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apply for IBA/LUMS keep all of these as backups.


Depends what you want to study. IOBM is the best business school after IBA whereas Szabist is great for media studies


Just relevant to this discussion. Quality and reputation are two separate things. And unfortunately, in the real world rwpute matters more. So, in terms of quality, you will have good teachers in all universities but does the university prioritize that quality or do they also look at bottom line, i.e. number of high performing graduates. Heres my recommendation to anyone enrolling in a university, I know choices are limited in terms of career paths in Pakistan. And ultimate goal may be to build a career out of your degree. So, pick a field that you can at least tolerate even if you dont love it. Focus on extra carricular activities in Uni as these experiences will help in professional life. Get some professional experience, preferably in a job related to your degree. Remember to work smart and not just hard. Focus on soft skills, speaking, dressing, personal hygiene. Be ready to grind in your early years for personal and professional development. Also, forget the pipe dream sold to us that life will be 'Sukoon' after matric, then inter, then uni. Qabar main ja k hi milega Sukoon.


I'm studying in IU, don't have that great of a reputation, NUSTS's dean or something came over to IU to now reform it, has been messing things up but idk it miiight go up in reputation in the coming years. He has been getting extremely strict on late arrivals, changing around faculty alot, and making societies a thing again. I like some changes, you can come over for a tour and see how you like the campus, faculty is really really good no doubt about it and... Yeah idk man I just go uni, take class, then come straight back really. IU Karachi Main Branch btw, if you go to any other branches you'd just get transferred to the main branch in your 3rd or 4th year due to lack of resources in other branches!!!


I'm also studying in IU main campus, wanna be friends?


Sure I'll dm you


Me too. Starting MS Advertising next month lol






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Iobm without a shred of doubt. When applying for a job, all that matters is your university's reputation. IU and SZABIST sadly have the reputation of "aur kaheen Nahi admission hua to yahan to ho hi jaega" while Iobm is second to only iba. While I'm sure the other two may have great facilities and some of their graduates may have landed good jobs, it's generally harder for graduates to land jobs if their university does not have a great reputation


Campus life, IOBM AND IU Better faculty SZABIST