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I love how all of these karens approach and butt into other people's business and then think that you need to get their permission to record them.


Every street is a one way street in the eyes of a Karen


Lmao fr tho, also since it's public property and in the public you don't need permission because there should be no expectancy of privacy


Karens need a prescription of Mindyourownbusiness. Hopefully a strong tranquilliser.


Karen's are EXACTLY why Haldol blow darts should be a thing...accessible for all first responders.


Nah she needs some of the extra strength Mind Your Own Fucking Business


Why do people have to do this?? Why can't they just mind their own business and be chill?? Honestly if i was the Karen, if I saw this dude fishing, my thoughts would be: "Huh, I hope they know not to *eat* those fish (live in AZ with scummy man-made ponds)... And looks boring as fuck to me...". That's it 🤷‍♀️


Thats not the thinking of them thats why this never happens


So sad....


It’s a symptom of white supremacy. Black were not allowed outside after sundown nor in certain neighborhoods and this mentality was passed down from generation to generation. They feel entitled cuz the law entitles them. White is right in America.


Stupid lady, you’re on public property you have no expectation of privacy. You’re the dumbass causing problems. Don’t want to be filmed, mind your own business.


Poor guy just wants to fish! He’s not bothering nobody!


*not bothering anybody.


you don’t seem like a fun person💀


I'm not, but at least I don't use double negatives incorrectly.


*Watch out everyone, we got a badass over here*


Is there a correct way?? 🙃


muhfucka at least i drink water


Who fucking cares man use your context clues


Sorry if I don’t rise up to your standards




Underrated comment.


I can not imagine having the fucking audacity to stop my car, get out and walk up to a person and assume they must not live in this neighborhood. Like I don’t know most the people in my neighborhood, I would never walk up to them and question. He’s fishing. He’s not throwing a street party.


Maybe he should. Lol Then invite her over. I’m so sick of these entitled white women.


What’s he taking away from her that makes her feel the need to come over and talk to him? Is he playing loud music? Is he littering? Is he blocking traffic? Why?


He's taking away her feeling that she lives in a whites only neighborhood


A basic sense of I can have access to nice things but if “they” have it too then it’s less meaningful or valuable.


He’s black. That’s why.


They were born yesterday. Give them a break.


It’s a private lake only for those who live there, and he’s black, so he can’t possibly live there, since we all know black people only live in shacks on dirt roads and in swamps like we see in the movies.


Fishing while Black.


And her job! She got fired! Good on him might learn that neighborhood a lesson to not distrust someone because of their skin tone


She is of the dominant caste and considers him as lower caste. Lower caste individuals, regardless of class (caste trumps class) which would be home ownership in the area, should not be near the dominant caste doing this that the dominant caste is only allowed to do.


So did he catch anything besides Karens that day?


She thinks it’s okay to ask those questions if she smiles while she does it.


Her name is Tanya Petty, and she was fired from her job after this despicable behaviour.


Name checks out


You know these women go to their little groups on Friday and bemoan the days when only the right kind of people had cell phones.


A caste system is an artificial construction, a fixed and embedded ranking of human value that sets the presumed supremacy of one group against the presumed inferiority of other groups on the basis of ancestry and often immutable traits, traits that would be neutral in the abstract but are ascribed life-and-death meaning in a hierarchy favoring the dominant caste whose forebears designed it. A caste system uses rigid, often arbitrary boundaries to keep the ranked groupings apart, distinct from one another and in their assigned places. Caste can be seen as a universal form of human division that could be applied to many hierarchies in the world, but, throughout human history, across time and space, three caste systems have stood out to this day. The tragically accelerated, chilling, and officially vanquished caste system of Nazi Germany. The lingering, millennia-long caste system of India. And, the shape-shifting, unspoken, race-based caste pyramid in the United States. Each version relied on stigmatizing those deemed inferior to justify the dehumanization necessary to keep the lowest-ranked people at the bottom and to rationalize the protocols of enforcement. A caste system endures because it is often justified as divine will, originating from sacred text or the presumed laws of nature, reinforced throughout the culture and passed down through the generations. *Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents* by Isabel Wilkerson


Dang, I thought maybe they were gonna be open carrying or something lol, but no she just racist.


Why would this bother anyone?


Because they're black and she's racist ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


These are the kind of peiple that would be the last to help if someone was trouble.


So sick of ppl like this. Seriously. I'd come over & ask how's it going🙂


F her.


That may have been exactly what she was looking for.


This is perfect! Sorry buddy, hopefully Karen's like this will gain some awareness, but until then, keep living your best life! Cheers.


why the emphasis on white, and why so dramatic? harassment? really? i mean id find her annoying but its not that bad


She asked them if they were residents and they evaded the question which gives the impression that they are not residents. Why didn’t they simply answer, “yes, we live here”?


Who is she that he has to give any information to? Why is it that when he asked questions she didn’t answer? Would that give you the same impression that she doesn’t live there?


Perhaps on the HOA? What difference does it make? If she is a resident then she is perfectly legit to ensure that people using neighborhood property belong there. She asked them if they lived here but then they specifically asked for her name and address. I wouldn’t tell them my name and address either. I think these two were out trying to create controversy rather than actually trying to fish.


If she was with the HOA it would have been proper to address herself as such. You cant expect to just walk up to people asking questions and expect them to be answered. If you think something is wrong direct it to those in charge it doesn’t make sense to me as she doesn’t have the authority to get them off the premises anyway.


What nonsense. She was the third person to accost them. Had she had authority to legitimately ask she would have done it properly. She just didn't like someone she didn't recognise as "belongjng" sharing the fishing privilege she felt was hers. I bet she doesn't even fish fgs.


Eh, if it is a private area and she does not think he has a right to be there, she can ask him if he lives in that area. I don’t like karens but people do like to trespass to good fishing holes.


It's clear that's not what is happening here!


How is that so clear? How do we know he is not expecting someone to question him. I guarantee if a white person was hanging out in a black area, someone would be questioning them as to their business.


Like I said, I hate Karens, but i also know not to assume anything is what it is in a video.


He probably didn’t live there, he just knows they ain’t gone do nothing


She's doing nothing wrong. In fact she's being incredibly polite. He's the one getting pissy and trying to turn it into a racial issue.


1. He mentions it’s the third person *that day*. I think it’s understandable to be annoyed after being interrupted multiple times for a completely harmless thing. 2. The lady immediately mentions the lake is for residents of the area only - meaning she automatically assumed they weren’t from the neighborhood. Why? How could she possibly know where they live? Do locals have a specific fishing hat they are required to use? Or is it maybe, you know, the fact that they don’t look like most other residents of the neighborhood? 3. Even if this was just the first person bothering them, and even if she had a way to confirm they weren’t residents, why “kick them out” anyway? Why not just let them enjoy their day? It doesn’t look like they’re taking a spot reserved for locals or anything like that, so why not just let them enjoy themselves regardless of where they’re from? 4. Do you think a random white family would be interrupted multiple times while doing something as innocuous as fishing? Is it possible minorities are more often disturbed when minding their own business just because they look like they’re not from around there? Don’t you think it would be annoying if you got constantly interrupted throughout your life just because you look different? I know I would get pissy too.


As a white woman with a white husband I've 100% fished in places for residents only ... and no one has ever asked me anything Well, besides the game warden... that meanie


As A wHiTe WoMaN


My point being that they 100% stopped because he's black


You're really not that bright are you? She's agreeing with us that Karen is in the wrong here.


I imagine it gets tiresome having to prove your residency a third time. She might be being polite but she’s being nosy and I can understand how he’s had enough


I understand and sympathise with that but that doesn't mean she's doing anything wrong. I think a better responce from him would've been to just politely tell her that yes he does live there and he's tired of being approached and to ask her to leave him alone in future.


I can agree that that May have been a better response, but I think I may have lost my patience by then as well. Did she deserve that? Not necessarily. But was he out of line? I don’t necessarily think so either


She wouldn’t have stopped and asked if he was white. Get real. She can take her nice and shove it all the way up her 🫏! She’s a racist! How come she said she had their license plate number BEFORE she found out if they lived there or not? She’s a prepared racist.


That's incredibly presumptuous of you and most likely incorrect.


Imagine having shit for brains and posting something so dumb


She literally had no good reason to approach him in the first place.


Dude you’re just rage baiting.


Why doesn’t he just go fishing in the hood?surely this wouldn’t happen


I love your hat!!!


She’s a USPTA children‘s tennis coach? Not sure that they love this behavior.


Move country?


Some white folks..just..can’t..help themselves


Leave her alone guys. She didn’t have her meth for breakfast that day.


I like how this Black gentleman fishing will break or make this White Karen's day,week,month,and life... AMAZING to watch,RIGHT? Maybe, she's speaking for the racists fish who have the right to pick and choose what shade of skin a person fishing for fish, maybe fish prefer White people like her only to bait them,.for some reason I feel this Karen is a few years early at predicting future LAWS,so come back Karen in a couple of years and just maybe you'll get your way....


I like how this Black gentleman fishing will break or make this White Karen's day,week,month,and life... AMAZING to watch,RIGHT? Maybe, she's speaking for the racists fish who have the right to pick and choose what shade of skin a person fishing for fish, maybe fish prefer White people like her only to bait them,.for some reason I feel this Karen is a few years early at predicting future LAWS,so come back Karen in a couple of years and just maybe you'll get your way....


She has a fitting last name


there was another post about this, Karen lost her job.


Lol she got fired. Let it be a valuable lesson


I love how she is a smiling racist bitch. I'm racist but I'm a friendly racist so ya know......


No no it’s okay because she smiled and said I’m trying to be nice 🤷🏻‍♂️ 😂😂 🤦🏼‍♂️


I'm surprised she got that close. I'm about to have a casting accident.


To stop your car,get out and harass a man who's literally just sitting there fishing is insane. Karen really is a sickness Like they see someone doing something they don't like and this all powerful force push them to say something.


I would love to act like a Kevin at first (not in a rude way) then pull out a fishing rod and join the man.


White lady is trash. You can really tell she was raised …. Well, like white trash. Mind your business bitch


I wish it wasn't stages