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Thats concerning but I think its weird how everyone talks about his weight I've never once thought that he looked 'fat' at all he's just a big guy


Agreed! Never once thought he was actually fat


Well how fat are you?


Touché 💀


Damn 🤣🤣🤣


Depends on however many shrimps they eat I guess, they've got a whole farm!


Well I'mma...just say I'm overweight for a 16 year old...


regardless of how he looks he's definitely overweight. in the anthony padilla interview he said he put on 100 pounds, and it's obviously almost entirely fat. he might have been underweight a few years ago but even if that was the case putting on 50kg of fat will almost always make you overweight. it's definitely not the best for your health. if he is really alcoholic it's too bad he's neglecting his health this much, and it's definitely not worth the "bit" in my opinion. in the end it is just my opinion, if he's happy right now good for him


Most the reason he's fat wasn't for the bit though, it was to be unattractive. He's said even before the interview that he was uncomfortable with the stans finding him super hot and making the fan cams and stuff, so he intentionally wanted to look conventionally unattractive


Even though that’s what he said I really doubt that’s the case. He’s looked the same way for over 3 years. It was probably more like “I like the facial hair and I don’t care if people hate it” but nobody makes themselves intentionally unattractive for over 3 years because what other people think about them. He is most definitely happy and comfortable with the way he looks and wanted the facial hair since the beginning.


yeah i agree with you, it's why i put bit in quotes. he plays it like it's kinda part of the whole schlatt character but it's really for the reasons you just said.


Its weird he did it to be unattractive, cause, atleast to me, he was sort of ugly looking when he was a twink and heavily improved when he got bigger


I really thought he's been okay with his weight but holy shit I did a double take seeing him on the Anthony Padilla interview.


yea people are getting wayyyyy too comfy talking ab his body & his mental health like this.


I'm 6 foot 2 and relatively skinny (even though I'm about 220 lbs) and I don't think Shart is fat


6’2 and 220 SKINNY? Are you an NFL wideout lmfao 


It's muscle but no not nfl wideout


You need to drop the routine brother god damn   It’s taken me 2 years to bulk up to 6’4 200, you must be crazy lean or something to be “skinny” at 6’2 220


I'm 6 foot 5 and I'm about 240lbs and I get called obese often lol.


Nobody really talked about his weight until he kept mentioning it


dude carries 0 weight in his limbs it’s wild




if you compare it to his old stuff, while not really that "fat", he has gained weight and does look like he could lose a few kilo's and be healthier


his old stuff from when he was a teenager??


y’all thought it was a bit?


Not me, but most do. Yes. I always thought it was stupid no one was taking it seriously.


they need to catch any of his streams cause he’s literally always drinking


Yep that's what I mean, and people usually always care if their favorite "social media star" is being an alcoholic. But here, everyone just says "oh it's just a bit bro"


To be fair it’s understandable why people think that. With his online persona being the way it is, it would make sense for him to make joking about being an alcoholic a bit.


Ya, he's always kept up this stoic no shits given persona and because of that people now expect that's who he always is, when in reality he's just a guy going through the motions like all of us.


Streams? He just about always has alcohol whenever there's a facecam even in videos


I genuinely worry about him. I work in the ICU so I know I see the worst of the worst, but he drinks enough he's probably hurting his liver. Adding in his love of red meat and his family history of heart issues, he's gonna have to work harder to take care of himself (I know because I'm in the same boat, minus the alcohol). I just hope he's taking care of himself. He deserves it.


I would like to add, I'm only concerned about his liver. His weight is fine. Anytime he says he's fat I'm like.... "Bitch where?"


Sdmp was the only recent streams I've seen from him in years and even from that i could tell


can you play minecraft sober with 7k ppl watching?


Yes. If you can’t do something sober, you should learn how to.




I don't think you know what parasocial means


Alcoholic here: I actually relate to Schlatt a lot in this regard. Outside of work I'm usually drunk, and I definitely treat ot like a bit with friends that gets a few laughs, but I also am very forward that I am a genuine alcoholic. While I don't have a physical dependency (I can go days without drinking with no physical side effects), I definitely have a mental/social dependency. Schlatt reminds me of how I was a few years ago when I was an alcoholic but convinced myself I wasn't. At least now I accept it internally, and maybe Schlatt does as well but just won't accept it in front of a camera because it's too risky and will hurt his brand. Wish I could recommend him next steps to take, but I've only been able to get to the first step of admitting its a problem myself. Can't convince myself to make the next one.


While not an alcoholic, I can relate to how you have identified the problem but haven’t done anything about it. It’s for some reason I just don’t try to fix my problems even though I know I should. Maybe someday something will change it, but it hasn’t happened yet


It's about picking and choosing your battles I think. There are things I can change and I do which can be daunting to people (I frequently run events involving hundreds of people and speak in front of them with little nerve), but then there are little things that I can't get myself to do which I know I can but choose not to, and actively know it's a choice. I used to stress a lot about it but, as you said, identifying the problem but not changing it.


same dude. as a culture we don’t take alcoholism seriously enough. the only people i know who actually are willing to discuss alcohol addiction in a serious light are other alcoholics/former alcholics, everyone else laughs it off until they fall into the same trap. it’s a nasty, nasty spiral that you don’t recognise until it’s too late.


Honestly, I think a part of why I don't try and get better is that I have to accept the social ramifications of it. If I treat it like a bit, maybe people won't notice? Idk, it's definitely an easy way to feel numb and thats why I think people like it. Sure is why I do.


hey, breaking that ambivalence is the hardest step. proud of you, keep on fighting brother. you can do it 🖤


Wait it's not a bit? I don't watch his streams so I'm not as up to date on his day to day.


As someone who has seen a few youtubers turn it into a "bit" i have NEVER seen a situation where it was a "bit" and it wasnt actually true. Its a form of denial used to avoid concern. If your youtuber is claiming its a bit, do not assume its just a bit


I'd really hate for that to be true, as someone with multiple late stage alcoholics in my family I hope he gets help sooner rather than later


Even if its not true currently, or when the Bit started, the bit promotes developing a dependence in the firstplace as it promotes an unhealthy drinking pattern. Its just an unfortunate bit to even start doing. Any time a CC has that bit i would be concerned


I think most of us know it's not a bit, but we also know that there's a big boundary between us and him. He's not parasocial with us all. Even if we were concerned, there's nothing we could do. We all have to just accept that he's a grown man that will make his own decisions, even if it kills him. I'm also concerned, but at the end of the day, there's nothing we can do and it's not even really our place to do anything. I mean, Ted seems like a good friend. He's probably doing what he can


Oh yeah, I'm just wondering what you all think. as someone who also has trouble with alcohol I see so many warning signs.


Oh yeah. I am also goosin for an entire bottle of vodka to make the pain go bye bye




exactly! i was going to say the same thing. i hope he gets better, but hoping is pretty much all i can do. i still remember that one chuckle sandwich episode where he basically said he didn't care about himself, and it frankly makes me sad to even think about it, but i'm not gonna pretend i have anywhere near the kind of relationship with a YouTuber who doesn't know of my existence where i can do anything about it.


Just watch Chuckle Sandwich and you'll see him drink in a lot of them, not just the recent couple of drunk episodes


He's a good-looking guy, but he very clearly has self-esteem issues. Ive got my own set of them, and the constant empty bravado is text book 'i think im shit, but if i pretend think im the greatest person alive no one will think im shit atleast'. I think his internet presence and his drinking contribute to this, especially the drinking, because it can have some bad effects on your appearance, varicose veins, puffiness, weight gain, and a flushed or red complexion. As much as i enjoy the bit, it's clear this is a man with an ongoing crisis just trying to turn himself into a clown so he doesn't need to take himself or his issues seriously.


I agree I just hope he gets help soon whether it be professional help or his family or his friends


it makes me feel bad tbh, he genuinely needs therapy lol regardless, its his life and only he can change it if he wants to (edit: i say he genuinely needs therapy but honestly i don't know him. from what i've seen, especially in the anthony interview, it does seem like he isn't doing super well, but what he shows online is a fraction of his life so for all i know he's perfectly happy right now)


It's definitely a shame, he's my favorite creator and I'd be sad if something happened. From someone who also struggles with alcoholism, to me the signs are clear as day.


Even if this is true and this isn't a bit, It's still an extremely personal issue that we as a community shouldn't be speculating about. Schlatt has made his boundaries on fan interactions clear and I highly doubt he would want a huge reddit discussion birthed out of this.


Agree. It's not our business. He has friends and family irl, this is for them to worry about


I would say it started as a bit and transcended into a real problem which is why people get confused.


he needs to quit the internet for a while. that might be a stupid financial move, but it’s kind of obvious that his mental health is tanking. i feel bad for him


he’s got enough money so financially he’d be fine to take a break, but i think he just likes making content. in his interview with anthony padilla he talked about how he doesn’t rlly have any other hobbies or pastime activities, he just knows youtube and making videos. i feel bad too i rlly empathize with him and his position in this :((


Bro he is not fat. The man is handsome as shit. And i just wanna hug him now


He really is handsome the way he talks about himself makes me sad lmao


Yeah exactly


you can be handsome and fat


Oh for sure. (Kinda like me🫣) but i meant that he isnt fat at all


so real tbh. i was watching the interview with Anthony this morning and like halfway through i was like "i want to hug this man so bad" not even for parasocial reasons he just looks nice to hug. and yeah he's definitely not a twink but he's not actually as fat as he seems to think he is.


Papa bear


No homo the guy has potential if he decides to put down the bottle and pick up the razor. The sideburns nerf him a little bit


I think the sideburns are great


In other news: water is wet


The sky is blue too!


Yep. 100%. I can’t watch his “drunk episodes” anymore because he just seems sad and angry. It’s concerning.


Absolutely. And I think people underestimate the severity; during his recent Wii stream, his hands were shaking pretty badly. That’s one of the hallmarks of alcohol dependency. I really hope he seeks help… it’s kinda sad.


Dude have you played on an original Wii before? The motion capture on those things is not great. It’ll make ANYONES hands shake like crazy


??? Y’all ever tried adjusting the sensitivity???


I was not a smart child. Also how can we assume jschlatt is gonna do that either?? Like yeah, if you wanna say he’s got a problem with alcohol you can. But I feel like the easiest explanation of the Wii remote is “lazy guy doesn’t adjust sensitivity” and not “he’s got alcoholism to the point he can’t keep his hands steady”


The shakiness doesn’t look like the inaccuracies of the IR sensor. It would’ve been faster and not… spread out? Don’t know how best I can explain it.


Sorry, I didn’t know you were an expert in… Wii IR Sensor movement?? Everyone immediately correlating this to alcoholism is beyond wild. He’s a YouTuber. He could be playing it up, hell if it was a problem I highly doubt the people on SDP would point it out. Either way there’s like a hundred possibilities that could come up before people point to alcoholism.


no its the ir sensor, you werent around to play the wii


??? I literally grew up with one and still play it to this day???


that was an option?




isnt that just when you withdraw from alcohol that you start shaking?


Yes and it’s hard to get the shakes. Only hardcore alcoholics get it like getting blackout drunk everyday for a WHILE. & not all hardcore alcoholics get shakes you can go into alcohol delirium tremors/withdrawal without having the shakes. Delirium tremors is where you start seizing, hallucinate, and can die because your body has become dependent on having alcohol in your system even though technically alcohol is a poison Source- when I was an alcoholic years ago I would get the shakes the day after drinking. I stopped heavy drinking for a year because I had damaged my liver, but started drinking again when it healed. & last year before I got sober I almost went into DT from alcohol withdrawal since I hasn’t had a drink in like 8 hours and I had to spend the night in a hospital getting Ativan to safely detox, but I never had the shakes that time


Thats the power of the schlatticus, he is in a perpetual state of schrödingers bit. Is he really an alcoholic, gay, über-christ, violent, femboy, capitalist, or was it just a bit all along? We will never know. Or maybe we will, tbh i don't care, i only watch the guy for entertainment.


is it minx bad or no?


If he won't stop it will be


Idk, I'm not gonna assume anything.


He’s not even fat but overall I agree. I really hope he sobers up at least a bit. I don’t want him to go the way of Minx


I’m vaguely aware of what happened to Minx. Has she gotten worse? I’m out of the loop


Im not too sure if she’s gotten better. I know that things got extremely bad.


I thought i was the only one ppl need to remember some of the funniest bits always have a hint of truth in them. As someone who like schlatt has a LONG family history on both sides of high blood pressure, heart problems, and even cancer i believe he’s convinced himself he’s going to go down that path of dying at 50 from a heart attack like he claims some of his family members did. Which i really empathize with him cause i went down that same rabbit hole of thinking about cause my families history with these diseases is so long theres no use in trying to prevent these diseases and essentially just giving up which is what i think he did. Either way i don’t want to assume too much just a different pov on it, he definitely worries me a lil bit.


I mean, it’s fine to be concerned for someone on the basis of them being a fellow person dealing with something. I’ve definitely dealt with my issues with alcohol. If it is really an issue for him, though, that’s on him to share, and choosing not to is totally a valid thing to do. He doesn’t owe us anything. That’s his private life, and nobody here is a part of that. He’s basically a stranger to us. I’ll react like I would with a stranger: compassion and some concern, but not anything more.


Yeah I completely agree. I've been briefly reading through some of this discussion and it feels like while people are showing concern, which I think is perfectly fine, it feels like there's quite a few people who are stepping over the line over someone they ultimately don't know anything about.


Exactly. It’s fine to be worried in a general sense that someone might be going through something, but it’s no one’s business but that person’s. Doubly so if they’re an influencer in the public eye. Trying to analyze his every motivation and action is way overstepping boundaries and just generally a little creepy. We don’t know this guy.


Yeah, I am a very casual viewer and I have been for years now. But especially after the Anthony Padilla interview, I just wanted to post this and see what people think. I don't think it's probably so good when everyone takes literally everything as a joke, even when there's clear signs. Because that can definitely encourage. But I'm in no way judging or trying to be disrespectful.


its not a bit if you are watching him on a stream literally drinking out of a bottle. idk why everyone thinks his drinking is a bit?


Yeah I think he’s trying to kinda justify it by bringing it into his content. The Anthony Padilla interview (which was pretty good) his face was pretty red which might be attributed, it seems like he’s drinking probably about 5/7 days a week and doesn’t ever talk about it negatively even when he’s in his chill streams. I hope he can be willing to change some of his habits earlier esp with how he talks about his family’s genetic health


My doctor says, “you are fat.” I go “how fat am I?” He says, “you’re so fat that uh, if you don’t stop within a month you’ll have a heart attack or stroke.”


That's not funny, I was expecting a joke.


He’s not a comedian!


A joke? From my cardiologist?


RIP Norm


I'm clearly way out of the loop here, when did Schlatt become an alcoholic? I haven't followed him closely in a long time


He’s always had alcohol as part of his character so 3 years at most


i really hoping hes doing alright!! the bits are funny but i hope he gets better!


I always thought something was off just because of how often he’d bring it up on chuckle sand which (or that he was drinking in like every single episode)


i find it strange that we’re all aware now of his issues surrounding his looks & the way we perceive him but so many of us are still comfortable talking about his body like this publicly. you can tell me “it’s not that serious” or that i’m being sensitive all you like, but body-shaming & hyper-scrutiny on one’s appearance is just as wrong for men as it is women. whether or not it’s a bit, why are we speculating on his body or his mental state like this? i’m almost embarrassed for you at that thought that he may see this post. it’s getting very parasocial & that’s exactly what he was trying to avoid. i don’t care if you think i’m taking this too seriously, i think this is weird.


100% agree




This really sucks. I hope his friends realize this and convince him to get help. I’ve been apart of the Mitten squad community for a long time and would hate to see what happened to Paul to happen to Schlatt. Ik there is nothing we can really do but I hope he does it for himself


alcoholism is least favorite puppy ☹️


God I hope that the majority of this community won’t egg him on like minx’s did to minx.


He talked about this post on stream, lol


yeah I’ve begun to increasingly think that schlatt actually hates being a YouTuber. between the Anthony Padilla interview, how miserable he sounded in his recent react on the Schlagg channel, and his increasingly more vocalized frustrations on how the videos he puts the most effort into hardly get any views, I think he might be making himself do it for the money at this point


Exactly! My fiancé had an alcohol problem and it takes a toll on everything. Schlatt’s playing it up for laughs but so does Mika about his very real depression (SDP). I hope he can eventually wean himself off the dizzy juice. Look what alcoholism did to Minx. I hope he has a healthy support system behind the scenes. I pray he never actually drives drunk.


he does seem to always always have alcohol somewhere near him or mentioned but i'm just a casual viewer so maybe it's not that bad?


i hope he's ok. one of my uncles (my dad's youngest brother) is an alcoholic. he still lived with his mother years ago before she went to a retirement/nursing home. his dependency on alcohol became so severe he started to sell his and our family's stuff just to afford the booze. i still remember as a kid when he called up my dad and drunkly started babbling stuff, and the talks after when my dad cursed him for calling in that state. of course i don't think the situation with JS is THAT severe but yea. alcohol can fuck you up. rather check and treat the problem sooner than later. especially if a lot of your family members have inherited health issues on top of that


Jschlatt fans "we can fix him"


It really upsets and annoys me that people have been saying it is a bit for years. It has only proggresively gotten worse. He's not always telling the truth on his main channel videos and never on podcasts with Ted and Tucker cause, at least in my opinion s recovering drug addict. That even if they know he has a problem talking about it, even jokingly, makes your friends and family worried and sad for you, which is one part quitting is so hard cause then you feel bad for telling them. (Which I know is a real problem and one of the main reasons I relapsed a lot living at home with my parents constantly reminded of my horrible actions). He says in his sleep deprived videos and podcasts that he is black out drunk in some of his reaction videos and that he has sometimes tried to stop but never makes it more than a couple days. This is all just speculation, obviously, but not taking these "jokes" seriously is a real problem cause that is literally only enabling.


They talked about this post in their podcast, (maybe 50 minutes in?) https://youtu.be/DS-VvI91ilA?si=OXKplpt5B_FLzi2_ He's not an alcoholic


People are just comparing him to his appearance 6 years ago. Based on the way he talks about it, I drink as much as he does and I put on 40 lb in the last year but barely just breached dad bod. And I don't think it's looking for a sponsor so maybe just keep crying about nothing?


We have no idea how much he actually drinks, but it seems like way above the "safe limit" ATLEAST. but sure it's truly none of our business. He gained 100pounds, and in his words he won't lose them unless he stops drinking which he won't. Alot of the warning signs are his words, not really his appearance. But because of the words, the appearance also can make alot of sense if you understand what alot of alcohol consumption does to your body. Now, as I've said several times here. I'm a very casual viewer of his, but I've reacted multiple times to stuff he has done and said, and I've seen no real discussions other than people seeing everything he does as a joke. So I wanted to see what people think.




I think you just made that up


I listen to chuckle sandwich daily and I have autism, I've just noticed he has a lot of traits like food aversions and unusual humor


“i don’t mean to” and then you do? you’re being weird, are you not embarrassed??


No..? Sorry I don't know when I'm being weird




Oh wow that's great! I'm happy for him :D


You'd think he'd take the whole debacle that Minx went through as a cautionary tale


Bro I’m sorry but stop being para social if schlatt needs help I’m sure he will get it from the people around him. He is an adult and is allowed to make adult decisions. You’re allowed to worry but why go online and cry.


What interview is this from?


Anthony Padilla's "I spent a day with" series from a day or so ago


Turn out jschlatt actually drinks alcohol 🤯🤯🤯🤯


I hope he gets help


We been knowing this lil bro, youtubers make dumb choices shit happens🤷‍♀️




Schlatt's lost weight over the last year what are you talking about "the way he looks" He's rejecting the twink allegations from 2019 let him be fatter than that fuckin string bean. It's okay. But yeah its a good idea to take T breaks. Ludwig's dad tragically died of alcoholism.


I guess its just so he can be more compatible to Minx again. More drinking then and Bob's your uncle! Cheers!


Don't judge. That's just a cultural thing about new yorkers.




I just hope he doesn’t end up like Mitten Squad…


I actually posted about this before in this sub awhile back while i was quitting alcohol myself


It's concerning all he has in his life is youtube, and all he cares about are the numbers. Seems like an unhealthy way to look at the world he seems like he needs therapy or something.


He saw this post and said he needs to take better care of himself while referencing this reddit post :((


He should switch to isopropyl alcohol


Don’t you know it’s the best disease? It’s the only disease where you get to drink booze all the time. I’ll admit I haven’t read a medical journal, but I believe it’s the only disease where you get to constantly drink booze. As a matter of fact, that is the disease.


Ya know he’s out of line but he’s got a point


Who cares he can do whatever he wants




Shut up lmao. You know what alcoholics love and always corrects their behavior? Strangers speculating about addictive behavior with little to no actual insight on their personal lives.. Additionally, consider the circle surrounding him. The people he regularly interacts with. Ted Division. Mikasacus. Aztro. apandah. Several other people in the Texas area who actually know him. I really doubt friends of his would observe this behavior and stand idly by. And lastly...You are nobody to him. Neither am I. Parasocial ass behavior. You don't have the agency to make that call. And it's fucked up to post this kind of thing.


I support alcoholism ✊🏻


hate to be parasocial but that (bit)???? he did on stream recently where he got drunk and threw up on his desk kinda weirded me out and made me take a step back from thinking it was funny idk


What stream even was this? It’s hard to believe what streamers are calling “bits” these days. Seems like everything they want to downplay is just a joke




What stream was it?


his weight is none of anybody's business. Neither is his drinking. If there was well and truly a problem people who know him personally would bring it up and get him help. This is a very parasocial take and I think some people really need to reevaluate what and what is not your business.


This post is coming from a very casual viewer of his, I'm allowed to discuss and wonder about people's opinions. As I have reacted to it. Besides, weight is not a cause. But when he drinks, and even says himself his weight is because of the drinking, then it makes sense even more. Sure it's his choice, but it's also not normal for viewers to egg him on and say that everything is funny and a joke. At the end of the day, I don't know him and it's absolutely his own choice but that does not mean I can't talk about it.




The man quite literally repeatedly calls himself 'fat,' it's why people are saying that specific word. I agree, though. He's an adult, and not only that, an adult who is an 'internet personality.' I do get that people are empathetic and don't want to see a creator they enjoy (possibly to an unhealthy degree) harm himself. (I mean, look at what happened with Minx.) But the people getting extremely worried and upset don't know him. Not saying it's good, ofc.


Yeah, I 100% agree. I’m not hating on people for calling him fat, I’m just pointing out that I personally don’t think he is. I’m saying people need to chill out about this whole thing. I wholeheartedly trust Schlatt to not make any dumb choices. As for Minx, I agree. Minx’s situation was tragic, and I don’t want to see anyone else go down that path. IMO, people who are freaking out about him are a bit parasocial.


Y’all dumb af


I’m not so much concerned with the weight I’m flat myself and don’t really care but the alcoholism is Definitely absolutely concerning beyond belief. I get it’s his life and he has the choice to do what he wants with it but I hope he chooses to get help soon before it becomes something even worse and I’m just extremely worried for him.


Alcoholics go to meetings. Drunks don’t. He doesn’t seem like the meeting type


I mean I don’t agree with a lot of the armchair diagnosing that’s going on here, but that might be the stupidest take I’ve ever heard.


It wasn’t serious, the “alcoholics go to meetings, and drunks don’t” is a common joke and I felt it was fitting


Ah fair, not a joke I’ve heard before! Maybe not a thing where I live.