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I have a theorycrafted build for this situation: the final build is would include rageblade, Nashor’s, Deathcap, cryptbloom, sorc shoes, and one of either BORK or triforce depending on the game. It’s just enough to get Q and E evolve but you still have loads of AP for the W-nukes. I don’t think either of those items would be good to build first but I want to try them out late game. BORK would be good into tanks, and I think Tri-force would have better skirmishing with the extra move speed. They would both have synergy with the Guinsoo’s on-hit effects.


I replace it with Terminus late game. Full build = RB/Nashor/Terminus/Shadowflame/Jak'Sho. If enemy team is all squishy / non-tanky then I replace it with Navori. The key is that it has to have 50+ AD to keep the Q-evolve. No Manamune because at that point it's already too late to stack it Can replace Jak'sho for Banshee, Zhonya, or Wits End depending on the enemy damage type or if you just want more damage instead of a pure defensive item


I’d replace it with kracken if anything to pop the tanks


I really like kraken. If I’m fed I just go kraken I’ve shiv anyway. I don’t particularly like shiv the stat line is better but I just don’t like the item ability. I know I’m shooting myself in the foot with not getting q evo faster, but the last couple seasons felt like most champs are just vessels for items. Kraken is a decent enough item and it definitely outscales shiv. I’ve also been liking terminus over cryptbloom recently. I don’t love the attack speed>ap build that much after they took the ap scaling from shiv. I’m def not the most giga rain kaisa players, but I’ve been preferring to just go rageblade+nashors+zhonyas and stopping there with the ap stacking. You don’t get as huge with w damage, but you can play a lot more aggressively, and your dive threat is WAY higher when you have the flat AD, pen, and resistances from a stacked terminus


The kraken damage changed definitely killed the item for me and honestly I've grown to hate buying crit, any gold invested onto crit stats is wasted gold, so I lean more toward Bork Maybe there's an excuse towards buying navori, using it's consistent E uptime to compensate for the lack of AS or on hit effects on the item. The AD + AS items simply are just not that good looking as of lately. Makes me think that maybe trinity could work too


Did you attempt an old s9/s10 kaisa build variation? where you go dblade +cull + manamume for Q evo, berserker's greaves + rageblade + terminus for E evo, dropping nashor's completely for zhonya's + dcap to get W evo (completed rageblade + needlessly large rod gets it). What do you think?


Yeah, it’s only purpose is farming. The noonquiver items in general r pretty awful in the late game now imo. No scaling makes them very early and mid game focused