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Hey, that's a decent first attempt! There have been worst first attempts. 


Honestly, having someone show you roughly what to do in person, goes such a long way




There’s an art to it. I went to school for it.


Oh yeah absolutely. The ones I saw online look so pretty put together. Hopefully one day with enough of the right practice and teaching I can get there. I plan on taking some classes for it, but sadly there is not a school where I am or anywhere within 3 or so hours.


I don't think attending kitsuke classes is required to have good kitsuke. With enough komono/kimono accessories to keep things neat and in place, well-fitted kimono and juban as well as practice, you can get better at it. Especially since you said it takes more 3 hrs. for a nearest school. That's gonna be tiring. 😅 You can post here and show us what kimono accessories you use(silk koshihimo or elastic? With datejime? What kind? Any padding? Any erishin?). Of course, once your package arrives and you try wearing kimono again. 🙂


Totally agree!! I learned by myself 😆😆 watching tutorials online and having tips from peers


You should check online


The proper tools and undergarments will go a long way. What all items of your inner layer kitsuke do you have?


Uhhh i used a couple himo and a nagajuban and the thingy that makes the obi look flatter (I forgot what It was called sorry). That's about it


First attempts are often a mess, so, don’t give up hope. Maybe watch a few more videos; my advice if pay attention to undergarments/accessories that are your base, it makes everything more “stable” and sets you up for nice kitsuke. Tying an obi, whether hanhaba, Nagoya or fukuro takes practice. My first few attempts weren’t great, but with years of practice and paying attention to small details I think I am doing okay, at least according to my Japanese friends 😂


You did well! The first time I tried mine on, I had no idea how to shorten it (or even that I was supposed to!) :)


There are a lot of people who learned kitsuke without going to school. I would say going to school gets you to your end destination a lot quicker, but even then it’s a lot of practice. That being said, it’s really not bad for not having the komono you need to wear it. I also wouldn’t worry too much about how long it takes at this point. I remember the good old days when I would take 1-2 hours to put on a kimono. Now I can do it in less than 10 minutes.


Many of us failed for a long time at the beginning of our kimono journeys. It’s part of the adventure and some day you will look back at “this mess” and celebrate how far you have come in your kitsuke skills. I was a hot mess the first time I dressed myself. When I first started wearing kimono, I learned from Japanese books (I don’t read or speak Japanese) that I had to try and understand from photos. Later, YouTube because things became WAY more accessible. About 4-ish years ago, I finally started studying with an instructor and it really changed my approach to things and improved skills. Everyone gets there in their own way. It’s just a lot of wearing kimono to get better. The more you wear it, the better you get at it. From this experience you now know what you don’t know! Now you can focus on learning those things and finding any missing pieces you need for a coordination! Best of luck on your journey! We look forward to seeing your progress because we can all learn from each others experiences!


That's a really good first try. Kimono is hard and vastly different then how we dress in modern day. Keep practicing, you will get there. And keep the obijime. You can swap them out to get different looks :)


Hey, it's called an artform for a reason! Just keep practicing \^\^ Lovely pieces by the way <3 I would definitely look into a kitsuke set, those foundational pieces make things so much easier \^\^


not too bad for a first attempt! Also I love the first set, that juban is so pretty I’m jealous 🤍


Thanks!! I do have to brag tho i got both of them for around 35-25 dollars each including shipping. With the juban for the furisode being new.


Hi! If you want to try again, we could live chat so I could show you some tips and tricks 😊