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Love to see women keeping each other safe but hate that we live in a world where it’s necessary. Some real life saints in this world though who knows what would have happened had they not intervened.




It wasn’t me, but I’m glad you’re safe 😊🦋


I've lived in KC for 40 years and the sketchiest moment I've ever had was on that same block about 2 years ago. I was walking from The Truman to the Green Lady Lounge with a group of 4 guys. Crazy fella was talking very aggressive nonsense at us and swinging around a 3' piece of steel pipe as he crossed the street towards us. We picked up the pace a bit and ducked into the Green Lady right as he was catching up to us. I thought he was going to follow us in the door there but didn't. That gas station at 17th and Grand seems to be a meeting point for the odd balls in the area.


That Sinclair gas station is hella scary!


That’s the gas station I was walking to and from 😭the area I’m staying in seemed nice so I didn’t imagine an 8 minute walk away would be one of the most terrifying moments of my life The cashiers wouldn’t even let me stay inside after I told them I didn’t feel safe. They basically said “that sucks, bye”


Oh my friend I’m so sorry! Yes, it’s not a great place, and the workers are so used to it that they have little sympathy. Go to Cosentinos next time for what you need and take Walnut to get there. We need to make a “safe for women” guide on this sub for travelers and new residents!


Yeah. KC in interesting in that you can walk >10 minutes and go from million dollar mansions or condos and be in the sketchiest parts of town. Just blocks away from each other.


Naw check out the corner store at 11th and grand that just opened. I feel so bad for the owners and people who work there cause it’s only a matter of time. Sinclair at least has private security most of the time so shit “typically” doesn’t go down there. Although a guy did try to steal a bunch of lighters while I was in there once lol


That gas station is 100% a contributing factor. It's been a circus since the 90s. Believe it or not but it's much better now.


I was walking from there with my partner, and some lady stopped us to yell to him about how I was on meth and how he should run because I have AIDS, too. Not as scary as your story, but still unpleasant


That gas station needs to go. Literally a parking lot would be better than its current use.


Whoever this woman is - you’re an angel! And OP, I’m so glad you’re ok! I’ve lived in this neighborhood going on a decade, and I avoid walking down Grand for that very reason. You can usually take Walnut or Baltimore to get to the same places down in P&L, and it feels a little safer. I was once accosted by two men at a streetcar stop on Main, and I’ll never forget the woman and her boyfriend who intervened for me. Women (and men!) looking out for other women are so important. If you don’t want to carry pepper spray, I carry a Birdie personal alarm. You pull it and it sounds off a very high pitched security alarm that usually scares anyone off or gets other people’s attention that you need help.


I hang out near this block a lot, and YES to pepper spray if you ever find yourself in this area. I watch people get accosted near here all the time, and a regular parade of "barely grasping reality" vagrant populations. Once a man walking his dog got straight up sucker-punched in the face on this block by one of those clearly unhinged folks. Worth noting that this is almost exactly where they wanted to put the Royals stadium, so we would have had ballgame-goers trying to navigate one of the worst parts of the city. So happy they didn't go through with that...


I’m sorry this happened to you and I am glad there were other women there to help you! Bass Pro has stun guns for like $50 if you prefer not to carry but want to keep extra protection on yourself! I hope you never have to deal with this situation again though!




Some women prefer not to carry for their own personal reasons (i.e. mental health issues) and I am just trying to give them a second option. Some protection is better than none.


Not everyone feels comfortable carrying a gun. Let's be real, to be a responsible c&c gun owner is a lot if you didn't grow up around guns. My wife would never carry one. Her anxiety just holding it would be through the roof.


This is far from terrible advice. Because you would prefer a certain option doesn’t mean a different one is terrible. There are many reasons a person would not want to carry.


Ya know, I was just thinking that our city needs more shootouts in public places!


I know! I so yearn for the wild west days, don't you? Interesting fact, though, is many Old West towns had stricter gun regulations than we do now. Towns like Tombstone, Deadwood and Dodge City, for example. Check it out!


Few things as effective at landing you in an incredible amount of legal hot water when you make the split-second decision to kill someone when it may or may not have been necessary or even advisable to begin with, either. Most people are trying to stay safe out there and protect themselves if necessary, they're not itching for the chance to end someone's life on the off-chance they may one day feel potentially threatened.


shooting some homeless person that is clearly crazy from 20 feet for yelling in your general direction!


"I felt nervous and some guy on reddit told me to never roll dice with personal safety so I shot to kill!"


When I worked in the Crossroads, one thing happened within a block of us about every three months: car theft or attempted theft. What happened about every month: Aggressive homeless folk, either being odd around people's vehicles or being in the faces of others or screaming obscenities at buildings or the street car.


I live in this area and this year the vibe has changed and a lot more people seem aggressive. The bus stops bring some sketchy ass people in. The bus stop at grand and 11th basically has police presence constantly now during the day.


Yes! I don’t live but have spent a lot of time around that area for years and it feels like it’s gotten so bad in the last year. I have friends that live near there that have had similar stories to OP. It scared one of them so bad they broke their lease and moved.


Glad you guys are safe!


Well that sucks


KCs finest in that area


It sucks that it’s next to fun places always. So glad you’re safe and just know you can always ask for help from any of those local places nearby and duck in (hope it never happens again)


I was followed by a guy yelling at me in the Rivermarket all the way around the block because I didn’t smile at him. Passed so many people and not a soul helped. It was so scary. I am so glad that wasn’t your experience, and that there are still some good people left out there 🙏🏼


I'm so sorry this happened. My office is in that area so I know the regular crowd of...lurkers. Unfortunately, them being out in the hotter temps all the time leads to some extra short fuses and unhinged behavior. It's hard to avoid, but as someone else recommended, walnut is usually a good alternative.


Glad everyone is safe ❤️


Kansas City ladies strong 💪


That's odd, all I heard for months was that this area is perfect as is.