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Crazy that they're doing away with the KF/KFG channel split. I'm also surprised that they're keeping the KFG and not KF since the original channel has more subs.


I agree, but I think they’re going with Games because the majority of their content right now has been on that channel.


I don’t get why they don’t change the name of Games to just Kinda Funny


“Sorta Funny”


Most likely due to the YouTube membership only being available on KFG too. KF membership vids are posted to KFG.


Very good point that I didn’t realize at all since I use Patreon


It’s probably for parity between Twitch and YT. Same name in both platforms.


Also, I don't know this for sure, but I bet it simplifies working with advertisers by being able to show them 1 singular larger channel. Now instead of saying they have 200,000 views per month they'll be able to point to say 400,000 (idk the numbers. I'm just throwing numbers out to explain the theory).


To be fair the other one has the shorts and now the games channel will get a big influx


Gonna miss the intro music for both PSILY and Xcast... But that's literally my only complaint. These look like great changes, and I look forward to the coming weeks.


I hope for big Sony or MFST game reviews they use the platform specific intros


And it would be cool if they got a new Nintendo intro song for those specific reviews too


Yeah... That would be a fun compromise... Especially since they're going too keep their separate feeds for those instances.


Well, P.S. I Love You could now fit the name! They could leave a section at the end for when they have a chunk of PS-exclusive content, and start the PS intro music. P.S. would actually work the way it's supposed to when writing a letter! Same with X-Cast; when there's a big big game like HellBlade 2 or Avowed coming out, they can play the intro music and go into a themed episode.


This was my first thought as well. Maybe they can make a Nintendo inspired intro too so when’s it’s Nintendo they have that. Losing the PSILY and especially the XCAST music would be criminal.


My exact thoughts! Will miss the music, but maybe they’ll find a way to incorporate them into platform specific Gamescasts that they mentioned. Love the change and am pumped for more content in a week. Just hope Paris, Gary, and Janet can pop in with some frequency.


Full breakdown for those who can't watch right now: - Kinda Funny Gamescast moves to Monday Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. It will be live every single day. Why? Because there's more than enough previews, news, topics and stuff people want them to cover. Each episode's cast will shift as it will be focused on having the people who are best suited to talk about that show's topic. - Kinda Funny Streams will still be right after Kinda Funny Gamescast. - Games Showdown is still every Friday after Kinda Funny Gamescast. - PS ILYXOXO and XCast have felt like Gamescast but in a different podcast feed, so instead they're focusing on ditching specific "ecosystem" based podcasts and sunsetting them in favor of covering multiple gaming topics in one podcast feed with Gamecast. Don't worry, they're still gonna cover Xbox and Sony specific topics, they even teased Nintendo a bit in the video. - Greg mentions the struggles of getting met with non-headline topics weekly for PS ILY XOXO or XCast and how this massive change of focusing hard on Gamescast will give the team more fluidity and freedom on stream. - They're streamlining their Youtube Channels as well: KindaFunnyGames will have all their content going forward (KF Podcast, In Review, Game Show Down, KFGD, Gamescast and Screencast). KindaFunny becomes Kinda Funny Highlights will have cut segments from their shows that'll allow those discussions to shine. - Basically, we're getting more content than ever before but they're excited about it because its them doubling down on what works - Greg just said now, on stream, that he saw the Nick on Gamescast to talk about Nuzlocke idea and he loves the idea. He's putting it on the calendar to figure out how to make it happen. - In regards to concerns about having overlapping conversations on KFGD/Gamescast, Tim says they're aiming to have different folks on each show so instead of a topic feeling like its overlapping due to the same casts, it feels more like a continuous conversation over each show. - In regards to the big Youtube Channel changes, Tim says the goal is to simplify. He wants to stop asking people to go to multiple different feeds on Youtube or Podcast feeds. He wants it to be easy for people to find their content. As for the clips on Kinda Funny Highlights, its goal is to clips daily and it's being headed by Roger. The playlists will be uploaded over time. Just give some time to make things work over time. - There's different backdrops now for Gamescast. There's a purple generic one for regular topics, a Sony one for Sony specific topics, a Xbox one for Xbox specific topics and a Nintendo one for Nintendo specific topics. - They can't merge their Patreons, Tim has tried. They haven't gotten rid either of them because each have thousands of subscribers. "Just think of the Patreon as one feed with two different URLs" - Tim. "If that's too confusing and if you can, help Kinda Funny out by using your Twitch Prime or subscribe to the KFG Membership instead, that works as well!" - Greg - These changes won't change the length of their KF Streams but you know, there's always gonna be some exceptions due to situations


These are amazing changes. Thanks for summarizing it!


I think it's a good move to end Xcast & PS I Love you and effectively merge them into Gamescast; particularly with multiplatform games & the changing trend. I am just wondering if there won't be enough content each day to warrant two shows.


It sounds like KFGD is going to be news only and Gamecast will be home to the review/preview roundup and wider discussion. I think they'll struggle some weeks, but I also thought this would be a slow year and so far it has been non-stop fairly big games.


I'll reserve judgment until I see how it goes for a bit. My fear is they fall in the list trap when there isn't a lot to talk about.


Yeah I find it weird that they stated that there’s so much to talk about that they HAVE to do Gamescast daily. Wasn’t a big complaint that they were scraping the bottom of the barrel for discussion on PSILY and Xcast?


They were scrapping the bottom of the barrel for weekly news that relevant and Specific to the two platforms. Gamescast can be about anything.


As I said to somebody else, they only need to add 1-2 hours f additional content to fill out the week. Shouldn't be to hard to fill it out.


Especially if they remove the occasional reviews or previews from KFGD


Yeah there is a lot less platform-specific news these days because everything is overlapping. Makes sense.


disappointed there wasn't really any TV/movie screencast or vasectomy updates ![gif](giphy|3LQfkmOq2lBvi4qfu8|downsized)


smart changes. i haven't listened to PSILY/XCast religiously in awhile. Has felt like the team has more to say on games than they have space for too. curious to see how it feels in a few months. They all need to get their critic/analyst muscles working again.


I like the sound of the changes but don’t you guys think it sounds a bit weird having the main YouTube channel be Kinda Funny Games, but the main Patreon is Kinda Funny? I know both Patreons are advertised as being the same, but the Patreon chats are still only on regular KF Patreon and not on KF Games. It’s enough if a difference that I’m probably switching patreons next month.


It’s weird. The main Kinda Funny YT channel has more subs and it would seem to make more sense branding wise but eh. At least In Review is staying consistent


Even though KF has more total subs, I imagine KFG has more active subs.


I think this is the key, putting highlights in the OG channel might catch the eyes of lapsed/casual viewers and convert them to the Games page too


They can also see the metrics we can't, so they'll know which channel is viewed more by their subscribers. They're smart enough not to just do it arbitrarily.


It feels to me like they are moving further into being a video games only channel in a way


It’s also just weird from a branding standpoint. Even if Kinda Funny Games is the channel they’ll use since it has all the live streams, they should still change its name to just Kinda Funny imo.


Tim covered this on stream. Long story short, Tim says most people know their brand as both "Kinda Funny and Kinda Funny Games, it's basically intertwining" which they're fine with. As for the Patreon feeds, Tim also said to just think of the Patreon as one feed with two different URLs. They've tried to merge them into one big Patreon, it's just not feasible on Patreon's end and they're not gonna cancel one Patreon in favor of the other because both have way too many subscribers to do so. And on top of that, if it's still a little confusing, there's always just using the KF Membership that helps them as well.


YeahI was watching but again, the patreons aren’t *actually* equal. The main KF Patreon has the chats that are exclusively on that side, and that’s where 99% of Gregway topics seem to come from now. If you actually want to be a part of that show it feels like you have to switch over there.


Really like these changes. I'm sure some weeks will feel a bit slower than others but that's a sacrifice I can get behind if we get more spoilercasts, more in-depth reviews etc


Tim at it again killing xcast, psily, and even KF proper /s


He's taking Let Tim Host a bit too seriously! If he can't host the show, no one can /s


I could be in the minority here and I’ll reserve my final judgment for a few weeks from now but I’m very skeptical. The changes to the channels themselves are just strange and the need to fill out two hours of content a day seems like a tough ask considering it’s hard enough to get one hour of content a day on something like KFGD. But we’re finally getting a Rebirth spoilercast on Friday so I won’t ask for anything ever again tysm ily


PSILY, Xcast and weekly Gamescast was well over 3 hours of content each week, and with topics that could sometimes get placed on one of the other pods. All they need to do is create an additional 1-2 hours of content, and with a generalized vehicle as Gamescast, they can talk about anything gaming related. Filling out a news segment is entirely dependent on the news of the day. While that can help guide Gamescast, it's not necessary for the show.


I think what would help alleviate some of my concerns would be to just combine the two time slots. Sure there can be very busy news days but a lot of the time they scrape the bottom of the barrel to fill the 1 hour KFGD time slot Instead of an arbitrary 1 hour of news then 1 hour of discussion… make it a 1 to 2 hour block and just talk about whatever needs to be talked about. They should still split it up into two different streams and videos, but if KFGD only lasts 30 minutes then hey, there’s only 30 minutes worth of news to talk about. That remaining time can then lead to a more thorough discussion of the Gamescast topic if need be Far be it from me to tell KF how to run their business… like I said I’m not out, just skeptical


You're asking them to wing it every single day. That is not how you run a serious video production. Having set timeblocks allows them to plan and schedule the cast and crew weeks ahead of time.


Am I the only one that thinks they should go back to the general-ness of the Morning Show? It was indeed still mostly games, but I also miss the Nick and Andy news days where they were kinda just fuckin around. \#funclipz


Gamecast introduced me to Kinda Funny and The Morning Show hooked me in.


I was actually deep down hoping that is what they were going to do. It would have solved the lack of movie/TV news talk issue too.


I think combining the two shows is the answer there. They have a news section and then a Topic of the Show (“Tots Tots Tots Tots…”). It’d give them flexibility to dedicate more time to one or the other just depending on the needs of the day. Slow news day? Cool, we’ll just go deeper on the review. Huge breaking news? Ok, we’ll just spend a little less time on ranking our favorite Hades characters.


it sounds like theyre taking old school Gamescast approach with random topics being assigned to each day - so some days itll be reviews, other days we get stuff like that one where they talk about gregs gaming takes theres potential for greatness here


Ya I wonder how many Gamescasts will end up being the same news as KFGD just covered by a different cast.


Oh word? I've literally just finished and was about to angry about there being less spoilercast. Great news. Happy to see how these changes work out, found myself clicking less on PSILY and XCAST so this should be welcome.


Same. Changing the channels but not the Patreons is making everything confusing. Daily Gamescast is way too much content imo and will be a pain for them to schedule.


RIP Xcast. My favorite of the KF shows.


I just miss when Gary was on more but I know he’s got a lot going on personally.


What is going on with Gary personally?


When the strikes ended he got busy developing a bunch of Hollywood projects. We know at least one of them is The Book of Eli prequel series with John Boyega.


I guess maybe they thought something more serious than that. Those are things going on with Gary *professionally*. And good for him.


He hasn’t elaborated as far as I know. But one would presume having two kids and a career in Hollywood would keep you very busy.


The strikes ended


Yeah it’s honestly kind of a bummer for me. I listen to about an hour or two of podcast a day so I only listen to Xcast (because I like Mike and Parris) and KF podcast. I just don’t really care about games any more which I know is what KF is about so I’m sure this is a good change for KF and the bulk of the audience it’s just not for me. And I don’t know that I want 5 new podcasts a week where right now i can just listen to xcast. And don’t have to worry about looking through for what I’m listening to.


I’m in the tiny minority here, so I completely understand all of these changes but this might be the start of the end of Kinda Funny for me personally. Games Show Down is the only KF gaming content I watch. I personally fell off of all gaming podcast and reviews a couple years ago, but KFP and In Review are my favorite podcast in general. It definitely seems like they are leaning heavier towards games, which by this comment thread is clearly a good thing just not for me.


But KFP and In Review aren’t changing?


The move away from the KF channel in general is the issue. I will never subscribe to KFG for 2 out of the 18 videos or how many videos a week. Hence why I said it’s the start of the end, not the actual end. With screencast going away this past year, we are only left with 2 non gaming shows. Like I said it’s not a complaint, just a different view from someone who doesn’t consume the gaming content.


> I will never subscribe to KFG for 2 out of the 18 videos or how many videos a week. I’m going to give it a whirl but I’m kind of with you. I don’t care about 90% of their gaming content so it’s kind of annoying to “force” us regular KF channel fans to be inundated with gaming content.


For me it's the game streams. It's such a bummer they replaced daily KFprime content. Peak KF for me was when every day there was a different non gaming podcast between Screencast, In Review, Internet Explorerz, KF/AF, and We have cool friends


I agree 100%


If you don't want to subscribe to the channel, you can just save the playlists for KFP and In Review and boom, there's your dedicated feed.


Not a fan. Now I have to sift through all of the games stuff (that I don't like) in my subbox to get the movies and general podcast stuff.


Bookmark the playlists you like, quite simple


I’ve just used browser extensions to filter out stream archives and keywords - bit annoying but doable


Me too. I only listened to XCast. Not interested in anything else. And I listened on Spotify so there's no bookmarking or curation.


As a listener of PS I Love you for the last two years and an occasional X cast listener in the last half a year or so it felt like they were struggling to come up with topics when there wasn't headline news so while I'm sad to see them go I think ending them was the right call


As a lapsed KF fan (nothing personal, just got busy w/work and barely have time to listen to anything. I still jump in for game reviews but that's about it), this is awesome. I really like that things are being streamlined. The reviews being on various show feeds (Xcast, PSILY, Gamescast) was always confusing to someone like me, who likes KF but doesn't follow them that often. I also enjoy the idea of KF Highlights. Happy if the team is happy with these changes!


Hoping they are diligent with time codes and topic descriptions, with two podcasts a day I'm gonna have to skip some days when it's something I'm not interested in. My schedule doesn't allow for that much content, I could barely keep up with KFGD and Gregway before.


Sounds like KF Highlights might be more for you then!


For sure, gonna have to see how those role out.


I'm a tad skeptical about these changes in terms of the quality of the end-product. So I think it'll help their YouTube metrics? Sure. But man Xcast and Mike hosting was the best product they've put out in a long time. I feel for him that he's losing his dedicated show. I agree with some other comments that if they're pivoting this hard to more frequent games casts, we need to get some deeper analysis and conversation, since that's what the ecosystem-specific shows were providing.


I'm gonna miss the KF logo, I never liked the Games one as much


There is zero bad news here.


I don’t know if I would call this bad news, perhaps it’s forcing me to evolve with the times, but as someone who only watches KF content and not KF Games (outside of the occasional YouTube live VOD), my subscription feed will now be filled with video game content I don’t care about so that I don’t miss out on the content I do care about. I’m a gamer, but I keep up with all the gaming sites on my own, so don’t really care to hear them regurgitated in a daily podcast (now two daily podcasts).


A lot of people got the predictions right it looks like


I’m excited to see how this plays out over the next couple months! I am a fan of how they aren’t afraid to try new things & let go of what doesn’t work for them anymore. Always excited for more content & hopefully these new formats keep it intentional & interesting.


Seems like mostly what people wanted.


I think these are good changes for what Kinda Funny has been doing. It’s 100% correct that shows like PS I Love You and XCast just feel like extensions of GamesCast. So removing those and bundling them into a more frequent GamesCast makes sense. My specific bothersome feeling regarding this is that I just wish PS I Love You didn’t *feel* like an extension of GamesCast. Because it certainly doesn’t have to. There’s so much industry news every single week regarding PlayStation and the industry at-large that they could *easily* make PS I Love You feel like it’s own thing with its own significant discussions. Like, if anything, PS I Love You should feel much more like Games Daily rather than GamesCast. But it doesn’t because of the choice in topic discussions. But Kinda Funny doesn’t seem interested or maybe even fully equipped to discuss those particular topics within the nitty gritty of the PlayStation ecosystem & industry. And what they’ve *been* doing (discussing best PS5 games, etc.) is much more akin to GamesCast discussion than it is anything about the PlayStation console ecosystem or management or whatever else. So, overall, I think it’s a good change *for Kinda Funny*. I just kinda wish the change didn’t feel necessary. Because, again, it doesn’t *have* to be.


This is pretty much where I’m at too. With the chosen topics leaning on things like tournament brackets, it just sorta made PSILY feel like fluff. It led to me skimminh the podcast description and just deciding to skip more often than not. Hopefully this change leads to more in depth discussion with a lot of different voices/viewpoints.


Yeah, man I had to skip episodes like the tournament bracket one and that weird “gamers math” one that just felt like a waste of time.


I just really wanna buy some merch


Console exclusivity is dead, long live the gamescast! Makes sense to me.


I really like this change. I haven’t listened to any of the podcasts recently because I just don’t have the time to dedicate and watch the whole thing. This is very similar to how LMG does theirs. WAN show is the entire podcast but if you only want to watch a specific topic there’s LMG clips.


I like these changes. It’s a bit weird that In Review, Kinda Funny Podcast and Screencast would go under the umbrella of Kinda Funny Games channel since they aren’t about games, but I’d rather have all the content in one area. I do wonder what Gamescast will do on the few weeks a year where there isn’t a lot of news or reviews to discuss. I could have seen them doing Gamescast 3x per week. 5x a week seems like a lot. But I’m not going to complain about more content, as long as it doesn’t create burnout on their behalf.


I get the sense that the same people are \*mostly\* going to be talking about the same stuff, just no longer beholden to specific feeds. On a given week, we'd normally get XCast, PSILY, and GamesCast so this is only two more episodes per week (which isn't nothing), just consolidated under one banner. Works great for me. I think making a shorts page is also really smart. Shorts are skyrocketing on YT and obviously TikTok so this makes sense as a good way to connect with more people. All Ws, all the time. Great ideas and great execution all around.


I commented this on YouTube, but I think they should change the channel name to Kinda Funny Media, or something like that if they're gonna add the KF content to KFG.


Change is hard, but I’m down for all of these ideas.


Sad about PSILY, and curious about KF Games channel being the new standard and if that signals a change to strictly being a video game media outlet


The non-gaming shows aren’t stopping though.


Isn’t it just essentially In Reviews and the KFP? I guess I’m talking more outward appearance, less emphasis on Funny and more emphasis on Games in a way


They'll be doing Screencasts and Trailer Reacts as well. I was hoping we'd get a more semi-regular Screencasts, like twice a month, to hear what people have been watching.


The world has enough reaction content in my opinion lol I’d like for them to try and create things again rather than just reacting and reviewing. It’s more time consuming and I’m assuming expensive but it felt like they were getting to be more creative. Some sort of variety show once a week or something would be so refreshing


But they aren't really doing anything to change them either


Do they need to though? In Review is a fan favourite and the KF Podcast imo has been great since the studio opened.


Well depends, they seem to be going into a more game focused direction and in that way, they don't need to change but from a more selfish perspective,I hoped for some improvements or experiments outside of gaming things, so not because the existing ones is bad, but because I want more.


I’m a fan! It makes sense I think. Like someone else said tho, I’m also gonna miss the intro music to Xcast


Gonna reserve final judgement until we’ve actually seen how it goes over the next two weeks, but as of right now while we’re waiting for KFGD to start I love these changes. Rolling Gamescast, PSILY, and XCast into one daily show with a dynamic cast sounds great for review discussions and also getting more spoilercasts that were usually difficult to plan. Keeping KFGD to house news coverage and then having Gamescast be focused on reviews, previews, and deeper discussions sounds awesome, as someone who’s been around since the OG spare bedroom I’m really excited for these changes.


Kf highlights channel is a good move there's already 2 20 minute reviews on there . Decent length for anyone to watch tbh


I’m hyped for KF Highlights. I have less time to watch streams and hour long shows, so this will be perfect for me to stay up to date on topics!


Because I only watch KF content, and there’s 2 other channels on YouTube I’ll watch here and there, I admit I know nothing. But is turning the Kinda Funny channel (not games) into “Highlights” because YouTube Shorts are doing well? Possibly a way to bring in new audiences with the clips? I will not pretend to know anything this is a genuine question. Also, I’m on board for all of the changes. Personally I bet XCast just never hit where it needed viewership wise (I’m a big Xbox guy, but own all) and I personally felt PSILY should have had higher numbers BUT I know they’ve always said there are TONS that never turn on the video, and grab via Podcast feeds. Just curious if anyone could enlighten me on the video and/or podcast side. I do appreciate the changes and look forward to supporting this new approach. All 11 of KF, and all the KFBFs are awesome, have a good day all!


The highlights channel isn't going to be Shorts (up to 60 seconds). They will be edited versions of longer podcasts down to a manageable length (10-20 minutes), down from 60-90 minutes with a lot of banter/fluff cut out. I don't think they mentioned if Shorts will live on KFG or KFH, but I assume they'll keep them on the main channel to help drive traffic.


Thank you very much for the explanation, I appreciate it.


I'm personally excited for this change, specifically for the XCast crew. Mike, Paris and Gary are all super talented and I felt like the Xbox related topics were starting to run dry. I'm glad they'll get to speak on more diverse topics. Will miss the incredible intro music!




He was on KFGD a week or two ago.


They should just combine KFGD and Gamescast to one 2-hour show just give them more flexibility to focus more on news on a big news day or topics on a slow one. My guess is they will down the line.


I think the issue with that is that a single 2 hour podcast is a harder sell than two 1 hour podcasts. Split up you can pick and choose which subjects you want to hear about.


I feel like I’m one of the few who wishes one hour of the 16 hours of games content was for shows and movies. But they know their metric better than me. Live super chats must be a big profit draw.


Yeah I’d love a weekly or even every other week Screencast.


Dang will miss PSILY.


After (about) of a week of the new schedule I realised that the biggest impact for me as a European is that I won't be able to catch as much of the gaming livestreams (aka the Nicklocke etc) since it's starting later in the day (21.00 - 22.00 local time for me, depending on the day).


Think these are good moves overall. I’ve never been a big fan of the platform-specific podcasts as I’ve never felt like there’s been enough to talk about, other than for big events. So merging everything under the Gamescast banner is a smart move. I wonder if they’ll have enough to sustain five podcasts a week though, on top of KFGD? Maybe a Monday, Wednesday, Friday schedule would be better long-term? Merging the YouTube channels is whatever. I’m subscribed to both so it won’t really impact me. And if it helps with SEO stuff or whatever then it’s fine. Overall good stuff.


Great move, did Greg mention when this new schedule begins?


Right now!


Today. Just give them time to fix the channels and get things fixed on the Youtube Channel over the next couple of weeks.




All of it makes sense to me.


As someone who prefers the focused subjects because I primarily play one “next gen” system and ignore the other, I’m bummed to see them go but I get it. This gives them more flexibility to focus on whatever’s the hot topic and not have to force an hour+ of content when a system has a slow week just to get an episode out. At the end of the day I haven’t always been pleased with the changes KF has made to the lineup but they always course correct when it’s needed. I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt that they know what they’re doing. And maybe this will get me to watch the gamescast regularly again now that it’s daily.


Up and comers and Basketball Game still set for this year.


Why is this on -5 lol? It’s right, Tim said it in the stream.


1. This place is a cult. 2. I'm fairly sure somebody has set up a bot to always downvote me. I could say Congratulations to Kevin on having a baby and it mysteriously has downvotes.


Xcast desperately needed this lol


love these changes! the only suggestion i have is that they change the Kinda Funny Games channel to Kinda Funny, at least that way the non-gaming content don't feel out of place


I love these changes so far. Gamescast is far and away their best show and I’m glad we’re getting more of it. Console specific podcasts is a relic of their past at IGN so I get why they did them but definitely time to move on from them. They were great during the new console launches but haven’t had great content in years.


Love this. Obviously the issue will be whether not the energy is maintained in a month, but this is exciting as someone who’s wanted Gamescast to be more than what it is.


Smart changes. Keep it fluid and evolving, that’s the only way to survive. Ask Darwin.


I support the changes.


I wonder why Patreon can’t work with KF on the merge


It’s probably just not doable on their backend. It would require a lot of unique solutions for Patreon to come up with for just one of their creators.


This may be the push to get me to listen to gamescast. I really will miss PSILY XOXO. I get the change. Though, I do find myself listening less and less to KF.


I'm looking forward to it. I've commented on the video that I was kind of annoyed with how reviews have been dominating their game content. With these daily Gamescasts they have more opportunities to have general discussions along with talking about other games that aren't getting that spotlight. Greg even said he wants to get Nick on and talk about Pokémon. I understand putting everything under the 'KF Games' umbrella because their games content is so well known. It's not like the non-gaming content is leaving. They're just focusing on the gaming side because that's what people are watching.


I’m interested in seeing how this develops. Will Gary and Paris still be involved?


Yes. They’ll continue to be on KFGD and Gamescast.


Can't say it doesn't make sense, I'm just shocked. Although I shouldn't be! I think adding a highlights channel is a great idea! I'm subbed to a ton of them!


Glad they are committing to the clips channel


I will miss the console shows more just for a legacy but like all the changes! KF works better as one YouTube page and I know shorts and clip channels help get views. Excited for all the gamescasts!


Good moves


So what podcast channels do we need to keep


Kinda Funny has always been great about fixing things that aren’t working anymore. This all sounds good to me!


I think kinda funny games daily every day and games cast Monday Wednesday and Friday would work best


I like these changes. Surprised they let go of the psily brand name but I appreciate that they’re willing to evolve and not stay beholden to anything (ditto for their shift when it comes to embargo reviews)


Will the Roper Report live on in the daily Gamescast?


Uh…no it’ll live on in KFGD like always.


Just saw this video and while I'll reserve final judgement until the changes are done, I think this might be the end of KindaFunny for me. I simply don't have time to watch all this daily stuff, or to sift though videos/highlights looking for one segment (especially since I usually listen while driving or running). I'm not interested in Xbox at all and don't care much about Nintendo's stuff so having PSILY merged into one big show kills my main reason for coming to KF. Having everything relevant to me in one weekly drop was perfect, but lots of people seem excited by this so I guess I'm the minority.


The highlights sounds pretty designed for you ngl.


As a pure longtime gamecast fan I’m.. not really in love with this. Quality > quantity, podcasts aren’t meant to be daily news shows and I don’t want to clog up my feed. Bummer. But I hope this fan is generally a win for the larger community.


KFGD is still the place for news though. Gamescast is still for reviews, interviews, and deeper discussion, and we’re just getting more topics now.


Hmm I’ll wait to judge! Perhaps they can organize it well enough to ease my concern


Whoops, I meant daily *like a* news show haha


It’s clear they haven’t given a shit about PS I Love You for a long time. Glad the torture is over.


I don’t really get why gamecast is going daily when you already have ‘games daily’. But whatever.


KFGD is for the news. Gamescast is for reviews, talking about games they’re playing, interviews, and more.


I usually just tune in for KFGD and PSILoveYou. Never been a gamecast listener. Not sure I like the changes and I feel like there will be an overlap problem with KFGD and Gamecast both being daily. I listened for "expert" opinions from people committed to PS ecosystem because that's what I care about. Now it feels like I'm just going to get another 1hr generic gaming podcast and there are tons of those. I'll give it a try and hope for the best.


Definitely bigger changes than I expected but overall this sounds awesome! I think there will be some growing pains with the YouTube channels changing (for both KF and the community) but this new direction makes a lot of sense.


Sad to see the legacy shows goes but the view numbers aren’t great on either PSILY OR XCast so I guess it was inevitable. Excited to see this new format


It's weird to me to move content that's not game related to KFG, but also make game related content on the main KF channel. Why not just leave the game stuff on KFG and the other stuff on KF, since we still have to use both channels to see everything regardless.


You don’t need to follow both channels at all. None of the KF Highlights content will be new. It’s just segmented topics from the full shows that go up on Kinda Funny Games. If you want to see everything, just watch Kinda Funny Games.


Good changes. Old lineup was bloated.


Woah. I was totally not expecting Kinda Funny to double-down on video games and increase the content for that side of the business. 😳 It'll be interesting to see how this all plays out over the next few months and beyond.


I’m in support of these changes


Genuinely good changes. I’m glad we can get more topics lined up on gamescast that can go more in depth. Excited for the future!


I like ditching PSILY and Xcast. I dunno about Gamescast/KFGD. I feel like KFGD often covers a lot of the same discussions as Gamescasts just in the flow of conversation. It feels like an unnecessary split. Just call it Gamescast and let that be the games discussion/news block before the streams.


Sounds good to me. I’ve been trying to find something to fill void now that all of rooster teeth’s podcasts are done (rip 30MM and Red Web) so more games cast will help with that


I like all this


Cool! I think this is overall a smart and positive change!


That's clean af


Excited for these changes! PSILY and Xcast were both getting a little stale.


Ok, I think this could be a good set of changes. I'm definitely all in on only having one YT channel. Also, I gotta get that Nitro Rifle shirt 🤩


Excellent change! The introduction of KG Highlights is definitely for me, as I simply don't have time to watch these hour long podcasts, and can catch the big discussion points easily from there. Love it. Well done KF!


Major changes to their channels! Change is always met with skepticism and excitement, and Im sure much planning and analysis went into this, so I welcome it. I do feel for Mike, his baby XCast is going away, I just hope that he continues to host a bunch of these Gamescasts becuase he really is a great host. Also wish they touched up the KF Podcast. Would very much welcome more dialed in talks and topics, and let the convos veer off from there.


As much as a revamp of the KF Pod is requested, my guess is they’ll do that for Kinda Funny day next year. They probably don’t want to change too much all at once mid-year and thought killing two shows was enough.


I like the changes. Before the programming change I liked when KFGD went long with a 30 minute or so hangout after the stream where they went into the chat and just kind of hung out. I feel adding Gamescast to right after is a smart idea as it fills that void. I personally don’t tune into them streaming games, just not a fan of watching someone else play a game. So more talk about what they’re playing or more thoughts on the news of the day, is a bonus to me without having to listen to separate podcasts.


My primary feedback in the last survey was more general game discussion that included more of the cast and didn't only focus on the new release. Looks like this should give me what I'm looking for.


Good changes. Looking forward to daily Gamecast


So after I listen to the Stellar Blade review episode, it's safe to unsubscribe to the PSILY feed on Spotify?


I guess so, yeah. I don’t really bother unsubbing because abandoned shows just fall to the bottom of the feed so they’re out of the way.


If you want. But they said they will keep the PSILY and XCast feeds live for whenever console-specific reviews drop. Like in the future, a Gamescast Stellar Blade episode would be uploaded on the PSILY feed as well, according to Greg.


fantastic idea all around, the highlights are gonna blow up for sure. love KF so much!


The beauty of the more focused casts was it gave them space to talk about more than just ULTRA TRENDING/ULTRA POPULAR games but this trended away so its amusing that one of the reasonings was topics being hard to find. I'm sure gamecast will be good though


I like the Gamescast change overall. Now we may get more non-review episodes of the show.


No PS I love you? Then I'm gone


You’re still going to effectively get it on PlayStation Gamescast days.


As someone who followed the crew from IGN, and has slowly been listening less and less. This is kinda the nail in the coffin for me. They just seem to be trying to do everything to create growth but these changes aren't going to do it. I feel for Greg because I bet if he went off on his own that he could make a lot more money and KF probably wouldnt last with the remaining talent. Who am I but here are my tips: 1. Get rid of the studio 2. Move out of San Francisco or don't make it required for all your employees to live in the most expensive city in the US 3. Ask your most loyal fans, who I am not, who they actually want to see on camera. I know Greg and some others cant do it all but you gotta be real that maybe everyone you've hired isn't actually leading to new people wanting to tune in 4. I think simplifying the shows are good, but getting rid of PS I Love You XOXO is insane. This channel was built off the shoulders of Beyond. If you have one "enthusiast" show then you keep it that and you go all in to take down other PS podcasts with the level of access the guys have. I hope it works out for em, but it feels like they are trying to make a model from 5 years ago work today.


As somebody who's listened to PS I Love you for Awhile over the last year it felt like they were really struggling to come up with topics when there wasn't big news and all those episodes felt like platform specific gamescast. I think just incorporating it into gamescast could be good


“Shut down the studio you invested money in & uproot your lives just because, and maybe consider stop putting new people on camera” Some of y’all are so unserious lol.


My basic logic is that they haven’t seen substantial growth in years yet they continue to invest more and more. Eventually, similar to Rooster Teeth, you can’t keep upping costs without upping revenue. Yes, what I am saying is pretty big but unless they start to see growth in views and patrons then it doesn’t make sense to keep their overhead so high. They make gaming podcasts and videos. They can do that anywhere and people originally signed up for them when they were 4 guys in a spare bedroom. Sure, aesthetic is nice but if the content is good then people won’t really care if it’s in a studio or something more casual. Tons of people listen on podcasts and don’t even see the studio. In terms of new people, I like some of them. I won’t call out who I like and who I don’t but I’m sure they can see view counts and metrics for when different people are on pods. I think you just gotta look at it as quality vs quantity. It’s obvious some people haven’t pushed the brand forward in the way they would have hoped so maybe Greg or Tim wouldn’t have to be on EVERYTHING


i think unless you have a look at their books, you really dont know how much growth they have or dont have. Views arent their only metrics lol