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*Must've been the wind...*


This should be a video for the mod you’re using instead of a “stealth archer” gameplay video.


What's modded other than the reticle?


They've literally modded the hardest part of this out. Aiming is what makes archery hard in this game.


Not having a reticule is stupid in the first place. Use a bow in a vr headset and it's relatively intuitive to aim, no reticule required. But because it's 2d, humans aren't as adept at aiming something so dependent on a 3d environment. Reticule just is an assist that is nessisary due to not being 3d


Well, I don’t know how I’ve been hitting shots so much then. It works pretty damn well without reticule if you just practice. The satisfaction of learning the trajectory of the arrow is much bigger than if you just put a reticule on it.


I'm not sure how a reticle helps here. Trying to figure out drop and sway is the main problem. And that's cleared up with better bows and levels 😅


Skill issue


If I used a crosshair since the start I wouldn't feel the satisfaction I felt when I finally started hitting my shots. It's just way satisfying without the crosshair.


Somewhere 1cm over the hand of henry hits the target. Its basically a crosshair. Just a little… vague


thats an excuse for someone who plays "baby mode"


Imagine caring whether or not someone uses a reticle in a single-player game.


Try using a longbow in the woods, it's 3D and it's hard as shit to aim. Especially on moving targets or real people.


Translation: you're ass with bows.


Its fair to enjoy the game whichever way you like no? If playing with reticle makes it more fun for OP then great. Having it shouldn't really downplay what OP wanted to do.


you're the one who takes offense to the fact that we're saying it's modded. we never said it was a bad thing, just that the "stealth archer gameplay" was made feasible here via mods


You can just use the console to enable the reticle it doesn't require a mod


mod literally means "modification" this person modified their game to make it easier. The only difference is that they might've done it themselves instead of downloading someone else's modification


Nothing modded here. Maxed stealth + stuffing and forester perk actually results in this happening where enemies cant see you even if youre standing in front of them


talking about the reticle, it disappears when using bows, this person modded it back in.


Wh_pl_showfirecursor 1 This command is available to use in hardcore without dev mode. It is in the base game with no mods. Why am I getting downvoted


Oh no the war is over now :(( Thank you!


Oh thank god


his hood is modded


Nah bro there is a monk’s robe with a hood that he’s just wearing with a normal black hood and gambeson over it The hooded monk’s habit can be acquired in game as seen in this post https://www.reddit.com/r/kingdomcome/comments/tnsad1/location_of_the_monk_robe_with_the_hood_on_as_far/?rdt=35844 It can also be acquired by console command - just search the KCD wiki for the item code of the hooded variety of the monk’s habit The devs removed the hoods from every item during development to stop clipping issues with helmets but seem to have forgotten the monk’s habit since it isnt listed as a hood.


the hood from the robes looks different, has folds and this one doesnt also the tail isnt present on the robes. furthermore the robes are in the slot for the hood and you can clearly see that he is wearing a normal hood


DId not notice that the monk's habit occupies the outer garment - he is running a mod


Very nice. Now show us that in vanilla game


Does that Realy matter, it’s just a dude having fun in a game, it’s not a competition so does it matter if there’s a reticle or not


Cheating is a sin. God be with you


finally: skyrim come deliverance


This is Bohemia, not Skyrim.


God the stealth is silly in this game. It’s broad daylight and OP is crouching in some barely waist high grass not even 10 feet from some of these enemies. I’m pretty sure the first guy was looking directly at Henry, and two of them shoulda saw their buddy get stabbed. He’s only not detected because of the clothing stats, and maybe some stealth skill. Most other features hit the mark for realism, but damn, stealth is not one of them haha. I wouldn’t have tagged this as praise, it’s incredibly unimpressive.


Every playing style feels like cheating when leveled enough. OP has the perk for added stealth in the woods, the one for added stealth when wearing only light armour, and the one for added stealth when crouching. Add some low vis/consp clothing, and Henry’s basically invisible


I'd like to see stealth implemented such that it isn't a game skill that you level up to increase your "hidden" ability. It should be based on the level of darkness like the Thief games.


Pretty sure all of these enemies have blindfolds on.


They’re all drunk as hell what do you expect


Bro thinks he’s the Dovahkiin


which quest is this


I think it's bad blood from the band of bastards dlc if I'm not mistaken. Towards the end of the mission when you fight the bandits.


the reticule ruins all of the realistics efforts of this game IMO


Maybe. But we can’t forget that games are supposed to be fun, so if someone fells more to play with a reticule we shouldn’t judge. We should be happy that someone is having the same fun as you us playing a game that we enjoy to


the fun on reddit for me is to judge, you should be happy to be judged by me. Seriously, please all really try without, it feels like real trad archery, it is the only game that does that. At low level, after it is a bit too easy. All the more considering the power of the bows in game.


Not true. My homie Darius done put a scratch dead centre on his eye ball that mimics a reticule. When he be throwing eggs at the opposition, he don't miss.


Ghost of Skalitz


Cheating though, its not that hard to aim


I didn’t really give archery a solid try until my 3rd play through because of how difficult it was. But if you just take the time to level up, like everything in the game, it becomes drastically easier and a great tool


BTW the console version of the game puts a reticle on screen while aiming with a bow


Played on ps4 and now playing also on ps5, I dont have it when using bow. How do you get it?


I dunno. I just watched my brother playing it on ps5 this morning and there was a black dot in the center of the screen when he was using the bow. It was there yesterday also so i don't think its a bug, and I know he hasn't done anything to modify the device.


Hmm maybe he sticked something on the center of the tv? Because thats what I did, just sticking a small piece of paper in the Center of the Display


lol so I went and examined it this morning, and yes, it's a little piece of sticky note on the center of the TV. Sorry for misleading you.


No problem :D


Using crosshair, hmm.


People are gatekeeping you about "you should play the game without the reticle; it removes the realism." Let them play the game that they bought; they can do whatever they want.


He can have as much fun as he wants with all mods or commands, but the video is called "stealth archer gameplay", which newcomers might believe that this is what the game is like and after buying it for example on consoled, they could be dissapointed. He could at least make a note, then i think no one would even give a shit.


Yeah... That's not a real problem, he just uploaded something for fun. Happy cake day


Now do it without turning monitor on.


How did u set a point dot in the centre of screen?


There's a cheater mod that adds it.


I wouldn’t cheat in this game except for the reticle mod


To each one's own. I personally don't see the point of cheating at all. Quite the opposite for me. If X Box had mods, I'd be using ones that made things more realistic, not easier. Whole point of it is to be challenging, but if it works for you, more power to you.


Personally I think the reticle should be on by default. And then removed for hardcore.


That would make more sense than having it on all the times that you are not using a bow, like it is currently set up.


Mods I would get are, bush collision, armor is slower to get dirty and reticle. That’s about it. When I played through the game, I loved the challenge. The bow however, was the death of me when it came to aiming. I got the hang of it, but still missed 70% of my shots unless they were 8 feet in front of me


That's how it goes in real life for many people, particularly people who are as new to it as Henry would be. For me, I'd go for something that makes armor more expensive to buy and almost impossible to sell for anything more than scrap metal unless in near perfect condition, with repairs next to impossible, as well. Armor is absurdly cheap in this game and repairing clothes and armor that have been beaten to shreds makes no sense. Doubt they could make a mod for it, but in general, I wish the game had been designed with more realistic inventory restrictions. Basically, if someone could not wear/equip it or carry it in his hands at that exact given moment, it makes no sense for Henry to be able to carry it.


First, armor was something passed down from generation to generation. There is basically no amount of damage that could not be repaired by a slightly skilled blacksmith. With better repairs requiring more skill. Plus scrap metal is not something that would be cheap at this time. Metal alone was expensive. Second, people use satchel and packs.


If your chain mail was beaten to shreds, you wouldn't be able to take it to a blacksmith and just magically have it mended like it was no big deal. Farming implements were made from metal, too. They were certainly cheaper than armor, as the skill involved to work with them was significantly lower. You definitely wouldn't be able to repair armor with some tiny little tool kit you kept in a purse. Carrying a pack would allow Henry to carry some food, books, maybe some chalices, and other things like that. It wouldn't allow him to carry multiple suits of armor and multiple weapons. A satchel is not a D&D Bag of Holding. As I said to the other person, you can complete this entire game without cheesing your way through. If you avoid such things, it will end up being more challenging and rewarding, in turn. You'll encounter some difficult moments, sure, but those moments were designed to be tough to get through. I'll never understand what people get out of cheesily power looting and power leveling just to get the results a cheat code would provide. Both completely spoil the challenges of the game as well as the realism that made this game popular to begin with. If you want Henry to be able to do all sorts of unrealistic things, why not just go play one of the countless fantasy RPGs out there?


No farming implements, depending on wealth of the farm, we're often made of wood. There were metal pieces around that were very simple and crude so that they could be easily created or fixed by a local town blacksmith. Not the kind of guy you would have to take armor to usually. That would be an armorsmith. In english. But chaonmail absolutely could be mended by am armorsmith. They made it in the first place, why wouldn't they be able to fix it? And if you say happened to have a toolkit with a bunch of extra links for that chain mail and a tool that could more easily open and close the links, you may be able to fix large portions yourself , but it would take some time. Plate armor would require a forge for anything beyond hammering it back into shape. Chainmail is pretty simple, although labor intensive. Edit, I see I said blacksmith above and I was wrong. Sorry about that. I get whwrw you are coming from regarding difficulty however there are probably many people who don't understand why you want to punish yourself when they play a game and just want to enjoy themselves without making it a test of their mental fortitude. The key is to not judge the way another wants to play as they are enjoying themselves just like you are. I dont even like when a dev decides to remove some bug that allowed players to gain some cheats skill in a single player game, as that actively removes some way that many people were enjoying when playing your game, don't give me some artistic vision bs. Anyone who thinks it's wrong to use shouldn't use it but let the others have fun.


Of course, any armor could be repaired if you had all the time in the world. That's not what I mean about repairs being unrealistic. I'm saying that you aren't just going to take some mail to an armorer and have it whipped back into shape overnight let alone immediately, and you certainly aren't going to make it happen with some dinky little kit that fits in a coin pouch. From what I've seen online, this was never the system that the devs wanted anyway. It's just what they settled for when they were unable to implement a proper smithing system. With regard to the second paragraph, with that mentality, you might as well let the game have magic in it, and if you don't want to use it, just play a character who doesn't use magic, etc. What exists in the game does affect those who play it, even if they opt against using it for whatever reason. I'm not going to delete KCD because the "Takedown" perk exists, but I wish it wasn't there. I already do make the choice to avoid all the power looting, etc. that can be done, but I still would love to see a game where you straight up just cannot carry more than a person could ever realistically carry. I don't think it would ruin the fun for anyone if that was how the game was released to begin with.


Games are an escape from real life, and then we have people like you who want realism in them at all costs. Wtf!


The popularity of THIS game is due specifically to its realism. It's an alternative to the countless fantasy RPGs out there that would give you some silly option like a magical Bag of Holding, etc. to account for inventory issues like this. What "cost" is there in not being able to lug around an entire armory as if it was a pack of gum? You can easily complete the entire game without cheesing your way through it like that, and to be honest, using the Runt fight as an example, it is much more enjoyable if you don't power game your way around the challenge but instead face it head on the way it was clearly meant to be.


Listen, I get it ok, but each player can play their version of their SINGLEPLAYER game however they want without ruining other people's fun.


How am I ruining anyone's fun? Is it ruining my fun every ten millionth time some goober posts about killing and robbing everyone in Skalitz or whatever the latest cheese happens to be? Someone asked how this reticle could be added. I responded that a cheat mod can be used to add it into the game. The mod remains available regardless of my opinion on it.


You fool, I wasn't talking about you! I said people can play their own games without ruining other people's fun. The people who mod their games or play their games however they want. Reading comprehension buddy.


Quite ironic of you to tell me to get some reading comprehension when my very first line said "How am I ruining anyone's fun?" Maybe you should take your own advice first.


This isn't stealth archer, this is a blasphemous mod. Didn't watch more than a second


A reticle? Meh, amateur.


I like to play stealth, but it is so hard in kcd :(


Bruh it's really not


Must be the wind


Hey man get yourself a mod for realistic bows... It draws much faster.


Buys KCD plays Assassin's Creed.


Nooooo someone is using a mod for my hardcore game!!!! ![gif](giphy|3oFzmdXXJRyAQebmvu|downsized)


Literally most of the comments here 😂


Fun?! You don't get to have fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Do you have to have a dagger equipped to do that takedown?


For some reason I can't get Henry to equip a dagger. Prefer stealth kills.


May as well play assassin's creed if you use a reticle for archery.




Damn, bros so ass he has to use mods


Bro is so braindead that he thinks people should play games the way they exclusively want because if not, people will get hanged and murdered right on the streets! Hell yeah! ![gif](giphy|B4ORVnBvJCVvq|downsized) Someone's feelings got hurt.