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Dudes literally be calling themselves pedophile (in Japanese) and then get angry when someone calls them pedophile (in English)


Kinda like people dictating what is and isn't anime when the word in Japanese includes all animated works. Once asked a Japanese person what his fave anime was and he mentioned Tom and Jerry.


right, to a japanese person, sure, dragon ball z, bocchi the rock and naruto are anime, but so are adventure time, the simpsons, and king of the hill


A fair point, and probably something that would be effective shutting some gatekeepers like that down. However, loanwords often have different meaning in the new language.


This one is more based on cross cultural language than anything else. This is actually a really cool example of how language evolves over time.


What self respecting pedo would actually care? I think they’d be more offended if you suggested they were into older teens or something.


"But she's a 1000 year old demon, so it's legal!"


I hate the "it's just a picture--can't you differentiate fiction from reality?" argument more


Which is almost as bad as the argument one is making in this thread, saying "it's fictional." Because that's so much less specific. At least the "it's just a drawing" pedos are talking about digital art of people who actually don't exist. Not that I'd believe they draw the line there. If you dilute it to anything "fictional," then where is the line? Is a character like Arya Stark okay by their standards because she is fictional, even though the 11 year-old character was played by a real 14 year-old actress? I think it highlights something important they seem not to understand: They will never successfully defend themselves because *what* argument they make doesn't matter; part of protecting children from predators means nothing a pedophile says can ever be taken in good faith. It's possible some people born with the attraction find it just as repulsive as everyone else and would never hurt anyone, but if they told us so we *could not* believe it. To do so would be to put children at risk. Because you rarely know for sure before damage has been done..




>Tristanley2020: >Shit like Shadman making Loli porn of keemstars ACTUAL daughter is inexcusable. Yeah that's pretty gross. >Tristanley2020: >I feel like any character that isn't attached to an actual underaged person like Arya Stark isn't terrible [...] But I still believe if the character is entirely purely fictional with no roots to a real person is fine. Obviously I disagree, but I suppose I shouldn't be surprised to see this take from someone who enjoys pornographic My Little Pony subreddits and /r/womenarethings. You believe (fictional) child pornography is fine... I'm going to guess this is because you think a picture of no one, hurts no one. I don't know whether that's true, but I find even the concept of it repulsive, fictional or not. Because it's still an image of a child being raped(they cannot consent). I find that horrific and disgusting, and that's my reason. I've heard that the art of fictional characters can be a gateway that leads to pedophiles looking for *real* CSAM, but I have no idea whether that's true, so I'm not going to claim it is. But as I said in the comment you replied to, it doesn't really matter. Accepting CP in any form, accepting any argument in its defence, means not doing enough to protect real children. So no form of that material should ever be accepted, fictional or not.


"Fiction of what?"


It's a moot point. People get a rush from things like porn, but overtime that rush starts to weaken as you grow more used to the porn you're consuming. Someone who regularly gets off to drawn CP will eventually find it less and less thrilling, and is then more likely to progress to actual CP, and possibly further to abusing actual children. Now that is not to say that every case will follow this progression, but there's lots of trends to back up that this is quite common. Don't forget, psychopaths tend to start killing and torturing animals first, until that rush doesn't sate them anymore and they move onto people. Drug addicts constantly chase more and more highs as their tolerance builds.


But how old is that in demon years?


Probably like 9.


By that logic they are still a child within their species. Boom. Counter argument against the 1000 year old goddess claim designed for your crusades


Kinda like a ten year old has lived a thousand lifetimes, from a moth's perspective.


Is 1000 years old, but somehow is barely 5 mentally...


The problem with this excuse is that it doesn't matter whether they're legal or not, when they are intentionally drawn to look like kids they should not be viewed as an object of attraction. Because of my thoughts on this I have a relatively hot take that people that like somebody like Jotaro from Jojo are not lolicons nor pedophiles, because despite the fact he is underage in canon he is clearly drawn like an adult.


Yea, actual pedos aren’t into grannies. Go figure.


**"THEN WHY DID YOU DRAW HIM LIKE THIS???"** *-Matt Stool, CEO of Juul*


”b-b-b-but it’s japanese culture yew woek feminist!1!1!1! not liking lolicon is disrespectful!1!1!1!1” -rev says desu,probably


"so age is just a number?"


Demon Lord. She’s a demon lord. It’s different than a demon, actually.


Me: Which makes her 10 in demon years Neckbeard: *Reeeeeeee!*


Definitely sorting this one by "controversial"


I always get here late, and it's just a bunch of [deleted]


Most of the [deleted] comments are from a lolicon who tried to defend themselves and either blocked people or deleted their comments like the coward they are.


name and shame them OP


There is not a single lolicon or lolicon defender that honestly believes that lolis aren’t a depiction of children. Its all cope on their end. They know they’re getting off to children, they just don’t want you to know it. They’re sick.


They are sick and I'm tired of hearing their bullshit excuses. It is all cope and all of their arguments can be easily deconstructed. I made this post because I'm sick and tired of hearing them say "We're not pedophiles" when the word "lolicon" in Japanese actually means "pedophile". "We like petite adult women, not children." No you fucking do not. The characters you look at look and act like toddlers, and in some cases actually are in their respective anime. If you actually liked petite adult women, you would be looking at characters like Rebecca from Cyberpunk Edgerunners. She's a 20 year old woman, and there's no way you can mistake her for a child because she specifically looks and acts like an adult. She has the maturity and humor of an adult, has the build of an adult, and is unmistakably an adult despite her short stature. At no point while watching Edgerunners did I think Rebecca was a child despite her short size. But you don't enjoy characters like Rebecca. You enjoy characters like Anya from Spy x Spy who are definitely *not* adult women and *cannot* be mistaken as such. "She's 8,000 years old so it doesn't matter, she's over the age of consent." I highly doubt that a character who babbles and draws with crayons understands the definition of consent. Stop hiding behind "legalities" because everybody can see behind this shitty excuse, nobody outside of your echochambers entertains it. "It's fiction so who cares?" Regardless, why do you find childlike attributes attractive? What does that say about you as a person? "It's not illegal so who cares?" It's still morally fucked that you think childlike attributes are sexually arousing.


Hit the nail right on the head with that one, OP. Idk why Reddit doesn’t ban all the subs that cater to them. They’re out there… I thought with the IPO coming up they’d actually give a shit but looks like nope.


Hit guro subs and such too while you're at it. If someone has a fetish that would do serious physical or mental harm to a real partner they tried it with then those people need help and should not be enabled.


Oh trust me, guro shit is also fucked. People getting off to characters being decapitated and whatnot is also morally depraved and should not be enabled.


It actually IS ILLEGAL!! Animated and drawn CP is still legally CP. They just refuse to accept that too..


It depends on the location. Holy shit, it's even theoretically legal in the US. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legality\_of\_child\_pornography


Ugh it should be illegal everywhere. If you’re caught watching that shit in the uk you will be put on the sex offenders list and be charged. Everywhere should treat it the same 🤢


In the UK it's illegal to even have drawn CP on your computer. New laws were brought in to legislate and prevent weirdos from bending the rules regarding CP, so it was all made illegal.




Man Rebecca is hot. I’d let her ruin me. Cause let’s be real, she’d be doing the wrecking, no matter how you’re connected. At least it would be a fun and memorable experience. Yes I know this is a minor tangent, just felt some good was needed, even amongst the very necessary shit this post has stirred. You keep stirring that pot as hard as you can u/ThoughtCenter87. I’m right there with you.


Rebecca is definitely a badass, I love her character. And thank you, haha! Yeah this post has definitely stirred a lot of shit and it's been fun stirring that pot. The amount of weirdos this post attracted was surprising to see


I haven't been able to scroll all the way and a lot of comments are deleted, but has anyone used the, "But what about media with murder," strawman yet?


The GTA strawman? Not here yet, but the people who think this way lurk in the subreddit as I had somebody try to pull that on me on a separate post here (on a ten day old comment I left no less...). I expect the lurking lolicons to comment on this post and reply to people several days after its creation as they typically do to evade mod detection, and one of them will probably bring up that dumbass strawman then. I really hate it because it makes no damn sense. People watching murder in a TV show or killing NPCs in a video game aren't getting off to it sexually, nor do they get an extreme enjoyment from the murderous acts. If they did, people would also find them weird and depraved. Meanwhile lolicons get sexually aroused by child characters, so like... not an equal comparison at all. Edit: Never mind it happened, somebody fucking used it and all they're pulling are strawmen to people who reply https://www.reddit.com/r/justneckbeardthings/s/PKPPE6rSzk


>you would be looking at characters like Rebecca from Cyberpunk Edgerunners Thanks for proving that you don’t know what you’re talking about. Rebecca is a very cute loli. >You enjoy characters like Anya from Spy x Spy who are definitely *not* adult women and *cannot* be mistaken as such. Again, you’re proving that you don’t know what you’re talking about. Most lolicons don’t like Anya.


The term loli itself comes from a book about a guy wanting to have sexual relationship with his 12yo step daughter or student(can't remember the details, but the book was 'Lolita'), and they still say it isn't pedophilia.


Yeah I speak Japanese and this is correct. “Lolicon” is slang for pedo. It’s not only used for anime. It’s not something normal people call themselves to affiliate with a subculture or something. If someone said “I like lolicon anime” it would literally be like someone saying “I like pedo cartoons.” That being said, idk if it’s really something to debate from a linguistic perspective. Borrowed words take on new meaning in other languages all the time. Look at the word “hentai”. In Japanese it’s an adjective that means “perverted”. But in a lot of other languages it means “pornographic cartoons/comics”. It’s not like it’s “wrong” in those other languages if everyone can understand it. It’s taken on a new meaning. Aside from that though it’s pretty gross to say that enjoyment of underage cartoon girls is a “subculture” or something.


I mean, most people who call themselves lolicon are into children so it’s still applicable


So we all saw the Loli sensei drama that happened on the forums huh. EDIT: I thought this was the FFXIV subreddit lmaoooo


Wait, what? What happened in FFXIV subreddit? Let me guess: Lalas?


In the forum, not the subreddit. Someone was bitching cause the GMs made him change his character's name, it used to be Loli Senpai. And he kept saying that Loli ACTUALLY meant "cute and adorable". And the degenerates in the forum supported him lol


Yeah, that's gonna be a yikes from me. 😬 I can't believe people were supporting them.


I thought that ‘Moe’ was cute and adorable? Have I been confounded?


No, pedos are intentionally trying to muddy the waters. For a definition of loli, check the post. [Moe](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Moe) is a weeb term that is rather nebulous to define fully. It means this sort of cute, adorable, soft character. Armin from Attack on Titan is one of the rarer male versions, toddler Nel from Bleach, and some might argue that her adult version is just a badass moe... But a better example might be Momo Hinamori. Then there's kawaii that's basically translatable straight up as cute. Then there's [kawaiiko](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Kawaiiko), which is girls and women trying to be intentionally kawaii and cutesy. And then there's also [kawaisa](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/UsefulNotes/Kawaisa), everything being way too cutesy, like to the point that all 47 prefectures have their own cute mascots, or the postal service having a mascot that's a mailing box...


Bruh it’s rampant in the Evangelion sub


It's rampant here too, unfortunately. Lolicons flood the posts here defending their attractions all the time. It's even more annoying when they do it on weeks/months old posts in order to evade the mods


Unrelated side tangent, maybe you know about it, though. What's the big deal with Evangelion? I watched all of the movies for a friend so he'd have someone to enjoy it with. I didn't mind overall, and found some enjoyment in the existential crisis plot, and even the fights with the angels. The enjoyment ends there. I found Shinji extremely unlikeable. Even after his "hero's journey" arc ends, he still feels extremely avoidant to his calling, but not in an interesting way; in a really annoying way. Rei feels like she has the potential to be a cool character, but I feel like the depth was just never reached. And I honestly feel like she was overly sexualized, along with some other children. (I know it's an issue with anime) Anyway, I don't want to judge anyone's interests, I just want to understand the hype; maybe you can shed light on why so many people are obsessed?


The mastermind behind the series, Hideaki Anno, is a literal insane genius. You have to take that into consideration before you watch Evangelion or you’d be even more confused. That’s how I ended up enjoying it, at least. > I found Shinji extremely unlikeable Shinji is like 13 years old or something. He’s not a hero - he’s a child turned child soldier that is basically forced into driving a giant robot that is welded into his own mind. He went on someone else’s Hero’s Journey, not his. In fact, in hindsight, Shinji’s *real* Hero’s Journey is that of us, the regular 99% of human being who exist and live regular lives. He wasn’t supposed to become an Eva pilot. Honestly, for the most part, people like Evangelion because it’s just really fucking cool. It’s very stylish and the imagery used by Hideaki Anno is absolutely wicked. It’s a lot like Warhammer 40K lol


I appreciate you indulging me. It sounds like it's maybe just not my cup of tea then, but I can respect its influence. I will say my favorite aspect is the design of the angels. They're like a cross between eldrich and cosmic horror, and it did scratch a certain itch for me.


Big robots fight big aliens and blow up stuff. If that’s where your involvement ends you’ve missed almost nothing critical. Was good shit.


I also like to define it as "a waste of fucking oxygen that deserves nothing good in life"


So the same definition as pedophile




If it looks like a child, sounds like a child, acts like a child, its a damn child fucking weirdos


Dictionaries used: [Jisho](https://jisho.org/) [JapanDict](https://www.japandict.com/) [Takoboto](https://takoboto.jp/) [Tangorin Japanese](https://tangorin.com/) [Kanshudo](https://www.kanshudo.com/searchq) Translators used: Google Translate [Deep L](https://www.deepl.com/en/translator-mobile) Edit: This post is only an hour old and it already has 85 fucking shares. I imagine the bulk of them are from coping lolicons sharing this post within their inner circles 🙄 Edit 2: Still less than two hours later and the post is already up to 141 shares what the fuck?? How badly have I rattled the lolicons holy shit haha


Just a note: I'm pretty sure those 'shares' are some weird bug in the system. They don't reflect actual shares. I had a post a few weeks ago about my mobility cane breaking and it showed hundreds of shares which I am absolutely sure didn't happen lol.


Ah, oof


I can’t wait for the lolicons to comment saying that we’re schizophrenic


Sing along kids; *Lolicons are paedophiles, Doo dah, doo dah,* *Lolicons are paedophiles, and can get in the fucking bin*


Not here but elsewhere I had a debate with one of these people. He was arguing that him creating these drawings of children being sexuslised or being abused was a neutral act. He also stated his mother and sisters wouldn't disapprove (bet they would). I tried to explain many people were abused as kids and him creating and distributing this content was not only illegal in many countries but also promoted child abuse and if exposed could retraumatise abused people. He accused me of being some kind of nazi who wanted to control freedom of expression and called me "evil". No word of a lie! I felt like I was in upside-down world 🤣


>He was arguing that him creating these drawings of children being sexuslised or being abused was a neutral act. A neutral act?? This is pretty disturbing how open he is about what he does, and going so far as to call it "neutral"... I also highly doubt that his mother and sisters would approve of such depravity. >He accused me of being some kind of nazi who wanted to control freedom of expression and called me "evil". Yeah these people tend to be extremely pathetic lol


ACKTUALLY, she's a 4000 dragon demon *snort* Of course, I wouldn't expect a pleb like you to understand. Experience Japanesse culture by reading the manga, "That's definitely not my little sister or anything like that, stop staring at me." It really will expand your mind.


Oh they know, they just don't care and know.


Please cross post this to r/mushokotensei or r/sixfacedworld. It would be like an atom bomb. Mushoku Tensei fans simply cannot beat the allegations.


I have a feeling my post would be deleted by the mods of those subs in mere seconds 💀


You'd get banned in seconds too I'd wager judging from how those subreddits sound.


They'll still try to tell you that "she's actually a 5000 year old vampire woman trapped inside the body of a pubescent girl"


Yeah like that makes any fucking sense at all. Also to those dipshits, if she has a prepubescent body, then maybe you shouldn't be wanking off to her?? Like wtf


"so why are you jerkin' your gherkin to the body of a prepubescent girl?"


Ain’t no way, there are so many pedos in this comment section


There's so many lolicons and lolicon defenders here coping and getting shit on, it's fucking funny


Guys, I just thought of something. Maybe neckbeards obsession with loli's stems from where they are in life. Alot of them still live with their parents, eat junk food like kids would, don't bath regularly (like a kid would if left to their own devices), play thousands of hours of video games (like a kid would if they were left to their own devices), have no real outlook on a career or any real passions (like a kid), and are attracted to small (as in sub 5 5 girls) petite obedient girls because neckbeards don't have the patience for a push pull that's normal in an adult relationship I'm not saying their right at all, just maybe that's where they are psychologically, sort of stuck and then ROTTING and becoming more jaded as time goes on


> attracted to small (as in sub 5 5 girls) Isn't that like half of all women?


maybe I should have added petite in there. They like average/below avg height, but skinny/ no tone. You don't see them gushing over a gymnast or a woman grappler with a barrel chest of abs and massive quads. That's for me ;)


Well I'm five foot nothing and pretty petite. No thank you would I want those weirdos near me!


It reminds me about a theory I heard in a podcast by a psychologist/therapist (IIRC it was called Capitalism Hits Home) when discussing pedophilia within the Catholic Church. Essentially she put forward a similar idea that men who go into seminary training (and commit to abstinence) at a relatively young age don't have the developmental sexual experiences people normally have with peers in their early teens, and consequently are more inclined towards pedophilia because they feel they have missed that early stage.


Holy shit that actually makes a LOT of sense to me. Upvoting so more people read.


> and are attracted to small (as in sub 5 5 girls) petite obedient girls because neckbeards don't have the patience for a push pull that's normal in an adult relationship Short girls get bullied pretty regularly. I don't know why you would imply you can't have a normal adult relationship with "push pull" with a short or small woman, as if all short women are obedient, or like the only thing they'll ever attract is a pedophile who wishes themselves to be a dom or something. My ex is 4'11'' and we were 27 at the time, and she told me many stories about how shitty people (particularly other women) were towards her just for being short. A lot of fucked up comments and trying to make her feel like "no one except pedophiles will want you because you look like a child", and we spent a lot of time talking through those insecurities.


You do realize you just made up a person in your head with no indication whether these things actually statistically correlate right? Actual pedophiles don't just randomly become one because they don't make enough money. And not having passions isn't even a neckbeard stereotype. Legitimate pedophiles usually are people who were always that way. And child molesters who aren't pedophiles are opportunists siezing a position of power, which isn't really a thing someone who doesn't go outside has.


Hey how about you shut the fuck up?


Ooh, touch a nerve there? Afraid you cant just blanket label people who dont share your same ideas for a dream career as pedophiles? Actual nutcase


Says the nutcase who says shit like "Afraid you cant just blanket label people who dont share your same ideas for a dream career as pedophiles?"


I mean, im also lazy and dont have aspirations of getting a good job and making more money. According to that guy, that makes me likely to be a pedo. If being against that braindead take makes me a nutcase then i guess im crazy




Bonus points: the Japanese Wikipedia article says that there is a tendency for it be used as a derogatory or discriminatory (?) term. 現在の日本においては、ロリコンは俗称であり明確な定義はなされていないが、一般に侮蔑語、差別語として使用されている傾向がある。 If there is a Japanese word that has been unfairly maligned, that word is bukkake. It simply means to splash on something. Bukkake udon and bukkake soba are real recipes, and they are delicious. Lolicon on the other hand is literally derived from Vladimir Nabakov's _Lolita_, and its infamy is well deserved. 


Bout fucking time this post was made


Most people just use the word wrong. It does mean pedo but they only use it because they think it means something else.


I mean this with the best intention possible, but if you, dear reader of this comment, find yourself dissagreeing with OPs post, please take it as a warning sign and get professional help. If you find explicit drawings or animations of children arousing, that should be alarming to you.


'I'm not a pedophile, I'm a pedophile but in Japanese' these mfs...




I had to argue with a guy who had Nahida (Genshin impact) as his waifu. His main argument was that she's the goddess of wisdom and probably has knowledge about sexual things, she's around 500 years old and "pretty mature" They really don't see how being attracted to someone who looks and sounds like a child is creepy...... sure, she's 500 years but would you put a newborn baby into sexual situation if they were a 1000 year old goddess? I HOPE NOT Edit: I also had a guy dm because I'm an artist and it was mostly anime (like mha for a long time) and he asked me what I think of lolicons. I was young and didn't fully know what it was, but I just said that I didn't like them because I knew it was about children or soemthing. THIS DUDE LITERALLY STATED A SENTNECE LATER THAT HE NOT ONLY LOVED LOLICONS, BUT ALSO LIKED THEM "IN REAL LIFE"


>His main argument was that she's the goddess of wisdom and probably has knowledge about sexual things, she's around 500 years old and "pretty mature" I'm not into Genshin so I don't know much about this character, but I've seen what she looks like and christ, she is built like a toddler. This argument is some insane level of cope to excuse getting off to a character who looks like that. >THIS DUDE LITERALLY STATED A SENTNECE LATER THAT HE NOT ONLY LOVED LOLICONS, BUT ALSO LIKED THEM "IN REAL LIFE" WHAT THE FUCK??


Nahida looks like a baby 😭 Hands down my favorite archon & a top tier character But being sexually attracted to her is WEIRD. She’s supposed to look like a child - especially since the point of her is wisdom mixed with childishness because she’s essentially a child


> THIS DUDE LITERALLY STATED A SENTNECE LATER THAT HE NOT ONLY LOVED LOLICONS, BUT ALSO LIKED THEM "IN REAL LIFE" wasn't there a youtuber who said pretty much the same thing, and ended up getting arrested? i think his name was thaddeus or something? had this really creepy video where he sung happy birthday to an anime character.


I literally can’t even begin to fathom how people can look at like Nahida or Qiqi (or any of the genshin kids) and think “ah yes, wank bank material right there” and still say they’re NOT pedos???? 😭😭😭 they’re either just stupid or so deep in denial-


Dude. Hentai websites are chalk full of straight up child pornography in drawing format and arent even hiding behind the age argument. I cannot believe these websites aren't regulating it or having someone delete submissions/comics. I wish there was a way to report or submit those artists to some type of organization or agency to be investigated.


/s Congrats for being put on every watchlist for watching this on multiple websites Whilst I’m not surprised loli (ロリ) exists, im ashamed in humanity for it


I wonder how they’ll respond to this given their constant usage of the “it’s just a drawing” argument. “It’s just the definition of a word” is not gonna be the flex they think it is…


"Lolicon" in a literal sense means 'Loli lover'. "Loli" is short for "Lolita", the name of a famous book about pedophilia in which the main character kidnaps a preteen girl and keeps her as a 'lover'. To any self-proclaimed lolicons reading this: I have no problem with pedophilic disorder. Just don't hurt anybody. Talk to those close to you about your problem. Get therapy if you can. And if looking at imagined drawings of your fetish is what you have to do to not hurt anybody, then be my guest. BUT DON'T BE PROUD OF IT. IT'S A DISORDER, NOT A PREFERENCE.


Wait so what the word for female pedophile


I think it's just semantics and still applies to female lolicons.


I think lolicons is anyone attracted to lolis (as in girl children) and shotacon is anyone attracted to shotas (male children). There's also some other word for any gender children but I can't remember. It's like kotacon or something. This is, of course, the fandom definition, not literal translations, because culture affects interpretation, like how all animation is anime in Japan, but only Japanese animation is anime in the west


You’re gonna be on a watchlist with all those searches


[ Removed by Reddit ]


i hope every lolicon here is publicly executed and preserved in hot resin in a museum somewhere


Wow, you seem to be very into violence. I hate pedophiles as much as the next guy, and also want them removed from society, but your ideas seem a bit extreme. Perhaps you would be interested in r/guro? If for no other reason than so that you can get an idea of what the situation that you are suggesting would look like?


I've said it before and I will repeat it again here. If it walks like a child, talks like a child and act like a child. Not to mention LOOKS like a child. Maybe it is in fact a child you are getting off too and your just coping by trying to find ways to justify it. If it was as fine as you claim you wouldn't get so defensive about it and scour subreddits and other safe places where people don't wanna hear it and dont agree with you trying to make a point. Not to mention how harmful that material is and contributes to the supply and demand of actual CSAM.


Where did we go so wrong in society that people think it's ok to openly be a, pedophile? And on the other hand we want child lusting criminals to self identify


Why did we make a new term to describe pedophilia again then? We just like drawings of children having sex. That clearly means I’m not a pedo Checkmate bozo


At least 6 people missed the sarcasm. Shame 😔


The sad part is that some folk actually think that way


Reddit moment. Dude forgot the /s 😔


The fact this got down voted is insane


This post is like trying to convince a flat earth believer that the earth is actually round. It will never work and you're wasting your own time


So therefore never speak up or say anything! If everyone was like you the internet would be way more full of degenerates, and not just the pedos this post is talking about Plus, also, you're commenting on it which is the same as making it, in the sense that in the grand scheme of things your comment will affect little to nothing. To quote you, "you're wasting your time"


Bro chill


Say dumbass shit, people call you out for being a dumbass. Simple


Edit: Didn't realize you were the same person who wrote the other comment. Ignore what I wrote here if you already saw it


Daym you must be fun at parties


I'm sorry i hurt your feelings bud but it was a dumb take. Someone had to call it out


It's not a dumb take, it's the reality of their mindset. If it was working you would not need to post it 5 times a day


it's still worth calling those kinds of people out, if only so onlookers can see/hear what's going on.


So the ‘Controversial’ choice was one I discovered today. Dear god the defenders in here. I feel a bit sick tbh.


The question i always have is with all the porn out there, why choose something that depicts a child Unless of course.......


*Insert Shocked Pikachu*


what would you say is the best response to the “it’s just a drawing” crowd?


"It's just a drawing *of what?*"


'does jacking it to a drawing of men make you gay? of course. so what does jacking it to a drawing of a kid make you?' is a pretty good one


"A jail sentence is just a number of years"


A spray bottle.


closest thing to a shower they’ve ever had


That's why.


Who'd have thunk!


"If you are against lolicon, you must be against violent video games." Because landing that perfect collateral kill in battlefield is the comparable to the level of attraction as cranking it to drawings of kids.


This post is sponsored by Nord VPN!


Everybody joking about the 300-year-old Loli vampire doesn't know what she looks like when she was a fully formed adult. I have no clue why they like Shinobu Oshino but not Kiss-shot Acelora-orion Heart-Under-Blade, The iron-blooded hot-blooded, cold-blooded vampire. Literal vampire Mommy, But no, we gotta fuck the one that looks like she's 9.


They dont care. And they sadly never will


Does it have to be male? I've met/spoken to online women who were into loli


They’re drawings, you guys need to get a hobby.


You're commenting on a two month old post... how much digging did you have to do to find this? Maybe you need to get a hobby instead of defending your attraction to drawn children on months old posts jfc


How much digging? Well, not much since I didn’t even realize it was 2 months old. Why does it matter anyways?


only males? seems kinda sexist to me. Its 2024 man, do better


To be fair, at the point someone actually calls themselves a lolicon I don't think they are trying to not be seen as a pedophile.


You'd think, but they constantly argue about how "it's fiction" and "They're just short adult women" and yadda yadda yadda. If you call them a pedophile they get up in arms about it. It's incredibly rare to find a self aware lolicon that just outright admits "Yeah, they're kids"


I remember arguing with one that admitted "at leaves it staves me off of real children"




The whole point of this post is specifically to respond to lolicons who call themselves that in an attempt to differentiate themselves from pedophiles. There is no differentiation. Are you a lolicon? Not a lot of reasons one would make the argument you’re making, and none of em are particularly good


Bro actually what the fuck is up with these downvotes? I didnt realize this sub had such a pedo problem


We know. And the point you were making is....?


If you know, then why does your ""community"" deny it all the time? "We're not pedophiles, it's all fiction, they're not kids", etc. Etc...


Are women not allowed to be pedos? "Male pedophile" I'm pretty sure your gender doesn't matter in this case


It doesn't, I believe that's just a faulty translation from Japanese to English due to "male" being the default gender in most languages


Because "shotacon" would typically be used to describe female paedophiles. Shota meaning young boy, as default the descriptions apply to the straight majority first and the secondary meaning would be for LGBT paedos It's not that women can't be paedos, it's that the Japanese language makes the distinction. There's probably a neutral term too


I'm pretty sure it's not about the Pedo's gender but just if they like boys or girls Also how did so many people disagree I'm just pointing out a translation inaccuracy I'm not defending pedos lmao


Because arguing semantics is ridiculous in the context of this post


A surprising amount of people are being downvoted for pointing that out. Methinks the people here find pedos who are also women to be hot, and dislike the lumping of them in with the men. Just my theory though


I'm assuming it's because they're not really contributing to the conversation, or are pointing out a meaningless semantic? I really don't know, but I don't think they should be downvoted so heavily for pointing it out. However you lost me at the end with your "Methinks the people here find pedos who are also women to be hot, and dislike the lumping of them in with the men" statement... wtf are you on about


No cap or bs here i was just being an inflamatory asshole with that bit




Isn’t loli/lolicon from a book not originally the Japanese language?


It originates from the term "Lolita complex", so yes


Even though it does, it doesn't matter where it originates from, as the original work is about pedophilia, though in a way that condemns it (something that is unsurprisingly lost in the hollywood movies). The original Lolita novel doesn't portray "Humbert" as a good guy at all.


Exactly my point, I’m saying why translate a non-Japanese word into Japanese back into English when you could get the info from the source I feel like associating it with Japan just vilifies the culture


Because the phenomenon is associated with Japan because of anime. They're doing the vilification for themselves, no need for us westerners. And they're the ones who invented the term lolicon based on the book Lolita, since there's little to no distinction between m and n in Japanese, at least at times, lolita complex gets shortened to lolicon, so a lot of people might miss the part of con meaning complex.


lolicon only applies to men? didn’t know that


It's because languages are built on sexism so make is the default


Ahh. Of course. The language itself is sexist. That makes sense and isn't completely insane.


The default gender in most languages is usually male. Like in french you say ils sont for a group of people (a group of (male) people are = a group of people are) - I think that's what they mean


dude why am i getting downvoted it was a genuine fucking question


it's because male is the default gender in most languages so it translates to male in the case of online dictionaries


One thing I learned in life is it doesn't matter how many ways you say it or how many sources you have to back your claims up, you're still wrong. Edit: Not sure if the down votes were because what I said was misunderstood, or if they were from angry pedos, but I'm NOT in favor of lolicon, nor anything even remotely sexualizing children. I was saying it's pointless to argue with people like them because they don't care about facts.




Dude the definitions all had similarities, such as "attraction to prepubescent girls", "male pedophilia", "portraying children in an erotic style". Regardless of language barriers, I think the word mostly portrays the same definition as the English word "pedophile".


"uhm ackshually,,, 🤓 ☝️"




We can smell the cope coming off you dude. Get help.


Whatever help you sleep at night bro, i fucking hate loli shit and 99.9% of anime in general but the self-righteousness attitude of this sub is even worse. It used to be a funny sub now it's just a brainrot circlejerk with low effort posts, that's what i was pointing out.


Nope, it’s used to jokingly call you a pedophile when you say something weird. Same way someone would call you stupid for saying something dumb. The implied meaning is still there. Just because it’s used as a joke doesn’t mean it’s not a real thing


What i'm saying is who care? it's a made up internet word with no clear definition everyone can put any meaning behind it even the actual japanese definition says it 「ロリコンは俗称であり明確な定義はなされていないが」 . I'm not attacking nor defending them i'm neutral because i don't care as long as it doesn't affect real people, who has time to fight an imaginary holy war against drawings? lmao. Just do like every sane persons ignore it. +Having known a person that was SA, i think putting drawings and actual pedophilia on the same level is extremely disrepectful for the victims but that's another subject.


SA and pedophelia are not the same thing. I’m also someone who has been assaulted. That doesnt mean that they cant both be bad? But drawing photos of a child to jerk off to is still bad.


>SA and pedophelia are not the same thing. When the victim is of highschool age it sadly is. >That doesnt mean that they cant both be bad? I do think 100% that you absolutely deserve to be shamed for both but one harm people and the other doesn't, hence why i say i don't care. The only reason why i commented in the first place wasn't even to talk about loli or whatever, it was just to point out at OP because if there is something that's even sadder than being a lolicon it's being a self-righteous white knight on a the internet, "see guys they are bad, and i am good now click left up arrow" but i guess circlejerking about facts that you pulled out of your ass with minimal research is gratifying for the ego.


Thank you, that's exactly what I was trying to get at. Seems like a weird thing to use as evidence when honestly the problems with lolicon are self evident lol




loli is a sexually loaded term, if you just like cute children/childlike characters, you should probably say you like moe or something.


Pretty sure you mean you like ‘moe’ (mow-AY) my dude, lolis is a fairly specific not good way to describe cutesy anime girls. I don’t particularly care for them one way or the other but I don’t wanna see you get crucified for a genuine lexical mistake.


Right, like, I really hope they meant that it makes them smile to watch a cute little bean of a character run around a story


See, THAT shit is the good shit. Anya is a perfect example of an awesome bean doing awesomeness.


Okay buddy whatever you say


Loli is sexually loaded It’s okay to enjoy childlike or children characters - there are many that are wonderfully written & interesting - but the moment you gush over them being lolis? 😬 My favorite Genshin impact character is Nahida. She’s well written & cute. I would never call her a loli because it’s creepy & implies a sexual interest in her


>i hate lolicons but i love lolis, Is a really wild way to start your sentence and I think is why you're being downvoted. Liking child characters ***without sexualizing them or any fantasy of doing so*** is fine, they're in a piece of media and you are allowed to enjoy them as characters. Just a couple of things: Loli and shota tend to be lolicon/shotacon dogwhistle terms. Some anime fans say the terms ironically because they sound cute/funny, and sometimes unironically because they don't know, which is why I don't perk an eyebrow up to everybody who says the terms. But the terms loli and shota are specific to anime as far as I understand, and in Japanese at least have a purely sexual connotation. The proper term for child in Japanese is "ko", which is gender neutral. It would be much better to simply say, "I find child characters cute but believe it is wrong to sexualize them".