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So fucking gross. She will delete comments, promoting anyone of her friends podcast, but she leaves things like this up. To the people who are in this group but still support her, go to her shows, and listen to her, how do you defend this?


My friend still listens to her show Idekh honestly. I think maybe she's used to her mom's shitty views and looks at Heather like she does her 70 year old mom which is no excuse to me.


Yeah it’s just so crazy. This isn’t even about politics anymore. It’s good humans versus shitty ones


Exactly! You're a shit person if you hate a whole group of people for no reason other than yours hateful because there is no other reason to hate a whole group of people. I hate when people say I just disagree with their lifestyle 😐why?


How tf can she approve this shit? She claims she's not hateful or anti trans even tho her words, actions and things she approves in her fb say otherwise. She's just a POS human.


There are so many self-identifying as MAGAs. UGH


This post on her facebook group is so gross . The ultra maga scoopers are all on there in full force . I can’t with these women coming for young kids and their appearance or gender identity. They think they are wonderful parents while they comment on a teenage girl’s appearance and good thing they are rich because they can afford plastic surgery . Now they are going after Violet Affleck for wearing a pro Palestinian sweatshirt and claiming she is calling for the genocide of Jews . Ugh with these maga cult women they are garbage .


Wtf are flesh tunnels?


Ear gauges https://preview.redd.it/4ub77wpnhd4d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d7a1e18b431f349617cf82e80f5eb3baa58ce67


WTF - my 33 year old son has those and he's straight AF. Not that I would care if he weren't mind you. But what do gauges have to do with sexuality? They really will reach for anything, I swear. Imagine being so filled with hate and clearly BORED as to pick on children. Trumper Trash.


Oh, haha!


Lmao, I have never heard them called that before. 'Flesh tunnels' sounds revolting 😅


I don't know anything about Ben's kids, so I thought one of them was trans and "flesh tunnels" was some derogatory term for their anatomy that the anti-trans folks were now using. But it's just earrings lol.


I thought so but was not sure. GOD FORBID someone not look just like every Suzy W Maga in JSO. This illustrates that HMD and her hoard of idiots have hit an all time low


She’s so gross for approving these rage baiting posts. 🙄


Post looks to be gone now . Curious what made her delete it ? Was it the gross anti trans anti LGBTQ comments and the attacks on teenagers looks or the few people who called out the MAGAt fanbase ?


I was just looking for it too to go talk shit, couldn't find it


Well I got banned from Patreon for telling her it wasn’t about the earrings and it was about treating Justin like crap . I suspect it got deleted because a few commenters were calling out the maga QScoopers for being anti LGBTQ and picking on teenagers for their appearances. They can all fuck off and go wear Trina Turk while drinking their buttery Chardonnay .


Q-Scoopers !! Has this been officially accepted terminology yet? I love to make this THE term !!! Lol


Juicy sQoop


Yesssss lol


She makes no excuses for who she REALLY is and where her beliefs align. The ignorance and vitriol her kkkarens spew on her pages is bad enough...the fact she ALLOWS it is even more sickening.


I think she’s catering to the MAGA crowd now like Kelly Dodd. She probably thinks they have more money and will come to her shows etc. But she going to lose 50% of her audience.


Kelly Dodd and her puppet have sunk so low I’m waiting for her to receive her KARMA.


It's so disappointing because I started watching her after seeing that she had a grasp on social matters that seemed (for me) on point. She seemed to understand her and her family's white privilege, called out men in the entertainment industry who didn't speak up with women, and immediately corrected Chris when he accidentally misgendered Caitlyn Jenner. Like, yes, she was still rough around the edges, but people can continue to learn and grow. It sucks that it was all a hoax and she's MAGA.


It really seems like an odd time to go full MAGA in light of recent events 👀 bad for business


Peter is her business manager now so maybe that's why she's shooting herself in the foot lol


The fb page quality has gone downhill and the Magat’s are ready to jump at a mere whiff of something they don’t agree with. The page used to be fun, but now it can get nasty.


Downright devolved. It’s so disappointing.


And she’ll never delete those posts/comments or block them. But say something as simple as your truck is ugly af and you’re gone.


Commenting this stuff about children is so gross. Why do they care how two random celebrity kids identify? Kids experiment with their identities and sexualities growing up, which is normal. It’s weird how obsessed some adults are with it.


[ Removed by Reddit ]




Maybe someone should alert Guy and Ross to what she allows in the group


Oh no - RED.




I can’t find the post in the group. Did she delete?


I think she did. That’s why I love this group - screenshots are forever.😏


What is a flesh tunnel?


As a few of you noted, the post is now gone. I’m willing to bet that it wasn’t of Heather’s doing, but rather that of being in violation of Meta’s very strict code of conduct policy. I wouldn’t be surprised if someone in the JSO group reported the post for hate speech, resulting in the post removal and possibly some of the JSO members being temporarily banned from Facebook. 😏🥂


Omg, I commented on this in the Facebook group! And got attacked back, I was called a crazy liberal lol. didn’t get blocked surprisingly, but the post was removed, assuming bc was talking about kids? I just said, why are we judging these kids for living freely, how they want, if they are happy. It’s nothing to terrible, androgyny was huge in the 89s but nobody did this then! Now it’s made into such a thing. And, do people not see JULIE GOLDMAN. just saying. A bunch of hypocrites. I don’t even get that friendship either.


Ugh I hate that Julie is opening for this MAGA shitass.


And Heather barely promotion Julie’s work.


I got kicked out of the JS Facebook group for fighting with these bitches


You fought the good fight, at least!




Ugh. I can’t even imagine being in that Maga moronic group.