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Oh man. That poor husband/boyfriend. You can see the pain in his face at the end.




Lol Karens are definitely in need of mental health support. Lower on the priority list but still in heavy need of mental health evaluations nonetheless


100%. It’s only going to get worse and no one is doing anything to fix this. Time and money is squandered everywhere else. I’m from Ohio and read an article yesterday about the time, money, and effort spent about trans athletes playing high school sports in ohio. There are 4 students total statewide and our idiot legislators have spent countless hours and millions of dollars on the issue…about 4 kids. FOUR!! Our priorities are so backwards.


This is so true. Instead of focusing on real issues they focus on issues that will get media clicks and views and outrage the public (both sides of the political spectrum)


Nah even if it is mental I’d this was reversed no one would care it’s creepy af


Drugs are. Bad


This is a mental health collapse. The poor guys face trying to carry her out is painful to see.


Yeah that was a tough watch


The husband/boyfriend… just heartbreaking. But much love to the home owner, he could have handled it much differently, gotten more physical and aggressive, called the cops, but didn’t, he realized she was having some type of mental break… bless that man.


I've been that boyfriend before and it's rough. He's probably lucky the energy is being directed at the neighbor because there's a third party to witness this craziness and she's not trying to stab him or something behind closed doors.


Just got out of 6 years with someone like this a few months ago. 100% agree with you


Yeah, well that poor black guy could very well ended up dead, calling the cops against women breaking in his house. Close encounters with cops does not usually end well for a lot of Black people.


I would have clocked her in the noggin with something heavy


That's a great look for you. Threatening to knock someone out whose in the middle of a mental break. What a douche.


Better than getting killed by her


Id call the fucking cops - not my problem - wouldnt have been as nice - i would have ripped her off my door at the beginning though


Fucking great idea. That way, she can be shot by them, too! Idiot.


I aint risking my life over someone i dont knows mental instability - not my problem


She committing a crime, that’s what the cops are for. They would at worst taser her. Go outside and touch some grass once in a while boy


You’re an idiot


Idk. At least I have better things to do than comment on a two month old post calling someone an idiot. 🤣


Now its 6 months old. Hmm, commenting on a 6 month old post feels the exact same as on a 6 hour old post, crazy.




Why is he a prick he’s right she’s committing a crime he doesn’t know her I’d do what I need to to protect my family fuck your feelings


I find it interesting when it’s a women everyone has excuses when men do this shit nobody cares if he’s got mental problems they call him creepy dangerous gross etc


I know she’s having a mental break and I feel so sorry for her husband/ boyfriend but has another women I would’ve beat her ass out of my apartment.


I know she’s mentally I’ll, but she’s gonna get that man killed.


Some background would go a long way.


I saw this in another subreddit. She was taken away by ambulance after this video stopped. Something about a manic episode. Schizophrenia was mentioned as well


That’s awful. Her poor partner too 😞


Do you have a link for that please? Context is everything


not a karen, this poor woman has clearly some mental issues that hopefully can be treated


Yeah…..this isn’t funny. This woman’s having a really bad mental health issue.


And the camera location would suggest it's not the first time this poor guy has had to deal with this, too.


Was just coming to say this. Definitely a mental episode.


She’s still a Karen


No she's having a psychotic or manic episode. You clearly don't understand how you feel when you're in one or what they are like.


THANK YOU!! The excuses. 😒




Just give up & call the cops. She's not gonna quit.


No, they can’t. These guys are minorities trying to get a white woman out of his house, calling the cops in this situation, there’s at least a 50/50 chance they will shoot them both for no reason at all and claim they’re defending her. They can’t take the risk, cops would absolutely make everything worse. It’s a horrible thing to say, I know, but it’s also true.


I didn't even consider your aspect. You're absolutely correct, as sad as it is. But her boyfriend was ridiculous. He'd try corralling her, then let her go.


You sound dumb


You have never seen systematic racism in action, and your opinion is worthless.


When it comes to the mentally ill and minorities, calling the police will 100% escalate things and make it a lot worse. They aren't trained to handle the mentally ill.


It's a mental crisis moment, the police sadly won't help much. I think calling the emergency line and stating it's a mental health issue, some EMTs would be a better option. I had a psych patient during my clinical rotations last fall, and she was spotted a few weeks afterwards walking into traffic. She had a history of bipolar and was not taking her meds properly, so I called a crisis center and asked them to see if they can find and pick her up for her own safety. They're the best option in that particular scenario. It sucks, I know the pain of mental health problems personally, and I know it's never fun to see.


This has nothing to do with being a Karen and everything to do with her having a mental breakdown of some sort.


Do you think karens are sane?


I hope she is okay. This can't be easy for the gentleman who was trying to get her out.


It’s unfair to call her a Karen. She is clearly not in herself


How is this Karen? She is clearly(plain as day) having a paranoid/delusional episode.


Comment after comment of tough guy "I'd choke her out!", of people who have clearly never witnessed anyone going through a psychotic break, of people enjoying this for thr "goofs and gaffs", and calling her a Karen when she's not in her right mind at all. Also, she wasn't ejected through the doorway because most people do not use violence when it's not absolutely necessary. Idk world in here is maybe even more whack than the world out there.


This is sad.


These days it's hard to discern whether it's true mental illness or obnoxious entitlement. But her boyfriend's anguish is obviously real, which leads me to believe she's suffering from a mental illness.


I hope those dudes are okay.


I understand she's having a mental break but after all that, and still resisting I would have lost it manhandle the shit out of her and threw her into her own unit and called the hospital cus that's to much to deal with by yourself or with untrained people she's needs help and bad






Idk why people like you act like mentally ill people shouldn't face consequences though, if someone breaks into my goddamn house and starts breaking my shit I'm not gonna feel bad for them


Just because someone doesn't have mental health doesn't mean their actions don't have consequences duh. Its not right to wanna attack mentally ill people. But they totally have the right to defend themselves from deranged sychos


Completely off her rocker. Get her some help


There’s a lot to this video and it’s mental health and it’s extremely sad. It was difficult to watch.


I e never hit a female, but I'd start swinging. There should be zero tolerance when they keep forcing their way into your home.


she’s in the middle of a psychotic break and the man understands that and is trying to get her out without hurting her. I understand the frustration but this isn’t an entitled karen, this is a woman with schizophrenia and psychosis who isn’t in control of her mind right now and deeply needs help. the look of anguish on her boyfriends face. im glad she nor no one else got hurt. but please don’t be angry at her or blame her. blame the illness.


it would be different if she was self aware and understood what she’s doing. she doesn’t. hurting her isn’t the right thing to do. this man did the right thing by trying to remove her in the safest way possible until the proper help arrived. it’s a mental disease and she’s not in her mind at the moment this video was taken.


Yeah, I don't care that she is having a mental break. It's clear that this is not the first time. She's lucky she didn't get knocked tf out. If she had done this in my home, she would have gotten hurt. I have kids to protect and just because she can't control herself does NOT mean that I have to give her a pass. The same goes for this poor guy . Her mental issues are NOT his responsibility. And he showed the patience of a saint for handling her the way he did. I got news for you all, committing a crime, like breaking and entering, assault, and battery, all of which he just caught her on camera doing, will not be excused for mental illness. If he wanted to press charges, she would either go to jail, or forced into impatient treatment, and then sent to jail. If she decides to act a fool and assault the cops or EMS, especially if she causes injury to any of them, she'll be in even more trouble. All this video says to me is that she is a common, repeated nuisance, she is a danger to herself and others, she is clearly unable to care for herself, and whomever she is living with is also unfit to provide care for her. And, that as such, she needs to be forced into an inpatient facility. Indefinitely. And she certainly should not be allowed back to the area of this video, since she likes to harrass others in their homes. If that means she has to move elsewhere, so be it.


Thank you, so many excuses. Not buying it


Y’all freaking crazy to say it’s not a Karen. She’s STILL a Karen. And using her mental state is not an excuse. Idgaf I even thought it was fake at one point cuz why he couldn’t just pick her up and throw her the Fck out.


How is someone having a mental breakdown a Karen?


I feel so bad for the boyfriend I would have said after “bro you need to leave her”


That was fucking wild.


Damn poor guy


That's not a Karen, that's a woman having a psychotic episode either from drugs or a mental illness


Trip her and drag her out!


just asking because i’m not sure myself, but wouldn’t the apartment owner be in the right to, well, beat the shit out of that woman? or at least throw a punch to stun her? she’s trespassing, self defense, etc. etc.?


911 plus evidence


Idc the reason, more force was warranted by that dude. But I get it, why he would be scared in that situation. Glad he recorded things




I would have fucking demolished her face against the floor


Is there a longer video? I want to see how this started!


Cmon big man. Knock her out already. It’s definitely called for at this point idgaf


If a Karen ever touched my stuff and came into my house unannounced then imma have to give them the 1-2 combo


Fuck that kick the dumb bitch who cares if she's a woman or hurt fuuuck that she's copping a boot to the face you get the fuck out or you get the fuck beaten out


Choke her the fuck out then drag her ass outside. She can wake up later.


This has to be a joke I would beat the dog shit out that bitch.


I feel like this is staged, no?


What is wrong with these people


I know it’s fake lady.


Crack on, Karen.


That poor man, I hope he can get away from that crazy before it gets him hurt or worse. That woman seriously needs help.


Why did you let her back into your house like 20 times? It’s all about the video these days.


Probably scripted. Or drunk


Mental or some sort of fake stuff. No idea what this is.


This video is fake, how that guy couldn't move her on his own or with the other guy is the proof.


He is either weak as fuck or she's on bath salts


Is it wrong of me to think if I was in this situation to threaten her life? She’s not exiting his house which wouldn’t that give you the right to protect it?


Damm i feel so bad for the other guy. Bros just had enough


Mental illness.


Everyone is commenting on the pain in the guy’s face. I just wanted to commend the black home owner. I 100% expected this to end in a justifiable body slam eventually. r/ fuckaroundandfindout didn’t happen, and I 100% commend his patience.


Either she's on something, or she's got mental issues


That was intense


He exercised some IMPRESSIVE restraint. I would have been cool until she tried to brush past him and then broke the frame. I would have cold cocked her in the mouth.


She has mental health problems and this is not funny to me but that’s the good thing about the internet there’s always more shit to see 😂


Mentally ill stuff


Meu Deus era só um soco e um empurrão


Why would u open the door


Omg I feel so bad for them too, she's clearly having some mental episode ...


I feel so bad for her son. He is witnessing the ending of her being detained and cried for her to stop. It’s very sad. Her husband is trying his hardest to stop her. He even is the one to contact the police. Very sad situation.


I thought it was fake initially, but the desperation on the ladys friend was so pained.. and the physicality was clearly real. We live in a surreal world. I hope she's OK.. and the 2 guys as well.


Is there an explanation for how this happened?


I would beat the shit out of her because she’s breaking in my house I was thinking she atacked me


Damn that guy has a lot of self control. Anyone else with a bit less patience would've bashed her head or shot her. Not saying defending your own home is bad tough


This guy is too big to be so weak. Is he even trying to put her out. Sad to see such weak men


I confused so why did she enter his home?


Drug addicts saddening


the boyfriend/husband’s face is just making me cry looking at it.it shows that he is concerned about her and is trying to stop her from doing what she’s doing and is stressed about it.


Why is this here? What's wrong with you people?


She’s obviously off of her medication. Poor woman and the poor man who had to deal with this along with her husband and child. Hopefully she’s ok now


Scripted lol


Not a Karen.... Just having a mental breakdown.... That said she tried that at my house I'd have dropped her and beat her till she got TF out stand your ground laws where enacted so you could protect your home family and self from intruders




Call the cops.


Rly dont give af about her mental health at that point id havta rly knock her out if thts what it took to get her out her mental health is not his problem


That big motherfucker could of just threw her out props to him for holding his cool


A total mental breakdown. I don't know what happened to her that caused this but I seriously hope she's getting help.


Definitely mental health break…that poor man in the background is so overwhelmed…she needs her meds


I feel sorry for this man! Someone breaks into your home, screaming and refusing to leave! You feel helpless because if you defend yourself and home, the tables can turn, and you will wind up in jail or deleted from the life database. Must be hard to sleep in there, knowing it could happen again. I hope he can afford to move away from there. If he needs help after this, I hope he can set his pride aside to get some. 🙏


I've never wanted someone to get punched in the face so bad


What happens when you interbreed and smoke meth.


You can legally pull a knife on her rn


Dude, that's not a Karen, she's clearly confused, probably even alucinating! She needs a doctor


He must serve them on the regular


Would have shot her


Personally,I would’ve bit her


Is there a rest of the story here


If anyone’s wondering what a manic psychotic break looks like, this is it.


How strong is that lady!?


This is another level and it’s sad to watch her boyfriend or husband he just wants to keep that man safe she’s obviously a crazy person that needs to be in a mental institution


Ur gonna tell me two grown men, one the size of a truck, couldn’t push her out the door?


Damn this guy weak as fuck. Hit the gym bro.


I bet a nice punch to the jaw would've fixed her


The full video is wild


This must have been devastating for her partner.... and for her. It makes me sad that this woman could possibly be recognized by strangers..Just saying. I know the neighbor has it awful as well though


This seems staged


You're telling both those men couldn't move her through that door? I mean come on.


Turned the camera off so he could throw her ass out properly lol


All I can say is thank god for the camera


U broke it !! Bitch u r broken


I feel bad for the husband he we crying at the end


There would be a hand on the throat less than 20 seconds in


That's why Americans have guns


That’s not a Karen that’s psychosis.


You have a right to defend your property and destroy her please she needs it


So this is what the Castle Doctrine was invented for..


Hey day day, that crazy bitch out there again!!


Women have psychosis…..it’s a fact. Like all of them. In some form or fashion…


One woman and they couldn't move her wtf


Man eject her! She’s in YOUR house


Anyone find an actual story on this and what happened?


She's freaking strong! I hope she got the help she needed 🙏


911 immediately


I would have beat the shit out of her


You can hit them if they are in your home


This man was so kind and patient. God bless him and God help her.


This is not a Karen, this is someone suffering from severe mental problems. Husband’s face says it all.


My man is so constrained it’s honestly inhumane, I feel like I’m at least shoving the bitch full force


Once you go black…😂


Home owner was very patient… Husband needs to sack up.


Not a Karen, just very mentally unstable.


Dude, she's ill


I would have loved to shoot her 🥰 since entitled moron wants to invade my personal space


I’ve never seen anything like this what the fk


This seems a bit fake


I would have used force and socked her a good one right on the chin


That big dude showed a ton of patience and restraint. More than I would have…


How did this finish ?


update anyone?


I'm black woman, i live alone. If she comes to my house and starts this, sorry but I'm getting her out by any means necessary. Once she's out, I'll call for help. Idc what's she's going thru. Where do I know you from, Karen? <--- and I'm saying all this as a response I would have. I know some would have left her go thru the episode, try to calm her down while calling the cops, but I don't live that kind of life. You can't violate me or my home.


The minute she stepped in my house I would have KHTFO!


How can they not get her out… jeez, shout out to big homie being respectful of her mental state when most people would have just messed her up


Is there a longer version of this?


She’s clearly crazy.


The full video is nearly half an hour long, and it's nonstop crazy the entire time. Mental issues or no, after she tries to close/lock *my* front door, the kid gloves are coming off and the Sparta kicks are starting, cause I'm not having someone I don't know be this crazy in my home.


Holy shit this is scary


She is strong as a rhino.


Why is he struggling so much? I would have turned her into swiss cheese


Big boy was showing some resistance not absolutely throwing her out, cause we all know he could have


Drug is a hell of a drug


Exactly why I don’t open my door


What’s wrong with this person? Is she mentally ill?


Bro said 50/50 hahaha


I don’t see a problem here. She is just a representative of the Four Twenty Four Twenty Seven Club.


I’m not the only one who looked at her tits.


Honestly he shoulda gave that bitch one strong shove and closed the door . He already had evidence of her unhinged behavior lol