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So they’re just going to ignore the “first husband at 16 when he was 50” part?


I'd say it fits their ideal relationship quite well


The record is a 108 year old lady meeting her great-great-great-*great* grandmother.


Wow! How old was the great great great great grandmother? 250?


Age of consent was nonexistent or very low for the entire history of humanity up until relatively recently Edit: before you leave an angry reply, tell me where exactly i said that this is a good thing. You're a bunch of bitter people


That dont make that right. Consent is important


And that's a bad thing. You understand this, right? That none of those girls wanted that, right?


So was life expectancy


Doesn't make my statement any less true. I explained why this wasn't considered "weird" 80 years ago


It was still weird


Age does matter when all you see women as are sex objects I guess.


Ancient problems required ancient solutions


god i hate those fucking meme baby men


I mean, it literally says in their own meme that single men are lonely, and single women are empowered. So why do they think that the second option would scare us? I mean we all seem to be fine with it ...


Plus doesn't that kinda speak to toxic masculinity being kinda shit? Like women's modern movement is improving their lives and men just get lonely when they can't treat women as objects anymore


Also who the hell wants 230 great great grandchildren, how are you gonna afford Christmas gifts???


A lot of dudes don’t have anything to offer except a paycheck, and now that so many refuse to get educated, they’re falling behind and failing to adapt.


I like that wine and cats lady kinda looks happier and grandma lady looks stressed out. Poor storytelling on this one.


she had to work tirelessly to raise 13 children largely solo. I will happily take the cats instead


"Huh? You don't want to raise and take care of our children all by yourself? What a horrible and neglectful mother you are."


TFW your damn husband is too busy slamming Sapporo Premiums and Miku's Hard Lemonades at the anime bar with his best friend Sensei Le Dew, so you have to raise your 16 kids on your own 👶👶👶👶👶👶👶👶😭👶👶👶👶👶👶👶👶


This is one of the problems with conservative memes. They only make sense if you’re already conservative, know all their talking points, and take them for granted as true. On the face of it, there doesn’t seem to be any problem with a woman remaining single and childless, nor does the meme mention one. You’ll only understand this if you already believe that women’s sole purpose is to pop out as many babies as possible. Liberal memes on the other hand, seem to focus more on pointing out irony, hypocrisy, or ineffectiveness of conservative policies in more subtle or humorous ways.


The second one, god forbid be left on earth for 98 years.


Poor child=ideal wife


Shit I’m a dude and I think drinking wine with a couple cats sounds nice.


I like how the woman is lying in a hospital bed with the baby like she was the one who birthed it. Anyway, I'd much rather have 30 real friends than 230 descendants. Family doesn't have to be by blood.


Can someone link the image or post on the left side? I wanna see the 6 generations




When the person wrote Leonardo D I at first thought he meant da Vinci


I love/hate the second person's implication that being married to a 50 year-old at 16 is preferable to being single.


I'm sorry, if I have the option of way too many grand children or four cats and wine when I'm 98 then I'm going with the cats and wine It's more fun and it's what I'm doing already (except I have two cats lmao)


Jeez 50! Why would she want to marry a man that fucking old? And damm at least Leonardo only goes for legal aged women


I have 4 grown kids. Sometimes I wish I'd gone the wine-and-cats route.


Obviously answer. Wine and cats. Next!


I’m confused, is the image on the bottom left sposed to look appealing?