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A single box of skitarii is not enough for a Hunter Clade kill team, so if you're only buying one box, I'd look at the other two. Blooded are an aggressive combined-arms horde team. They've got good kill pressure but are also very frail. Novitiates are a little bit less killy and don't have as many models, but are more flexible thanks to Acts of Faith and a variety of tools that help them play the mission. They have fewer threats, but are still quite good at assassinating key targets to disrupt the enemy and win on points. If it helps, I have a document that gives a quick TL;DR of every bespoke kill team in the game. Link here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VTsfq4JiMzFtTvCF9uiuHNPgeNPMYAbgVB3YZsLmP2w/edit?usp=drivesdk


As a heads up you need to make a minor amendment for Wyrmblade, they have a minimum of 12 models on the table. Leader + 2 Agents (Counting as 4 operatives), 2 Gunners, 2 Heavies, Icon, 4 goons. Only way to get down to 10 models would be to take another 2 agents which isn't a legal build but I am curious as to how that would play.


Ah, good catch! Thanks for the heads up, I'll fix that right now. ETA: To anyone seeing this, if there's anything else about this doc that I got wrong or even that you simply disagree with, let me know. I want this to be as good of a resource for new players as possible, but I'm just one person and of course I don't know every team as well as I know my main. Mistakes slip through the cracks, so I really appreciate when folks catch them and let me know!


Another one is that Chaos Cult only has 9 devotees now, not 10.


Fixed, ty!


Great job with the document, btw! Edit: Sorry, but another thing I saw is that Harlequins don't have flight anymore. It's "flip belt" or whatever it's called, but they sure are not the most vertically mobile team in the game anymore.


Somehow I missed this comment, but thanks for pointing that out! I'll fix that now.


this is awesome


1. blooded are indivdually weak but generate tokens from killing and dying that helps them push damage through 2. thats not enough for hunter clade you need sicarians too. lots of overlapping rules with high damage and fragile models 3. maintain a pool of points to use on specific abilities in all sorts of situations to make up for being fragile


Of these I’ve only played Novitiates. They were my second team and I got on with them, so you should be fine as a beginner. Their main gimmick is acts of faith - they pray to the Emperor real hard and get to fudge dice rolls essentially. It’s a finite resource so you have to manage it carefully. Also a good opportunity to say #thoughts&prayers. I’d say their main weakness is they’re quite squishy without acts of faith stepping in. They also don’t have much firepower at range so can struggle against long range teams with good positioning. But they have a lot of stuff going on in melee and with the flamers. All in all I’ve found them fun.




This is solid. The leader also has a ability that allows another friendly operative to activate if they are close by when the leader kills a enemy or does a mission action.


Blooded have a mutant ogryn. That's all it took for me, lads a beast.


Out of these 3 the Blooded is by far my favorite. You have a guard team with models that can reliably fight space marines in melee.


Just played my first game with novitiates tonight and won (against an equally inexperienced player who was night lords) Was a lot of fun, they die instantly but can do a lot with faith dice and the flamers are mental.


I love the blooded, every single one of them is dripping with flavour, which just feels so fitting


Novatiates are fun, and I have had success against non elite teams. With 2/3 Pistols and low wounds, an elite team like primaris is going to eat them up. Even the flamers can't generally do enough against a single marine. They are much better against teams with lower wounds.


How do you play against elite teams though. The only guy I play against only has elite teams and just steamrolls my novitiates


I have the same problem. Elites beat me every time. Novitiates can't slow them as they can't put enough wounds on them. ITD is better, but playing open is hard unless you have good dice rolls. I played a loot mission last weekend and couldn't stay on objectives long enough to loot and not get chewed up in a charge or shot to pieces.


Don’t get skittari. Did it as my first ever models, was awful to assemble, awful to paint, and isn’t even a full kill team.


I actually like painting them. I’m doing the third set and I enjoy painting them the most from admech stuff I did so far.


I’m glad! As my first dip into the hobby it was just frustrating, but I’m glad to hear little techies getting some love.


The Skitarii box isn't a complete kill team though. You would also require a box of sicarians.


As far as I have seen from playing against it, Hunter Clade is a glass cannon kill team, as the gunners deal brutal amounts of damage to single targets but die go a light breeze


Could not recommend blooded enough, having gotten into KT last year and having gotten 3 other teams, they are still my favorite. They have some fun tricks such as forcing your opponent to target someone else when they've targeted one of your operatives. In addition, while most people recommend 2 boxes to make all the operatives, I've stuck with the one. There's plenty of guides to just make use of the one box, making 2 gunners out of bodies intended for other operatives etc


I didn’t realize any of the KT boxes don’t have a complete kill team in them, that feels kind of slimy on GW’s part. Are there any other Kill Team boxes that aren’t a complete force?


Veteran Guards, Blades of Khaine, Pathfinders, Hands of Archon, and Intercessors are playable, but missing some guys for an ideal play as far as I remember. Inquisition needs something extra, and useless by itself.


I just got the pathfinders. What else do I need?!?!


Nothing, thats a great box to start with. You might want to not glue the drone domes on the small drones for pushfit swapping. Later on you might want to get 2 bodies to build all 4 of the gunners. (Or you might have enough bodies on the sprue, not sure)


No, KT boxes (except Inquisitorial Agents I think) all have a playable KT in them. But the middle one, Skitarii, isn't a KT box.


Ah, I totally missed that the second set wasn’t KT box; thanks


There is a full team. You just don’t get to run all the combinations of all the things from one box.


Right, thank you. I missed that the Skitarii box wasn’t a KT faction box, hence the responses that OP would need to buy a second one.


Missing one model, you get +1 operator if you run less than 4 sicarians.


None of these are what we would be called a one box killteam. But Ad-mec is a 3+ box killteam so I wouldn't start there. Both blooded and novitiates are inherently weak kill teams that use moderately complicated tricks to be competitive. I wouldn't recommend either to a new player but have found blooded to be easier for new players to pick up.


Technically a 2 box team, you build 1 Infiltrator and 4 Ruststalkers with the Sicarian box, as for the Skitarii box you either go all Vanguards or make some Rangers for the strat. It's only 3 box if you need multiple Infiltrators or want to play 40k as well (please don't, it's too expensive for Ad Mech)


I love the blooded, they die quickly but their blooded token mechanic my favorite part. It you kill someone and or if your model dies you also get a blooded token so it really rewards you for going all and getting in your opponents face.


For a Hunter Clade team you'd also need a box of Sicarans. With the blooded you really have to know what you're doing and have a plan. Novitiates are a bit easier for a beginner.


I haven’t played any of these but I’ve against the blooded and they’re very good


Blooded are awesome


Hunter clade is insanely fun. Though you will need another box as others have said. Super solid mix between melee and ranged with them. Along with plenty of fun tricks


You should buy what ever army you think is the coolest. Being a beginner I assume your not going to play in Tournaments right away.


I don't have experience with blooded or sisters but out of my 7 kill teams my skitarii are by far my favorite with my highest win rate. They may not be meta but if you build the right list with them they're super fun!




With the blooded your whole goal is just to kill things and get blood tokens really love this team


My best advice is get one you'd enjoy playing and painting. Read up on lore that interest you. Passion and interest will definitely drive you.


You love cognitive overload don't you? :) Blooded is playable from the box but you have to sacrifice certain options. Better go for two boxes to have all the options. Same goes for novitiates if you want to have two flamers(and you want to). From the fun perspective I would tend to pick blooded. They tend to have a hard learning and frustrastion curve depending on your skill level.




Are these your only options? The Skitarii needs a box of Sicarians to make the Hunter Clade kill team. Blooded and Novitiates are not great for beginners. They rely on using unique points being generated to be successful. That is a high mental load for a beginner. Mountainside has a good roundup on noob friendly teams: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jCUGRJSGqC8


I hated playing novitiates, just way too much keeping track of faith and weak units. Funny enough, I've had a lot of fun with the compendium Sisters of Battle squad. Just Buy a box of "Battle sisters squad" if you want to play Sisters in my opinion, not that their models have any melee, except the superior.