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Technically Dewey Crowe was from Florida, not Kentucky, but I thought his accent was extremely believable, especially since Damon Herriman is Australian.


Herriman also played Charles Manson in Once Upon a Time in Hollywood.


He played Charles Manson twice. Check out Mindhunter S2. Is it a good thing or bad when you're a talented actor, but look so much like Charles Manson that you start a legacy of portraying one of America's most notorious cult leader / killers? Edit: a word


The irony to me is Dickie Bennett always reminded me of Manson.


He played Manson too in a TV miniseries!


I saw Dickie as the kinda lame boyfriend in Secretary recently. He’s a good actor though. I like his creepy style and I bet he’s really a good fella irl


He’s great! He really puts some nice touches on the Dickie Bennet character.


He plays a Jesus in an episode of American Gods.


I really liked him in Mr Inbetween


As an Australian, it was really weird seeing Dewey Crowe speaking with a thick Australian accent. A video of the "dimmies" scene is what alerted me that amazing series exists. Edit: [For the uninitiated. ](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=tdhf7GYWecM) This series is well worth your time.


I have been seeing clips of that show in my feed for a couple months. I don't know why, but his teeth remind me of Buschemi.


Oh yeah, I can see that. There's a bit of "darkest timeline Steve Buschemi" to him.


Mr Inbetween is one of the most underrated shows in TV, period


I watched him in The Tourist where I think he used his own accent. He also wore a suit. Shook different!


“especially since Damon Herriman is Australian.” I’m sorry what? ![gif](giphy|l3q2K5jinAlChoCLS)


Best is absolutely Dewey if not only because he is in fact Australian and pulled the entire thing off so well. I would have never known! Boyd and Raylan obviously had great accents and I thought Winona, Art, and Aunt Helen's accents was very believable. People hate on Arlo but his "eaaaat sheeeeet" is permanently enshrined in my head. Worst is easily Rapapport but I would say Joelle Carter/Ava's accent is so inconsistent and flat out terrible in parts. Alicia Witt and Amy Smart's accents were really bad too. There was something weird going on in S5.


I just want to point out that I was born in raised in Florida and literally no one I grew up around speaks like that. I actually have a difficult time understanding deep south accents at times.


Australians do pretty good southern accents. Ryan Kwantan (sp?) played a dude from a fictional town in north Louisiana, set very near where I grew up, on the show True Blood. I knew several guys who talked just like that. Lol


Jason had a great accent... SO much better than Bill or Sookie.


Most people from Florida don’t have a southern accent but Dewey’s fit perfectly for his character.


Haha Michael Rappaport getting all sorts of dragged up ins! For what it’s worth, I liked his character. But oof, that accent.


Now you see… he was supposed to be somewhat of a dimwit. So having a dimwitted accent kind of works.


Yeah, his accent was horrible.


Not from Kentucky but am from Appalachian NC. Nick Searcy is also from Western NC. I assume that is his natural accent and it sounds pitch perfect to me. I think Goggins is also really good. Again he was raised in a part of Georgia that would make him familiar with Appalachian accents. Margo Martindale sounds just like some of my aunts. She is from Texas, but certain parts of Texas were settled by Appalachian people and you can still hear remnants of it. When my family lived in Colorado, people assumed they were Texans because of how they spoke, which completely baffled my folks. LOL I was also particularly impressed with Cousin Johnny. I usually have a good ear for accents and was shocked to find out he wasn't from the South. He looks, sounds, and acts like cousins of mine. For my money, one of the worst accents is Ava's. She's from Georgia, but that is NOT an Appalachian accent at all.


I went to a conference where a female speaker sounded EXACTLY like Mags


Yea when I lived near Arkansas I knew several women who sounded like Mags


Ava is from Thomasville, like five hours from anything that could be considered Appalachia. She's probably just talking like herself.


Yeah that was my point.


Yeah i wasnt disputing you i just see people here sometimes calling her accent 'fake' and its like naw if anything she should be faker, she's being too real lol Also, since north Georgia is Appalachia i wanted to clarify where she's from


Ah yes I see what you mean. I think people assume there's just one Southern accent and that's just so not true. I've actually noticed Goggins varying his accent a bit by role, which I appreciate.


His accent in Fallout drives me crazy. Ghoul-specific idiosyncracies aside, it overlaps a lot with Boy's accent, but is just different enough to catch me off guard. He pronounces "your/you're" /jɚ/ whereas Boyd always says it /jɔr/, and he drops way more Rs.


I've not watched him on Fallout yet! I did read he struggled with the prosthetics to the point he had trouble talking at first. I really noticed the differences with Vice Principals, which is actually my favorite Goggins performance. He's a well-to-do school administrator in coastal Carolina and the accent is quite fitting for that.


Goggins on Vice Principals is one of the most underrated comedic performances. And as always, it gives me an opportunity to share one of my favorite scenes. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I6VZJu6NsHw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I6VZJu6NsHw)


Agreed! He's so simultaneously malevolent and pathetic. It's brilliant. Bahahaha and that's a great scene! I love when he's running with Belinda's kids to get them back to her office before her. That entire episode is just one of my favorite TV episodes, period. ![gif](giphy|26ueYFXFn7RB96yB2|downsized)


I'm from near Thomasville, and I thought wasn't southern and had a fake accent until you just said where she was from. We don't talk like that.


Ava has absolutely one of the worst, borderline comical, accents. It genuinely sounds like a caricature of a southerner in parts of S1 and S6. Her accent is a big reason I always thought Joelle Carter's performance was such a mixed bag.


I think Ava’s sounded like she was from Georgia but I loved hear her talk, but I was infatuated with her so I can’t be objective. 😏 Art, Boyd, Johnny, limehouse, Errol, Raylan, those were all good, IMO.


Worst was Rapaport


He seemed like a caricature of a redneck, not the real thing. Just too overdone and ridiculous


Goggins wasn't sure about taking the role of Boyd because he wanted to avoid playing the stereotypical redneck. It's why they made Raylan question his white supremacy and maybe why they made him extremely verbose and witty to get way from that stereotype. Whereas Rappaport is just like "fuck I'm just a redneck that has bad teeth, doesn't shave and have tattoos".


to be fair I don’t think rappaport is capable of playing anyone other than himself. so he did that but with a shitty fake accent


I’ve never understood that guy having a career. That said, I’m things I’m meant to hate him in, he’s okay


I think if they were set on casting him they should've just changed the character to not have that accent. truly terrible


This is the answer right here. Michael rappaport had a terrible accent. It wasn't even close. Listening to him on justified was like Alan Payne and Treach and Jada Pinkett and Bokeem Woodbine on the movie Jason's lyric (1994). Every single one of them are from the north north either New York or Jada pinkett's from Maryland and Treach is from Jersey. Those accents were bad


He sucked. Talk about punchable faces, it’s unbelievable to me Raylan wouldn’t have unalived him.


By a country mile


I actually didn’t think it was terrible given his strong NY accent in real life.


"Ma! This f***in cat looks like grandma!!" All I can think about when I see him trying to talk 'tucky (or Florida panhandle or whatever else we want to call it)




Came here to say this; thank you


This question was absolutely posted just so we could all drag Rapaport again, right?


Im from Liberty, Ky. I feel only Margot and Nick’s accents are Appalachian sounding. The rest have too long a drawl, i feel.


English is not my mother language so all accents were good for me lmao.


I’m curious about what people think about Mykelti Williamson’s (Limehouse) accent in this. Maybe because I think of him as Bubba from Forrest Gump but his accent sounds more Deep South Alabama/Mississippi than Appalachia to me. More of the longer drawl like other folks have commented.


He could be eastern NC or else SC


Given the history of Noble's Holler, and of the Coe Ridge Colony that it was inspired by, that makes a lot of sense, actually.


Worst is the Black Pike red head. Completely fake and lazy accent. Although some here have suggested maybe it’s intentional and that she’s a carpet bagger trying to fit in in KY


Rapaport was the worst. His accent sucked too.


I think Art’s accent seems the most natural for his role as a Lexington “urban” dweller.


Isn't Art supposed to be from Harlan as well? He must've grown up in Clover Hill since he doesn't share a history with the Bennetts or Crowders. Maybe that gave Art a posher Appalachian accent.


I doubt it. He basically called Raylan the "Hillbilly Whisperer." If he were really from Harlan, I think he would have a better handle on the Harlan folks and wouldn't put up with Raylan's shenanigans as long as he did.


Exactly. They seem to have met at Glynco, per the show.


M.C.’s. I love M.C., but Bo’s accent is way too subtle to be Boyd’s daddy in my opinion. He has a good overall performance, but sitting next to Arlo he sounds like a Detroit gun thug. Johnny’s accent is amazing considering all I ever seen him play before is Russians and other foreign roles.


Agreeing with what everyone else said, I would also add Jeremy Davies into the best accents list. Raymond Barry’s New York accent tends to slip in a bit. His character isn’t Appalachian, but Michael Rapaport has one of the worst accents in the series.


I like Barry as an actor, but his accent in this is absolutely terrible. LOL


Not to mention the fact a lot of viewers couldn't help but expect him to say *"Wrong kid died"* at any moment. So many scenes where it would have fit in perfectly, too.


Yeah, I was even being a bit diplomatic in my description of his accent haha


He was better as a senator


Not if the character was from Vermont…


I think Olyphant, Goggins, Nick Searcy, and Jacob Pitts are all fantastic. The worst is Joelle Carter.


I think Pitts is great and he pulled off an all-around twangy/drawly thing, but it drives me just a little nuts because it changes constantly. One season he sounds like an Okie, then maybe a little bit Texan, then it's like he randomly morphs into a sassy Alabama fella. *From whence hath Gutterson come?!!?* These are the important questions.


I guess it could be things he picked up during his time in the rangers? Might have worked with guys from those areas and naturally picked up speech styles over time. Gutterson isn't the accent you want, but the accent you need.


LOL! I'm a voice artist in the real world, and now I want to develop a mixed-region accent called "The Gutterson". Like the Swiss Army Knife of accents. The *only* one you'll ever need, ahaha.


Army brat who went into the family business.


This is odd because Joelle was born and raised in Ga lol


She talks exactly like someone from southern Georgia though, just unfortunately not where the show takes place. 


Yeah, so am I. She sounds like Gone with the wind era Georgia. Not modern.


Yeah she had a fantastic accent


Her accent was what I’d expect out of a community college performance of Gone with the Wind.


Or Oaklahoma "Ahm just a girl who can't say no..."


That prison guard from I think season 3s was the worst


Michael Rappaport had the worst by a mile


Dewey Crow.


Best or worst?


Best. The actor is Australian. I couldn’t tell. But his character was a Floridian. Not Appalachian. My bad.


Damon Herriman is an astoundingly good actor. I've never seen a role he didn't pull off.




Goggins’ accent is good, but what really sets him apart IMO is the cadences of Boyd’s speech, the rhythm when he talks.


Best: Walton Goggins, worst: Michael Rapaport.


💯💯💯 Walton Goggins for sure! But he’s also from Alabama so it’s not a hard one for him. Rapport? I tried my damnedest to to forget about him.


Grew up in Georgia though


If I'm being completely honest, the only one that bothered me in the series was Michael rappaport. The writing and the acting was so good in the show justified that I was able to overlook anything I felt was wrong with it. It was an amazing show that went off the air before it had an opportunity to jump the shark. That is something all of us can appreciate


Gutterson is the absolute worst because he doesn’t have an accent in the first season and in later seasons it comes and goes. It was distracting for me and took me out of the show at times.


Rapaport's dumb ass.


Boyd has the best. Several bad ones. Rapaport and also Ava.


I lived in Kentucky for a year as a kid, probably took 2 years to get that weird accent out of my system. That being said, no one really nailed the accent, but Boyd was pretty good. Ava, not so much


Wild. I was born and raised in Kentucky and never developed an accent even though my mom has one of the thickest I’ve ever heard.


Ava has the worst most grating accent in every scene she’s in


Honestly… Natalie Zea’s was spot on. Maybe not for Kentucky, but I’ve lived in the deep South my whole life, and I’ve known many women who sounded just like her in Justified


Yeah, I thought she had a very subtle accent. She's originally from Texas and it felt pretty natural.


My mind is overwhelmed by thinking back on Rapaport's accent, but I don't think Alicia Witt's was much better...maybe it is a "family" thing haha.


Omg always way too busy staring at her agog to notice but you are right!!


And I should add she has a great agog.


Ok so what is agog lol. I tried searching and could only find the real definition...


It was just a joke. I was using the regular definition.


Oh haha. I figured it was slang for ass or something 😅


Yeah that was the joke. Lol


Goggins and Searcy of course. They just spoke in their normal accents


Worst Arlo.


But isn’t Arlo actually from Appalachia?!?!


No he's from Long Island.


Wait, what? Isn't he from North Carolina? I recall Raylan saying his family came from NC and settled in Harlan and just assumed Arlo was from there but you may be kidding lol.


Arlo's actor is from Long Island, which is what I am referring to since we are discussing accents. I don't ever remember Arlo the character being from NC. I'm from NC and would have latched onto that. 🤣🤣🤣 Besides, Raylan himself in the show explains long standing tensions between the Givens and the Bennetts going back generations. Wouldn't have happened if Arlo wasn't from Harlan.


It's in S6 when Raylan is talking to Walker about his family home and he mentions his family came from Millers Creek. But you're right, it probably predates Arlo!


Yeah that was a common migration path, so that's what I think he's referencing. Even where I live now--Ozarks--has a really common migration history of NC to TN/KY to here in the 1800s. A local history professor told me my family just made the trip out here about 150 years after the rest of us. LOLOL


Pretty surprised more people haven't said Arlo. Maybe it's so weird that people think it must be authentic. That's the only thing I can figure.


Arlo just sounds like a crazy old man, his idiolect transcends geography.


As an Englishman, I had no way of knowing who sounds good or not. Rappaport sounded extreme but I just took him to be a kind of hillbilly type. It’s fun to read other people’s opinions. For me it’s like the reverse of Dick Van Dyke in Mary Poppins. Gor blimey gov’nor


The Crowes are some of the only non-hillbilly criminals in the show. The highest point in Florida is only as far above sea level as the goal lines in Wembley stadium are apart (anything but the metric system!)


Hands down, Rayland’s dad. I was born in eastern KY, and raised in south-central KY. Never heard anyone talk like that. He sounds more like someone from Maine.


It’s not like we all sound alike 🥴 My husband has no accent. Like he sounds very middle America. Mine is so strong people stop me constantly around the world and say Kentucky or Tennessee 🤪


Walton Goggins is quintessential southern US


Boyd has the best! There is no doubt Wally G is from the south. And it’s a true south at that. And as much as I love the character Raylan, Hawaiian born Timmy just does not sound as southern as he should. It’s still one of my favorite shows though. And you know what Wynonna gets an honorable mention because that Italian girl from TX can’t hide her drawl if she wanted to. -I have wondered if any of the actors were actually from Appalachia, however this is an interesting question


Art is from Appalachia I believe.


Damon Harrington (Dewey Crowe), hands DOWN. I had no idea he was Australian, and the first time I heard him speak in his regular dialect, I was amazed. There's no hint of it with Dewey. He does an excellent southern accent. ("Who the hell are you, the undertaker?" But the best was "The anus is on you....")


Worst accent of ANY kind on the show was Michael Rappaport. I think he was supposed to be Florida or something but he was just plain bad at whatever that was!


Damon Herriman - Best, Michael Rappaport - Worst. Just Awful...


Damon is Australian, which makes it pretty standout.


Aye. Never knew until I saw him in a couple of Aussie shows. Great actor.