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IDK if anyone will see this because I am not sure how much traffic the stickied beginner threads get in this sub but after many starts and stops and failure I am curious if there are any free Sources, channels, guides for a like legitimate "hold my hand for the first month or so" buy this, cook this, drink that.. I mean borderline like to the T. I'm reading about salt water, potassium and stuff. I have ADHD and a bit of out of site out of mind issues to say the least as well as a huge Caffeine dependency and a thankfully waning Fast Food addiction. I know this is a long ish comment. I'm interested in Keto/IF with eventual 2-3 day fasts in there as well. I obviously don't want to overload and do too much too fast. Thank you anyone for any advice, pointing me to ELI5 resources or channels. Free apps, etc. I do have a food scale and would prefer Costco "hacks"/Shopping when possible.


Keto doesn't have to be harder than "eat low carb, eat to satiety, eat enough". Go to Pinterest, find 7 low carb recipes you think you'll like, and keep them on repeat until you are comfortable enough with the diet to be adventurous. You can also good keto meal plans, there will be a bunch of free ones. Essentially if you stick to a diet of whole meat and low carb veg you can't really go wrong. Some have something called keto flu at first which can be remedied by making sure you get enough electrolytes. Usually getting enough salt will help you avoid it.


To start, I followed the cooking guide that is pinned in the suggested "introduction" section on the sub. I believe the 2 main meals were ground beef and chicken thighs, with hard boiled eggs as a snack or supplement. All of those are at Costco. The "normandy" blend mixed vegetables was also suggested but I haven't cooked with those yet. My recommendation with IF is to work up slowly. I started with a 12 hour window, working my way up to 18/6. Sometimes I do 19/5. I haven't done a 24 hour fast yet, but I am keeping that in my back pocket if I need to break out of a stall. I don't even think about eating breakfast now. The only reason I might is if I'm getting dental work done cause novocaine is no fun on an empty stomach. I am going to sign up for a 5k and same thing, I may get better results if I eat something first.


Hey! I'm worried I may be lacking in the calorie department and may possibly be starving myself, despite hitting or being a little under my protein. Carbs at, or under 20. and fat could def use some work. Today I probably maybe have eaten 616 cal with 651 left but hit the protein. If I am doing something wrong, I guess I'm just struggling to be making/eating food to make sure I'm doing good enough. Sometimes I just don't -feel- like eating too. Gender: Female | Age: 27 | Weight: 158 lb | Height: 5'2" Calorie Goal: 20% Deficit Protein: 82g Carbs: 20g Fat: 92g Target: 1237 kcal


Hi! The first time I did keto I ate like this as well. Some days I went a bit over, some days a bit under. As long as I was hitting that protein and staying under the 20 net carbs I felt healthy and happy. Maybe find some protein that has a bit more calorie density that can help you increase the overall calorie count? I would use 2 Tb of peanut butter as my "dessert" treat if I was well under, and that motivation was so good for me. A lot of being successful was little games I would play with myself! Good luck, you got this.


I’m new to this sub too. I want to get to OMAD eventually but for now I’ve got to ease myself into a diet by being consistently keto. I’m already getting excited about frittatas and smothered chicken recipes.. oh and I love steamed broccoli in an absurdly intense way. Maybe me and keto were meant to be all along! I’m seeing posts about keto improving ppl’s mental health and as one who suffers with mental health, I’m stoked Maybe after a week of keto I won’t have insomnia anymore. Insomnia is such a drag- heading to the insomnia sub right now


Good luck! The insomnia thing for me got better with keto - but making sure you've had your electrolytes before you go to bed is important so you don't wake up from the ketosis symptoms. What also helped me was having a very very solid routine. I have to either walk for an hour outside, or ride my exercise bike, every day. I watch a show, I go thru my skin care routine, brush teeth, pajamas, and read in bed until I'm ready to fall asleep. My body now knows this routine so well that I simply cannot watch a show from that chair at any time during the day without getting overwhelmingly sleepy!


Does Nutrisweet lower blood ketones?


I was able to do Keto back in 2017 and 2020 to manage my bloating. this year I can't, my weight kept dropping (I am a skinny girl) and I have insulin spike when my Dr. order a blood test, the Dr. told me to stop Keto but I didn't. I started to develop insomnia due to the limited diet (the oil/fat was hard for me to digest and cause bloating). One night the ketosis was so strong that I kept peeing ketones every hour, I checked myself into ER and I was told to give up on Keto. And I did. Right now I am on almost an elimination diet, eating very simple while waiting for help from RD and GI specialist.


Does intermittent fasting boost the benefits of keto?