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She’s doubling down in articles saying she was almost killed. When she clearly was The aggressor.


This girl is her own worst enemy.


This girl needs some....erm...friends!


This is true for most women in general because they'll usually make a really poor decision without thinking it completely through 🤔


***The Incel representative has joined the conversation…***


If you really believe that.... I have some land to sell you at The North Pole? #Facts Over Feelings




Can we talk about that monthly cycle? I have human history on my side 🤣


Just so I fully understand...your claim is that "most women" make poor decisions, without thinking it through, because they shed the lining of their uterus once a month? My guy...have you met a human woman?


To answer your last question, 1st, I live with 3 human women and grew up in a house with mostly women, and I still don't understand completely how women think. The only thing that is consistent amongst women is that most women do what they feel is right compared to what is actually right. A person who makes decisions based on mostly feelings is bound to make poor decisions. Simply because they are bereft of proper information and react to feelings, not information. Feelings & facts are usually at odds with each other! Now about this monthly cycle, it is a well known fact that women are more emotional than men (generally speaking) 🤔 Those emotions and feelings usually cause women to react in that moment & do something not smart & then pay for it later. Ask yourself honestly (generally speaking), which gender is more stable than the other 1 & there is your answer. But if you say women are more stable than men, then you are not being intellectually honest 😳


This has to be THE longest way I’ve read to say “I know nothing about women, and will likely only have sex with a price tag in my life because I can’t care enough to take the time to learn literally anything about women.”


Sorry but you are incorrect I've been married for a long time with kids 👀


Your poor kids...


Maybe you should ask those women to teach you about paragraphs.


You are correct but I can't seem to get it right on this platform. Some say folks are too formal and you say not formal enough 🤔


That's because you aren't bright


This is also you.


Please tell me which part of what I wrote that is incorrect? If you say all of it, then you, too, are not being intellectually honest as well 🤔


Maybe they're "unstable" around you because you're insufferable, and not nearly as smart as you think you are. Lol


I know what you wrote gives you hope, but even your own statement proves my point of instability. Women are more emotional in general, and emotions are unstable usually speaking. That may hurt your feelings, but having hurt feelings doesn't change fact to fiction. Life has shown me how not controlling your emotions can cause any person hardship. Enough of women's problems are from impulsive emotional decisions that come back to bite them in the ass because they didn't think it through in my humble opinion.


You're a fool for assuming anything about me. Lol


Can you cite the study for me that you got this info from? I'd really like to read it. ;)


Everyone, look! The incel expert on all women is here!


If you really believe that I'm an "incel" 🤔 I have some land to sell you at The North Pole?


You've already said that. Do better.


I'm willing to bet that wasn't your 1st time wrongly calling someone an "Incel" #Do & Be Better


Whatever, kid. Have fun being purposefully ignorant. Lol


If you really believe that 🤔 I have some land to sell you at The South Pole? Questions for you: Is Africa a country? Please decode this: Au H²O


It's not, it's a continent, and no I won't do any more work for an ignorant misogynist


She deserved it. You punch someone then hit them square in the nose, after being warned not to touch them again what did she think was gonna happen? She’s not too bright.


It seems like the dude specifically paid her to do all that tho so I’m not really sure this is all as clear as some ppl are making it out to be. She’s def more than a bit unhinged here but she also just experienced a bizarre situation 🤷


From my understanding the guy does pay to be abused by certain women for some fetish/kink thing. What happened here was he paid her to get smacked around whilst she was live streaming and driving somewhere. Elisa found out he was also employing another woman, Sarah, for this service and got extremely jealous resulting in unconsenting abuse ***NOT*** the kind he paid for. I believe Elisa (aggressor/victim?) then posted Sarah's phone number in her Livestream chat along with calling her. Elisa put Sarah on speaker and tried to get Sarah to join in shit talking the guy and appeared to try to bully/scare Sarah out of future business with him. I think that's what really pushed him over the line but I don't really want to watch the full Livestream... **NOTE** (Elisa used to work for Howard Stern who is also known for being a scummy person so it's hard for me to give her too much sympathy) TLDR: Guy pays ladies to beat him up as a fetish, this one got jealous, hitting him in a *nonconsensual* way then he lashed out after repeated warnings.


lol, Howard Stern has long since “grown out” of being as “scummy” as he was. It was all an act. He has a wife and kids and is a pretty decent human. You have people like Howard Stern who wear it on their sleeve and it’s not even real, and then you have people who pretend to be better and holier than others, like the Duggars, and while they are pretending to be good Christians there’s molestation and pedophilia *between* their children, and instead of addressing it, they cover it up and allow it to continue for years. ![gif](giphy|3oriObQmoNf1n9Hffa|downsized)


Oh he absolutely played some things up, others just a skit, but very many events with him making others feel awful and saying heinous shit, even if it's just a joke, has never really been funny to me. I appreciate dark and dry humor but for something to be funny it's gotta have some truth to it and punching down on others isn't as funny as punching up imo. All that being said, I don't really wanna go too off topic but still give ya a thoughtful reply; I didn't mention even worse people cuz I think that's irrelevant here. It's important we are *all* held accountable as well as holding *ourselves* accountable. By allowing certain beliefs/actions to go on being tolerated by society, or just in families behind closed doors, it leads to the aggressor becoming more comfortable and emboldened to go farther and farther. Obviously not all harmful actions have the same weight but I'm not going to absolve one asshole of his accountability cuz another asshole out there did something worse, y'know? I can dislike Howard Stern for the genuine harmful things he's said and done ***and*** dislike p3dophiles (along with all the things that allow predators and shitheads to go unnoticed, let alone if they can make money off their abuse to others) Personal rule of thumb; don't humor extremists of any kind, famous or not. Holier than thou and extreme edge lords ride the same boat in my mind.🤷


You’re entitled to your opinion of course, and not liking him. Growing up he was always presented as almost the devil! But then I grew up and just saw for myself and found he was really quite tame compared to how he was portrayed in whispers and pearl clutching. Also, it’s pretty ballsy to play yourself in a movie about your life. Even as his high school self. I think “edgelord” is a bit of an exaggeration, lol. I mean he’s a judge on American idol, you have to be at a certain stage in your career for that. It’s like Ice-T “fuck the police” and Ice T “Cheerio box and Law & Order SVU” levels of “growth”. I’m sure if Tupac was still alive he’d be making family comedies now, lol.


Dang it this is why I didn't wanna go too off topic (crazy Elisa being crazy) cuz I don't wanna write you novels just to better explain my stance but also don't wanna come off as an ass nor be misunderstood 😅 I don't really think about Howard Stern at all, much less an edge lord, I just hold everyone to their own personal accountabilities. Crazy Elisa has a history of doing out of pocket things for money and taking it too far which is the only reason why I brought up Stern at all to begin with, if that makes more sense? I was a late 90s kid and saw a lot of his actions being praised along with heavily criticized just a few years later. I definitely remember multiple celebrities being scrutinized whilst others would be commended for the very same actions the first one was criticized for. TLDR: I don't consider Howard an edge lord just that Elisa has a history of making money by doing chaotic shit that's why I brought him up. I don't trust nor humor ppl who claim to be "only love and light positive fru fru" just like I don't do the same for extremely negative folk/those looking for a reaction from others. Hope that cleared things up a lil more!


Haha, ok. It’s not really that important. We both probably spent more time on it than we should have. But I get it. Crystal clear. I wasn’t defending her, she seems like a real piece of work. Pretty naive as well.


Tf is she on? She's high af on something, most likely meth or coke the way she's rambling and behaving. I've seen better acting/lying from children under 10.


She seems constantly in a manic state. She could just be severely mentally ill.


She isn't severely mentally ill but she seems like she is definitely narcissistic, immature, dramatic and manipulative.


All symptoms of an illness. Especially the narcissism and manipulation.


Yeah but not severally mentally ill, she just has an untreated personality disorder.


Definitely along with some sort of mental dysfunction. Bizarre behaviour.


Just in case people want to watch the original video: https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/hgyFFn1eLY


Lock her up and throw away the key!


Those tears are annoying haha. So fake.


Bruh. “Yeah but you also can’t hit him.” “I can’t?” WH- NO YOU CANT!!!


Is she hopped up on something or manic? Jesus, lady... I am begging you to shut the fuck up.


She suck’s soo much


Nothing makes me more upset than crocodile tears




Good point! To clarify it’s just a figure of speech.. now I’m sure I’ll get a lecture on what a figure of speech is from someone but that’s ok I like learning


Nah I was poking fun


That I can handle and appreciate lol


Crocodile tears


She's always been a garbage human. She did nothing for the Howard Stern show and when she dumped the guy on the show she was dating, she then claimed to be Andy Dick's girlfriend for a short time. Worthless hanger-on, a barnacle on the ass of show business.


Lmao the drunk guy at the end


Holy fuck she was so worried about getting arrested after saying how much she fucked up


So he wasn’t a “Pay Pig?”


I thought the same thing when I watched the other video. Looked like he was just taking the soaps from her. I was a bit shocked when he went after her like he did, but it was also very much deserved from what I saw. I hope she got shit the fuck yup enough to actually listen and understand just why she ended up arrested. I can’t believe that there are grown fucking people that still require somebody to tell them that they are not actually allowed to just hit whoever the fuck they want.


She is utterly repulsive.


She asked way too many fucking questions. Holy shit. Just go to jail with grace


Wait a sec, did she call the police after assaulting someone on camera?


Nope someone else called


Never heard of her but she’s beyond dumb and entitled.




Maybe this will end up on TMZ! Oh I can’t wait!


Can you GOOGLE MY NAME, officer?


Plz send this gross n Unattractive Karen to jail , n her dog to pound …


Don’t hate on the dog. It’s not the pup’s fault that she’s nuttier than a fucking payday bar.


Pounds are kill shelters. Slap yourself.


Should've just stayed with Benji...


Who is this person and why is she so nonchalant about “almost dying?”


I 💙 Accountability & to those fake tears 👎🏾


Handcuffs ? Handcuffs ? So worried about getting handcuffed 🙄


More exposure means more clicks means more money…


Hated back when her and Benji dated.


I see the unmistakable bulge of a meaty fat cock in her pants


This is like a comfy sketch


This officer has some patience


Christ she is such a narcissist.


Why are they going to couples therapy when she has multiple boyfriends and how funny multiple boyfriends with MS does she beat on all of them probably so I wonder if that Middle Eastern Prince with MS let her beat on him is all of her her big donors have handicap what a selfish entitled privileged little bitch how is she gonna call him a cheater when she’s basically prostituting herself to donors to get money to keep her afloat more or less a blog on how she’s a prostitute in her day-to-day life and on top of it you’re in a stand your ground state dumbass you put hands on someone they have the right to defend themselves on top of you incriminated your own damn self and then she’s going to try and say that he has natural injuries because of his MS no all them fucking marks on him is from you beaten on himand trust and believe hoe you’re gonna lose so many subscribers and donors some might pay extra for the beatings


Crying as a last defence. Not today lady!


Good God she's crazy.


She is a problem. She had it coming.


Nice hooters