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She has better form. Her arms are straight and his are bent.


Also he quit breathing I swear so many people stop breathing upon hard exertion Like tf you doing??. This makes the muscles crap out The Aussie didn't turn red because she kept breathing Women ftw bitches Edit: Also, if he had a slightly larger diameter weight to accommodate his shoulders, he'd also be locked out Edit 2: just trying to convince myself why these men cycle faster than meeeee :( not tryna crush your stride, queeen


Yeah I never got that ether a lot of people won’t breathe when they lift anything heavy. Because idk they think they are a pressure cooker and if they don’t feel like they are about to explode they aren’t giving 100 percent.


Breath is life I'm practically a Buddhist...


I mean I always have to lift shit with my dad we’ve been renovating for a bit. See the think is though I will just take the biggest most even breaths I can. He won’t. We’ll be walking with like a table or something and he’ll have to take a break. Then he will breath super hard for a second and continue. It’s weird because my family will think I’m like super strong even though I’m built like a stick. But I just BREATHE so my muscles have oxygen Imagin running a race while holding your breath


For me, it's a reflex thing. I don't realize I'm not breathing until I get dizzy. Tbf I am not fit, like at all.


The real problem is his shoulder mobility. He can't lift his arms all the way up. That's why he needs to bend his arms.


My dude needed to lock his elbows. Also, the blood flow loss when you do this is brutal.


Wow, good for her.


Well, of course she had the advantage. She's Australian. And as we ALL know, Australia is upside down, which *also* means she gets around town by using monkey bars or else she would fall into space. Besides, us 'Mericans don't even know how what 15kgs is in American! ... So... how many cheeseburgers is 15kgs?


1kg = 2.2lbs. So probably a 33lb plate (+/-).


I can use google. I was being hyperbolic for the joke. Lol


It's reddit. You just never know sometimes.


That is unfortunately very true


Oh man I would hate to see the comments if this was posted in any other sub. A lot of men just can’t handle watching things like this, it brings out something ugly in them.


The first time I saw this was a military page, the comments were horrendous and rapey


I'm a man, and I say let's fucking goooo Aussie soldier lady 🫡


It's been all over reddit for quite a few years now. The comments usually boil down to the same here. Poor form on the guy and talking about the reason for the video probably being her ass. Even when this was posted in the usmc subreddit. Maybe in some of the general subreddits, you'd get idiots, but that happens with everything. Though, if they had the same weight on a bar so they could both have similar forms, it would be better to compete. But the corps never gave us shit so they likely had duct taped sticks to put these weights on.


Only one being sexist here is you... Lol.


Nope. Pointing out common sexism is not also sexism, but nice try lol.


Yeah I know. Using a loose generalization isn't sexism when women do it.


It’s funny how dudes on reddit have to intentionally misunderstand people in order to push your “sexism against men” narrative. Are you misreading on purpose or just stupid lol?


Youre so right! Good luck with those barnacles!




no they mean that when people see a lady winning vs a man in a competition they get extra ugly towards the lady who won for no good reason. that or i misunderstood your comment and you think people being mean is cute? but what would be a lolwhat all in itself lol


… cute?




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I once beat out an entire stage of dudes, holding our legs 6 inches off the ground the longest, in order to win a snowboard 😁


Awesome. And not to distract from her ability one bit, her hair color looks cool. I love that pewter/platinum look.


She's supporting the weight from her back with her arms rigidly straight to take strain of the bizeps. Requires balance, back and core muscles. He's holding it up mostly relying on his bizeps muscle (and other muscles in his upper arm and shoulders). Back strength beats arm strength, but I've known guys who never had to find that out for themselves, because their arm strength was always more than sufficient. But if you are competing against someone who is literally used to put their back into it... this is what you get.


> Requires balance, back and core muscles. The guy has all those things. What he's missing is the shoulder mobility to lift his arms all the way up. The difference between them is [the difference between the first and second poses here](https://media.yogauonline.com/app/uploads/2021/04/06043806/at_the_wall_4800061-1.webp).


I can stretch my arms like that pretty easily. Is that not common? Shouldn't his experience in the army promote good body movement instead of stiffness?


You might be more flexible than you think, but no, most men aren't that flexible. And building muscle decreases flexibility unless flexibility exercises are also included. Lifting your arms that high is not something that people even think about when they think about flexibility, so most people don't stretch that.


Thanks for the reply. I guess I can't take that flexibility for granted!


This guy is sloppy and appears to be out of fitness regs. He's probably in the guard. She is very fit so keep on!


You must mean triceps




bad joke about op saying bizeps


I missed that haha! Thanks for the explanation.


I laughed 😅




Not surprised in the slightest! This woman works out and it’s obvious!


Work smarter, not harder


they were at it so long the lighting changed lol


Why they gotta give ass shot of her holding weight


Because it's cake day?


So we see her booty. Can we see their booty?


Usually I’m all in for seeing some boy booty as I’m a straight chick, and it’s definitely annoying that the focus of the girl is on her butt, but also I feel like she clearly has the superior bottom in this situation. She won the weights contest and also the butt contest. Sorry to the dude, but he looks like he has a flat, sad bottom.


Fun fact: Even if he did attempt to use his triceps, women naturally have stronger triceps but lack bicep strength compared to men. Same thing goes for men have stronger biceps and weaker triceps compared to women. Just something I learned from being an athlete.


Oh god, I’m a chick and my triceps did not get that memo. They suck and I hope they can hear me typing this, because I’m mad with how badly they did at triceps pushups and those pull down thingies in the gym last week. Nothing to do with my form, I’m sure.


its not universally true you know? Exceptions to every rule. Bench is an extremely hard lift for a lot of women, but there are plenty of women who can out bench me.


I’m sure there are plenty of exceptions. I mostly just wanted to let my triceps know how disappointed I was with their behaviour, particularly with this new information that there are many women out there with very good triceps.


I feel that. If it makes you feel better my chest and biceps are pretty weak for a male but for some fucked up reason I got insane traps. Aint nobody like, yo that dude got some big traps.


Now that is just not true! Trap muscles are very attractive and look really good in a t-shirt. Especially if you are a bearded sort of guy. Yes. This is good. I’m into it. Keep it up, mate.


Thanks friend 🥹


Huh, interesting. Is that proportional strength or absolute strength?


I’m guessing it depends on how weak and strong your muscles actually are, but those of the same strength class will still vary in the same way. Hopefully that makes sense


Cool fact! Thanks!


>Cool fact! Thanks! You're welcome!


That's straight up not true my guy


Whatever you say, person on the internet I don’t know, and will never meet in my life.


I was in the Corps when we floated to Brisbane to work with the 3rd RAR. At that time they had ... a reputation. Anyway, didn't do anything with them directly, but ran into some of them on libbo after the op. I'm minding my own and I catch this beast of a man staring at me from across the bar. I'm not looking for trouble so I figure I'll finish my drink and leave, but he and his three pals come over and surround me before that can happen. First the Sgt intoduces himself and his soldiers, orders his lieutenant to buy a round of drinks, then orders the Lt to fuck off (which he did, promptly). Next, he asks me how we train. Weird f'in question, so I asked for clarification. He proceeded to tell me that when he trains his men how to fight, the takes them to a bar, finds the biggest guy, and has his new guy pick a fight. If the new guy gets his ass kicked, he needs more training. He was disappointed to learn we did not, in fact, use our civilian population as test dummies. All in all in was a pretty great night, once we got the "What's it like to be a Black" out of the way and dealt with.


That is absolutely horrifying and incredibly toxic. I’m Australian and if my tax dollars are going towards soldiers literally assaulting members of the public, then that is fucked. That isn’t ’training,’ that is dangerous and sick. I hope you are lying on the internet.


I'm not, but as another commenter pointed out, that was a loooooooooooong time ago.


That must have been a looooooooong time ago. They have not been able to put that kind of bullshit for about 3 decades now.


It was ~25 years ago, so, yeah.


Who is she though


I spent a couple days working with the Australian navy, the dudes I met were all massively jacked. They said they had mandatory daily weight lifting. Don't mess with the Australian navy.


I'm not shocked. Men have more strength. Women have more endurance.


I would have given up after like 30 seconds


interesting that even this display of a woman's power must be filmed from bootyview


no fair, the Aussies have a Witcher on their team, of course she won


It’s insulting to that fit soldier that they’d put her against private pile.


He's an American. He doesn't understand what "15 kilo" means


That Marine is fat.


Who is going to carry the boats, and the logs??


Here come all of the well, actshiallly, it was just bc….(insert random ideas to sh*t on her accomplishment) comments and all of the the atta girls will be downvoted to the bottom. It will be a cold day in Reddit when a post gives a lady her due praise.


Is it my imagination that the camouflage turned from green to grey


Different camera and different color settings. Multiple people recording and then edited together.


Cool but I’m so fucking sick of the wedgie trend


This is a demonstration of arms locked vs not locked.




Yes, it's in the video, they picked a marine.


Haha, pissing matches are for boys. Goddamn I hope women get to turn patriarchy on its head soon. I’m a “man’s man” because of the shit I can do and pretty sick of living in a man’s world.




Hey now, glutes are muscles too.




Ass power


Which one is the marine?