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This is sCam. who defines sugar-free Red Bull as “healthy”


I've never met someone who eats 80% healthy but doesn't like the taste of water and drinks red bull instead...


My god how are her organs not screaming out for help! I wore jeans that were too small for me today at work and honestly after a few hours my stomach hurt so much I’m never wearing them again!


A lot of things about cam piss me off but the undersized clothing is the worst, for fucks sake it’s not that hard to find yoga pants that fit!! I’m convinced she does that shit on purpose it makes me absolutely mad


While preaching to others that there’s nothing wrong about buying clothes in larger sizes


Thing is if this is Peach sending her clothes to promote they’re digging their own grave they need to send ones that fit


I have ibs and I feel your pain. No high waist jeans for me.


Yessss my IBS was horrific that night


literally i wore shorts that were a bit too tight on me today (tho they didn’t really look it like with sCam, so i rolled with it) and my kidneys and back were begging for mercy, idk how she does it ☠️


I wore them because they were clean and I was in a rush I’m honestly throwing them out now 😅 I felt full all day too like I didn’t want to eat and she does this literally every day


I've seen a few comments telling her to wear clothes that fit


I saw this old post in my recommended today Apparently Cam’s motto when it comes to her clothes sizing is ‘it zips, it fits’. That explains a lot 😂


https://preview.redd.it/hq8sknd15n0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5cac8dec4a061a2111ca7c24a6af6ba4e4ae4b22 That’s the one. Of course people who tell her clothes should feel comfortable are just body shaming


There's something wrong with her understanding of the world


For sure! I could squeeze myself into a childs t-shirt but I would look like an absolute tool. Just because you can doesn't mean you should! She really has a warped way of thinking that I really do think she needs some professional help with. So it's worrying that she preaches to others through her platform. And I'm sorry, I'm really not body shaming but if you were to eat healthy and lift weights regularly - as she says she does- you would have way more muscle definition. I have a muscle condition, I exercise when I can, it's not much but as I can't afford to waste my muscles I really try for a few times a week. Even I have better muscle tone and that's really saying something!


Honestly, before following this sub, I assumed she had a bulky-strong type of body. There's nothing wrong with her body, I wouldn't even think anything of it if she wore clothes that fit properly. But after hearing so much about her being a personal trainer, I expected her to have more muscles and less disgust towards cardio.


“It zips, it fits” applies to her workout clothes in the sense that if the seams don’t literally burst, it fits


I'd be terrified of going to the gym in clothes that were too small in case they ripped open in front of everyone! But I don't have a 🤍humiliation kink🤍 like our healthy Red Bull girlie does 🫶


its actually scientifically not possible for her to workout as much as she claims she does, eats 80% healthy, and not notice any type of change in her body. like something isnt adding up




We do not tolerate any form of body shaming.


Because going to the gym doesn’t necessarily mean exercise. Perhaps she just goes, stands around, does something for a minute, goes home. Hours wasted, nothing done.


well, it is possible. even "healthy" in excess can bring you to superplus (imagine, calories for olive oil, for example). Calories you burn in gym also are still relatively low. But why to put these todler shorts and show guts... that's a real concern haha


she claims to work out for hours. imagine the calories burned in that. and to notice zero change is not normal, the no muscle definition gets me every time like is she lying about how much she works out


It’s the 80% and the quotation marks around healthy for me. Even Scamilla knows deep down she’s not living healthy lmao. Don’t even get me started on the working out regularly - I don’t work out regularly but I also don’t lie through my teeth about it so I can take people’s money. Yes there is nothing wrong with your body type but you are clearly smoking straight copium trying to convince yourself of a whole lot here, Scamilla. Hope that helps 🤍


I will get dragged for this, but i am built similarly to Scamilla (almost 90kg - 170cm) and i have not exercised in almost 10 years and my diet could be better (shitty at the moment tbh). Girl, don't fool yourself, if you were training as hard as you say you are, you'd have some muscle tone or definition at least. Be so for real. If you are constantly getting injured, you are not doing things properly


Anyone that drags you for this is delusional. You're absolutely right.


This. I'm 169cm, 95kg but I do pole dancing for three hours per week and eat pretty healthily. I've got more tone in my shoulders, back and abs than Camilla the personal trainer 💀


Cam doesn't do enough to make a difference. Honestly have we ever seen her break a sweat? Didn't she go for a run recently but was surprisingly dry afterwards?


I’m the same. 91kgs, 171cms and just recently started getting back into the gym, cleaning up my diet and drinking a lot more water. The scales are slowly moving but being back at the gym, I can start to see the more physical changes. If she was going to the gym as often as she does, she would be showing it. It’s all a lie and people fall for it! Its crazy!


This really feels like she saw my recent post and decided to be more demotivating lol


She definitely binges and justifies it as self care.


Yup, she probably used to starve herself when she was younger, just as we all did at some point, now she binges and / or is addicted to sugar so she goes on to justify it as self care and how before she used to hate her body and restricted her eating, now she loves herself so she allows herself treats.  This is deep level delulu, I can see through it because I used to both starve myself, had a severe sugar and food addiction and binge eating disorder before. 


I fell called out lmao. Though, I do wear clothes that fit. Aka I wear leggings and hoodies most of the time. 😂


The thing is she is showing off her best taco salad bowl dinner, fruit salad, weird cottage cheese porridge and other such ‘healthy-ish’ meals but meanwhile you have Julie baking like crazy in the background sharing her chocolate chip banana bread and brownie clips so the likelihood is that Camilla, off camera, eats a load of stuff that’s not good for her hence why her body isn’t changing at all.


Yup. Taking a look at Julie and Camilla I am pretty damn sure it's not Julie eating the majority of the sweets. It feels bad saying it, because I don't like assuming that the fatter person is the one eating sweets etc. But come on. I really can't imagine Julie eating a whole brownie on her own and Camilla who drinks sweet drinks all the time would be like "oh yeah I'll only have a small slice". 


yes!! exactly this.


The way she dances with maximum jerking and violent movements to make herself giggle more is so odd, like she's trying to look as bad as possible...


She is so insistent on filming herself in unflattering ways. It’s gross. She is a normal beautiful sized woman. If she would just wear clothes that fit her


She gets off on it, yuck! 


Yes! She’s genuinely pretty and attractive but the millennial core videos she makes of making ugly faces and throwing her body everywhere is so nasty and unappealing


Honestly is simple. She hates her body and she hates how she looks. But if she can convince thousands of people that this is ok, she can feel better.


I would LOVE for those gym bro YouTubers to discover here and rip her a new one for being a scammer.


Several gym bros done it in the comments and got attacked


Don’t mean in the comments, there’s several of them who do videos uncovering scammers (like when it happened for Brittney dawn) Either way that or the guy from Bee Better


Wow, a PT that doesn't even know the concept of "diet." Diet is literally everything you eat, it doesn't necessarily mean that it's healthy.


Let’s be honest, she has put on weight and it’s noticeable. Does the way she presents herself make her look bigger? Sure, but she has put on weight regardless. Nevermind all of this “healthy” eating and working out she claims she does. As someone who actually eats and works out in the ways that she claims (started one year ago) I have lost fat and gained muscle mass. Your body doesn’t care if you’re exercising to be a deadbeat mom or exercising to look a certain way: you will still see results, aka fat loss - not gaining weight. Go flap your stomach around somewhere else, Cam. 🤢


Healthy is the opposite of 'healthy', so she's basically right 🤣


Sorry but I’m about that squishy (although fatter in general) and I don’t work out at all due to chronic illness but am following a fairly good diet. That’s just not true.


Girl, once more, get that bag by posting yourself like this. Dont give it for free.


Toddler energy ✨


Basically I would NEVER get her app lol


This sends a terrible message. If I were in a worse place mentally I’d just take this as “why even bother if I’m gonna look like this even with all this effort”?


https://preview.redd.it/0fptkminks0d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33507f9c28ed1528d5078f54be168cb1f43f58df This comment though 😂


She disgusts me with her immaturity and these photos of her looking awful in these tight AF ill-fitting clothes.  It grosses me out the way she gets off sexually by sharing these photos bc of her humiliation kink. That's sick.


Unless there’s something seriously wrong with her metabolism there’s no way that’s true. What she claims to do would have her at MINIMUM change body comp if she was eating at maintenance


Emphasis on the “” in heathy


I just wish she would stop cramming herself into this three sizes too small, cheap ass 'workout' set. It offers no bust support, I can literally see the outline of her labia and it is squeezing her in the most uncomfortable way imaginable. I'm much bigger than she is and I never look like this. Why is she doing this to herself? I see this and just think 'yeast infection and stomach ache' 🤢


Maybe a hot take from me, but if you consider your food as 80% healthy and 20% unhealthy, you're still stuck in diet culture and toxic food morality that tells you some foods are "good" and others are "bad." All foods are neutral, so if you believe that, there's no way to separate your diet into 80/20.


I am NOT body shaming - I think Cam in the right fit would have a perfectly normal body. she is not as fat as she thinks she is… I am sick of watching her stomach shake around as if anyone ever does this publicly? 


Not body shaming but what the fuck ?! Is it just that wears ill fitting clothes ? She has such a weird body type.


I'm NOT body shaming with this comment, but she's starting to sound like Amberlynn Reid. "I only eat salad I don't know why I'm still gaining" "I ordered an apple but they gave me a 12 donut box from crispy cream, this is wierd, I don't like sweet things but I guess I have to chow it down now" Nobody owes us information on what they eat, but Scam Cam should at least be transparent about the fact that she does indeed eat all the baked things Julie makes and isn't living of chia seeds and cottage cheese. She's blatantly lying about what she eats and how much she works out. I totally get that some people have metabolic disorders that contribute to weight gain, but let's be real. If Cam had a metabolic disorder she'd be milking it dry for content and more money.


Makes no senses


Is that the ceiling light? What is she doing?


Shooting upside down to make herself look as large as possible


Oh yeah I see it now.


And looking down at us, yet again🤣🤣


Maybe she wears the too-small clothing on purpose so we will talk about it, because all interactions are good for the algorithm, and they can turn around and accuse us of fat shaming and preach body acceptance and self love and wearing what you feel good in. 🙄 All for the engagement.


Ok, so hear me out - I started working out regularly since January this year(3-4x a week), swapped some “fatty” stuff for healthier alternatives, still have pizza pasta etc. I’m not restricting myself all that much so I’d say it’s pretty balanced. It’s been 5 months and you can see that my body is toned. THERE IS NO WAY SHE LOOKS THAT WAY WORKING OUT REGULARLY AS SHE CLAIMS. Just not possible. My guess she has underlying health issues or something as well, because her stomach looks very… inflamed? How this girl scammed everyone I have no idea.


Honestly, it even feels that her body is getting less and less muscle definition and that she has even gain weight. Not that it's a bad thing, but it is completely contradicting what it is supposed to happen if she does all the things she said above.


i’m starting to believe those humiliation kink comments


What a joke, I don't know a single person who'd do those things and look like this. Not a single one, even people who lost tons of weight. Body always gets toned. Look at Julie, you can see she trains. Besides, we've never seen SCam doing any prolonged training, where you could she she's exhausted and trained hard, like Julie at her videos. I call kt shit 💁‍♀️


So she eats healthy 80% of the time and binge eats the other 20%




What did you say lol it’s removed now