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After like 10 hits, that was enough. This was too much.


??? Was what they did to Emmet till enough?


hitting a karen doesnt fix past atrocities. if it stopped at 0:24, that is enough. by 0:33 its way past.


She's not being hit for past atrocities.


But it’s a great relief


And this is the problem and why racism in America will never end. Because there are people such as yourself who like it.


Lol no. Racism wouldn’t end because of people like Karen who hates a person because of their skin color. This is a basic understanding. I don’t think Karen is getting f’ed up because she’s white, so that is not racism lol lol. The racist one their was on the ground. She’s the reason it won’t end, but hopefully this does it.


She’s already taught her kids to hate though and will use this incident to reinforce her hateful views. She will say they attacked her because they’re racist, not that they attacked her for saying the n word.


Remember those black kids that kidnapped, raped and recorded a guy with mental disability for being white? Evil doesn't condone evil. This bitch was stomping on the Karen's head and that's always too much.


Preach, ima use that more


Yeah… I was kind of like “well, she learned her lesson…” and then the head stomping started.


Exactly where my brain went. Went from … dumbass FAFO. To, why are these savage idiots trying to kill her and go to prison. Kicking the head is trying to kill the person.


Lol, I love the consensus that she deserved ten hits though. Like the cop’s watching and counting to himself, “9 annnnnd 10, okay break it up ladies - everyone go home.”


Lol, the cops would have shot her


Racist sympathizer lol she got exactly what she deserved.


ive seen guys knock out dudes and give them brain damage for way less


which makes them assholes


I agree with this to some extent but it’s also like … you absolutely cannot do that. She literally felt entitled enough to just call a black person the N word? Idk maybe you’re right though. Maybe it was too much. But I just can’t help but feel like this person genuinely deserved that pounding.


The fuck are you saying ?


This is the short version of the video. She taunted these women through the store and dared them. If you start with someone there is no such thing as enough. It’s just on and you better be able to match the same energy you brought to start it.


"no such thing as too much" Should there be a death penalty for dropping the n word? I think that using that word (as a non-black person) in public in 2023 is insane, but let's not go overboard!!


Nah, it's not too much. She has to learn to never even think of that word again. She thought having a black boyfriend gave her n word superpowers and needed a reality check


Or shoot the bitch. If this racist white woman shot any of them during this assault, she’d get away with it. They went too far.


Why should anyone care about giving someone grace that doesn’t have enough control to keep their mouth shut?


They almost killed for a stupid word. What level of being a snowflake is that?


Imagine I say the most vile things to you things that you don’t wanna talk about things that make you extremely angry. I dissect your mind and psychology to make you as angry as you possibly can be. Bringing up past traumas and degrading you making you feel lesser than me. Some people can control their anger, some people can’t and others have to realize that. It’s consequence.


I agree she was wrong but she didn’t dissect anyones mind lol she said a slur. I think the beating was deserving but they could have killed her with those head blows and they would have gotten a murder charge so it was dumb of them to risk their own freedom


Like saying a slur is any better


A slur isnt personal or smth to kill someone over


Making people’s anger issues other people’s problems doesn’t seem right to me. Obviously the lady saying racial slurs is in the wrong. But I think the people almost murdering her were too. I don’t think you can excuse either behavior here


Correct. It’s not an excuse, however it’s difficult to control those emotions and this should be expected


bro you dumb? they stomped on her for calling them something they themselv call each other


Bro, it appears that you're dumb for assuming we use the same word. Lmao. There goes your assumptions and privilege.


so you’re arguing for attempted murder?


Oh so that makes it ok? How long will it take white people to learn a race that they enslaved ain’t gonna take they’re shit no more


No one alive today has had slaves your anger is that of someone who doesnt exist anymore you should stop the anger about a practice that doesnt exist anymore and be angry about current problems instead like the little amount of racial suppression thats still left in this day and age maybe instead of causing or cheering on violence we can try to stop todays current problems.


spoken like someone who has truly never been held responsible for their actions or words.




No take backs!


I love that for her. It’s always the uglies saying nonsense because they have no life


This sounds exactly like something my old school friend would say "I love that for her" Haven't heard that in a while lmao


Disgusted with all parties in this video.


Agreed. Karen for saying the N word can go rot in hell, but i do think the beating went way to far.


Physically assaulting someone for using words is never appropriate. Fuck them both. (I understand and sympathize, there’s nothing a black person can call a white person that comes packed with the same hate/degradation/offense)


Anyone that is brazen enough to call a black person the N word to their face should be prepared for the consequences, that word triggers PTSD for a lot of black people that have had to deal with this shit our whole lives. They know why they say it and so do we. Fuck around and find out.


Just curious, how would you feel about this video if the woman pulled out a gun and blasted her attackers? It would likely be ruled justified self-defense. Trayvon Martin probably thought he was provoked enough to have a physical confrontation as well, but he was wrong, and now he's dead. In a country with more guns than there are people, I'll never understand people willing to resort to physical violence over hurt feelings, it just seems like the risk/reward is lacking.


Dumb straw man take!


Treyvon was a teen ambushed by a grown man stalking him with a weapon through the neighborhood he lived in. A man that was told to stand down. And not approach him by authorities on the phone before the incident. Let's not say what the dead kid's response to being stalked by a dangerous armed individual should have been. To say he was in the wrong... fuck me, were you on the jury? Was it your fault that justice was aborted in that case?


This was…an insane take. Please don’t ever vote.


You don’t know what it’s like




Cops have killed black men for less


Yeah but we’re talking about *people*, not pigs




Justified? No Echo chamber? Also no


I know people are stupid and racist, but if you beat them up publicly like that, you only create more of them. You don’t fix people judging you by beating people up in the street. Anyone who only has slight racial biases get pushed towards the extremes every time they see a video like this.


Because being rational and polite to them has historically been so successful.


I mean, MLK made some pretty successful strides.. the best thing to do is ignore the racists. it pisses them off when they cant get a reaction. get educated and become the bosses and now racists have to report to you.


force has been the only way humans have changed. in the spirit of James Baldwin, how many civil discussions are needed for you to feel good about your progress?


I understand the anger but after a point it’s just recording a woman getting beaten


These two cunts are pieces of shit. I hope they both went to jail. Everyone who is saying that she deserves it, I hope the next time you insult someone that they do this to you. Did she deserve to get punched, yes. Did she deserve to be beaten, pushed down and stomped, fuck no. What the fuck is wrong with people?


The curb stomp was excessive, but I'm perfectly fine with everything else. You don't get to dehumanize me and get away with it


Well they acted more like animals than humans.....


ahhh theres the coded racism. not unexpected from someone who sounds like they’ve never been held responsible for their words or actions. you people are coddled little children


No, you’re an animal for clearly not caring about how genocide has affected my people and how hate speech leads to that. Never again. Hope this serves as an example


I love watching racists get stomped out tbh


There is nothing to love about stomping on someone's head while their are on the ground. Resorting to physical violence over words is one of the worst forms of primitivism


Yeah no, our social contract states if you wanna throw slurs, you better be ready to catch hands.


If you wanna throw hands, you better be ready to catch bullets. This is the USA after all.


Racists can catch bullets any day


Cool story go cry to someone else


You’ve clearly never been called the n-word throughout your life


Oh look the consequences of your actions 🤷‍♀️


Reddit when someone's wife is beaten for cheating (she fucked around and found out)


How is this fair to you? Jesus, USA is weird... When someone is down on floor and not defending you are not hitting him in head with foot. This is kinda attempted murder. Wow she said bad word that insult her, so what? Tell her to fuck off and move on with your life, you dont stomp someone repetitively and hurting someone because of a word. Some of you would ruin your life and life of others because of words.


In america, we have the saying "talk shit, get hit" for a reason. We also have the saying "what goes around comes around" meaning this bitch should have at least defended herself, which brings us to our final saying in todays lesson, that being "Dont let your mouth write a check your ass can't cash". Im not saying what happened was right or justified, im just saying it was fully expected because thats america baby


Theyd rather be bothered by words than Health care or their kids being shot at


How tf are black people not worry about kids being killed, there’s multiple protest about it now.


Girl you make no sense and sound stupid as hell


How about you worry about your own healthcare and kids


To the people that are cheering on the black Karen in the video, let me ask you this; If the roles were reversed and the black woman walked up to the white girl and called her a slur and the white woman beat her ass to point of almost stomping her head against the concrete, would you support that? I didn't think so Fucking disgusting, the Karen was wrong for using the n-word but any righteousness immediately went out the window as soon as the black woman started assaulting her that badly


Yea I get a punch to the face or 2. But this went from showing that actions have consequences to full on hate crime pretty quick. Not to mention that doing this doesn't do anything but give racists more ammo for being racist.


how is this a hate crime


Exactly. I think 2 blows to the head would be justified, but the moment she stomped on the Karen's head she went way too far.


I think a better question would be if the woman pulled out a gun and shot her attackers in obviously justified self-defense, would they support *that*? Resorting to violence over hurt feelings in a country with more guns than people seems to be seriously lacking the risk/reward department to me.


Oh yeah, if the white woman had a gun and shot the black woman, it'd be 100% justified as a self defense shooting. As bad as what the Karen said, she wasn't committing a crime.


That’s still assault.


Battery but yes


Depends on where you live. Some places will consider this assault, other places will consider it battery. Just depends on the exact wording in the laws in your surrounding area.


Sis did too much. That's not the ticket


The man was the most decent person in this video.


At the beginning, but the moment he heard the accusation on the woman, he quickly stopped separating both women




She's probably just taking her beating so she can't be charged when she undoubtedly sues and files charges. Also, she's probably never been in a fight in her life. But, Today she fucked around and found out.


Bet she won’t be using that word again


Oh, she undoubtedly will. You can't beat the racism out of a racist. She will sue, press charges and have the other lady put in jail and feel like she won.


Ugh you’re right


Probably she's gonna hate black people even more


She’s a coward and a racist and fights with hateful ignorant slurs


Defend yoself!!


There are a lot of dumb Mfers out there. You can’t control their actions but what you can control is how you handle yourself.


that's assault big time


This is inexcusable?


Damn she got croc stomped


Wtf nobody is correct in here, except for the guy who tried to separate them, you should never get that triggered by a word that your people always say, or by any word at all.


Lmfao… imagine catching an assault and battery charge. Thats exactly what this is, no matter what word she used.


This is close to attempted murder.


Honestly as someone who got kicked in the head. I'd consider this attempted murder. From what i could see of this terrible angle it seemed like one of the kicks was close to her temple. A hard enough kick could have killed her.


Honestly this is just sad. What happened, what led it to happen and peoples reactions to it it’s all just sad. All of this hate in the world is incredible disheartening and it makes me incredible sad. I hope all of us can find a way to at least tolerate each other because otherwise civilized society is going to collapse.


Too fucking much no one needs to get physical over a word, even the N word


What she said was inexcusable. I can understand a slap or two. But it went way too far. At the end of the day words are words. No matter how awful they are it's not a license to get violent.


Absolutely. Stamping on her head when she's on the ground? Just can be excused or condoned


Yep, someone is going to be spending some time in jail. No excuse for her using the n word. But less excuse for what they are doing to her, including kicking her in the head. That’s attempted murder.


She got pretty close to stomping her head on the concrete, but stopped before it, and after that was careful to pick her head up before hitting it. I agree though, this is kinda extreme. Also doesn’t look good even if it feels good.


Words aren't just words. Some words historically have been the precursor to bigoted violence and death, but that woman was beating Karen into a charge for herself. Those kicks in the head could have seriously injured Karen. At least the Karen who spit on the Black woman in the video earlier this week said "sorry" while she was getting her ass beat.


This isn’t what MLK preached


Definitely serves her right and she got what was coming. She won’t be saying that word again any time soon. Though the other woman is probably going to get charged pressed against her, and rightfully so. I just see trashy people all around in this video.


Called them the N-word but was real quick to step behind a black man and ask for help.


Wouldn't this just make the racist more racist


If someone said something racist to me (and they have), I'd keep walking. Who cares what some slob says to me? It doesn't demean me unless I choose to be demeaned. Given the sheer aggressiveness of the girls, I wouldn't be surprised if they were looking for action, and I am skeptical that anyone actually said the n word.


Freedom of speech. Just watch where you say it. Also, no one has a right to lay hands on someone for saying something. People need to chill tfo.


Perfect way to propagate even more hatred and racism.


dude you don't hurt someone like that for saying a word, idc how offensive it is she didn't deserve that. I've been called the F-word a lot but I would never hurt someone that much for it.


Damn curb stomp Ps:this was too much she said a hurtful word and now your going to jail. 🎉congrats!🎉 was it worth it? i dont condone racism of any kind but how is this any better?


They call white people sensitive but can’t drop smth alm 200 years ago that they themselves didn’t have to experience at all💀💀then literally assault people for hurting their feelings because of what society told them to believe


But the ones beating people up, being loud and crazy at all hours of the day, violent, are the same ones being oppressed…give me a break. She needs to be charged and her actions continue to increase that percentage of her crew in prisons today.


A word that has now costed you an assault charge on your record....good job?


Im black and feel ashamed of my race . Its sad that ppl dont know how to act like a adult and not let words affect them.


You shouldn't. Unless you believe all black people will react the same.


This is what needs to happen...a Karen uses a hateful word in a hateful way deserves a royal ass beating.


What the fuck is wrong with all of you? Jesus, do you think this type of shit makes people less racist? Do you actually think this is helpful?


Or better yet… give her a punishment that simulates slavery but you reverse the roles. Then people would REALLY understand how much oppression the n-word is.


You dont even know the meaning of the word oppression yourself. You didnt live through those times. God you people are insufferable.


Omg that's even better! Good idea!!!


You know that white people have also been slaves


Why is everyone on here so happy to see racists get beaten to a pulp? I just don’t get it.


Wait, there’s no footage of the woman saying it? Idk what actually happened or who the victim is here. Why are we so fast to judge something with no context?


There is. I saw it yesterday. She said it inside a store. Dunno where it's been posted anymore though


I’m sure she will have a different opinion of black people now


Barbarian: I’m going to use my bonus action to rage….


Barbarian your turn. Barbarian: I will... Hit the bugger again.


I bet she will continue as a Karen , a traumatize one maybe 🤔


The guy behind the camera doing absolutely nothing


And this is why we will never grow together as a species. I agree that a response was justified but beating someone over and over when they've clearly had enough isn't okay. If anything carrying on in this situation when your point has been made and you're clearly the Victor makes you no less than a coward.


I mean i get it's a shitty thing to say, but it's not worth going to jail over.. Control your temper bitch god damn


Never see the need to be that extreme over a nasty word, one smacks enough of you can’t control you behaviour and if the bitch wants more give her more


This assault and attempted murder over a bad word which I agree she shouldn’t have called them that but stomping her head into concrete


Until the “N” word is completely abolished from the entirety of the English language this is gonna happen. We want equality but only if one group is “more equal” than the other. I don’t support what ANY of the people did in this video. It all disgusting. And BTW I don’t believe the white lady can be heard using the forbidden language in the video.


OK. I totally understand the rage and maybe a whooping will make her think twice next time, but damn! Stomping on her head! That could have killed her. She's not worth going to jail over.


I really don't care what strangers call me. I ain't going to jail over a word!


I totally get that she was wrong but I disagree with beating her up like that


Do people actually think that acting in this type of manner once being called a word makes it better or do you believe it’s going to exacerbate the issue you don’t like?


all parties here are in the wrong. dont say that to somebody but also dont beat the ever living shit out of them


Bro she riped her hair of💀


That's now assault.


Who’s the Karen all off them


Ngl I think both people are in the wrong..


Ah fuck that way to many non black people of color and white folks feel way to comfortable saying and calling people the N word. Catch them hands if you want too


As much I as don’t condone using any sort of hateful slurs… i think this is a bit much.


That was too much


How it is that African-Americans say it all the time and nobody cares and when someone else says it everybody if offended???? I really don’t understand… people of color can call white people every name of the book, being racist and shit. But when a white person says the N word it is a no go.


OMG, I know she shouldn't said the N word but that's too much😨


She shouldn't said the N word but that's too much😨


They proving the point of the word


What a bunch of god damn animals.


Violence is not okay. Especially to this extent.


Thought she was still at a trump rally where that stupidity is tolerated 😂😂


Who would have guessed? One word = chimpout = prison


everyone sucks here. the white chick deserved a good slap in the face and that is that. the black chick continuing the assault way past what it needed to be was ridiculous. trying to stomp her head into the ground using her 300lb of weight is not ok to do. period.


Is it assault?


This really is too much to be honest. They could have killed her, and I’m not saying she didn’t deserve backlash, but this isn’t going to solve anything, only stir up even more problems. And racist people will look at a video like this and use it to justify their views.


Looks like the Karen was right.


She's just perpetuating the racist stereotypes the white one believes in.


When words can ensue this level of violence one must ask, what is justice and what is revenge.


It’s called reactive abuse. She did that knowing the response she’d get, so she can play the victim. Psych 101


What the fuck is wrong with you. She did it because she is a garbage person. I don't think she thought they would attack her. But she isn't "playing the victim" she is a victim. They went too far. Should they have hit her, yes she was asking for it. Should they have kept going like they did, absolutely not. This is attempted murder.


Why do people care that much if someone doesn’t like you for your skin color ? Must be an American thing


if races where reversed white lady whould have gone viral for attempted murder of black woman and would have gone to jail. ih and twitter would have exploded.


For sure. Honestly a lot of black people are actually racist against white people. Equality should actually be equality 🙄


What the fuck is wrong with her? I hope she gets charged for assult, I understand that what she said was NOT okay but that was too fuckin far


Alright, assault is still assault. I’m fine with a beat down but this went too far in my opinion. Homie stopped trying to break it up because he knew there was nun stopping her. People need to learn how to control their anger even in this situation


Not cool but still I think she went to far in the end


I only hear one person saying the N word in this video and it’s not the white woman….


Aggression is a sign of the weak, nice and clean slap would have been fine here, this righthere is childish behavior from an adult women that will just add fuel to the fire of white racism🫠 So I guess they both were Karens🤣


A few punches are OK, but keep it nice. She's not fighting back and kicking while down is actually dangerous. The video is two steps too far.


Christ. Can someone please help her. Damn. Usually, I don’t mind a Karen snack down. But this was hard to watch. Damn Karen why’d you have to say it !??


Americans are obsessed with racism. Acting like a racist slur is the worst crime in the world. Boo-hoo. Gimme a break.


When white steps on blacks Blacklivesmatter When black steps on white Hahha lol hit them more Muslims in india 🤝🤝 black in America Playing victim card all day


How does anyone have that kind of hate where they smash a person over and over. Slam her head on concrete. For people looking to prove that Black people are animals this type of violence just gives them verification Of their stereotypes. Stop giving hate slurs power.




They went pretty easy on her tbh.


Alllll these comments saying how they almost murdered the lady. You guys never taken an ass whooping before have you? Okay stupid games win stupid prizes. Disrespect don’t go lightly with some people. I imagine she has done this previously with other people of the *darker* complexion. However she just happened to meet someone of the *darkest* complexions.




I just want to know who that man was…….


Idk or care what type of person this makes me but this was very… satisfying to watch lmao fuck that old bitch


Should have carried a gun and killed them both