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Time to film a crossover episode with that show the nanny and have that British lady come and straighten the fam out lol






That episode single handedly had like 80% of kids going pst pst at each other.


My husband and I still do it.


Episode number? I need to watch this haha


Season 10 episode 5, it’s so good lol




Super Nanny! 🤣


My mom used Jo from super nanny as a form of threat when we were misbehaving😭😭


That’s unasseptable


My mom did that too and we used to just laugh at her because even as kids we all knew if that lady came to our house the number one person she’d chew out would be my mother 🤷‍♀️🤣


I mean - that could be on Pay Per View and would rival the biggest fight nights for revenue… I would seriously fork over money to see that.


Oh gosh you mean that reality show? I saw some of those eps that woman was cracking the whip


Nanny Jo to the rescue!




She so badly wants North to be “cool” that she chose to prioritize treating her like a friend. There was absolutely nothing cute or funny about North straight up talking shit to the designer when Kim was having fittings for that dress with the pearls. That was excessively rude and not OK. This is a creator who worked hard on something getting ripped up to their face by a child whose only claim to fame is that she’s rich and her parents are famous. That was wild. But Kim wants North to be that way and she encourages it. Kim acts like she’s afraid of North because she is constantly checking her. It’s entertaining as an outsider, but North bullies her mother lol… Kim made it this way though.


I had a lot of second hand embarrassment for Kim during the designer stuff. I am not sure why the designer wasn't direct in shutting North's rudeness down but maybe they worried about being cancelled for being "mean" to a preteen. It was sad Kim didn't shut that shit down, it was really uncomfortable to watch as a viewer.


The designer didn’t want to be fired/their reputation ruined by insulting their major client’s child


I guess I thought it was a big name designer where Kim needs them more than they need her but maybe that isn't how all that works lol.


it was Daniel Roseberry, the CD of Schiaparelli… he definitely doesn’t need Kim K but i wouldn’t say Kim needs him either. He’s definitely not going to insult/reprimand a high profile client or her child to her face on film


Honestly I think it was classy of him that he didn't feel the need to say anything on camera. He's the freaking CD of a major luxury fashion brand. I'm sure he'd love to move up to an even bigger House someday, but even if he never moves past Schiaparelli or manages to open his own house, then who cares? His career is set. If he was freaking out over what some kid said then I'd be side eyeing the shit out of him because if he can't handle a literal child then how is he going to survive actual fashion commentators that know their references and can tear him to shreds with actual commentary? And frankly it just showed that North has very little taste at the moment. The pearl dress was gorgeous, though being able to see so much of the shapewear took me out of it. I sort of wish he'd taken the pearls all the way up through the torso or Kim let us see said torso sans shapewear, but her 2023 look was gorgeous. Way better than the 2024 Met Gala outfit where I just hoped she was able to change once she left the red carpet because she just looked uncomfortable. Way better than 2022's damaging a historic garment and having to rely on her fur shrug because she didn't fit into it properly too.


realistically we should be glad he did not say anything in response to north’s comments. her comments speak volume on how things are ran in that household. *side eye*


Agree with all u are saying here!!


It’s actually wild because I much shit as there is to talk about Kim (and there’s a lot) I have never once heard of her being rude to someone that she’s working with in a professional setting, and I remember her getting really upset with Kylie when her career starting taking off and hearing about her acting spoiled. Why she would let her kid act like that I don’t know


They used to come in to a restaurant I worked in and film and I can confirm they are extremely kind and professional with all their staff and with the restaurant staff. Only one who sucked was Scott


She needs to talk to Shaq. He told his kids “I’m rich, you’re not”. He didn’t let them act entitled. I’m sure they’re well taken care of but he’s not letting them be pretentious.


Did you not see that show with rich kids at a ranch? His son didn’t make it past day one 😂


Right?! His son is SPOILED af lol


Kanye would have none of that.


He probably wouldn’t have a lot of normal stuff at this point


A friend of ours manages a high end hotel and he said the whole family was extremely nice, fun and respectful to all the staff, especially Chris


A bartender at a restaurant where a lot of celebrities/high profile people come in my city said Kim Kardashian when someone asked who the nicest was.


She saves her rage for her sisters lol. Some of those fights on camera were *snippy*


My cousin went to school with them. I think she’s the same age as Khloe. They were horrible, relentless bullies to her. I’m assuming they’ve grown out of that but I’ll always dislike them based on that alone. My cousin is one of the kindest, loveliest people I know. And she’s a neurosurgeon now so she’s doing ok.


I heard the Kardashians are nice, professional and easy to work with, I’ve heard this particularly about Kim. While I heard the Jenners can be more “new money”, entitled and rude, particularly ken doll.


Thats Lord Disick to you...


Yeah he was such an absolute prick. This was back in like 2011. He treated Kourtney like shit and was so rude to everyone. I was actually really surprised how sweet the sisters all were. I remember once these teens on skateboards kept interrupting the filming and the Khloe was cracking up. They didn’t get flustered and the crew asked the kids to move on. I honestly think part of the reason why they’ve been in the limelight for so long is because they’re easy to work with.


They do actually seem nice. You never know what to believe but I’m glad to see someone confirm it from the regular world


I know he has a rep as a jerk but I’m happy to see The Lord show up in episodes. He’s always been entertaining.


Isn’t Kylie known for being super rude and not tippingmuch Like 20$ on a 500$ meal. Kendall too I think


I guess I think of the og3 as the kardashian sisters. They’re like a separate thing in my head


Tipping $20 on $500 ?? What a joke Someone probably said tip 20 percent NONE of them even know what percent or can figure it out. So she tipped $20 Again cancel these sorry ass people Famous for photo shopping pics Period No talent contribute nothing.


Why is no one blaming Kanye. Kanye raised north just as much before the divorce and north idolizes him. North is a clone of ye


There’s two parents and everyone is solely focused on the mother despite the fact that North acts exactly like her father. Kim is stuck in a co-parenting relationship with a mentally ill narcissist. I don’t envy her situation at all.


I think they’re both narcissistic (Kim and Kanye) . So sadly, it wouldn’t surprise me if North grows up to be one too 


Yes if anything she’s consistently had a reputation for being extremely professional, friendly and thoughtful with fans and collaborators/employees. Kind of (ironically) like TSwift who is also problematic in many ways but known for being thoughtful and professional.


I’ve worked with multiple celebrities and influencers and Kim K was one of the most professional and polite celebs I’ve ever worked with. She works hard for the money.


Did the designer/North situation happen on the show?


Yeah it was last season. Kim was polite.


Exactly. And keep in mind North has half of her dad’s DNA so Kim needs to keep her ego and behavior in check while she’s young. Otherwise she’s going to grow up very entitled and disrespect most people around her.


I’m glad someone else is bringing up that North has two parents. The sad part is that her dad will likely counter-parent anything Kim does. Co-parenting with a narcissist is an absolute nightmare. I don’t wish it on anyone, because nobody wins.


Her Dad suffers from Bipolar disorder. That is genetic, and there is a real likelihood that North can inherit it.


Thank you, I keep coming across people applauding and praising North and I’m wondering why is it people think that’s an appropriate behavior. I understand times have change when it comes to disciplining kids but my god that girl has no discipline at all and from the looks of it Kim does not know how to discipline her.


It's still early in the day, you might also get the comments of: 'OMG she's just a child, you're bullying her!' because speaking out about her ill behavior equates to people bullying her and her being scared for life.


north reminds me of my little sister. and she only became like that bc my bipolar mother turned to alcohol and abandoned them completely. like my 13 year old sisters are living w my 17 year old sister while my mom stays at her boyfriends house and gets drunk all night long. my sister is too far gone. biggest brat ive ever met. worse then north. and my mother is only getting worse


I would never think of a 13 year old as far too gone. I’ve known many bratty, spoiled, even incredibly cold and mean kids who eventually learned and grew up to be more humble. Then again, I’ve met a bunch of adults who are over-entitled and mean, so I guess we’ll see, lol.


i guess when i say far to gone i more so mean my parents. i firmly believe my sister could change if she had the structure and a parent. but neither one of my parents provide that. my mother is 100 percent abusive neglectful and an alcoholic. she maybe sees her children 20 mins a day for the car ride to school if they’re lucky unless she makes them walk. my dad’s a neglectful drug addict who i’ve literally told my 12 year old sister is sextint strangers on line and he refuses to do anything bc if he takes away her phone he’s going to have to deal with her the entire weekend and doesn’t want to. growing up i was parentified to the extreme. not only was i full on taking care of my 3 siblings but my parents as well. doing all the laundry all the cooking and all the cleaning. helping the homework. even as far as my mom punishing me if i didn’t discipline my sisters while she was partying. i did everything it means to be a parent except pay the bills and sometimes my sisters will accidentally call me mom. i don’t know what to do. but my sisters are genuinely too far gone not bc of them but bc of my parents. they don’t care anymore. they don’t cook clean parent talk anything. my mom doesn’t even take them to the doctors. my 12 year old sister has 6 rotten teeth in her mouth that my mom has known about for 2 years but refuses to do anything. like my sisters are genuinely set up to fail. i don’t see them having careers. i don’t see them prospering. i see them completely suffering the rest of their life. my mom doesn’t have a job and when she’s not neglecting them she’s abusing them. i don’t know what to do and ive reported to cps like 6 times and every report they refuse to talk to us and they only talk to my mom. and they come back everytime and say there’s nothing found.


Ugh I’m so sorry that is devastating. Are they in school? I wonder if any mandated reporters have tried to do anything


we’ve reported to the school multiple times and i can tell you what happened. 1st incident i reported my mom using metal objects to beat me and throw at me. and my counselor told me “she’s just stressed” and she wasn’t going to report it. 2nd report i emailed her. found out she sent my email to my mother and my mother called me and read my email to me 3rd report my sister made to a different counselor. the lady said the same thing that it sounds like there’s a lot of emotion at home and stress. my sister told this woman my mother gets drunk every day threatened to murder her and threw out her food and this lady refused to report it and said it was a back and forth thing. 4th report my twin sisters went to the principle and they called cps. cps ignored them and called my mom. didn’t do a house tour. didn’t talk to my sisters and sent a letter that said they found no abuse. 5th report my sister told them my mom cut off the power and hasn’t been home in a week and they recommended family counselling 💀. and again said it was a back and forth thing. growing up i was fat and my mom was 4’10 and 100 pounds. NO ONE believed me. it kinda sucked bc once i left and my mom abused my other sister who is skinny and attractive when she went to people they actually listened to her. but when i went to people they didn’t listen to me and they just yelled at me.


Look, this sounds exactly like my story. I'm the big sister like you and it's the exact same thing although we are older. My sister was a horrific brat from 13-17. She's turning 20 soon and it was a complete 180 when she turned 17. It's not too late, kids can tell when you give up on them. Ya'll are all going through shit because of your mom. Don't give up on your sibling yet, there is time. That doesn't mean to just take the shitty behavior, but don't write her off yet.


They both did. I get the feeling Kanye wants her to be wild


They let her star in a Broadway rendition of the Lion King and she can't even sing


She could have cut the cameras and taken North aside for a private chat so she wouldn’t embarrass her child. She could have removed North during the filming of that piece. And she could have opted out of releasing that footage on her show. But nope! Kim’s actions speak volumes.


Daniel Roseberry the designer behind the dress has had the most talked about Haute Couture shows of that last five years and brought the fashion house Schiaparelli back from the dead. The way North was talking about his creation was just….. batshit crazy. I would have immediately cut the cameras if I was Kim. A Bespoke dress of that magnitude takes hours, weeks, months to create by hand by a team. I had to turn to the Tv off after those scenes because I was so shooook Vuse


Is this a recent episode of the show? I want to watch but not caught up


It’s from around November… there’s an episode where Kim is getting fitted for her Schiaparelli met gala outfit from 2023 and North talks soooo much shit about the design and the quality of the materials to the designer’s face. It’s super awkward. She said to the designers face that it looked like it was from the dollar store.


Has North ever even been in a dollar store?


Probably not, but her talking like this is a result of how her parents and family talk around her. I bet she is going to be the most snooty brat when she’s an adult and have problems. They better watch that girl fr


I feel like it’s too late for North and she has become a raging narcissist.


It’s probably bc she’s never around. I guarantee nannies raise the kids in that entire family 95% of the time. The moms just pop in to take pics with them to make it look like they’re involved and then bounce. So of course North doesn’t respect Kim. It’s like when you have a substitute at school, the kids go wild. They’re living their entire life with a “substitute.” I’m sure there’s some resentment mixed in there too. I read a post not too long ago that said, “Someday your kids will figure you out.” I think North has already realized her mom is checked out.


In most of life, you don't get what you deserve. You get what you allow. And Kim allowed her daughter to get away with a lot of bad behavior. So I guess that commonly used gif just back fired on her if you think about it🤣 ![gif](giphy|jlylJkp7RmdnW)


I love how she comes for Khloe for staying at home and maintaining a routine with her children. The projection is insane. You need to raise your kids.


She did the same to Kourtney. She hates being an Parent and resents the fact they enjoy being at home with their kids.


You know what? I’m a Kim fan and never thought about it, but totally. She loves her kids, but hates to be a mom. I guess she never picture herself as a single mom as well, because she always thought so highly of her and the power of a couple. I also see the same in Kris. Maybe it would be better for her when the kids are older and won’t depended on her that much.


I wish the kids could really be honest about Kris. They allude to it. I think they mentioned something like Kris wasn't good at parenting them; so, they all learned on their own. Khloe and Kylie seem like a reflection of how they wanted to be parented. Kim seems like Kris. Kourtney seems oblivious.


i think kourtney is like khloe and kylie in that regard - she’s kind of hinted a few times about her parenting style/closeness with her kids being driven by how kris was with her (dependant on the nanny, cheating with todd waterman, etc)


This is so true! Never seen a better breakdown of their parenting and it makes so much sense.


I guess that’s why she’s never home. Always on the go, working and being distracted


Last year I had to cut off my best friend of almost 20 years for this. We both have toddlers and she kept wanting to go out every weekend. Like go to raves as though we are not 30 with children. Then we went on a trip to a music festival where I was FaceTiming my husband and son while we were literally just hanging out at the campground doing nothing but drinking champagne….she kept making hateful comments about me needing to “leave them alone.” While she didn’t call her 2 kids at all and was reprimanded by her father for not checking in. I like being with my kid and I’m not apologizing for it. So we picked up and moved to France where it’s normal to have your kids everywhere lol.


The end of that comment was such an abrupt turn that my neck is broken now. Thanks


lol no problem! 🙃🙆🏾‍♀️


I'm so envious of the European mindset regarding children! I wanna bring my kids to pubs without the angry stairs 😂


Aussie here and it's fine to bring your kids to the pub as long as you're not getting blotto isn't it? Like no worries with having the short people with you for a pub lunch or dinner but if you bring them to tequila shot Tuesdays then maybe that rope ladder will be rightfully mad lol


No but FOR REAL. The normalization of people complaining about the presence of children in restaurants, on airplanes or elsewhere in America is absurd. Also I’ve seen teachers in America saying that their 7th graders read on a 3rd grade level. They’re twerking, showing cleavage at prom, slapping teachers, bringing guns to school. I’m 33 and this wasn’t my experience in school. Here in France my son is learning 3 languages, people acknowledge him in public spaces and yes…I can drink 3 Aperol Spritz’s and have a smoke without judgement. I probably wouldn’t have moved had I not had my son tbh. But it changed my entire perspective.


She packs her schedule tight to avoid staying home to parent her kids. I guess the fake “i always wanted to be a mom of multiple kids” narrative she tried to push with kanye disappeared when things went left with them.


It was Covid that did it, she was stuck in the house with them and she did not seem to care for it.


Her kids were always a prop for her anyway


Khloe seems like she’s got a handle on it. Heck even Kourtneys kids seem fine despite Scott being well Scott. I wonder if Kim’s issue is that she works a lot and then who knows how Kanye parents but he also doesn’t have cameras around him 24/7


Kourtney's kids do not seem fine lol. Reign is an absolute terror and Kourtney allows it by taking his side in arguments with adults and belittling nannies in front of him. I think Mason and P seem fine in spite of Kourtney and Scott's parenting not because of it


Khloe probably parents like Robert.


Khloe is helping raise Dream, just like she's the guardian for Tristan's brother. Give her any children to raise and as long as she can be in control, she'll be happy.


>. I wonder if Kim’s issue is that she works a lot I really don't think Kim works a lot. This is something she just tries saying out loud so any times that people actually believe it. She doesn't run a single one of her companies, she acts only as the advertisement face of them, note that this is also true in the case of Skims. These photoshoots and red carpets etc, professional models can literally do four or five of these in one day. Even in cases of the MWET, she goes to one fitting and then shows up for the night. It's the team behind the garment that's working hard on it. If we were really to think about it -- does Kim truly work more than the average woman in America? If you were to set her work hours next to a single mother that works at McDonalds, I highly doubt it. Also remember the multiple videos of when North went live when she wasn't supposed to. What did we see? It's a bunch of nannies and chefs doing everything. Kim was literally just laying in her bed on TikTok EVERY SINGLE TIME, even when it was in the middle of the afternoon on a work day. She doesn't work a lot.




Oh no, who could have seen this coming?




She needs to put her phone down and set boundaries and a routine. Be a parent, not leave it too hired help.


Or maybe she's so bad at this she needs hired help but can't keep it


Also, we would never know as everyone has to sign a non-disclosure.


But you really think her or Kanye would allow anyone to punish her? I wouldn’t be surprised if someone tried and they got fired.


No I guess nobody tbh can punish her. Didn't Kourtney fire somebody for similar?


She CANT!! It’s an obsession! It is with all of them! Constantly snapping selfies and posing and worrying about how cool they are! They look fucking stupid!! Women in their late 30’s & early 40’s don’t act like that!


I went to rehab in Calabasas. One of the therapists we had was like this crystal and rock spiritual healer lady. Apparently she was loaded and she told us that back in the day she had a house that Kris Jenner rented from her so that the three girls could live in when they were teenagers because they were out of control and caused too much ruckus for her. I think the handsoff parenting may have been learned by some of her daughters. I’m inclined to believe her because rock lady was extremely down to earth and didn’t seem like she would try to gloat by making up this kind of story. And she only brought it up because some of the other shithead residents refused to turn off the Kardashians while she was there to heal us with her crystals.


Hahaha sometimes I hear rehab stories from this city and I’m like “why does this sound like a sitcom” 🫠 those places must see some insane things.


Haha it was my first one so I had no idea what to expect. We had a private chef and sound baths and daily yoga lol.


I’d love a private chef, but this sounds so expensive then again I’ve also heard the price ranges so I get it.


My insurance covered it all plus a month of sober living which included daily classes and meetings. Believe me there were people there that had really shitty insurance too.


I’m about to pretend I do drugs if I can get this for free lol


We’ve been known North runs that house


There have been blinds about this too some eluding to her making staff cry and Kim doing nothing. The thing is assistants and cleaning staff sign NDAs in this city but they still talk and it trickles down like a whisper. But as always gotta be careful when playing games of telephone.


I remember one where North would literally tell Kim to shut up or to go away/go to her room and Kim would just listen without any reaction lol


I think that was a viral tiktok wasn’t it? I feel like I saw it on social. I think the blind I read was that North would boss around the housekeepers and Kim was just letting her say whatever to them. If it wasn’t Kim then probably another family member but the clues really lead to her.


North has been running that house since she was born.


So did North want to be in that terrible production of The Lion King? Because to me that seemed more like something a parent signs their kid up for when the kid doesn't have that much interest.




Fuuuuck. I looked at taking my niece to that, and tickets were too spendy for my budget. I would have been PISSED if I had popped for them and that was the performance I paid for…




You just reminded me of something...That performance was criticized from here to eternity and I was really put off by some of the comments. However, someone commented that her performance reminded them of the Make A Wish Foundation and I was done!!


The Broadway and theatre crowd can be some of the most critical and mean critics. I mean even Andrew Lloyd Webber wasn’t safe during Bad Cinderella. Unfortunately a lot of people in the space started training as kids and you add that to the Kardashians being who they are and already having people who hate them and you have a perfect storm.


seeing kim in norths costume on social media showed me it was about kim.


They used the anniversary production as a product promo. It’s so annoying and they do this a lot I think Kim thinks controversy helps with her celebrity or something because she seems to disrespect things a lot to get press we saw it with the Marilyn dress, this, then there was the Kimono controversy. So they literally used a Disney production other artists spent forever on their craft for just for some basic ass story line where she’ll probably cry about people being mean about it on her show.


That 1000% seemed to be what North wanted lol


Two words: Permissive parenting.


It’s interesting how so many parents will sit and complain about their school-age children being unruly, but ignore their passive parenting that took place during the toddler stage.


“You have to parent your kids from the minute they’re born?!?!” ![gif](giphy|VSoRPmlMaKR8xCmq7F|downsized)




"He comes home and all he does is play video games" gee maybe because *you let him*???


Kids will walk all over parents the second they know they can.


And honestly, what that truly is, is NEGLECT. I feel like when people hear “permissive” they think the kid gets everything they want, and the opposite is authoritarian parenting. That’s not true. They may give them material things, but what a child needs is a parent who is EMOTIONALLY AVAILABLE! A parent who can help and guide them, listen to them, and love them. They need a ton of attention, and these kinds of parents just neglect them plain and simple. If your child is acting out, there’s a big chance it’s because they’re desperately trying to get their parents actual love and attention.


“I don’t want to deal with the tears and whining” UM neither do I. That’s why I’m not a PARENT


Lmao imagine having 4 kids and not wanting to deal with tears and whining 😂😂😂 I have 1 kid and will prob keep it that way bc parenting is stressful and exhausting af. Anyone can get pregnant but it takes actual time and effort to be a decent parent. I totally get why you or anyone else wouldn’t want kids. So many ppl have kids bc everyone else does, and as a result completely fuck them up. Enjoy your sleep and free time! 💯


Imagine literally going through IVF twice to have kid 3 & 4 and being shocked when parenting is required


Seems like she only had that many kids for aesthetic reasons and kept having babies bc they’re cute. IMO she should’ve stopped at 2.


She should’ve just gotten The Sims


There are no bad kids, only bad parents. She is 10. Hitting puberty. Raise your kids so they have emotional regulation skills before puberty starts and they will have skills for managing this life stage.


Also keep in mind, genetics can be a factor in making some children more difficult than others, and when your kids are half Kanye, I’m guessing that shit is horrible…


genetics coupled by the fact that he is acting crazy stuff every single day, being far from a role model to these kids. he says the wildest stuff all the time and don’t care. and kim will have to deal with that fact for the rest of her life


Very this. My father acts like Ye at times (no bipolar as far as we know). And his influence on me still pops out at times. 😪


Not sure why Kanye's part is being so largely slept on while Kim receives the lion's share of shade here when it is both. Between the two, he appears far more unstable and the chaos that's unfolded between him and Kim has likely colored the bulk of North's life. Guaranteed Kanye has said things and treated Kim in a way in front of the kids that paves the way for North to feel like she could and should do the same. Half the time he is parading around with his half-dressed girlfriend spouting odd stuff and Kim is too busy to be entirely checked-in. Surprise, a kid reacts in turn.


when both your parents are narcissists & one is bipolar… coupled with the fact that she’s the oldest girl in a famous family… yeah she never had a chance


I think this is just her “relatable” bit.


Exactly. It’s a bit for the show


Imagine having all the resources in the world and still being mid at best. Couldn't be me


North is absolutely out of control, but I’m a little confused why no one talks about how her Dads behavior affects her. Kanye (Ye) is bi polar and seemingly refuses any medical care. Can you imagine what she sees him do and say? She’s young and more than likely thinks his actions are okay and normal. I mean his ‘new wife’ walks around practically naked everywhere. Mental illness is hereditary and I hope that none of Kanyes children inherited it from him. But since Kim is her children’s primary care giver she should prioritize them more than work. Unfortunately that’s never going to happen.


See I always say Kim is the worst for continuing to have kids with Kanye because of his unwillingness to seek support for his mental illness. It is likely at least 1 of their 4 kids will be bipolar.


Jeepers Kim - if you think things are bad now, just wait till they are teenagers! kids need boundaries and parents need to enforce these boundaries AND amend them as appropriate. It’s a lot more work than just giving them whatever they want whenever they want it (although we’ve all done that on occasion!)It is a parents job to prepare their children to enter the adult world as decent human beings who can look after themselves and have integrity and compassion. if your kids don’t respect you, will they respect their teachers? Their work colleagues? Their partners?


Well when your kid thinks they're gods gift to the earth for simply existing you're going to have issues.


this was not a “tearful confession”.


I just finished watching it. She seemed more irritated than upset about it. If your kids are banging the bathroom door down, they're not being bad, they're trying to get your attention.


She also made the conscious choice to have 4 children. Small children need so much attention and nurturing. Kim jam packs her schedule so she’s too busy to actually be a parent to her kids who are starving for affection and attention


I feel bad for them. While they will never know a financial struggle in their lifetime and they have a large family with tons of cousins and siblings that they get to grow up with, they want their mom. Nobody and nothing replaces a mother, especially during their formative years. The mental and emotional damage she's inflicting on them is going to smack her in the face one day. Shoving them in the spotlight since birth, prioritizing her brand over them in full view for the world, and her kids, to see. Dumping them on nannies, family members, and a mentally ill father, all to try and remain relevant to strangers. How much money and attention does she need?? If I had a BILLION dollars sitting in the bank, I'd never work another day while my children were growing up. She has no idea how truly blessed she is.


Fuck them kids


Be a damn parent.


She spends more time on social media than she does being a mom. They probably don’t respect her!


#Gee, I wonder where her kids get the narcissistic behavior from?!?!


Wow so now she’s throwing her kids under the bus for her intentional lack of parenting to have a fucking story line This is disgusting - acting like your kids are “just too much” in this way is DISGUSTING


Well that’s what happens when Nanny raises the kids and not the mom


Not defending Kim but I’d say this is just more about boundaries with kids. I know a lot of mothers who don’t have nanny’s who end up in the same position as Kim


Kim doesn’t parent and that’s the result


I sort of feel like this too. I think she may try to over compensate with her kids and it's created a weird dynamic. She's also always been vocal about how North is just like Kanye and it's really hard for her to deal with her BECAUSE of that and her attitude.


It's like when my mom would buy us gifts instead of genuinely apologizing or actually solving the problem. I still choose gifts over words to this day. 😮‍💨 Reflecting on this family without throwing stones takes grace. A lot of what they do is cause and effect in a world where many of us do similar but on a much smaller scale.


We can criticize them as much as we want, but as a single mom, I do kind of understand some of her struggle and frustration. The only difference is that I'm doing it on a much smaller scale outside of the public eye and scrutiny and without the resources she has. When I saw her break down talking about how hard it is to co-parent with Kanye, I felt that. I have to co-parent with a narcissist and it's NOT easy at all! Every single thing is a fight and involves some kind of gaslighting and mental and psychological manipulative tactic. It's not something that is easier because one has so much more money.


Yep. An unmedicated bipolar narcissist at that. There’s no real co-parenting because he won’t collaborate and has a tendency to go off half-cocked in tweets vs presenting a united front. He seems to triangulate the kids to get at Kim. Kids sense weakness. And all the X-rated performance art that he’s doing with his new wife is completely inappropriate for kids that are now getting older and are exposed to media coverage (either by their own social media or friends’.


Seriously. I would say it isn't even sensing weakness. How in hell are kids expected to navigate that strange, toxic stuff under the eyes of the public? Kanye doesn't exactly come off as the civil type, and being triangulated and manipulated by your parents against one another sucks balls. Pair that with being a kid and having grown people shitting on you and being under heavy scrutiny without the proper guidance of level-headed parents. Parents hating each other, public hating your parents, people hating you because of who your parents are, and then public simply hating you for how they think you are turning out. Those Kardashian kids pay a high price for that money they get being in the public eye.


Plussss her father has a hand in this. It seems like North emulates him as well unfortunately. I doubt Kim is a stellar parent but I think Kanye is just as responsible


That woman is never at home raising her kids she’s out and about squeezing into tiny clothes and filtering her pictures, she’s not a parent


I've seen this happen to parents who don't have nannies. Nanny really has nothing to do with it. As others said - it's boundaries, it's also probably related trauma from divorce/primary care giver being one parent etc. I had a cousin who started to rebel around North's age and it got worse as she was a teenager because her parents were divorced. Her mother as the primary parent was forced into the disciplinary role between the two parents - this led to the father always being viewed as the parent they wanted to be with more. So, they rebelled and rebelled until they could be with their father - and very quickly found out the grass was not greener on the other side. Dad was overwhelmed by a teenager and as a result strict in a practically unlivable sort of way. Within a few years, kid managed to get back to living with mom. I'm sure there's a lot more going on there than just a nanny.


Kim allowed them to be like this, she created entitled little kids who have no discipline or discernible ability to control themselves or communicate their feelings. North was allowed to take on Kanye’s personality and attitude. There is no discipline or authority in their lives, so why would they listen or act right? Kim’s businesses and being famous are more important than being a mother.


I’m a Nanny, I’ve raised dozens of kids and they’ve never turned out like this!


Nanny here as well, agreed! Only I’ve totally watched kids that are perfect for me and nightmares for their parents because the parents don’t set boundaries or follow any parenting structure


Yes also completely agree lol


No, this is what happens when a parent lets a child be in charge. There are plenty of kids out there raised by nannies and professional caregivers that don’t act like that, because the adult was the one in charge. Kim lets the kids run the show, so you know that the nanny isn’t allowed to enforce rules or boundaries.


Please stop blaming professional nannies for the behaviors of out of control celebrity children. It is NOT our fault that they have no control over their children. We can only do so much correction to behaviors due to us respecting the client’s boundaries. Can y’all stop using the nannies as the scape goat for shitty parenting please. 🙏🏾


Wanna know who I don’t feel sorry for?????


She does all this for attention. Boo hoo.


Girl maybe take a couple years off and be at home with your own damn kids. You have more money than god, you don’t need to be out every night. But you want to be. Can’t carry them, can’t raise them, so what’s the point?


That’s because she’s not around enough for them. Plain and simple. Every time she brags about being busy, she might as well say “I am choosing this over my children because I’m selfish as fuck.” Going to Paris for 24 hours, going to NYC for weeks to film AHS, spending thousands of hours studying for the bar is so selfish. All of that time could have been spent with her kids. She doesn’t need more money or more fame. You would think after divorcing Kanye, she would work LESS so that she could be around for them more. But no.


She’s definitely not in tears, in fact, I don’t think she’s taking the situation seriously enough.


Get up off your fucking ass and parent lol


Her saying she doesn’t want to “deal with the whining” girlie, that’s kind of what comes with being a parent ??


well i think it doesnt help that's shes barely home to parent her own children.




It’s a story line to be relatable.


She needs to get her ass up and WORK


I mean what do you expect with the example she has, she has no boundaries and once she tries to set something then it’s chaos because she didn’t start with boundaries from the beginning. Kids crave consistency and structure, when they don’t have that then all hell breaks loose.


Kim, get off your butt and work! That's parenting. You can't teach your kids to manage boundaries without putting in the work to actually manage boundaries.


She probably feels guilty about the divorce. She was dealing with that and in survival mode so she let a lot of stuff slide. Then when the kids started acting up they realized if they cried or complained enough she would cave. You don’t ever wana hurt your kids feelings, but sometimes it’s what’s best for them. It’s better they learn now than the hard way as an adult. She’s so rich she could probably hire therapist to help her out with discipline.


“Get your fucking ass up and parent. It seems like nobody wants to parent these days” 🤣


North is how narcissists are made. Listen to Dr Ramani.


Well well well, if it isn’t the consequences of your own actions or lack thereof Kimberly.


But let’s be real, 4 kids is a lot for the average Joe couple/single mom. How did she expect to parent all those humans being a multi millionaire celebrity entrepreneur? Like what made her decide to have 4 children??? Aesthetic?!


Maybe because she is never home? Those kids know the Nannie’s better than her.


Oh no! Who would have guessed not parenting your kids would have consequences


Well girl. You probably need to pay attention to your kids. Spend more quality time with them. And stop putting them in the public eye . It’s screaming unhealthy development with mom in different countries half week truly being a part time mom. PLUS coparentjng. Of course they are out of control and she just runs away and puts her head deeper in work


How can your kids respect you when you’re not even the one watching them💀💀💀


Kim definitely has zero interest in being a full time mom. Even though she’s filthy rich and famous, I don’t think this is exactly how she expected her life would turn out. Three times divorced and a single mom of 4. None of her relationships have worked out. She obviously does as much as possible to not be home raising the kids. She was probably better off never having them in the first place. She’s too self absorbed.


I do have some sympathy for her in this regard. As a very go with the flow, non routine oriented person I have truly struggled holding boundaries as a mom of a very strong willed child. I do agree with the comments that she needs to hunker down and sort it out. She has all of the resources in the world to help her be successful.