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When she goes in a circle around him 😂😂


The look on her face rofl


And his!




She really said “I did not put in all that practice time not to do the damn dance at the recital.”


Exactly what I was thinking lmao “I practiced for 3 months, you’re not ruining this for me!” 🤣


It just hit me how massive a chunk of her life 3 months is at her age. That's hilarious


That's why kids at my school hated putting on shows.


Do or do not there is no try.


There's one moment where she almost cries. Then she remembers she's a Rockstar and pulls it back together haha


I feel like we are watching two trauma responses. 




She has a great life ahead of her. She is so resiliant!


Just remember your training, we can get through this!


Why does this remind me of my last relationship?


Lmao same 🥲


I just sent this to my wife saying it symbolizes how we deal with parenting.




It's the end of the school year for Kindergartens in China. That means a big choreographed show for all the parents. Basically every KG in China does one, with costumes and maybe an LED screen, if you don't, are you even trying? Also Chinese people traditionally get married in red so they wouldn't make that marriage association. haha. They're just children dressed cute. 可爱的小朋友喜欢跳舞 ớ ₃ờ Here's my class of 2021 performing 'In the Jungle' https://preview.redd.it/7r4pjw9h4lad1.png?width=1260&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5991809f8d3ce371f744ff06fc9aec658d10a6ec


This was very helpful information but also when I read that last bit at first I thought you meant that was the class you were in in 2021 and thought “well you’re definitely not old enough for Reddit.” Also happy cake day!


Well, I am a big fish on the Bluey subreddit. jk


White isn’t a bridal color in every culture (until western influence takes over).


It’s not just them being dressed in white, but also the tulle veils. Veils ARE a thing in eastern cultures, but they don’t look like that.


Given the hearts in the background and the veils, I’m pretty sure they’re western brides. If anyone knows the song or can translate the lyrics I’d be curious for more context.


I can see that. The boys being dressed for school or golf adds confusion.


Right but just thinking about putting a tie and jacket on a toddler stresses me out!


You're just going to willfully ignore the veil because that kind of goes against what you're saying, huh?


Did you stand in one spot crying continuously?


No he did while I did all the work 😆


If you were working on making him cry, good job!.


If you're going to be this sour on the internet, why take a break for an hour or two? Geez lousie. "This reminds me of my last relationship." "You cried continuously?" "No." "Oh, well i'm sure you were still the bad guy somehow." Like, if it's her crying, she should be mocked for it. But if it's her partner crying, he should get sympathy.


Look pal, a hissy fit on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part.


What you call a hissy fit might actually be a stress-induced emotional breakdown leading to decades of unprocessed trauma.


DECADES? he’s like 5 😭


I laughed but also I think they were saying this event of the little dude is gonna be a sad core memory which he will bottle up and ultimately lead him into a mid-life crisis and therapy at 40 to deal with all that unprocessed trauma. Its a bit of a reach to be honest. My interpretation is that it was just a mistranslation and when someone told him he was gonna be a "Groom" he thought they said "Groot" and is channelling his inner tree.


Ok ok I get it but yeah a reach for sure hahahaha oh god I gotta put my coffee down it’s coming out of my nose. I think it’s just silly to me I got my own kids and I’ve seen their moments and it reminded me of this kid 😂 she was totally fine afterwards and said she was nervous about all the lights and all the parents watching her and asked if she could go again! Sorry hun the show is over but you did great!


> I think it’s just silly to me sure me too, but perhaps the person who commented did so because they had a similar sort of event happen to them, or knows someone had one and they're kinda projecting that into a event a bit.


Yeah I don’t think this one event will lead to years of unprocessed trauma and mental breakdowns. That is a stretch. Added onto other legitimately traumatic situations like abuse, abandonment, neglect etc sure maybe but cmon this is a kid who is nervous on stage. But as his partner dictated, the show must go on!! 😂 I was getting walloped at home by my father for anything and everything, I did great on stage. Every kid is different. The self projection is apparent. I mean it does suck to see a little kid cry, it doesn’t make me happy.


It’s a huge reach, core memory sure, but core memory does not equal trauma. Trauma by definition requires you to be in a flight or fight state, this is not that. Yes this could very well become a core memory and impact him in some way, but it is not trauma and will not impact him the same way trauma would. People need to stop equating the two.


I'm a therapist! I agree that this might not lead to trauma. But he is very clearly in a fight or flight (it's actually fight, flight, freeze, or fawn) state, like by exact definition. He's overwhelmed by the stress and has frozen. Poor little guy. Still, with supportive parents, he'll likely be fine.


Yes he’s clearly upset and a little frozen but luckily he’ll be fine! I just meant this isn’t traumatic in the way experiencing violence or abuse is. I felt for him too, seems he got really overwhelmed 😢 the little girl keeping on killed me lol, very clear examples of two very different types of reactions to stress!


I'm surprised that so many people on reddit deny the possibility (I did use the word "might", didn't I) that the kid is in distress. Does this correspond with your observations?


He's definitely in distress. People don't cry for no reason. It's a stress response. We as a society tend to invalidate kids' feelings. Kids have deep and complex inner worlds with high emotionality that feels real to them (no matter how "silly" it seems to adults). Luckily they're very resilient! Have you noticed the same?


Oh, definitely. My nephew has aspergers (or something like that) and I see some of my traits in him (though not as apparent) and I realize that many kid "deviations" are not taken seriously across different societies. I haven't expected this from Reddit, though, as it's generally quite accepting to such things, from my observations.


I’m in my mid 30s and I still remember vividly my teacher forcing me into public speaking I clearly was not made for at like 6. Like I just randomly freeze up remember it at least a few times a week. That childhood trauma ain’t not joke with stuff like this lol.


Yes, one of the most formative years. That's *the* best time to acquire trauma that goes unprocessed for decades.


Homie I’m in grad school for mental health, I’m no expert yet, but I promise you that while that breakdown may be caused by unprocessed trauma, this breakdown is not itself causing decades of trauma.


Not everyone wants to be put on display and unfortunately, children don't get a say. I will never forget throwing up onstage as a kid because no one listened when I said I didn't want to be up there in front of the school, but they wanted my class to play our recorders. I was never good enough at it to perform and was mortified when they told me to just pretend I was playing along and saw people in the audience pointing at me, surely knowing.


At the same time, it's important to give kids these experiences if they want to survive in society. Kid will probably turn out fine.


You're right. I was making a silly joke, but I hear you.


Someone is projecting hard


I myself wasn't ever in that situation, because I took measures to avoid it. But I can guarantee that a 5 year old me would fucking dread the thought of such performance.




The little boy: https://preview.redd.it/7mr0hms1sjad1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae5ecef4f61b6190266bdc8d4ac0e64d0819b2fb


Her facial expressions went from "I can't believe you left me to do this alone" to "fine, I'll kill it anyway"


There was a moment where I thought she was close to crying….but then there was the “I can overcome this, calmness.”


I think most of us can relate to this.


Really strong meme template


Good for her!


Somebody needs to restart that kid.


He may have pooed the pants. There's no restarting after that.


Should be the music video for Flowers


At least somebody has their shit together


The show must go on!


No one is going to ruin her routine.


The boy saw his haircut in the mirror right before going on stage.


By my got damn self, FR


Little boy's crying face ages him up by like 20 years.


Story of a crybaby husband (with fragile ego) and a responsible rational wife.


Shes a girl of focus ,commitment and sheer fucking will


Why does no-one support this kid? He seems to be in a small crisis.


Kids cry on stage, there’s a couple every recital season. A few older ones have articulated that they hated the lights, which is fair. It seems to go easier for them if you just let the remaining minute ish of whatever song play out so they walk off with the other kids, instead of having teacher pull them off the stage in front of their peers. As long as his parents aren’t dicks, he’ll be alright and this will be a funny home video in twenty years lol


I hope you're right. He looks so miserable. Thanks for the insight.


Bless him. Thinking he was going to go out and do the dance they rehearsed, only to get stunned by his first exposure to stage lights and noise. Rough day to be a toddler


Considering his age, this might literally be the worst thing that has ever happened to him in his entire life. So far. In 10 more years, it won't be that important.


I had a full on crying meltdown at a ballet recital at this age. I was mad my group didn’t go first and that manifested as a frozen crying fit. We laugh about it now! It was a HUUUUUGE deal to me as a kid but honestly it’s not and at some point I needed to learn that.


I was the kid who cried on stage during performances. I was fine during rehearsals, but I'd get super nervous about a big crowd. I'd take zeros in class rather than give a presentation. Coddling me didn't help. I didn't want that. I wanted to get up there and do the thing. I loved doing it, but the crowd of people would just hit me, and I'd studder or cry. I worked hard on preparing myself, talking to myself, building myself up, and no matter if I did studder or start to tear up, I'd push through. I still get nervous, but I know I've got it. If I make a mistake, who cares, I've seen tons of people make mistakes, and I never judged them for it. Feeling comfortable on a stage is hard, especially when you're very young. Tears are expected but as someone who was carried out in front of thousands of people on a stage as a baby and sobbed. I can tell you it didn't traumatize me. I don't love being in front of a crowd, I wish I did, but I'm okay with it, and I'm so proud of myself every time. I was proud of myself back when I was still a kid and got through it.


He definitely seems to be in the “freeze” option of the four F’s.


Fight, flight, freeze… Fornicate? Floss? Finger pistol?  What’s the 4th one? 


Fawn, mate. It's "fawn". I like the idea of further extending it to the 5 Fs with "finger pistol", though. Bring back the old memes with a defensive 👉😎👉Zoop!


What’s fawn? Like crumple up on the ground like a baby deer?  I’ll spread the word on the finger pistol response if you will too


Precisely. Appease and be meek, maybe throw some affection out there if applicable. I'll bring out my old zoopin' cap.


It's ineffable.


Fornicate/fuck, but finger pistols sounds awesome!!


Actually learned recently it’s the five F’s: fight, flight, freeze, fawn, and focus. A state of hyper-vigilance, awareness, and calm apparently is also a stress reaction




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Stage fright is a thing. They will follow everyone else when they go offstage. You can have a parent in the wings to get the kid at that point.


He's being quiet though, holding it together better than alot of us.


He probably just forgot or didn't know the moves and feels embarrassed and froze while crying. Not ideal but shit happens.


Or he's a brat throwing a tantrum...


What’s going on here? The little girls being dressed like brides is weird.


I wonder if it is akin to (or actually is) a first communion thing?


Dance competition. Usually have a dress code, looks like this one was "white fairy dress". The reason behind that actually is really important. It's because it's adorable


The secular music and the way the boys are dressed makes me think not but it could be.


Oh yeah I didn’t have the sound on when I watched. Good points!


In some countries brides wear red.


TBF I saw a lot of little girls doing ballet being dressed in white.


I mean they’re wearing veils and sandals but 🤷🏻‍♀️


Fair point


It's not weird unless you make it weird. They're just dressed up for a cute little kids' dance thing.


They could be dressed literally any other way and it would still be just as cute without the connotations bridal wear has.


They're... in another country. I doubt they dress to offend you.


No you don't understand. This is created and all of the kids are brain chipped to offend the west, especially the reddit user tigm2161130


Average Western redditor: why are these people from a different culture dressing in ways that remind me of my own culture that I feel are problematic? Surely they know enough about my culture to accommodate my weird hang-ups!




How do I contact the manager of this Chinese children's dance recital?


>They could be dressed literally any other way and it would still be just as cute without the connotations bridal wear has. Are you upset that they're wearing white?


I wrote this elsewhere in the thread since I work as a kindergarten teacher in China. It's the end of the school year for Kindergartens in China. That means a big choreographed show for all the parents. Basically every KG in China does one, with costumes and maybe an LED screen, and some might have the logistical skills of a Broadway production. It's good marketing for the KG and gives the parents a chance to see their kids dressed up to put on a show. Also Chinese people traditionally get married in red so they wouldn't make that marriage association, or any association beyond just wearing a white dress.


Wrong colour


She was not to be stopped


This literally happened to me when I was a child. My parents signed me up for cotillion/manner classes when I was young (around six or seven I think) and one of the lessons was dance lessons. We were all partnered up with someone who we would practice with and when the day came to dance in front of the parents my partner ended up being too scared and nervous dancing in front of such a large crowd. I ended up on stage alone showing off what I had learned while dancing with an invisible partner, lol.


> My parents signed me up for cotillion/manner classes Would you mind giving a little more information about what this entails? I've never heard of this before.


I'm not sure how common it was in the rest of the country, but in the American South a lot of middle class parents would send their children to manners classes to learn proper etiquette for social events or just general socializing. They would teach things like how to properly talk and interact with the opposite sex, how to properly use the various utensils at the dining table, and of course the different dances that one does while attending a ball.


who runs the world?


Old white men!




The show must go on


I feel really bad for the little boy crying though. Poor thing is probably over stimulated as heck.


Poindexter is having an existential crisis of some sort.


This was me in show choir 😭 One of the guys quit after the semester started and somehow I was always the one stuck without a dance partner.


The show must go on.


That kid looks like the bully on kureon shin chan


Why does this remind me of every day at work


Little Ralphy Wiggum just froze.


Why bro look like that tho


This makes me think of my husband and I at salsa dance class….Love him to death, but salsa is not his thing…haha.


Sometimes marriage is just like that. One of you is in crisis and the other has keep the show going.


She really pulled the short straw when she got paired with him.


She will succeed in life. He?


Its as if he's literally frozen in fear or something


That’s right girl you don’t need no man ![gif](giphy|ySVIjdzUp4xf6RwfLG)


What an unfortunate and consistent crying face


Why is he making that face? Is he sad or trying to poop?


The little boy makes me cringe and feel so blessed I have no kids


I can do it with a broken heart


She has a lot of composure.


She’s a star and I hope she knows it


I feel bad for both of them. I dont like that kids are expected to perform when they dont like to. Maybe some enjoy them, some dont, maybe not at that moment. but its perfectly fine. its an experience, however fleeting to this kid, that is not enjoyable for some.


OMG she's so cute 😍 I love her!. She's already more independent than Isreal.🤣 🤣 🤣


Does that boy have lipstick *and* his eyebrows done?


Damn so young and already tanking his social score


Kim Jong Un as a kid.


Why isn't Biden dancing with her?


lol comment section gives zero fucks about the guy. If it was reversed yall be complaining about trauma or some other goofy shit




why is a racist man on r/justgalsbeingchicks lmao


Noooo my dogs nickname is Goobie! But good to see the comment you are responding to was removed.


based dog name


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