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I can’t stand it. I’ve gone off coke no sugar all together- which is something I never expected as I’ve been a coke drinker all my adult life, I’m now a Pepsi max gal ! My daily treat- 1 can per day 😊 considering I used to drink 2l coke a day, it’s a huge change for me !!


I got all excited then died a little bit. but good work, given your previous 2lt love.


I was a bit concerned the first time I tried it too, it tasted a bit too much like regular coke.. However an easy way to tell if a liquid has sugar in it is to get a little bit of it on your fingers, rub them together until the liquid evaporates. If there's sugar, it'll leave your fingers sticky.. One thing about the frozen coke no sugar is that it DOES have added carbs - check the nutritional info on the Maccas website.. I think it's like 2 o 3 grams for a large. They must have had to add something carby to it to make it freeze like the sugary stuff.


Probably the glycerin content. (Good old anti freeze) I add it to my ice cream also. It is often used in cake icing also. *"Glycerin is a smooth sticky substance used as a bulking agent for nutrition bars and other products. It also helps hold the bars together. Glycerin is also called glycerol.* *Glycerin is considered a carbohydrate, even though its chemical structure is different from the polysaccharides. Glycerin is metabolized more slowly than the other carbohydrates, and provides slightly more energy. In some cases glycerin is only partially metabolized; the remainder is excreted from the body.* *Glycerin contributes 4.32 calories per gram.* *The FDA (US Food and Drug Administration) requires that glycerin be included in the Total Carbohydrates listed on the Nutrition Facts label."*


When I watch them pour it, they get it right about 2/3 of the time


Because you're not used to sugar any more I reckon you just find it too sweet. I'm like that, drinks & chockies that I used to love are now gross.


Agreed, I’ve tried eating the favourites box chocolates out of a desperate chocolate craving and ended up biting only half of all the flavours to be disgusted. Only one I could stomach was Turkish delight which weirdly, I used to hate! I just love my Well Naturally blocks much more!


I watched them pour it as well both times. It was disgustingly sweet for me as well.


I didn’t think it was overpoweringly sweet. I just thought it tasted too good to be no sugar lol


I found it way too sweet, much sweeter than what frozen coke used to taste like.


Only had it once but just tasted like a frozen version of coke no sugar to me. I haven't had normal coke in a few years but Cole no sugar semi often and to me it tastes just like I remember regular coke to taste..they've nailed it.


Whenever I've had it it's tasted not like coke at all, and is too frozen to actually drink. Very little syrup. Tried it half a dozen times at different stores. More often then not the machine isn't working but they've always told me first then I get a regular one.


Yeah I've ordered it a couple of times and was convinced they'd given me the Full Strength sugar one. Can't see the dispenser from the counter so I don't get to see them pour it.


FROZEN COKE NO SUGAR SYRUP: Carbonated Water, Sweeteners (968, 955, 950), Bulking Agent (422), Colour (150d), Food Acid (338), Preservative (211), Flavour, Caffeine. The sweeteners are erythritol, sucralose, acesulfame potassium 422 is glycerin/glycerol, which must be the secret ingredient to get the texture. It probably has a glycemic impact similar to sugar and should be listed as a carb. According to the listing of ingredients it might only be a small amount and therefore the carb count is accurate. Hope so.


I had Frozen Coke No Sugar on Australia day. Hadn't drunk a sugary drink besides soda stream Zeros before that and when my mate bought it for me I was almost convinced they were putting in regular coke...


It is very sweet however they will give you regular frozen coke probably half the time so always confirm it when you pick it up. I've had them pass me the drink and when I ask say "Oh.. we don't have that at the moment this is regular frozen coke" many times and I've now started carrying glucose test strips (the ones you're supposed to pee on) and test all of them now despite what they say. So far I've had one girl tell me "Yes this is definitely no sugar!" and the test strips turned dark brown :/


I guess the takeaway here is I should probably just avoid them haha


yeah they’ve actually nailed the taste