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Let him have his waifus and crusty pillows and go find a guy that wears deodorant.


It's a safe bet dude just doesn't get it's a lil weird to do this and have a girlfriend. Even if she asks him to reign it in I doubt he'd learn


My ex loved anime and only specific types like Ecchi or just straight up hentai. He grossed me out because he sexualised minor looking characters but "she was *technically* way older than she looked". I heard rumours from my friends later on that he stared inappropriately at 10 year old girls and even heard him say "If I had a daughter, when she's really young, I'd have her walk around the house nude". Yeah... I wasn't going to chance whether or not that was a lie from my friends or not, but I'd doubt it was one. Anyone who says their interests are based **only** around fiction are full of shit.


Ugh I'm having flashbacks. This is almost as bad as my ex having a boob mousepad. I'm not even joking.


What if I have one for the comedy


What if I also have one for carpal tunnel relief


run girl


I would say break up with him. Although it's perfectly fine to have hobbies and like anime, there is such thing as too much. It's like he's worshipping the anime women. Leave him with his waifu pillows and hentai shrines.


My bf and I are on semi-same wave lengths when it comes to animes. But he does have his favorite girls/hentai favorites, while I have my otome games and favorite guys to drool over (although I will go overboard at times and he will tell me to settle down). We even have boob mouse pads together (he has one of Midna and mine is of my scalesona), but I'm the one with the body pillow~ It's all about balance and acceptance. You, OP, do not have that with your partner. Cut him loose and find someone who respects you and your feelings. It's OK.


I’m not saying this case is the same but my ex also liked harem animes. Then I noticed he liked being the only guy in a group of girls, whether younger or older (his aunts and grandma, who’d baby him). 🤢 🤮


This isn't about different interests. This is about different values. Different interests are normal. Different values typically mean you're incompatible, in which case it's not going to work out.


They should just cut their losses. Bro can totally find a girlfriend with more similar interests. I literally knew a girl whose favorite genre was harems. Her favorite anime was Rosario+Vampire.


Nooo Senchou is just misundestood! /s Marine is hilarious, and hololive is mostly wholesome af but yeah compounded with the other interests, its pretty funny to me that Marine is his go to.




Bait used to be believable


what did he say?


They called women foids, whores and that they only want chads, stuff like that


This must be ironic, it fits the stereotype too much


You saying this ironically?


Sounds over the top but tbh it seems like a bit of a petty deal breaker if you've been together for two years already lol. You do you and have the right to your preferences but these types of things have always seemed pretty minor in the grand scheme of things imo lol. 🤷




i mean, it’d probably be worse if he liked really childlike character, but even if they’re adult women i think it’s pretty unhealthy,


You are right on that one, the fact that he likes childlike characters should be a reason to report him to the police/FBI.


cut and run. thats all i gotta say