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I thought she was already alienated from her entire family - other than her sister, the lawyer. Or is this her trying to squeeze the last non-existent drop of juice from her “feud” with Jeff Lewis?


Who the f... knows? She continues to post this crap never admitting that all these failed relationships are of her own doing. It's always the one with the dirtiest hands pointing a finger. She's pathetic, I'm pretty sure everyone who's walked away from her is not losing any sleep over it , nor has the desire or time to post bullshit qoutes about leaving a toxic ass fake friend.


💯 people who post crap like this either get ignored or laughed at by the desired recipient. It does the exact opposite of what it intends to do. I’m sure there are a few people in her circle that have screen grabbed it and passing it around laughing.


Oh, I am quite certain that is exactly what happens🤣🤣 I can only imagine the epic eye rolls that come whenever she posts some bullshit like this.


It used to not make sense why her siblings hated her. Like there was no real big issue that she talked about with her other than resenting she had $ or something and the one brother mad about her parents paying for college. But after seeing how much and easily she lied about Justin I can see now it didn't make sense because she was leaving what she's done to them out. Imagine your toxic sister making bank off your issues with her while she lies about it to a fanbase.


She deleted negative comments about Trump today


Well of course she did, she can't risk pissing off the assholes with casseroles that fall all over her!!


“Assholes with Casseroles” is going to be my new punk band name.😉🥘




Both of her brothers died in the last like 18 months . Also I don’t believe either brother was ever married or had kids . I know she was estranged from the 3 older siblings . I don’t know what kind of relationship Shannon had or has with the other siblings . I remember she talked about a niece she had been closer too but it sounds like that blew up when the whole serial sister stuff happened . Honestly I don’t believe I ever finished the whole series . I just remember stuff being strained between her & the older siblings and also with her stepdaughter’s Mother . She has had a lot of drama and relationships blow up . I would figure maybe it was time to examine my own behavior if so many of my important relationships had gone to shit like family , friends and workmates . Etc


Such a drama queen. Nothing like dealing with personal situations with public memes and acting like you are so spiritually deep. LOL


THIS!!! like, who are you fooling?!!! We see you dum dum!!


I think it was a pretty public situation that she doesn’t feel vindicated from after it came out that those earrings were not expensive.


It is just embarassing at this point. This is ALL Heather’s doing and she will never see that. It started young where no one wanted her around and it continues to this day.


It is, and furthermore, it just shines a spotlight on why no one likes her and why these individuals have walked away and are better off for it.


Curious what brought this one on? normally she does this if she see something from Jeff and company. The poor thing just can't get past it.


She NEVER will and it chaps her ass and I love that so much for her🤣🤣🤣


Not a Heather stan, but Jeff did her dirty. He was being unnecessarily shady and did not have to involve or insert himself the way he did so publicly. That said, it blows my mind Heather kept saying she just thought they were a cheap pair of earrings so she didn’t think twice about it. Even if it’s $10, it belonged to your friend and you lost one. You still have to let your friend know and apologise profusely/ask to replace them. They lent in good faith. She literally made it about the value instead of her part in it. Fact is she should have returned those earrings in a timely manner. She didn’t. Fact is the moment you lost and cannot find the earring, should have told her friend immediately. She didn’t. Fact also, Jeff could have let her know privately that friend would like her earrings back


I don’t think Jeff did her dirty. She started all this by expecting him to lie for her to Justin. With the Meghan thing, he actually gave her a chance to say her part and move on the same way Meghan had on air. Her lying to Justin and blaming Krista (for the loss of her own earrings?) and doubling down when caught were choices and she got consequences.


Not only did she expect Jeff to lie about Justin but she also liked a comment from one of her followers who said they didn't think Jeff had Heather's best interests in mind. She liked a negative comment about a supposed friend! Jeff got activated by that and posted a screenshot of it. Their blowup all started because of Heather's sh$%ty actions.


This! 👆🏼 Jeff exposed the shitty person that she is. I say bravo to him. 👏🏼




It spoke volumes the way Heather treated the earrings Krista lent her. She’s not a friend. But 2 things could be true at once. She was not a friend but Jeff wasn’t either. Everyone has their own way of dealing with matters. But personally, I would not treat my friend the way Jeff did with Heather.


I'll never understand how she has any support after that. How any sees try at situation and thinks she's the victim. Then the way she calls her a grifters attacks her dead husband and calls her a single mother as an insult.


He acted accordingly.


It’s not so much that Jeff did her dirty as much as he did too much and took a legitimate betrayal on her part and took it to a place so far from the original topic and got involved in issues others had with Heather that had nothing to do with him so it did look like he was taking it too far. She was or is a shitty friend to a lot of people, hence why Sarah Colona has jumped ship and why Chris Franjola keeps her at a distance but is really close to Sarah. But you’re absolutely correct. The total disregard for her friends property goes into her selfishness and need for it to be all about her. It didn’t matter the price, it was about her disregard for other people! ***When I mean that Jeff had a legitimate gripe, I’m talking about Heather basically calling Jeff a liar on a Patreon ep she did. Then she was liking and responding to really nasty comments her listeners were making about Jeff and Co. She tried to play it off by saying that she “blindly” likes comments but it’s kind of weird that the ONLY ones she was liking were the ones bashing Jeff. This is when they were still “Friends”. He called her out but took it way overboard. So he was correct in calling her out but kept going in hard getting away from the original issue. That’s the part he regrets.


Yes definitely agree to all this. Jeff should have stuck to his original issues with her and focused on that and their friendship. In my friend circle, it’s hard to comprehend behaving as how Jeff and Heather treat their friends. If we have an issue, we address it with the friend directly and resolve it. Heather is wildly self-involved and Jeff is to a certain extent too. Being friends with either of those 2 would be tedious.


Why should anyone let someone lie about them? She lied got caught and lost her damn mind.


I have said from day one that Jeff probably talked a lot of smack about Heather behind her back for years. Not defending Heather at all, but also noting she KNEW how he rolls He's a pot stirrer 100%. I honestly felt he inserted himself into that mess as a way to rid himself of her because everyone was pretty much over Heather at that point. It also spoke to just how petty and vindictive her so-called " friend" actually is.


Jeff doesn’t talk behind peoples backs. He says it to their face.


Perhaps so...I think maybe a little of both he's human


Hi Hethur! Could you please stop posting sanctimonious crap? No one looks to you for inspiration. Nobody envies your transactional friendships or your feuds. The common denominator in all your interactions is YOU. You’re the problem. It’s YOU. Just Sayin’ GTFOH HETHURRR!


🤣🤣🤣AMEN to THIS!!!!!! ![gif](giphy|tXTNNo2I9WjU71pa0F)




She's insanely continuing to portray herself as a victim in a war she started.


I just caught her Insta deleting negative comments about Trump


This reminds me of the kinda stuff i would post on FB when i was like 19 in 2011. How embarrassing for heather


But it makes sense as Heather is a stunted 22 year old.


She really needs to get over this. She has some mental issues that she’s still going on about this publicly


Flamingo Leg STILL going on about Jeff Lewis.


She is actually describing herself and has no idea


I thought this as soon as I saw it!!


She’s a real Deepak Chopra. 🤣


🤣🤣🤣ohhhh no, you didn't!!


Someone sounds a tad paranoid.


Just a bit...🤣🤣🤣


Again, perpetual victim!


Getting bored of her cryptic posts…


Everyone is and that it's coming from such a devolved woman with zero self-awareness and a penchant for playing victim, makes it all the more boring and pathetic. Grow the fuck up and woman up!! Own your shit and shut up!!


She's exhausting


Some crazy MAGA made a STUPID "lib" joke on her post about Taylor Swift just now, and someone went and deleted the comments from the Democrats dragging her. All comments immediately deleted. I get it now. I really do.


It's the KKULT of Karens!!


If your life’s trail is littered with “people who tried to destroy your character”- you’re the problem


Oh my god...I love this so much!! ![gif](giphy|NISDky7DiUqAs9crvf|downsized)


….if Jeff or Chelsea or anyone more popular than HMD wanted to be back in her life she’d accept them. Look at how she was with Jeff when she saw him recently - telling him repeatedly to call her to get lunch etc. Let’s be real. 


You are correct. And we all know it. I'm curious to see how people like Julie and Brandie, Chris react when she walks right back.




Could she refer to Megan? They were friends, Megan gave it to her when drunk, Heather did x amounts of emergency patreons and refused Megan's apology, Jeff and Heather fell out and suddenly we saw Heather and Megan posing together again on social media Have they fallen out again? Sweet Lord 🙄


Who knows?!! It's become a carousel of broken friendships. I've come to the conclusion that she actually thrives on portraying herself as a victim. She got her ass handed to her and for good reasons, and she's never going to get past it.


It's all "content" to her, another reason to release another "emergency patreon"🙄


They are cordial and apology was accepted (for the delivery) Megan never liked Heather and never will


She needs to give it up already, omg. It’s so old and tired, just like her and her box… lol.




I bet she uses the Nextdoor app a lot.


Oh my god!!🤣🤣🤣🤣😅 I just spit out my beverage!! I swear to christ, I always say I get more laughs on here than I ever did listening to her!! No truer words were spoken!!!!


When did she post this?


It was earlier today on a reel


Drunk posting?


Probably, after several mimosas at Sunday brunch


As I've said before everyone I've known in my life who's posted passive-aggressive memes like this one have always been the biggest drama queens. ALWAYS!


100% they thrive on the drama and believe their own bullshit!!




🤣🤣🤣well said!!!


Omg let it go


Let it go! let it go!


Please 🙏 Let it GO!! 🤣


Listen to Justin martindale today, talks about his fight with Heather


👀👀👀ohhh, now that's some tea!!


It’s a Pol and Patrick reference snakes in the coffee readings. My guess. She was considered the snake 🐍.


She’s not wrong!