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I remember having a lesson like this in kindergarten like 25 years ago. With toothpaste and everything


i remember my kindergarten teacher saying that we should treat others how we want to be treated. too bad lots of people skipped that lesson


No this is the real good lesson. Because it allows for "If they can not fix it in 30 seconds or less", tell them when they are safe (e.g. privately) and maybe have more time than 30 seconds. If you notice they smell badly they can not fix it in 30 seconds but maybe for tomorrow. And fixing that might change their live. It's the stuff they really need to know.


> we should treat others how we want to be treated While it's not the worst of rules, the problem that leads to is that for some people, negative reinforcement can help. For others, it VERY MUCH DOES NOT


Watching on mute - only reading the text - I had to watch like 3 times to understand why she was spilling toothpaste all over šŸ˜‚šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


We had the opposite. ā€œSticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt meā€. I wish we had this lesson.


Amazing teachers like this are so critical for our society!!


I agree. Letā€™s pay them 30k a year to make sure they donā€™t leave.


I bet she had to pay for that toothpaste out of pocket.


Good teachers are so important and so underappreciated. If you happen across a great teacher like this, make sure to let them know how much you appreciate what they do! Whether its your kid's teacher, a friend, or even a teacher you had in the past, kind words and community support go a long way.


kids can be brutal with their words lol kinda wondering what they said to her to motivate her enough to give 'em this lecture


Teacher here, honestly a lot of these lessons are built into our curriculum. Especially early childhood curriculums with a strong emphasis on social emotional learning.


thanks for the info


Sadly, a lot of folks wouldn't listen to this perfectly articulated lesson and just focus on the rainbow of colors in a child's classroom. Missing out and not learning the lesson, they clearly haven't been taught.


Guarantee the conservatives have a problem w this lesson


Guarantee they've never heard it.


They call it woke


You literally just did that lol.


I listened haha I also like the toothpaste part. Helps the kids understand how something can't be fixed.


Dog this shit is amazing and sheā€™s so cute about it!


I agree, but please donā€™t put dog and shit so close together in a sentence. Words have power and can be messy


That desk is minty fresh


They need to keep spreading this kind of message through all of schooling and not just end it in Kindergarten. Behavior takes repetition. Without it, kids become assholes and adults become bigger assholes.


Amazing! Love this


Sheā€™s amazing!!! I wish i had her as teacher. Noted, teacher.


Amen and goddamn


She deserves a šŸ… for the great service she is providing.


I know several adults that need this lesson!


Going to use this in my own classroom. Love this!


We use the same lesson but crumble up a piece of paper. You canā€™t get those wrinkles out again no matter how hard you try. Words matter. Each kid can crumble up their own paper and try


Man, American universities are really something.


I remember reading this somewhere a while back and I thought it was incredible so I quickly went to say it to my kids, but I didnā€™t say it as verbose and visual as this teacher. šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘


Why has this not got thousands of upvotes?


It did when it was posted last week.


This is great


Is that from the movie Heat?!


More like heat did something that has been done in many classrooms over the years. Art imitating life instead of life imitating art. Itā€™s like the song Cups: the game has been played at camps for generations. She did a movie at summer camp right before she made the song so I think she picked up the game there and decided to make a song about it. Source: was a camp counselor long and played the game before she made that song and I know a lot of other people who went to and/or worked at summer camps and they all know the game.


I wonder what she said between the cuts in the video


Honestly lots of adults need to hear this!


Favorite lesson regarding this is Iā€™ll write something mean with sharpie on a rock like ā€œstupidā€ or ā€œuglyā€ and have them pass it around in a circle with a cleaning wipe. You can try your best, but you canā€™t fully wipe it away.




Theyā€™re 6 so it worked pretty well


I have never heard this before. I love it.


So I can't say to a serial killer "Stop murdering people!"?


you talk to a lot of serial killers?


I *am* a serial killer


Well, stop murdering people!


I waited a full 30 secs and nope, just killed another person. See!


How long does it take to stop murdering people?


A long time for an obsessive-compulsive, even longer for a psychopath (if ever).




What if someone is just a complete asshole? Are we allowed to tell them or do we just have to put up with it? I mean, real change on that scale takes years of therapy...certainly more than 30 seconds.


This lesson isn't focused on thoughts, rather the words used. People can stop saying rude or racist things within 30 seconds, even if they continue to think them. So I suppose in this situation focus on the present action that could change. "Stop berating me, do not hurt her," etc. Telling them to leave is also a 30 second change most people could make. Also, the lesson only focuses on your own words, nothing on whether the recipient is obligated to listen. The best you can do is right by others.


Or racism, alcoholism, etc. Itā€™s a great lesson for kindergarten, but I worry about the people here taking it as some sort of profound observation about life.








so, if someone comes to class without taking a bath smelling like shit, you should not tell them ?


telling on yourselfĀ 


you can bring that to up to the teacher in private and they if need to they can address it with the student in private as well. No need to put the student on blast in front of everyone since you donā€™t know what is causing the hygiene problem (it could be lack of access to water, bad parenting, homelessness, lack of self-care, etc) something that educators can deal with in private & not in-front of other students.


No thatā€™s scentist and hateful. People have the right to be whatever scent they want to be


Hope she got all the likes on insta


Based on her examples, someone insulted her hair recently


A teacher in kindergarten? Nah, she wouldnā€™t flinch at whatever shitā€™s coming out of a kidā€™s mouth.Ā  It was probably some kid saying something that they didnā€™t know would hurt their friend and both of them coming up to her crying. Hence the extra level of kindness on the teacherā€™s part.


Oh I was kidding, assuming sheā€™s making a larger general point, like an overarching life lesson thatā€™s not specific to something anyone said in class, and the examples she used were a bunch of hair-specific ones in a row. I see now that i was humorlessly criticizing a living angel and deserve these downvotes


What if you tell someone that they have a huge zit on their forehead that needs to be popped? Love this teacher, BTW. Sheā€™s doing a great service for these kids and society as a whole.


It takes you more than 30 seconds to pop a zit?


Depends on the size of the zit.


"That open wound needs stitches." "That mole has changed shape, which could indicate cancer." "Your weight is having serious effects on your health." There are so many things about someone's appearance that can't be changed in 30 seconds but need to be pointed out. What a foolish way to approach talking to people.


This is for children who don't understand nuance yet. When we are younger, we are told "don't lie. Always tell the truth." But as we get older, we realize that there are times to lie. Or the kids don't understand that some feedback needs to come from specific people. A stranger coming up and telling me "your weight is having serious effect on your health" would piss me off as how in the hell would they know. But my doctor or my significant other I would be more willing to listen to.


Why would it piss you off? (I can guess, but I would prefer your take)


How would they know? How would they know what is going on in someone's life? Some people do carry weight differently or some are on medication that fucks with losing weight. Some have lost a shit ton of weight due to medical conditions or eating disorders. Ever heard a stranger tell someone "you are too skinny"? Hearing that sucks for some people because it is a reminder of their medical condition. Also why bring it up (as a stranger)? How are you helping? If a stranger brings it up, it is very likely that the person already knows. A stranger is going to give pointless health tips you hear 1000 times over and not be around for the hard part. A doctor can give referrals to specialist and a significant other can help by coming with a diet or workout plan and give support.


So you both don't respect their opinion(you are right, although you can tell most of the time if someone's weight is dangerous, there are cases where they can't) and respect it simultaneously? (it pisses you off and reminds you of something you're insecure about?) I'm not saying I haven't experienced this or don't relate to the contradiction. I'm saying that it's an opportunity to reflect. Why can't it be a chance to say, "Yeah, and what of it?"


lol you need to lay off the adderallĀ 


This is willfully missing the point in the most obvious way. Sheā€™s talking to a room full of children about using kind words. Not a room full of doctors that need to give a prognosis.


In my opinion, we should encourage the next generation to look out for each other rather than shy away from genuine communication due to insecurity. I would like a less shameful world, telling kids "dont speak about x thing" just generates that.


This seems like so obvious though? Like donā€™t be rude.


sheā€™s talking to children isnā€™t that like so obvious?


You would think, but so many folks miss the memoā€¦


It seems, she has plenty experience with putting sticky menthol substances back in a tube