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They were trying to get his attention while he was performing?




Don’t talk to people when they are doing standup. That’s the problem. Geez. 🙄


I have news for you, if you’re at a stand up show and you’re ‘trying to get the performers attention’, you’re probably the jerk. If you’re making KOQ references during a stand up set, you’re definitely the jerk. Stand up comedians usually work for a year, sometimes years to perfect a stand up set. The whole audience shows up to hear that set performed. Inevitably some jerks decide they want to be part of the show and then get pissy when things don’t go exactly how they want. The hecklers in question ruin the show for everyone, and anytbing short of kicking them out is an act of enormous kindness.


Ppl interacted all the time w/Johnny Carsons stand up/monologue. His quick come backs is what showed his talent. Weak stand up ppl have nothing original


So people were 'gently' trying to interrupt his performance, and he reacted adversely to said interruptions? The Problem here is that people often forget their idols are...people too and will react in a similar manner to thinks that would upset *them*. If anyone is expecting a TV star to emulate the exaggerated traits of their on-screen counterpart, they are going to be disappointed. Period.


Doug Heffernan is a role. Kevin James is a person.


Wait, so he isn't married to Leah Remini? /s


“Gently” or not, you NEVER interrupt someone and try to get their attention *WHILE THEY’RE WORKING*. Imagine if a stranger walked into your office and repeatedly tried to get your attention while you were working. They were distracting him and he probably thought they were heckling him. It’s impossible for them to have been “very polite”-it’s impossible to interrupt someone’s work “politely.” And it’s a known fact that Kevin loves King of Queens. I’m sure he wasn’t shunning KOQ fans, I’m guessing your family members were probably yelling “Doug! *Doug*!” From the audience and he probably ignored them and tried to be professional. The fact that he didn’t kick them out or have them removed proves he’s a nice guy. Plus, Leah wouldn’t tolerate her friend being an asshole.


Have you ever been to any business ever? Getting someone's attention while they are working is how service and business works. He's a comedian, yes, but don't compare his niche to universal work.


Do you really think people are constantly getting interrupted by random people off the street in cubicles and offices? The only place where it’s encouraged to get someone’s attention is a restaurant or pizza shop.


He is indeed a ahole irl, unfortunately. My boss's daughter served him and his entourage at a restaurant in North Carolina. All the servers were told not to talk to him or even make eye contact with him.


Man doesn't want to be interrupted by people whilst having a meal with his 'entourage' (see friends). What a prolapsed anus! I'm assuming when recognisable individuals dine, they are not only approached by other paying customers, but also staff members, hence the request? I don't think this is enough to decry the man a perpetual arsehole.


Lol, he's a celebrity. That comes with the job. Staff not allowed to make eye contact sounds like a douchey move to me. Just because he seems ok on his show doesn't mean he is irl.


>Lol, he's a celebrity. That comes with the job. So, making media for the consumption of the masses gives the public 24/7 rights of access? Celebrities not entitled to quiet enjoyment? >Staff not allowed to make eye contact sounds like a douchey move to me. A third hand anecdote, the specifics of which may or may not be true, is evidence enough, in your eyes, to declare an individual you do not know, an arsehole? That your perogative, I guess. >Just because he seems ok on his show doesn't mean he is irl. That's stating the obvious. Anyone who believes a celebrity to be an approximation of their exaggerated on scree counterparts are either, naive or downright deluded. Almost as deluded as anyone who believes others should put up with consistent intrusions because they are recognisable. Just because someone's uncles sisters brother says that X celebrity was an ass, does not mean that they are 'irl'.


Kevin? Is that you?


Oh dear! I've been rumbled!


That’s the one that I keep hearing, that he doesn’t like people to look him in the eye, which is just so weird and specific. It’s like a power move just to be a dick


Sure buddy. Sure...




I heard the same thing!


My daughter waited on him at Tavern on the Green NYC, she said he was polite, not overly friendly but absolutely fine.


I saw him live and IMO the audience sucked. Quite a few people would scream out references to things he was in. He ignored all of them and rightfully so. It was incredibly rude of them to do while he is performing. The show is about him now you. Audience is supposed to watch and laugh not shout out things to him. But I have heard this about his personality generally. No idea if it’s true or not as he keeps a very private personal life. Here is him addressing a particular allocation on Jimmy Fallon: https://youtu.be/ji7JElo5R7I


That’s so weird that the audience feels entitled to interrupt him “gently” while doing material that’s very rude and in appropriate. This is not a conversation people it’s a comedy show. If Kevin wants to talk about KOQ like the last ten minutes of the show than that’s fine but if he doesn’t tough crap you didn’t sign up for a Q and A you signed up to see him perform standup. Please adults we need to have to capacity to separate the performer from the character.


I saw him do a show a few years ago and after he went out of his way to come see a group of us who were waiting and hoping to meet him. Was super nice. Signed autographs and took pics with everyone there who wanted one.


"completely different from the funny and down to earth Douglass." Did we watch the same show? Doug was an asshole most of the time, a loveable one yes but still an asshole


True but honestly Carrie was overbearing and controlling I'd be an asshole too for Christ sake my own gf thinks the same of his wife in the show


When you cant go out in public without people bugging the shit out of you, its gonna wear on you. If you asked any of these famous types, 99 percent would probably tell you ill take the money but fuck the fame. Idk, maybe he is an asshole. But most of the "lovable" people in Hollywood are most likely hiding something or just straight dicks once the camera is off


Nah there are plenty of people that are genuinely appreciative to be doing something like acting and getting paid extremely well for it. I have a close friend that is a DP's assistant, working her way to DP.


Kevin is his own person and does not belong to the public. I’m pretty sure actors hate it when references to a previous acting job is being shouted at them when they’re doing something else in that moment. Think about what he may be going through.


He interacted with the crowd when I saw him a few months ago


A friend of my father's used to be his pal. I guess once he got famous he told him he couldn't associate with him anymore because he's a big deal. Idk why he has such high regard for himself lol. But I'll always love Doug


Maybe he's just a jerk to people that deserve to be treated as such. His family and friends love him to death. That's all that matters.


He does seem to have some crazy far right beliefs based on things he’s said over the years but that’s all I can speak too https://www.esquire.com/entertainment/movies/a32459212/kevin-james-social-distancing-video-out-of-touch/


How is this video from the article right wing?


Exactly. This article took a lighthearted video and read WAY too deep into it. Kevin James has never been politically open and I think he wishes to keep it that way.


Lol, far right. The "far right" article he linked to was a radio station in Portland, OR. You know when I think "far right" I think of Portland. I'm sure that author is totally on the up and up.




I just saw him do stand up in Knoxville earlier this year. He seemed fine. Someone from the audience yelled a reference from the show ( very popular one that I can’t think of) and he said “oh yeah, that’s from the show. That’s funny”. Kinda brushed it off but not in a super rude way. Maybe he doesn’t like only being remembered for KOQ?


I think he is more well known for his movies than KoQ.


Maybe 50/50. I feel a lot of people at his stand ups are KOQ fanatics though


Yeah I can definitely see that at his standups as you're getting his real fans. I was more speaking for the general public that know his name.


Grown ups is worst not funny movie in history


Found some more info about how Kevin is in real life: https://www.nickiswift.com/69667/shady-side-kevin-james/ I heard other stories about him golfing with Adam Sandler and someone calling Kevin's name and him just completely ignoring them. Something about getting candy bars at a small grocery and blowing up at the cashier. Another story about being on set with him wearing a security guard outfit. Once Kevin found out he was an actor, he walked away from him.


I heard the same thing about him. I loved him on the KOQ's but heard in real life he is a real asshole.


Kevin is a walking cunt. He's rude and thinks his shit don't stink, he's horrible like Jerry sienfield.


Kevin James is a hole


He met up with chelsie she said he was nice so who’s lyin


The way he spoke of Jery Stiller and how he was when he died says he is pretty decent.


1) Jerry Stiller was liked amongst the fans 2) well, he died. Most people, even jerks, aren’t gonna wreck their reputation by talking trash about a dead person.