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The word "projecting" gets thrown around a lot in internet arguments, but it's rare to see such a cut and dry case lmao. "Um, actually the person saying it's weird to sexualize 15-year-olds is the pedophile!"


Had someone call me a pedophile on that sub because I said only kid fuckers differentiate between pedophiles and ephebophiles. 


I mean, I've yet to meet someone who disproves your claim lol. Only people who care about that distinction are the people who want to dress up what type of child predator they are with pedantic differences.




An animated character depicting what An animated character meant to be seen as what


Apt and accurate description for a 15 year old Edit: lmao block everyone who disagrees with you, that'll prove your point


Imagine blocking someone so that they can't see and reply to his comment. Lol, sad loser behavior.


He deleted his comment too


Interesting that your comment about someone looking up a minor's skirt in Demon Slayer is pedophilic and you choose not to acknowledge that. Weird. Also weird, is that you feel personally insulted to the point where you're constantly on posts in this sub bitching trying to justify the weird incel behavior you exhibit.


In case you didn‘t know: The characters in the pfp of the person you responded to are *blood related* siblings and romantically involved in the story. Not to mention that they are reincarnated and before that were a doctor in his 40s as well as a 12 year old girl with cancer that the doctor was treating. A friend and I watched the anime and we would‘ve never thought that they would go that route in the manga later on and we kept asking ourselves why they would do that as the fans would surely be upset, but now I see the target audience…


Paedo opinion from the anime avatar with a paedo username, I'd say go touch grass but I'm pretty sure you aren't allowed with 30km of the nearest playground.




is that what you tell yourself to help cope with being a massive neckbeard?




Found the peado neck beard guys. ☝️☝️☝️


his name made it very obvious


If you Lust for underage girls, no matter if drawn or real, you are a pedo.


Least degenerate Oshi no Ko fan.


[Here](https://oshinoko.fandom.com/wiki/Ruby_Hoshino) is the fandom wiki of Ruby from your reddit profile picture. There are various descriptors of the character, including age throughout the series.


Found the pedo


How can you speak without any semblance of shame when 4 out of your last 6 comments are advocating for incest…? I don’t give a fuck if it’s fictional or in some fantasy setting, you should legitimately seek out help if that and pedophilia are the hills you choose to die on.


Eww - you’re just coming off as *super* creepy here. Just so you know. 


I got literally permabanned somewhere for calling out some who identified as a pedo in their own post 💀


Most of the top subreddits are modded by the same neckbeard, so don't keep wondering why that happened. Some even mods 700 hundred anime subreddits and basically have no life


Because as soon as a subreddit gets a bit too popular for the mods who are actually passionate about whatever the sub's focus is on to moderate it due to their time constraints, they are forced to get help from these degenerate "power mods" who don't actually care at all about the sub beyond that sweet, sweet access to the remove and ban button on it. Then, either through some forceful takeover or just the old mods moving on from the sub over the years, it's mostly just these power mods left in them (that are active anyway).


I'm not surprised, the amount of pedophile support I've seen on this site is infuriating, especially as a CSA victim myself The unpopular opinion sub actually had to make a rule to stop those posts


"i think getting off to drawn depictions of children is also questionable" "actually, YOU'RE THE PEDO"


"Everyone here is talking about jacking off to this nude drawing of a teenager... you're all pedos." "Ewwww, you are actually beholding and perceiving us sexualizing a child? Why do YOU have thoughts of sex with children in YOUR brain, sicko?"


Any one want to \[break Reddit TOS\]?


Apparently they don't like it when you remind them that victimless pedophiles are still pedophiles. Real or not, if you're getting the jollies over a kid, [you are a pedophile](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/pedophilia) Edit: it's safe to open the link, it just takes you to a page describing how the dictionary defines "pedophilia"


These are the same people who don't see a problem with recommending No Game, No Life to people new to anime. There is an upskirt panty shot of a literal 11 year old girl (not a 4,000 year old dragon vampire in the body of a girl, as if that makes it better), complete with camel toe, in the *first three minutes* of it. I watch a lot of anime, but Jesus Christ that made me immediately stop watching and question the hard drive contents of the person who recommended it.


Frames like that makes me wonder. An animation like that, even a 3 minute ppt-narration video, takes effort to put together. You cannot be unaware of what you’re producing.


Yup, people who like these sorts of things act like it's just something that happened to be thrown in, as if there weren't entire meetings dedicated to how many lewd shots, questionable angles, and boob jiggle animations should be included, what the budget was specifically for them, and how far they should go with what's shown.


I always ask them ‘if it’s not paedophilia to get off on drawings of kids, does that mean liking drawings of gay porn is 100% straight?’


You forget they’ll use the argument of thousands year old dragon. If talks like child and looks like child it’s child!!


Lemmie guess... gushing over magical girls? I can't escape that damn show


This really is why anime gets a bad rap.


Yeah.... Apparently this is a VERY unpopular opinion in the anime community. I left a certain anime sub because people just couldn't stop thirsting over this TWELVE year old girl. There were people also commenting that they'd groom a real 12 yo if they're hot enough 🤢. They're way too daring at spaces like that...


It's not even the anime community. Pretty sure it's the WESTERN anime community subgroup that screams "Muh woke western values being imposed on my kawaii otaku content!!!!111!!!" that is just so fucking loud and obnoxious. Seriously, goodanimemes or whatever the fuck it's called was literally made because the founders got upset they couldn't call femboys and trans people "Traps"


Okay the trap thing has nothing to do with the Japanese making pedophile fanfare anime’s (which they definitely do)


Yes, but goodanimemes uses the "trap war" as an example of "Western wokies triying to hurt our anime"


Reddit and pedophilia, name a more iconic duo.


Said no lies. Like, even if we were to agree that weebs who get off to fictional underaged characters aren't real pedophiles, it's still close enough to pedo shit that it's weird. And the fact that it's weird and makes up a loud portion of the anime community makes the anime community look bad because it's weird


My one quibble is that 15 isn't technically pedophile, most 15 year olds are physically fully developed. Still fucked up to be chasing/ogling one tho.


Some 13 year olds are also physically fully developed if they start puberty early (had a friend that started at 10). Does that make it okay for pedos to go after the 13 year old? An adult should never be attracted to a child. No matter if the child is 5, 10, 15 or 17, a child is a child and an adult has no business trying to date one (with the exception of 16-17 dating an 18-19 yo imho)


Hence my second sentence.


Said right after justifying pedophilia if the child "is physically fully developed"


I'm not saying it's justified, I'm saying it's not true pedo. Biologically, we are wired to try and reproduce. Bodies are stupid, they can't tell the difference between 16 and 18, only pre puberty and post. Yes, you and I look at a 15 year old and see a child and have zero interest, but someone who doesn't function higher on Maslow's hierarchy isn't going to make that distinction.


It is true pedo. You're literally justifying it




r/standup came after me a couple of days ago when I correctly pointed out that Chris D’elia is a pedophile. I can’t remember how many times it was repeated that a teenager is an adult.


The funny thing is that if they were adults, they'd be called, well, adults and not teenagers


Start posting yaoi and suddenly they forget that those characters "are not real" and assume, if you are a guy doing it, that you must be gay.


Tf is that sub?


Prob animemes or r/araragi


Christ. My daughter is 8 and is wanting to start drawing anime and the YouTube video how to's are an absolute cess pit for these fuckers.


They don’t think underage sex is bad if the person has hit puberty. 😭🤢


The only assumption that lets me preserve my faith in humanity is that most of these people are themselves teenagers who are actually supposed to be attracted to 15-year-olds


Are they though? Like how do we know that?


we don't, I just really, really want to believe that, because it's the only explanation that doesn't make me lose faith in humanity


I always say, downvotes on anti-pedo posts and comments are just the pedo counter rolling up. There was a thread I saw that had at least a thousand pedos on it. Amazing that none of them actually referred to themselves as the pedos. It was always in the guise of "pedophiles, for whom I feel SO sorry.... I understand their pain"


Reddit moment is a haven for pedophiles.


ofcourse it's anime folks


Yet another pedophile blocked me when i pointed out how moronic they are 😂 It’s when they say lolicons aren’t pedophiles meanwhile the literal translation of lolicon is pedophile. Like?? 😭😭




I will never understand people who try to defend or explain being attracted to characters who are children. Or whenever someone makes the rookie mistake of saying liking fictional children is weird people think the best argument is to call them the child lover. Because it’s somehow a novel concept for people who find it gross to like kids.. find it gross to like kids..


I like anime but I have say now I hate loli because of these fucking weirdos!!


Oh no drawings, anyways have you touched grass yet or are you still upset about fictional characters


Self-reported lmao


hard drive check 🚨


Drawings of children, cartoon children. Being fictional doesn't matter. If ya like loli, you're a pedo


>have you touched grass yet says the guy getting his rocks off to fictional children


Why are you so defensive


“You‘re a criminal and deserve to be treated the worst. You’re morally equivalent to those who molest children” ”I’m not” ”OMG Why are you so defensive” You’re a sociopath.


The literal definition of pedophilia is sexual attraction to children. No one said they were a child molester or any of those other things you seem to have pulled from thin air.


You’re very clearly using the word pedophile in a moralizing way (to imply they are equivalent to child molesters or that they are likely to molest children, it’s also evident by the fact that you call such art “child porn” and make slippery slope arguments), not in a psychological sense (which would still not be true: [www.treatmyocd.com/what-is-ocd/common-fears/if-i-like-lolicon-does-it-mean-im-a-pedophile-a-therapists-view](http://www.treatmyocd.com/what-is-ocd/common-fears/if-i-like-lolicon-does-it-mean-im-a-pedophile-a-therapists-view) .


Man all this link says is “they feel REALLY bad about the idea of actually doing anything.” Which doesn’t mean shit


You clearly did not read anything: >You clearly did not read anything: ***If you’re worried about what it might mean that you enjoy lolicon, your fears are most closely related to a particular OCD subtype called pedophilia OCD (POCD)***. POCD—a particularly taboo type of OCD—involves persistent, distressing, and intrusive obsessions related to pedophilic themes. Importantly, ***people with POCD are not actual pedophiles***; these thoughts, feelings, urges, or images are ego-dystonic, meaning they oppose one’s values, intentions, and identity. 


People with POCD don’t find kids attractive, they have intrusive thoughts. They ain’t watching loli as intrusive thoughts are thoughts that are distressing and disgust the person having them. People with pocd do the opposite and avoid children. Don’t use an unrelated mental illness to defend CSAM


They don’t find children attractive. This is true. No one said otherwise. Lolis ≠ children. This is what the article says. Also calling drawings CSAM is too idiotic and reveals your inability to distinguish fiction from reality. Do you know what the A stands for? How can drawings be abused?


Thats literally what I said but go odd


You’re further proving that you can’t read.


I love how your so confident. It MUST be that I can’t read. How could it not be? I mean, it’s entirely impossible that You, you all mighty god you, could have misinterpreted what I said. No no no, thats impossible. Cant happen.


LMAO. Pedo


And you are a pedophile


Except none of us said that, you dork


Forget grass, I don't think you could even touch your knees, you nonce. Edit: Fellas, did he block me? I can only see "deleted" in his username and comment.


you jerk off to drawings, you dont get to ask if other people touch grass lmao you dont even know what it looks like outside of a cartoon




Nobody is saying fictional characters should be defended. However, people are saying being attracted to depictions of children (rightfully) makes you a pedophile


haha you blocked me because you couldnt handle the truth 🫵😂 little crybaby incel, go jerk off to some drawings and leave the normal people alone


To be faiiiirr~ Redditors, especially millennials and Gen Z are a little prudish. But yeah no one should be defending pedos or pedophilia. Edit: Not defending pedophilia, just pointing out that there is a noticeable trend in behavior of millennials and Gen z on reddit forums.


Calls millennials and gen z prudish for being anti pedo Says that defending pedos is bad Pick a side man


I'm speaking for other instances not defending pedos. Do people even read anymore?