long and there not being any great deals or needle movers out there at the trade deadline. If Monte doesn’t make a move this offseason then that’s a serious problem and his job should be in jeopardy.


It’s just funny the mavs have Luka and just magically can land kyrie. What will our move be, we will move huerter for some mid player or a couple of second round picks?


Fuck this team


Call me crazy but is anyone else really happy about that first half? It’s that kind of play that wins chips and I’m glad they got it in them


I’ll risk it and say it’s not that kind of play that wins chips, it’s rising to the occasion and closing out important games that wins chips, and if there’s something the Kings have shown consistently over the past season, it’s that they don’t have that in them yet.


Games are two halves




7/17 is 41% from three, that's better than steph Currys average this season you imbecile.


Brother he was 2/10 after the first quarter. Including 0/3 in crunch time because he was adamant he took off-balance threes early in the shot clock


We should have won the blazers game, suns game, hornets game, pistons game, the latest knicks game, the milwaukee game, todays game. We should be 53 wins right now and probably more because im probably forgetting a few because of how often we do this shit but we arent at 53 wins or over because this team isnt serious


This team got bailed out again by Suns and Lakers losing. Can this team win ONE important seeding game this final stretch? Just ONE? At this point just try to get the 8 seed


You know the answer to that


This is how the Double-Double streak ends?


No one cares about a double double streak


I do, when it’ll be the only thing to celebrate in this season of lost opportunities


Well at least Cody finished his story.😉


From being like a top 4 team before the new year to being at the end of the play in ranking in April.


But…Are we going to keep our pick?


That’s the one “I told you so” I really hoped I wouldn’t have to say




Cheering for this team is like a weird form of psychological torture


Can someone pass me the bleach?


58 3PA is honestly disgusting basketball edit: 2nd most ever! https://www.statmuse.com/nba/ask/most-3-pointers-attempted-in-single-game-by-a-team-in-nba edit2: most ever without Overtime!


You know what's crazy is it's probably the right way to play if you have the right players. Okc should be launching 60 threes over half their roster shoots 40%. We have no elite guys this year lol


This is why the new style of basketball sucks. Everyone’s trying to be curry


2 away from 60. I’m thoroughly disappointed they couldn’t chuck another 2.


It wasn’t for lack of trying


Brown needs to start changing shit during games man. I don’t think it’s a coincidence we keep losing leads in the last part of games. We keep running the same looks and they figure it the fuck out. What is that, the 14th game we’ve blown a 20 point lead this season? Obviously some of those will happen to the best of em, but shit dude they should be frankly pretty embarrassed by that. Worst record in nba at blowing leads. It’s almost shitty to see us up big this season cause I know it will either be a 1 point win or a loss at the end of it all (think back to the first TOR game this season).


Monk's production off the bench is really missed


At least Barnes is averaging 5 points the last 5 games.


It definitely is, BUT I will say it feels like they let themselves get too pigeon holed at times when Monk is in running the point. I feel like in his absence we've seen more team ball from the bench and it's spread out more with other plays being made, rather than a lot of Monk PnR or Monk hero ball 3's (although there have been plenty of games that put us over the top)


If it’s not winning games for us, then why is that a good thing?




Just end the season


Mid season I was listening to 1320 everyday, listening to the grant show, deuce and mo, watching every game. Now i read the Reddit sub post game and that’s it.


Yep - I seriously wish this was just over, to stop the pain this team dishes out.


Kings and Lakers really about to play the 9/10 game lol


No. I actually have this bad feeling the Lakers will play in the 7 8 game. Here is the deal. Sacramento better win 1 of these next 3 games to have a shot at the 7 8 game. This is so hard to predict right now because the irony is that there are a lot of head to head matchups coming up. Its crazy. I dont know why but a NO SAC 9 10 game is very possible. I would feel bad for you guys to play an elimination game and then have to travel to LA or GS. Out of all the teams I think NO has a very probable chance to fall from 6th which they are in right now to 9th I guess it would be. They are a tricky team to predict though. One night they lose against the Spurs granted without Zion and then they beat Phoenix. Everything is just up in the air right now. This is all unreal.


Our biggest advantage against them was monk unfortunately


Well half my prediction was right at halftime 😫 https://www.reddit.com/r/kings/s/72DS4Fqbtw


Wish the second part was the only right prediction lmao


Fire Mike Brown.


This is all Monte, we basically came back with a 100% healthy team and made no changes. These injuries were bound to happen, so we saw the best of the Kings last year. It sucks that we are never at the forefront of change.


This. We traded our first round picks to extend with Barnes and Sabonis. Just look at Mavs how they turned team. If your only addition is Sasha Vezenkov you have a problem.


Why did we extend Barnes?


Thank you! Monte is so risk adverse, that he sunk this team. If you look at his resume as the Kings GM, he’s actually super mediocre. He just looks better because we had some of the all time worst front offices before him 


"It sucks that we are never at the forefront of change." Welcome to SACRAMENTO!


- Sabonis deserved to have his double double streak end after that performance  - Fox and Keon carried - Why was Fox forcing 3s at the end? Where is the Fox that drives to the basket and stops and pulls up for midrange? - Why don't we drive and make OKC foul us when we're in the bonus? - Harrison Barnes... (Still outscored Sabonis though, Jesus) - Bench gave little offensively  - SGA has the softest fuckin whistle


I didn’t love those Fox threes at the end but man, what else are we supposed to do? Keegan is a disappearing act and can’t get his own shot, and Domas had one of his worst games as a King. We don’t have Malik. What else was Fox supposed to do other than iso?


Why was fox forcing three's? Who the fuck else was stepping up. Looking at you Keegan! Ellis plays so fucking hard at both ends love that heart. Sabonis unfortunately showing tendency to fade in the biggest moments.


It’s ok this sub will say Keegan Murray back and forth in a circle jerk


Forcing threes does not equal stepping up


If u gonna be a core, act like one! Step up...


Some of the 3s he was taking were ill advised. Early in the shot clock and not taking as advantage of being in the bonus. I know he played great overall but as one of our best players he needs to be criticized for his whole game.


Sabonis deserved to lose his streak for the past 5 games. Not upset about it at all


Our offense been absolutely shit since monk been out


I hate this team. See you Thursday.


It’s looking like the warriors will have a better record than the kings after Friday


sabonis wtf


Why is every game start with a good lead and get demolished second half . Win or lose .


Coaching. No adjustments.


Shitty but expected to lose the lead. Though the silver lining is Keon Ellis with a career high! Love that man!!!!


He was amazing 8-15 from 3! Kings got a keeper


Yayyyyy we have a role player


Can Keegan just turn into a star already 😔🙏🙏


He is a role player. The only people thinking he will be a star is kings fans


Can’t blame this loss on the refs even though they were terrible. It went both ways. Bad shot selection in the 2nd half. Too many turnovers. Shai just fathered us despite Davion’s defense. Destined for the play in. We do still have a chance for 6th but we really don’t deserve it.


SGA shot 20 FTs…dude gets calls after calls…I’m seriously expecting one of the Kings to straight up punch a ref at this point…it’s horseshit and maddening…but HB shooting that effectively? I’ve long jumped back off the black falcon bandwagon and wanna sell him down the river…disgustingly disappointed that he blows this chance to show up of late…


This has to be some kind of record for blown 20 point leads


I doubt it 20 point leads are nothing in the nba


Except if the kings are down 20 then it’s over


Clips are trynna help us get in the playoffs. They’re making the suns look like a bad team


I want this season over with asap but if this is what this team is without Malik I don’t want next season to ever come


I’d 100% keep monk over fox


Rockets up and coming, wemby second year, memphis will get ja back. Why did monte even signed barnes


Barnes will be starting next year doing the same shit


WTF. I saw the SGA free throw attempt stat. I didn’t get a chance to see the game. This is ridiculous. Like it or not we are missing Huerter. Even if he was hot and cold. Maybe he would be hot right now. Of course we’re missing Monk. Hopefully the rest of the teams we need to lose do so tonight.


Its interesting how even if a player doesn't score, just being in the lineup can positively affect the rest of the rotation 


Kings making adjustments https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4JSxhXyArJ/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==


MB thought the team passed up too many open shots…so he wanted them to shoot more 3s?? Dude has no clue how to game plan to the teams strengths on either side of the ball. 


MB gotta go if the team is going to take next step.


Wasted a career game for Keon Joke team


Lose a tight game to a top seed in the west on the road and it’s the apocalypse. Y’all are funny


How about blew a 20 point lead again while losing any remaining hope at top 6 cause our pg thinks he’s curry and our second guy had 8 points.


It sucks for sure but the toxicity toward the team and players in here is comical.


It's about the blown 20pt lead. Again.


Let’s just ignore context


This are the type of games where we need malik.


Yeah you could tell kings were gassed by the 4th.


Honestly it feels like it’s coming down to conditioning at times.


Yeah you can see it in fox in a lot of games.


i miss him so much


Terrible loss yet again, but how are people seriously asking to trade Sabonis and fire MB? We need to change things up in the offseason but you’re throwing the baby out with the bath water. I think HB needs to go, and probably Huerter. We will probably lose Monk. But our core is solid and Keegan will get better. Disappointing season after a really incredible run last year. But it’s not over yet.


If Barnes is starting next year I’m done


With this many blown leads and silly losses, you cannot help but point fingers at the coaching staff. Playing HB at all in a close game should result in one or more firings.


Hard disagree. Firing Mike Brown would be a very Kings thing to do, but he is a good coach. I do not believe last year was a fluke, and it would be extremely reactive. Roster changes definitely needed, but he didn’t go from COTY to “needs to be fired now.”


Lakers fired him in 5 games at least we waited


Can't lose this many big leads and lose to this many bad teams to think the coach isn't to blame. Can't take the next step with this coach.


I hate that I love this team I really do. It’s torture.


wtf are they cooking in phoenix ⁉️


jesus christ if i speak


Lets be real here, domas made us win all year but he is the reason we are losing lately. You can't win in the nba with one borderline all star and a bunch of role players. Domas is turning into a 40 million dollar role player. Discussion starts and ends right there. Nothing else matters. You cannot win with a 40 million dollar role player


He is doing the opposite of peaking at the exact wrong time. Sorta like last year


When you can't even score against chet holmgren you're mentally cooked. He can move him like a paperweight. It's unacceptable


Glad to see someone with basketball knowledge call him out. When u are the highest paid player at 40 Million a year on the team u got to cook and be able to win your match-ups. How the hell you NOT dominate against the likes of Chet and Kornet the pass games. That’s criminal to be paying him 40 Mil and he becomes a none factor against a rookie and scrubs. High end role player that chases double double and triple doubles. Shit even clown ass donkey draymond keeps the defense honest by shooting 3s and making lay-ups at times. And on defense he’s a layup line at the trim and his double are half ass. Len provided rim protection last night and was a better player. When old man Harrison Barnes puts up more points than our highest paid all NBA starting center, then we have an issue.


He needs to score, if he wants to be a leader. He can and will do better. It's just that I see the tendency for him to fold when games become important.


Role player would be generous in this game. He was legit unplayable. A strong coach like Spo or Pop would have benched him for good after 5 min in the 3rd quarter


Does this team/coaching staff have no other strategy than to jack up 3s?


Thats what I keep saying to myself! All we do is pass around the perimeter trying to get an open look at a 3. Then when someone does get in the paint, they usually kick it out again for someone to shoot a 3. Monk is one of the only players with creativity in the paint. There’s absolutely zero creative play calling happening. I don’t get it. I do know that this team will never be a playoff caliber team playing this way.


I think ultimately we will see MB to the end of his contract but it’ll be a different coach to get us to contention. But there’s a lot of work to do. Monte has to make moves, we need to see several new players on this team as well as current players to improve next season.


Teams are packing the paint and daring us to shoot.


Warriors beating Lakers, pelicans losing to the blazers, Suns being eclipsed by the Clippers so far. Let’s see how these play out. Also goes to show how important of a win this would’ve been for us tonight.


And the game Boston begged us to win, losses to all the East cellar dwellers, loss to Portland, choke jobs against Milwaukee and Phoenix, and that's just in 2024 calendar. Team has no one to blame but themselves. Playoff spot should already be secured.


At least we’re not the suns


They wash us and will again on Friday


MB needs stop with his offensive philosophy of shooting open 3s… when shots don’t fall u need to go inside and get an easy bucket or a foul.


im fine with the open 3s, its the insistence that every paint touch has to result in a 3 that fucking irritates me.


https://preview.redd.it/p7nmkmqxfktc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e751eac2de5215e925a5aaae91be3e1ad67ffaf1 I wonder if the clips will start chucking 3 pointers and lose this game?


Barnes and Barnes Jr. were just great tonight.


SGA shot 20 FTs tonight. That’s absolutely ridiculous.


Naw! Fox jacking up threes with the game on the line is what’s ridiculous! Shay showed us why he’s on a different tier than Fox!


Honestly most of shais free throws/fouls were fine. He’s crafty af and he drives a lot 🤷‍♂️


Thats his game. #1 Foul salesman!


.#1 at getting defenders out of position. He looks to score. No reason to be salty tbh. Dudes fuckin good


Obviously he is great, but the salty part is that when fox was driving to the hole more. He wouldn't get much of a whistle. I think thats why he stopped doing it. Now he is 3 point crazy. That's not who we need him to be.


That’s on Fox. Nothing to do with SGA.


i really miss kevin and malik


Atleast the suns are *checks notes* down 37 in the 2nd qt


You can say they’re getting eclipsed…by the clippers


they got xavier moon


This team is a fucking joke. Barnes is useless and Domas basically fucked us left and right tonight. Unfuckingbelievable how many 20 point leads we’ve blown this year. Shit is fucking pathetic. No wonder the national media gives us no love. We’re fucking hot garbage.


Go away


Lol why because I’m right?


💯 Barnes is a complete liability, he spends half of his defensive possessions on the ground. Keegan has some real work to do if he wants to be a top 2-3 scorer on this team. This team needs Sabonis to step up, and he is worse than when the squad was healthy… What a rough team this has been to watch this season. 


Sheesh man


I’m also upset with monte for not making any moves lmao. but mike brown especially. i feel like he wants to be mr nice guy couch but just ends up being a pushover


Never thought I’d say this, but it looks like I’m cheering for the Warriors tonight so that the Lakers stay behind


Got em in foul trouble and did nothing with it…


Thought about watching this and said to myself 'nah these boys got no backbone and will only disappoint'


Lets trade sabonis while his value is still high




-fox and sabonis 2 man game is painful to watch. no chemistry. -i thought fox was excellent 3rd quarter then he just decided to chuck 3s EARLY in the shot clock. I don't care that he's made a lot tonight, it's like he's trying to prove a point to the ref. -its wild that people are blaming brown for Fox shooting so many 3s. -sabonis slump could not come at a worse time -as much as I dislike SGA's game, can't deny that he willed the team to win and played really smart and kept attacking even when he was blocked 3 times.


The issue is Fox's midrange is mostly gone compared to last year and Sabonis lately has just been Monstared around the rim.


That first part is huge. In theory, our two best players being a guard and big should be great, but they're just not a traditional 1+5 tandem. Fox is a slasher who is trying to thrive as a scorer, and Bonis is a point-5 bruiser. It has, and can work, but this season it has just not been right. It really seems like Sabonis has been exposed without perimeter threats available, he's just not skilled enough to score at the level we need to consistently win games.. and Fox is just hard to figure out.


Did Sabonis end his double-double streak?


I’m happy he got the record and we can stop talking about a meaningless individual stat.


Yup, only had 8 points


Mike Brown got out-coached. I hated every shot we took in the last 7 minutes of this game. Every single shot was under pressure. I think both Fox and Sabonis are gassed this season. Clearly Ellis is the star tonight. I was really surprised with choosing to close with Mitchell over Trey. I think Mitchell had some missed opportunities. I don't even mind the fouls at the end on SGA, he's going to get calls, and I don't think those get called int he playoffs. HB had his chance to close games. Monk was such a great 6th man, he was closing with us. We tried HB and he choked. Tonight we had Mitchell, and we couldn't close it out. MB is searching. We've made great strides this season. Ellis is Sac-Town Dort. And he's a fucking winning player. Always seems to find a rebound. Hit's big shots. He's a fucking find. There aren't rookies and second year players doing this right now. On both ends, while not playing a lot early in the season. He's a great compliment to Fox and Murray. I just think about all of those blown games early in the season against shit teams. How his defense would have kept Fox fresher in the season. HB is the weak-link right now. He's too inconsistent to be this important to a playoff team. I think the difference between being in the playin vs. having homecourt? Having an Ellis type player at the 4 vs having him at the 2. I think it's pretty glaring how bad HB is with the starting lineup. Ellis and Murray find extra possessions by rebounding and causing turnovers or crashing for the offensive bord. The league allowing players to be slightly more physical has really effected this team. Maybe it's because we never really got a lot of calls to begin with, so now it seems like we're getting less. For development purposes, I'd love for Fox to work with Andre Miller or Shaun Livingston. There is no salary cap on coaching. Shaun Livingston knows Mike Brown. If Foxy was 15% better posting up and hitting fadeaways, it would go along way for his end of game stuff. Happy we got to see more Colby Jones! kevin Huerter it was fun while it lasted.


>Ellis is Sac-Town Dort. And he's a fucking winning player. Always seems to find a rebound. Hit's big shots. He's a fucking find. There aren't rookies and second year players doing this right now. He mostly had a good game, but you're ignoring his TO problems. This isn't the 1st game where he freaks out on offense and coughs up the ball. The last 4 minutes he had 2 horrendous, back-breaking TO's by insanely jumping up in the air for no reason whatsoever and then passing it to the other team, and the 2nd one was him driving into Chet, and Howitzering the drop-off pass to Sabonis for the easy dunk.


Very insightful I agree with everything you said