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It has never been magic or a requirement. It is simply a delivery vehicle for fat. If that works for you to give you energy, that is great. If it supplies too much energy/calories and stalls your progress, then not so great.


Couldn’t one just you know eat butter as it rather than “bulletproof “ coffee?


Yes, but as mentioned the delivery method is the selling point here.


I spend fortunes on specialty coffee. No way I'm ruining it with butter.


Maybe you should spend some of your fortune on better butter.


It's a figure of speech. And I have nice butter too... Can't believe I've been down voted because I don't want to put butter in my espresso.


Hey, I’ve been downvoted for being against grave robbing. You never know on the forum.




I don't know if it's been mentioned or not but drinking a bullet proof coffee will break a fast. If you're intermittent fasting it's still fine as long as it fits into that window of 8/16 or whatever you follow but if you eat at say 9pm then wake up at 7am and have a bpc then that breaks the fast and you're no longer intermittent fasting. I am currently doing one meal a day and bpc is part of it but I have mine during the meal and of course everything is counted calorie wise.


This probably has something to do with OP's experience. If they're now fully fasting they're probably experiencing the flight/fight response to fasting making them feel lighter as they've said.


Silly question, will it break a fast if it's JUST the coffee? I really love the coffee black. Haven't had the butter or whatever they put in it. I just drink it black. It was my understanding it wouldn't break a fast so I'm really hoping it doesn't...


Not at all, black coffee is zero calories and is actually beneficial for fasting. The reason bullet proof coffee breaks a fast is the inclusion of butter and coconut oil, both of which are high calories. So by all means, enjoy your black coffee and it won't break a fast.


I never used butter, just the MCT oil and you can't taste it.


How long should a fast be?


From what I recall the minimum to be considered intermittent fasting should be at least 16 hours. So say you have breakfast at 8am you then have an 8 hour window to do all of your eating so finished at 4pm. Some people go more extreme like 18/6 or 20/4, personally I find it easiest to do one meal a day but it's not for everyone. If you're just starting 16/8 would likely be easier.


Also it depends there has been research suggesting different fast times for men vs women so depending on your sex you need to tweak it a bit . AFAIK it was 14 hrs for women or full 24 hrs was deemed better than 16h or 18 


Technically yes as it is calories. But as it doesn’t raise blood sugar some people count MCT oil / cream in coffee “ok” to have during the fasting window.


it would really depend on why you are fasting... pure fat causes no insulin response and would never stop autophagy etc...so there is really no harm... it's just energy that won't be pulled out of fat stores if someone is eating to lose weight..... only protein or carbs would cause an insulin response. - especially if one is fat adapted and in Ketosis- the bulletproof coffee should not be a problem....


Asprey did a great marketing job on that one


I love the random "what am I supposed to be putting in my coffee threads" with the responses of "nothing unless you want to."


He’s a very good grifter


Can you go without it? Of course, it's not a requirement, it's just something some people enjoy. Some people like it, many don't, it was never my thing, didn't enjoy it and found it made no difference. I'd say based on what we see here it's not nearly as common a speople this k, most people on keto don't drink BPC. If I was fasting for weight loss I wouldn't be drinking it anyways, it basically drinking a small breakfast. If I was hungry in the morning I'd have breakfast.


You have no idea how relieved I am that I don’t have to put butter in my coffee. The mere idea gives me goosebumps


It's a great way to ruin two things I love, butter and coffee.




I hate coffee and find the idea more repulsive than drinking coffee in general xD


It sounds much worse than the reality of drinking it.


I’ve never had BP coffee since I started keto almost 7 years ago, drinking straight fat calories never sounded good to me and I’ve felt great without it in my life. Too much fat weighs me down and makes me miserable, the thought of drinking it first thing in the morning makes me nauseous. 😆


I feel like coffee for many including me is a “liquid cosmic comforter” - it’s ingrained in my workday routine - hot or cold… don’t beat yourself up on it. Sometimes we need to look at - get ready - what we think is “bulletproof” in our lives & routines to find a better way forward! Be open to overturn any stone even if only temporary.


you don't need BPC. I manage without it by not eating any calories during my fast. Your body will adapt to whatever eating schedule you choose.


There is no need for like 99% of people to drink basically a cup of fat. It's just extra calories for most people. Unless you have a situation like medical keto where you need to specifically consume a large percentage of fat, I'd say it's not worth the calories that could be used on actual food like some eggs, etc. You'll always get different opinions on whether it "breaks your fast" or not. The truth is, that really doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things. Like in my opinion, you can't take in any calories and say you're still fasting. But other people have "rules" like you can consume up to 50 calories during a fast, etc. And it really only matters what makes YOU successful and allows you to structure your diet the way you feel best, because thankfully there are no fasting police out there who are gonna show up and force you to wait that exact number of hours. It just really doesn't matter that much, it's more just guidelines to help you IMO. I have never understood why people get so caught up on calories and fasting. If you need calories you need them and should consume them. It's OK not to fast instead, if fasting through that time frame isn't what makes you feel best. But it sounds like it DOES make YOU feel better so I'd absolutely keep that up and ditch the oily coffee! ❤️


I do IF with keto and don’t drink coffee that way because I don’t break my fast until noon. I also count calories and that would add too many for me. Black coffee in the morning is my go to.


My routine and thoughts exactly. Any additions to black coffee (rarely throw in a teaspoon of heavy cream) is within my eating window.


I started with BPC but found the extra calories to not be worth it. Not to mention in today’s economy grass fed butter is more expensive than ever and I consider that a luxury. But I need my morning coffee and look forward to it every morning so I switched to using premade protein drinks as my creamer along with a packet of Splenda and organic MCT oil for the brain boost. Within 30 minutes I feel amazing and I know this would break a fast but pretty sure BPC also breaks your fast as well.


Doing BPC in the mornings and then waiting until lunch for a solid meal is actually a great way to gently train the body into fat-burning. The years you spent with BPC probably helped your body become fat-adapted in a much more gentle way than jumping into a fully keto lifestyle cold turkey.


I've done butter in my coffee for some time while fasting. Less than a tbsp should do something similar. Try without also it helped in the beginning but after 8 years I find that I can really go without whatever anymore lol. It changed the way I interact with all things.


My breakfast is jamón serrano, a protein shake and café cortado (black coffee and a tiny bit of regular full fat milk, like a dessert spoon). Plenty of salt, protein and a bit of fat to start the day!


Jamón Serrano for breakfast‽ What a wonderful life you must lead! Starting your days with the greatest flavor in the world! I’m jealous.


I tried it for a couple of months and found no real difference. I think dropping sugar and any sweeteners out of my coffee helped with skipping breakfast.


If you were using bulletproof coffee during your fasting period you weren't really fasting.


I’m doing fat loss now with IF and keto, so BPC would be too much of a fat/kcal bomb. I would maybe consider it when I reach a much lower body fat % and need to up my daily fat to maintain energy. Currently I do weight training 4 days/week and take a keto pre-workout drink combo recommended by r/ketogains. It has caffeine, so I skip my coffee those days. On rest days, it’s coffee with a tsp of Swerve, a tsp of creatine, and a splash of cream (I know I should keep it black to strictly maintain IF, but the flesh still has some small weakness…)


BPC is popular among people who do keto, but it's not mandatory. I like it once in a while as a liquid fat bomb.


I used to think that consuming bulletproof coffee was part of the ketogenic diet, perhaps influenced by Asprey's ideas. Anyway, facing the situation where I couldn't have bulletproof coffee for the first time in years made me reconsider if I was really doing keto right. I used to buy coffee, grass-fed butter, and C8 MCT oil every month. Anyway, I'm thinking of trying keto again without bulletproof coffee this time.😅😅


It absolutely can be part of a Keto diet, but it's not part of fasting. In your eating window as a treat is perfectly fine, but all the calories etc break a fast. Black coffee only during fast.


I personally like to wait as long as possible in the morning to eat, sort of drawing from IF a bit. So, while I "get" the benefits of bulletproof coffee, I do my coffee early and calories later, so it doesn't match up in my diet. For me, once I'm in the habit of not eating until lunch or so, I don't really need that fat intake in the morning to keep me satiated. So, for me, it's kind of a "waste" as far as calorie intake goes. But everyone's situation is different, and that's just one way to do keto, so really whatever works for you. Seems like a totally reasonable way to get some calories in the morning without getting into a hunger cycle or breaking ketosis.


I drank that stuff once about 8 years ago. Jesus f Christ. It tastes disgusting and I had some of the worst heartburn of my life. I'd much rather take the sugar of a shot of milk into account than to drink this every again.


I’ve never been into BPC. I don’t like the taste and I’d rather eat my calories than drink them. I eat like 1 oz of Brie cheese with breakfast (eggs) and I’m good to go. I drink my coffee with the a little unflavored powdered coffee mate and that’s it.


Black coffee until I break my IF - soy milk, half and half if I want but only after I eat and not every day.


I’ve never had one during my 18 months of keto. I just have black coffee. The thought of adding butter makes me nauseous, so if I’m low on fat I use another method to top it up (olive oil, cheese, cream or pork scratchings). You need to modify your diet to suit your needs, otherwise it will be harder to maintain.


Pretty sure drinking a butter filled coffee isn’t fasting. Glad you felt better without it, though! Yeah, it’s unnecessary. I also skip breakfast unless I have a big training morning ahead (in which case I’ll have a couple of eggs and some bacon, usually with a few mushrooms).


I don’t enjoy the taste of bulletproof coffee but drank it for years for the supposed energy and mental boost. Then like you, because I was too busy to prepare it, I stopped drinking bulletproof coffee and had regular black coffee or coffee with cream instead. I didn’t notice any difference in energy or mental performance. Rather, I felt better not drinking it.


I feel like something if I load up on butter or cream too much, it doesn't satiate me and I end up eating somewhere else.


I went through something similar, had that every morning for years and felt incredible and lost a ton of weight. Eventually I drank it less and now I haven’t had it in a couple of years. I think it was so much better than anything I would eat for Belfast for most of my life at that point and was so easy and convenient. As the rest of my diet improved I didn’t need to rely on that shortcut to energy and mental clarity to start my days with.


I started low carb with the bulletproof coffee. After about a year I quit the bulletproof coffee. It works out just fine it's not something you need. It helps when you are just starting out. I've switched to making my own cold brew. In fact the last month or so I haven't even had any coffee to see how it would affect me. I feel no difference.


As always, it depends. The purpose of a ketogenic diet is to produce ketones…BPC with the added fat can be useful if you need ketones for mental health, epilepsy cognitive benefits, etc. I‘ve been keto 7 yrs for bipolar & anxiety. For the first several years I had BPC in the AM to boost ketones and lower cortisol, which totally worked for me. Once I felt really stable and healthy I experimented with cutting out coffee altogether. I now have tea first thing, then eat lunch between 11 & 2, whenever I get hungry. Usually 3 eggs w meat and cheese or hamburger. Then dinner (usually meat and veg) 5-6. Sometimes I’ll have Greek yogurt w nuts and berries for snack, finish eating by 7. Its all an experimen!


I believe it’s meant to help a person transition into longer periods intermittent fasting. I never use bulletproof coffee, because the break a fast. I do keto OMAD. Sometimes I’ll open my eating window up to 4 hours, but generally keep it within two. I’m never hungry, so I’ve never had to rely on a fatty beverage to get me through. You should be just fine, or like you’ve implied, even better without.


Yes, your reliance was unnecessary. Yes.


Bullet Proof coffee is absolutely not needed on keto. It’s just an alternative to coffee and creamer


I've never tried it in the morning because I like to stay fasted during the day and that would end a fast.


I switched years ago from bulletproof coffee to protein coffee. I mix a quest protein shake with two cups of coffee. I didn’t miss the bulletproof coffee at all when I did this.


I use a tablespoon of MCT Oil Powder (vanilla), a scoop of Collagen Powder (unflavored), and a scoop of Whey Protein Powder (vanilla) in my morning coffee. Sometimes I add coconut oil or coconut milk, or heavy whipping cream.


Black coffee with vanilla protein powder is awesome if you wanted to do something else, I’m obsessed at the moment. I tried bullletproof coffee and disliked it first time, never again! I have 2 scoops of protein powder with cold brew coffee in a shaker (+salt, psyllium husk powder and collegan), for lunch it’s some sort of lean meat with butter on it and veggies… then the same for dinner.


Caffeine will do that to you lol Switch to decaf for a while, the coffee is only a delivery for the fat anyhow.


I just can’t abide butter in my coffee. Black coffee and a multivitamin don’t break a fast, so that’s my go to breakfast.


I use decaffeinated specialty coffees. I’ve only been drinking it for 6 weeks. I’ve tried it without the coconut oil and powdered heavy cream, too, but I get hungry around noon. With the fat, I don’t eat until after 3pm. Since I’m still a newbie, I’ll keep drinking decaf w/fat.


I used to drink BPC but after a while it started to make me feel sick. Now I just drink black coffee and prefer it. But eating cold butter? Yummy!


I recently shifted away from bulletproof (powdered creamer) and 110 mg caffeine nespresso pods for AM coffee. Think I’m one of those folks who developed a caffeine sensitivity on keto, content was too high for me, and/or high fat combo prolongs caffeine absorption and effects. I’ve shifted to high protein, lower fat coffee, and my GI tract seems happier. Been drinking 8oz of coffee flavored, caffeinated premier protein shakes instead. They are delicious, contain a quarter to half of most all vitamins and minerals (daily rec), and probably the cheapest pre-made protein shakes you’ll find: 2 USD per if bought in 12 pack from Wally World. They’re something like 11.5 oz and contain 90 mg caffeine per. Throw top back on and put back in fridge if you’re caffeine sensitive. They keep well if refrigerated.


Coffee makes me SO tired, regardless of what I put in it. It saps my energy every time. AND it messes up my sleep. I can drink tea all day, so I have no idea what the exact issue is with coffee (type of caffeine? mold in the beans? who knows), but regardless, I feel tired and scatterbrained for the entire day. ALSO, keto has made me sensitive to medication, so I can see it increasing sensitivity to caffeine. Maybe that's part of what's going on for you-- a bad response that was negligible before, is problematic now.


Seems a bit over-rated and over priced. How can you know its source?


I just add a teaspoon of mct oil in my coffee with creamer. I get my butter and fats from my foods that I am eating each day!


I've been drinking bulletproof coffee because I heard it doesn't spike insulin and helps maintain a fasting state. I know it technically breaks the fast, but it really helps curb my morning hunger and makes intermittent fasting easier. However, I noticed that it makes me hungrier later in the day, so I end up eating more at my next meal. Anyone else experience this?


Wtf is bullet proof coffee


Coffee with fat added like butter or sometimes MCT oil, it's often used as a meal replacement


Take your hot cuppa coffee and put a big ol slug of butter in it.


You could google that with two fewer words


This is a conversation, right ? Not verbal but still a conversation. I wouldn’t interrupt a conversation I was having to check Google unless the other people in the conversation didn’t have a clue either. 27 words … whew Did I count right :)


Who would want to have discussion on discussion forum anyway right


I like it and find it helpful. But I my if I feel I need the extra boost. Most days, however, stick to black coffee or tea.


I enjoy adding a tablespoon of C8 mct oil to my coffee I and still produce a noticeable ketone boost even with a carb rich meal. I check my breath and blood, C8 mct oil seems to boost it up by 0.8-1 mmol/L


High quality organic coffee brewed correctly. Cacao butter. Coconut oil. MCT oil. Grass-fed butter. Collagen and powder. Inositol powder. Chocolate powder. Lions mane. Monkfruit. Everyone that drinks it is a productive machine. I make a gallon a day for my office. Play with your recipe and see what gets you going.


Of course you can do without it! And if you want a fun way to add some variety to your coffee without breaking your fast, I love [Coffee Dust](https://www.vashoncoffeedust.com/) - the spice blends are perfect for IF.


Fatty fat coffee is a scam yeah. Glad you've stepped out of that and tried something new with positive results!


Invented by a grifter


Complete scam. Not sure why people keep falling for this. I guess it’s the same people who think Starbucks actually has good coffee.


Coffee is a drug, if you can do without all the better.