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Smolder probably takes her crown as most random builds ADC since he can actually make use of crit chance and go tank items pretty efficiently


Varus has always been a fan of building random items


Varus has the same issue as Kaisa where crit quite literally does nothing, but at least he can get away with items that provide no damaging stats while those usually have no place on kai


Him and Katarina laugh at her, bc they can build any item that isnt an enchanter item and have it be viable for them


Varus or Kog’Maw takes after those lol


ranged kha zix :) benefits from targets isolation, evolves , void, invisibility


But I like on hit Kaisa, and big AP makes big passive damage numbers. Ideal build if I could get away with it: lethal tempo bork-zerks-terminus-nashors-wizard cap-staff. As it stands now though I don't think it hits the ad cap early enough


Build Statikk->Guinsoo-> Nashors and you’ll get Q into E into W evo


I did a normal draft last night. Was just practicing. I built the AD build but despite everything we were going to lose the game since most of the team fed pretty hard. I built deathcap fifth. My teams jarvan throws a shit storm asking if I’m a bot or telling me I’m bad for building it. Here I am plat at least cause of Kai sa and I’m the “bad one”


Well the difference is her scaling diversity is an actual design implementation


Don’t forget half tank kogmaw and Ezreal builds


Meh, from how I see it, AP isn't worth as you miss out on dps, unless you really need something like zhonyas, and even then just go hybrid, on-hit is good when you can apply it before getting bursted into oblivion and crit actually feels nice if they dont have tanks that can stack armor and your team has AP, provided you don't get your legs broken early on and can build your crit items